This is a timeline of the Lord of the Rings Online storyline. It is an unofficial document, but all information on it is taken from official canon sources (see: list of storyline sources). All stories that could be dated, or couldn't be dated but could be placed at some point in the timeline because of their connection to other stories, have been incorporated to the fullest possible extent. Note that this timeline is not completely accurate, and some events have an estimated date or a date range in which they could have occurred.
Also of note, this timeline omits player characters- their actions are typically attributed to nearby NPCs.
Warning: This page contains spoilers for both the game and the books and movies.
Years of the Lamps
- Melkor delves his first fortress Utumno and raises the Iron Mountains around it.

- The Valar move west and settle in Valinor. They create the Two Trees there. One of the only remainders of the Valar in Middle-earth is the Huntsman, who travels around to hunt the servants of Melkor.
Years of the Trees

- Melkor creates the Misty Mountains to hinder the passage of the Huntsman of the Valar.
- Varda fashions the stars and begins to organize them and those already wrought into constellations.
- Angband is created to set a guard on the Valar living in Valinor.
- The first 144 elves awake at the bay of Cuiviénen.
- Varda sets the Valacirca in the sky to confront Melkor.
- The first elves are captured and brought to Utumno. There, they are tortured and corrupted, and thus the first Orcs are brought to life.
- The Huntsman of the Valar discovers the elves. Due to Melkors actions, they are afraid of him at first, but he persists in befriending them. He names them the Eldar, and starts to guide them toward Beleriand, and to Valinor beyond the sea.
- Círdan is born in Cuiviénen. Later in life, he would become the eldest living elf in Middle-earth.
- During the Battle of the Powers, the Valar destroy Utumno and seize Melkor. Sauron escapes.
- Melkor is imprisoned in the Halls of Mandos.
- The Elves are invited to come live with the Valar in Valinor. This would affect Elven culture and society for millennia to come.
- The first Elves reach Valinor.

- The Elves in Valinor receive the first White Tree from the Valar.

- The first dwarves awake in Arda.
- The Longbeards awaken under Mount Gundabad. The first dwarf ever to awaken is their king Durin I.
- The Narfanghoth and the Landorrim awaken in the Ered Luin.
- The Zhélruka and the Kámbrada awaken in the Ered Cernin.
- The Abnúzhu and the Temámir awaken in the Red Mountains of Rhûn.
- Gundabad is founded by the Longbeards.
- Nogrod and Belegost are founded by the Narfanghoth or the Landorrim.
- Thafar-Gathol is founded by the Zhélruka.
- Melkor is released from his imprisonment in the Halls of Mandos.
- Melkor and Ungoliant destroy the Two Trees and steal the Silmarils. For this deed, Melkor receives his new name, 'Morgoth'. Morgoth turns Angband into his new fortress.
- In pursuit of Morgoth, the first elves of Valinor return to Middle-earth. These are known as High Elves (Noldor). Galadriel and Celebrimbor are among them.

- The Moon rises for the first time.
- The Years of the Trees end.
The First Age

- The Sun rises for the first time.
- The race of man awake in Hildórien.

- The Dwarf-kingdom of Khazad-dûm is founded beneath the Misty Mountains.
- Two of Galadriel's brothers, Aegnor and Angrod, are killed in the Battle of Sudden Flame.
- Galadriel's last brother Finrod Felagund is killed by one of Sauron's werewolves aiding Beren.
- The Fall of Nargothrond takes place.

- The High King of the Noldor is killed in the Fall of Gondolin, and the High Crown passes to Gil-galad. He will be the last High King of the Elves in Middle-earth.
- The traitor Mótsog takes up arms against Durin the Deathless in the Greymaul Rebellion.
- Biriz-zahar is built by the Greymauls.
- Biriz-zahar is destroyed by Hrímil, Thorog, Etterfang and four other dragons, as well as the Balrog Askâdurs of the Fortress.
- Mótsog falls into a deep trance beneath Gundabad and is given the dreaming sight.
- Elrond's parents Eärendil and Elwing travel to Valinor and rally a great host to defeat Morgoth.
- Eärendil is borne aloft, sailing at the helm of his white-flame ship in the sky, a Silmaril upon his brow. (Quest:Chapter 2.2: The Light of Eärendil)
- Durin I dies in Khazad-dûm.
- The Host of Valinor arrives in Beleriand.
- In the War of Wrath, most of Beleriand sinks beneath the sea. Ossiriand is the only significant landmass of Beleriand to remain above the waves.
- The First Age ends with the defeat of Morgoth. He is thrust from Arda for all time. The Host of Valinor departs Middle-earth.
The Second Age
Rebuilding the World

- Survivors of the sinking of Beleriand include Galadriel, Círdan, Celebrimbor, Gil-galad, Celeborn, Amdír, Oropher, Thranduil, Elrond, Elros, Shelob and Thaurlach.
- The Valar give the half-elf twins Elrond and Elros the choice between counted as Man or as Elf. Elrond chooses to be an Elf, while Elros chooses life as a Man.
- The Elf-kingdom of Lindon is formed in the land of Ossiriand, with Gil-galad as its reigning High King. Galadriel and Celeborn dwell there for a time.
- The Grey Havens are founded at the mouth of the Gulf of Lhûn under the Lordship of Círdan.
- Durin II is born.

- Many Dwarves leave their old cities in Ered Luin and travel to the Misty Mountains, where they greatly expand the kingdom of Khazad-dûm.
- Durin II offers Mount Gundabad to the Zhélruka. However, the Zhélruka never arrive in Gundabad, vanishing in the Grey Mountains.

- Celeborn and Galadriel's daughter Celebrían is born on the shores of Lake Nenuial.
- Durin II dies of old age.
- Elrond's brother Elros dies at around 500 years of age. The crown of Númenor passes to his son, first of a long line of successions of the kings of Númenor.
- Around this time, Sauron begins to stir again in the East of Middle-earth. The spread of his evil is soon perceived by Elves and Men alike, though he as its source remains cloaked.
- The Númenóreans start sailing their ships to the coasts of Middle-earth. Gil-galad welcomes them to trade in Mithlond.
- Númenórean sea-trade continues with the elves of Lindon, now led by Prince Aldarion, future sixth king of Númenor. Círdan establishes relations with the king and his traders in his port cities.

- Prince Amroth of Lórien trades with the Númenóreans from his seat in the port of Edhellond. The surrounding lands are known as the Country of Amroth.

- Prince Aldarion starts travelling up the Eriador riverways, sailing up the Baranduin, Gwathló and Isen rivers, and rounding Andrast to visit the Bay of Belfalas.

- Perceiving a threat from the East beyond the Misty Mountains, Galadriel and Celeborn relocate from Evendim to Eregion to establish diplomatic relations with the dwarves of Khazad-dûm. Celeborn led the Bright Company in defence of Eregion.
- Celebrimbor joins Galadriel in Eregion, and founds Caras Gelebren, Mirobel and Tham Mírdain near to Khazad-dûm. Celebrimbor and the Gwaith-i-Mírdain befriend the dwarves of that kingdom, creating wondrous works of mithril together.
- The Woodland Realm is founded in Eryn Galen, and King Oropher is counted as the first ruler of the Silvan Elves.
- Prince Aldarion founds Vinyalondë at the mouth of the Gwathló.
- Vinyalondë is overthrown by great seas and plundered by hostile men.
- Vinyalondë is again completely ruined by great seas.
- Gil-galad warns Tar-Meneldur, fifth king of Númenor of a new shadow arising in the East - a servant of Morgoth. The king decides to pass the crown to his son, Prince Aldarion.
- Prince Aldarion becomes Tar-Aldarion, sixth King of Númenor.
- Prince Aldarion finds that his work on the harbor of Vinyalondë once again has been swept away. He abandons the port and sails up the Gwathló and befriends Galadriel and Celebrimbor, learning armour-shaping and rune-graving from the elf-smiths, but also deforesting Minhiriath and Enedwaith as demands for ship-lumber rises.
The Sacking of Eregion

- Sauron takes notice of the quickly growing power and influence of Númenor. He starts to make his stronghold in Mordor to challenge the might of the island nation, and begins building the black tower of Barad-dûr.
- Tar-Aldarion dies, and the crown of Númenor passes to his daughter.
- Sauron, disguised as fair Antheron the Lord of Gifts, arrives in Eriador. Though repulsed from Lindon by Gil-galad, he manages to earn the trust of the elf-smiths of Eregion over time.

- Galadriel and Celebrían retreats from Eregion and settle in Lothlórien, while Celeborn stays behind in Eregion.
- Among those who learn the smithing arts of Antheron is the elf-maiden Narmeleth.
- Celebrimbor is instructed by Sauron in his elven guise to forge the Rings of Power, a set of seven, and a set of nine. These are given to the dwarves and men to slow the mining and tree-felling of the land.
- Sauron leaves Eregion and heads to Mordor to finish his scheme there. Narmeleth joins him, abandoning Mirobel and her father Laerdan, and over time becoming Amarthiel, Champion of Angmar.
- Durin III is born in Khazad-dûm.

- Inspired by the forging of the rings, Celebrimbor also forges the three elven rings; Narya, Vilya, and Nenya. In far away Mordor, Sauron is unaware of this.

- Having shed his fair guise, Sauron forges the One Ring at Mount Doom.
- Finally realising his error in trusting Antheron and the awoken danger of the One Ring, Celebrimbor removes the Three Rings of the elves, thus keeping knowledge of the Three from Sauron.
- Sauron starts to build an army using the Men of the East. Khand and Rhûn are first to feel Sauron's machinations, but there is also resistance against Sauron fomented by two Blue Wizards.
- The War of the Elves and Sauron begins.
- Celebrimbor enlists the aid of Gil-galad, Galadriel and Círdan to secret the Three Rings of Power away, keeping knowledge of them hidden from Sauron.
- Sauron invades Eriador. Gil-galad sends Elrond to reinforce Celebrimbor and defend the Ring-forges of Eregion while the High King calls on Númenor for aid.

- Elrond and Celebrimbor cannot stand against Sauron's amassed might. Celebrimbor is killed, Eregion is laid to waste, and Caras Gelebren falls. Durin III is forced to shut the Hollin Gate to protect Khazad-dûm against the onslaught of the Enemy. Elrond flees north and hides in a secluded vale in the mountains. There, he founds Imladris as a hidden refuge for Elves as they continue the war against Sauron.
- Assailed by a massive navy sent by King Tar-Minastir, Eleventh King of Númenor, Sauron is forced to send his forces to the mouth of the Gwathló to stop the ambush. At the Battle of the Gwathló, he is utterly defeated, and barely escapes.

- Sauron retreats from Eriador and back to Mordor, his entire army gone to waste. Thus ends the War of the Elves and Sauron.
- The White Council forms as a direct response to the threat of Sauron. They decide that rather than re-establishing Eregion after its ruin, they will reinforce Imladris as the new major Elf stronghold against the Enemy.
- Gil-galad passes the ring Vilya to Elrond.
- Durin III dies of old age.
- Sauron once again looks East to recruit a new army, although this time he does it in secret to avoid the attentions of the Blue Wizards and the White Council. To counter the great threat of the island nation, he also spreads his influence onto Númenor itself, fomenting distrust and hatred among the island's inhabitants.
The Doom of Númenor
- After hundreds of years of Sauron's influence, a shadow spreads over Númenor. There is rebellion and division among its people, and even its kings start to fall into greed and envy. Two opposing factions form on the island - the King's Men and the Faithful.

- The Nazgûl, slaves to the Nine Rings, first appear.
- The rift between the King's Men and the Faithful of Númenor widens. The King's Men declare Elves to be envious of Númenor's power and should not be welcomed to the island any more. The Faithful retain that it was thanks to the Elves that the island's riches exists in the first place.
- Númenor lays claim to the haven of Umbar, forming it into a great coastal fortress in service to the King's Men.

- Hrímil Frost-heart takes on the Zhélruka and sacks their halls in the eastern mountains. She eats the king of the Zhélruka, and swallows the ring Tínya in the process.
- Númenor breaks into civil war.
- With the death of King Tar-Palantir, Ar-Pharazôn usurps the throne of Númenor by marrying the King's daughter, Tar-Míriel against her will.
- Ar-Pharazôn sails to the King's Men haven of Umbar.
- Durin IV is born in Khazad-dûm.
- Ar-Pharazôn captures Sauron, who falsely submits to the King and is taken as a prisoner to Númenor, where he begins to spread his influence directly.
- Birth of Tárandil in Númenor.
- Due to Sauron's absence from Middle-earth, Gil-galad's reign expands to encompass Eriador and into Rhovanion. All Elves of Middle-earth now count him as their High King.
- Ar-Pharazôn in his mounting pride assails Valinor. The Valar beseech Ilúvatar for aid; Ar-Pharazôn's ships are sunk and the island of Númenor is cast into the sea, an event later known as the Downfall of Númenor. Elendil, Isildur, Anárion and the rest of the Faithful survive the cataclysm by escaping on seven ships. Sauron goes down with the island and loses his physical body, but his spirit returns to Mordor.

- Elendil, Isildur and Anárion found the two kingdoms Arnor and Gondor. Minas Anor and Minas Ithil become sister cities, with Osgiliath in the middle spanning the Anduin river. The palantíri and Vandassari are divided between the kingdoms.
- Isildur has Urcheneb and countless of his men and horses place the Orossar, the black oath-stone, on the Hill of Erech in the lands of the Men of the Mountains as a token to mark the escape of Númenor's sons from the Downfall of Númenor. It takes several days of wrestling to get the smooth stone to rest in the ground atop the hill. The oath-stone thereafter becomes known as the Stone of Erech.

- Sometime after the Battle of Tarlang's Neck, Isildur forms an alliance with the Men of the Mountains, and King Rioc swears an oath on the stone that his people would stand with Isildur's in his fight against Sauron, should he return. For this deed, Rioc would receive great stores of knowledge and power of Númenórean make, and would hold the eternal friendship of Gondor. The Gondorian soldiers Iarvund and Urcheneb, and the Men of the Mountains Britou and Bodúan all witness this event.
- The Men of the Mountains start to worship Sauron in secret, thinking they would be rewarded with great power.
- Isildur together with his soldiers Dorwë and Beriadar discover that the Gondorian fort of Garth Lotheg has been overtaken by Orcs worshipping Sauron. He then goes to the lands of the Men of the Mountains to entreat with King Rioc, expecting him to honor the oath he swore of the Stone of Erech years before. Rioc goes back on his word, however. He believes Sauron will win the war against Gondor, and will grant his people great power. Isildur then curses Rioc and his people to never rest until their oath can be fulfilled, never know the restful sleep of death, and have no days without the regret of their broken oath.
- Sauron launches an attack on Gondor. He conquers Minas Ithil and burns its White Tree.
- The valley of Thuringwath in the Ithil-vale is hidden with heavy enchantments, and within it is raised the Dreadfast. It remains even after Minas Ithil is retaken.
- Anárion stands his ground and defends Osgiliath and Minas Anor.
- Isildur escapes Sauron's onslaught up the Anduin, and then travels to his father Elendil in Arnor bearing with him a seedling from the burned White Tree.
- Elendil and Isildur entreat Gil-galad to form the Last Alliance of Elves and Men.
- Gil-galad marches with Elendil and Isildur, bringing the Alliance armies with him to Elrond in Imladris.

- The Last Alliance of Elves and Men cross the Misty Mountains. They are joined by Elves from Lórien and the Woodland Realm, the Longbeards of Khazad-dûm, and the Thíuda of Rhovanion, in addition to smaller contingents of the Hól-budlan and Wild Folk. They lay siege to the Black Gate on Dagorlad. The joint army is under the command of High King Gil-galad and Elendil the Tall of Númenor. Among the allies are Harthalín, Dernaith, Megoril, Thelaron, Hithgol, Prince Amroth, Prince Thranduil, Glorfindel, Elrond, Durin IV and Slégar the Crafty.
- Prince Amroth's father, King Amdír, is slain in the battle, and so is Prince Thranduil's father Oropher. Thelaron is captured by the Witch-king and brought to Barad-dûr for torment, and Hithgol is gravely wounded. (Quest:Instance: Into Darkness Falls a Star)
- Gil-galad breaks the Black Gate with Narya and Vilya.
- Galadriel, in Imlad Ithil, uses Nenya to break the gates of Minas Ithil to drive out Sauron's forces.
- The Siege of Barad-dûr begins.
- King Anárion of Gondor leads a great assault on Barad-dûr to draw Sauron's attention while the Bright Company enters the Dark Tower to break the Naldassar and its hold on the Ghâzab Boron, a massive Easterling army compelled by its power. Anárion is killed by a thrown rock in Mordor. Of the Bright Company, only Glorfindel survives. Lendelen is captured by Sauron.

- The Second Age ends with the defeat of Sauron. The Nazgûl too fade away.
- Gil-galad, Elendil, and Huneric Hundred-slayer, Lord of the Thíuda, are killed. Isildur takes the One Ring but does not destroy it.
The Third Age
The Fall of Arnor

- A watch is placed on Gorgoroth. The men of Gondor build many fortifications within Mordor, such as the towers at the Black Gate, the Shadowguard of Ost Daethir, and Durthand. The Thandrim are established to maintain a vigil on the evils of the dark land and keep them from passing outside Gorgoroth. (Quest:Chapter 1.2: The Cruel History of Durthang)
- Isildur and his sons are betrayed and killed in the Gladden Fields. The One Ring is lost. Vágari the Wanderer begins to haunt the Vales of Anduin
- Anárion's son Meneldil becomes King of Gondor, while Isildur's only remaining son Valandil becomes heir to the throne of Arnor.
- Isildur's squire Ohtar brings the shards of Narsil to Rivendell.
- Daughter Arwen Undómiel is born to Elrond and Celebrían.
- Durin V is born in Khazad-dûm.
- Easterlings invade the lands of the West for the first time. King Rómendacil I beats them back for his entire reign until he is killed in battle.

- The dragon Thorog descends on the keep of Helegrod in the Misty Mountains, and Durin V leads a party of dwarves to slay him. Thorog is slain, but so is Durin V, losing the axe Mírdanant that had been a gift from the Gwaith-i-Mírdain in Eregion.
- In this century, the Helcessar is removed from Ost Forod on King Elendur's orders by Prince Eärendur. It is taken north into Forochel, where the fortress of Agoroth, the Narrowdelve is erected around it. The Sardirath guard the stone.
- Karazgar approaches Hrímil Frost-heart to make an alliance with her. Failing this, he drags her into the Abyss of Mordath instead.
- King Elendur of Arnor dies, leaving the kingdom to his son Eärendur. Eärendur will be the tenth and last king of that nation.
- King Eärendur, tenth king of Arnor, dies, leaving the kingdom to be split up among his three sons. Amlaith the Builder becomes the first king of Arthedain, Eldamacil becomes the first king of Rhudaur, and Tarondor II the Forthright becomes the first king of Cardolan. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 7: The Breaking of Arnor)
- Agoroth and the Sardirath that guard it are fully forgotten.
- King Eldamacil kills his own brother, Tarondor II, earning him the moniker Kin-slayer. This would be the start of hundreds of years of war between Rhudaur and its two neighbouring kingdoms of Arthedain and Cardolan. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 7: The Breaking of Arnor)
- Gandalf, Saruman and Radagast appear in Middle-earth.
- Sauron takes refuge in Dol Guldur.

- A shadow falls upon Greenwood the Great, and Men begin to call it Mirkwood.
- The Harfoots flee the rising darkness of Dol Guldur, and move west to Eriador.
- The Silvan Elves and the Istari find that something evil has settled in the stronghold at Dol Guldur. Some suspect it might be a Nazgûl given form once more. King Thranduil moves his realm north for the first time.
- As the shadow of Mirkwood encroaches even on the Vales of Anduin, the Fallohides and Stoors relocate west into Eriador.
- The Stoors settle in the Angle of Mitheithel and Swanfleet. They also start to inhabit Enedwaith and even south into Dunland. Some of their dwellings include Glynafon, Lintrev, and Maur Tulhau.

- King Rómendacil II wipes out the entire Easterling horde west of the Sea of Rhûn.
- King Rómendacil II fortifies the lands along the Anduin with many new forts to guard against further encroachment from the Easterlings. Some of these forts remain standing until the late Third Age, such as Ost Celebrant, Amon Hen, and Cair Andros.
- King Rómendacil II also has the Argonath erected at the entrance to Nen Hithoel, as a warning to the Easterlings.
- King Rómendacil II sends his son, Prince Valacar to Rhovanion as an emissary of Gondor to King Vidugavia. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 5: A Whisper of Unrest)
- Prince Valacar marries Princess Vidumavi, the daughter of King Vidugavia. Some Lords of Gondor are displeased by this match. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 5: A Whisper of Unrest)
- Prince Eldacar of Gondor is born to Prince Valacar and Princess Vidumavi. He is the heir to the throne of Gondor, but also the son of a short-lived Northman. Unrest and resentment of this union grows in Gondor. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 5: A Whisper of Unrest)

- The evil of the world appears to strengthen everywhere.
- Dol Guldur's darkness spreads through larger parts of Mirkwood. The Woodland Realm again relocates north to increase distance to Dol Guldur. The Silvan Elves build Caras Tilion in the Mountains of Mirkwood. Tárasánë is seen among them.
- The Orc presence in the Misty Mountains grows, and attacks on the Dwarves are more frequent.
- Nazgûl are seen in the East, South and North.
- Angmar and Rhudaur fall under a deep shadow, influened by the Witch-king.
- Due to the growing threat of Rhudaur, Harfoots and Fallohides move further west, into Bree-land.

- The army of King Malgun of Rhudaur invades Cardolan to usurp King Artandil's throne. Instead, the two kings kill each other on the hill now known as the Deadmount. Young Amondir, Lord of Tyrn Gorthad, takes leadership of Cardolan as Prince. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 7: The Breaking of Arnor)
- King Argeleb I reunites the kingdoms of Arthedain and Cardolan into a new Arnor. Prince Amondir of Cardolan swears allegiance to the new King.

- The Witch-king of Angmar sends spirits from Angmar to the Barrow-downs to inhabit the Dead there. Prince Amondir attempts to fight them, and disappears from the barrows, claimed by Hithrengor, the Grey Fear. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 8: The Last Days of Cardolan)
- The Angmar War begins. King Argeleb I rides out to battle with Rhudaur and Angmar and is killed.
- Due to frequent troll and goblin raids, the Stoors of the Angle of Mitheithel are forced south to join their brethren in Swanfleet.
- Prince Amondir's son Amonhathol is killed by the Grey Fear, his body found shriveled and garbed in white. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 8: The Last Days of Cardolan)
- Prince Amondir's second son Thannadan is killed by the Grey Fear, disappearing from his home in Dol Ernil. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 8: The Last Days of Cardolan)

- Tyrn Gorthad is enveloped in a fog from whence emerges a plague of the Dead who slay all before them.
- Princess Luilloth brings her young son Ostir to Fornost for his protection.
- Luilloth's husband, Prince Ostecthel, third son of Prince Amondir, attempts to hunts down the source of the evil in Cardolan. He returns from the fog, shriveled and dying. He proclaims that the evil has been banished and that the land is safe once more, and then dies.
- Luilloth returns from Fornost in grief and serves as princess-regent until her son Ostir can come of age.

- The great evil in Tyrn Gorthad is not gone. Prince Ostir, last prince of Cardolan, is called away from his throne in Dol Ernil to fight a battle at Amon Sûl. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 8: The Last Days of Cardolan)
- Ostir's mother, Princess Luilloth, goes north to Othrongroth to find a cure for the plague of Dead haunting Tyrn Gorthad. She does not find a cure there, and is instead attacked by wights. She loses her blue brooch while she escapes.
- In the prince and his mother's absence, the Grey Fear burns and ravages Cardolan, leaving Dol Ernil a ruined shell and its people scattered or slaughtered.
- Prince Ostir returns in haste to his home only to find the Grey Fear sitting on his throne, wearing the visage of his own grandfather, Prince Amondir. Ostir tries to flee Dol Ernil, but is hunted down by the Grey Fear's forces and killed in the Barrow-downs. Thus ends the realm of Cardolan. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 8: The Last Days of Cardolan)
- Luilloth finds her son's loyal canine howling among the Barrow-downs, and she knows then that her son Prince Ostir is dead, for the hound Astoryn never leaves his master's side.
- Luilloth vows to end the ravages visited upon the land and her family. She and Astoryn go northwest into the Old Forest to seek guidance. She meets with the wise woman Darogandes, who reveals the location of the Grey Fear - Sarch Vorn. Darogandes advises Luilloth to seek the river-maiden of Withywindle, Goldberry.
- Luilloth finds Goldberry in the Old Forest, and receives from her a protection spell.
- Luilloth travels to Sarch Vorn with Astoryn at her side. To trap the Grey Fear within Sarch Vorn, she collapses the tunnels of the tomb, sealing herself and her loyal hound within. She is never seen again, but the ravening Dead quiet soon after, vanishing back into the mists and quieting the dead of Tyrn Gorthad for over 1600 years.
- Rhudaur becomes part of Angmar.
- King Valacar of Gondor dies, leaving his throne to his son, Eldacar of Gondor, of half-Northman blood. This sparks the start of the Kin-strife. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 5: A Whisper of Unrest)

- The worst of the Kin-strife's effects happen in Osgiliath. The city is besieged and burned by Castamir "the Usurper", distant cousin to Eldacar of Gondor. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 5: A Whisper of Unrest)
- The Osgiliath palantír falls into the Anduin river, but is found and comes eventually to Carn Dûm.
- Castamir usurps the throne of Gondor and executes the eldest son of Eldacar of Gondor. Eldacar flees to Rhovanion to gather allies. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 5: A Whisper of Unrest)
- Eldacar of Gondor returns to Gondor with an army of Men from Rhovanion, Calenardhon, Anórien and Ithilien. He personally kills Castamir in the Battle of the Crossings of Erui. The bloodshed in her waters does great harm to the Lone Lady, Maiden of Erui. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 5: A Whisper of Unrest)
- The sons of Castamir are caught in Pelargir in the Siege of Pelargir. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 5: A Whisper of Unrest)
- The Siege of Pelargir and the Kin-strife both end when supporters of Castamir escape in ships, leaving Pelargir under the control of Eldacar of Gondor. The followers of Castamir sail to Umbar and take control of the city, declaring it an independent lordship. They become known as the Corsairs of Umbar and swear eternal hatred for Gondor. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 5: A Whisper of Unrest)

- The Shire is created by Fallohide brothers Marcho and Blanco upon permission from King Argeleb II of Arthedain. Many Harfoots and Fallohides migrate there from Bree-land.
- The Corsairs of Umbar lead their first attack on Gondor, ravaging Pelargir and killing the Gondorian king.
- Mirkwood continues to darken. The Woodland Realm moves north again, having to abandon Caras Tilion to Shadow and ruin. Tárasánë is believed lost. Thranduil moves his people to the caves of Felegoth.
- The Great Plague, creation of Lhaereth the Stained, sweeps out across the lands, brought by dark winds to Rhovanion.
- The Great Plague arrives in Gondor, devastating its population. The watch-tower on the border with Mordor is abandoned. The plague sweeps on through Eriador, causing much depopulation. Cardolan and the Shire are especially affected.
- The Great Plague fades before it can reach Fornost.
- Durin VI is born in Khazad-dûm.
- Battle of the Plains. Narmacil II Romenturún of Gondor and Marhári of the Ai-thúda are slain in battle with the Wainriders. Marhwini leads the Ai-thúda north, eventually settling at Avabárg. (Quest:The History of Avabárg)
- King Calimehtar Minastan of Gondor defeats the Wainriders on Dagorlad, at Dol Acharn
- Communications are renewed between Gondor and Arthedain, the last remnant of Arnor. Arvedui weds Fíriel, daughter of Ondoher, king of Gondor
- Despite the aid of a company of Northmen, Ondoher is killed in battle with the Wainriders, along with his sons Artamir and Faramir. Faramir lingers in the Wastes
- Eärnil II defeats the Wainriders, driving them into the Dead Marshes
- Arvedui claims the the crown of Gondor, but it is given to Eärnil II instead
- Arvedui becomes the 15th King of Arthedain. After 300 years of the Angmar War, Arthedain has become severely weakened.
- Assassins from Mordor sneak into the towers of the Morannon and kill every Gondorian within. They lay claim to the whole of Udûn and lay siege to the Thandrim within Durthand. (Quest:Instance: The Cruel History of Durthang).
- King Eärnil II of Gondor tries to send reinforcements to Durthand, but they cannot pass the Morannon. (Quest:Instance: The Cruel History of Durthang).
- Birth of Fram son of Frumgar of the Ai-thúda amid the sack of Avabárg. (Quest:Fram's Great Decision)
- The Thandrim slowly starve within Durthand. They are let out on a promise of lenience by Ugrukhôr, but he betrays them and all except Halannon are killed. Durthand is captured by the forces of Mordor and renamed "Durthang". (Quest:Instance: The Cruel History of Durthang)
- Halannon travels to Minas Tirith and tells them of Ugrukhôr's betrayal. He is named "The Survivor". (Quest:Instance: The Cruel History of Durthang)
- Arvedui requests help from Gondor in holding off the Angmarim. Prince Eärnur of Gondor sails north with an army.
- The city of Fornost falls to the forces of the Witch-king of Angmar. King Arvedui hides in the Icereave Mines, Dwarf-mines in the northern Ered Luin for a while, then flees to Forochel.

- Arvedui gives the Ring of Barahir for safekeeping to the Lossoth chieftain Hasikkä, then attempts to sail across the Ice Bay of Forochel with the crew of the Thoroval. His ship is lost in a fierce storm, and he drowns in the bay. Thus falls Arthedain and the reunited kingdom of Arnor.
- Dúnedain brothers Laegened and Haerdor come to Forochel seeking their king, and find his wrecked ship. They trade animal hides with Hasikkä in exchange for the Ring of Barahir and brings it with them back south.
- The realm of Angmar is crushed at the Battle of Fornost by the combined forces of Eärnur, Glorfindel and Círdan. Amarthiel is captured by her father Laerdan and brought to Delossad where he holds her against her will for over 200 years while trying to cure her of her Sauron-forged madness. He smashes the ring Narchuil and hides one half in Bar-e-Therchir. The other half he entrusts to the ship-captain Aearil to safeguard.
- Círdan the Shipwright arranges for an Elf-ship to search for Arvedui in Forochel. This ship, too, is lost to the storms of the Ice Bay of Forochel. Ship-captain Aearil survives the sinking of the ship, and crawls to a nearby ice-cave with his half of the ring Narchuil, where he eventually perishes from cold.
- Aranarth, son of King Arvedui of Arthedain and Fíriel, daughter of King Ondoher of Gondor, becomes the first Chieftain of the Dúnedain. Though descended from both Isildur and Anárion, he does not claim his kingship, as he kingdom has been destroyed. His people are from then on called the Rangers of the North, and he will be the ancestor of Aragorn.
- Frumgar leads the Éothéod north into the Wells of Langflood, settling at Fasthálla on the great cliff between the Langwell and the Greylin.

- The Dwarves of Khazad-dûm mine open a deep cave and release a Balrog. He kills King Durin VI and becomes known as Durin's Bane.
- Durin's Bane also kills Durin VI's son, King Náin I. The Dwarves of Khazad-dûm flee, and the ancient kingdom becomes Moria, the Dark Pit. Many of the Silvan Elves flee Lothlórien in terror of the nameless fear, flying southward and cursing the dwarves as they go.
- King Amroth and his betrothed Nimrodel are lost on their way to Edhellond. The line of Kings of Lórien ends. Rulership of Lórien passes to Galadriel, who takes the title Lady of Lothlórien. (Item:The Lay of Nimrodel)
- Eärnur, adventuring with Magoldir and with his knights Macilnis, Orolang, Silmahtar, and Calatúr in Ered Mithrin, meets the Zhélruka dwarf, Vóin (Quest:Instance: The Picture Painted)
- Death of Halannon the Survivor. Eärnur goes to Durthang with his knights and with Vóin and Magoldir, seeking Ugrukhôr to take vengeance for the Thandrim. They do not find him, and Magoldir is killed. Eärnur takes up Magoldir's sword, Orthadel (Quest:Instance: The Sword and the Stonemaiden)

- In their flight from Moria, the dwarves led by King Thráin I come to Erebor. There, they found a new Dwarf-kingdom under the Mountain.
- Around this time, Scatha the Worm emerges from the Grey Mountains and attacks Fasthálla (Quest:Scatha Awakens)

- The Nazgûl besiege Minas Ithil.
- Fram and Karazgar kill Scatha the Worm. (Quest:Fram's Return)

- Minas Ithil falls to the Nazgûl, and becomes Minas Morgul. The palantír there is claimed by Sauron.
- The Kámbrada refuse the offer by Sauron to hand in their ring, Singya. In turn Sauron launches an attack against them.
- Many of the Kámbrada are enslaved and brought to Minas Morgul. They are giving a name of mockery, the Stout-axes.
- With the death of his father, Eärnur becomes the 33rd and last king of Gondor. He is taunted by the Witch-king, but is restrained from meeting the challenge by Mardil Voronwë, the Steward of Gondor.
- The Witch-king sends out a new taunting challenge to King Eärnur. This time, the King rides out to Minas Morgul to meet the challenge of the king of the Nazgûl. Thus ends the line of the kings of Gondor, and the reign of the Stewards of Gondor starts, with Mardil Voronwë as the first ruling Steward.
- Captured and tortured, Eärnur is in the following years set loose in the Ephel Dúath and leads the Nazgûl to an ancient tree, a sapling of the White Tree. It is captured and defiled by the Nazgûl, becoming Morloth the Black. The Houses of Lamentation are raised around the Dark Tree (Tale of the Dark Tree)
- Eärnur's knights are consigned to the Houses of Lamentation. Eärnur is left to wander the confines of Minas Morgul but no further. He is allowed also to keep Orthadel, cursed by the Witch-king to bind Eärnur to the lord of the Nazgûl when the sword finally pierced him.
- Vóin leaves his family in Járnfast and goes south to seek Eärnur. He falls in with dwarves of Mordor.
- Vóin finds Eärnur in Minas Morgul, and does everything in his power to rescue his friend
- Gandalf goes to Dol Guldur to investigate its spreading darkness. Sauron retreats from there, and hides in the East.
- Eärnur, at the end of his strength, sends Orthadel away with Vóin. Vóin entrusts the sword to Macilnis and frees her from the dungeons of Minas Morgul. She is the only one of Eärnur's knights to escape; the rest become cargûl
- Eärnur becomes Mordirith in truth. Vóin returns to his family in Járnfast (Quest:Instance: Freed of the Burden)
The Watchful Peace
- Mordirith finds Narmeleth in Delossad. He frees her, and she becomes Amarthiel once more. She kills Sara Oakheart and burns her cottage.
- Gorhendad Oldbuck crosses the the Brandywine and settles the area on its east bank, calling it Buckland. In honor of this, the Oldbucks rename themselves the Brandybucks.

- The Refuge of Edhelion is attacked by Skorgrím Dourhand in search of relics to make him immortal. The refuge is defended by Elrond, Talagan Silvertongue, Edhelben and Dorongúr Whitethorn, among others. Talagan sacrifices himself to bring down the library upon Skórgrim, killing them both. Edhelion lies in complete ruin and is abandoned by the elves. (Quest:Instance: The Refuge of Edhelion)
- Sméagol is born near Gladden Fields.
- Sauron returns to Dol Guldur.
- Sméagol and Déagol find the One Ring while boating in the Gladden Fields. Sméagol kills Déagol and hides his body.
- The White Council is reformed, adding Gandalf and Saruman as members.
- Sméagol is rejected by his people in the Vales of Anduin, and seeks refuge in the caverns under the Misty Mountains. There, he starts his slow transition to Gollum.
- Osgiliath is attacked once again, and left in ruins. Its stone-bridge is broken.

- Celebrían, journeying from her family in Imladris to visit her parents in Lothlórien is waylaid by Orcs in the Redhorn Pass. She is cut with a poisoned knife and tormented at Shathur-munzu, but is rescued by her sons Elladan and Elrohir. Though healed of her wounds physically, she is traumatised by these events and no longer wishes to stay in Middle-earth.

- Celebrían departs Middle-earth for Valinor, leaving her family behind.
- An Easterling tribe named Balchoth uses the North Undeep to invade the Gondorian realm of Calenardhon. Steward Cirion of Gondor knows he does not have the men to repel them, so he sends messengers into the north to seek for aid. The Easterlings wipe out much of Calenardhon's populace and advance an Anórien, but when all hope seem lost for Gondor, Eorl the Young rides south with a massive force of his Éothéod. They ride down the Easterling footmen and chase them all the way back north to the Undeep. A massive slaughter is held on the Field of Celebrant, and the Balchoth clan is destroyed. As a reward for his heroic deeds, Cirion grants Eorl the depopulated realm of Calenardhon. This land will go on to become Rohan, with Eorl as its first King.
- The Golden Hall of Meduseld is built by Eorl the Young's son.
- The War of the Dwarves and Dragons begins.

- King Dáin I and his son Frór are killed by the cold-drake Vethúg Wintermind in Ered Mithrin.
- Pipe-weed is introduced to the Southfarthing.
- Birth of Thorin Oakenshield.

- Bandobras Took defeats a goblin invasion from Mount Gram and kills Golfimbul.
- The Dunlending Chieftain Freca attempts to arrange a marriage between his son Wulf and the daughter of Helm. When Helm refuses, Freca reviles and rages against him. Angered, Helm strikes Freca so hard it kills him, earning him the moniker "Hammerhand".
- Rohan is invaded from the East. Noticing the Rohirrim are distracted, Wulf seizes his chance to take the crown. His drives Helm into the Hornburg, then captures Edoras and sits on the throne in Meduseld.
- Saruman takes up his abode in Isengard.
- During the Long Winter, Helm Hammerhand and both his sons freeze to death after a long siege in the Hornburg. The fortified valley is thereafter named Helm's Deep.
- Helm's nephew Fréaláf sneaks into Meduseld with a small party and kills Wulf, reclaiming the throne for Rohan, to the great rage of the Dunlendings.
- Balin is born.
- Smaug destroys Dale and lays claim to Erebor. The surviving Longbeards flee and eventually settle at Zudrugund in Enedwaith, to the north of Dunland.
- Dwalin is born.
- Óin is born.
- Glóin is born.
Journey of the Stone
- Thrór is killed by Azog at the gates of Moria. This causes the seven clans of the dwarves to declare war on the orc, and they start to amass their armies.
- The Sixth War of the Dwarves and Orcs begins.

- The Battle of Azanulbizar takes place in the Dimrill Dale. Azog is killed, but Moria remains in the hands of the Enemy. Náin Orcsfoe, Frerin and Fundin are killed in battle. The War of the Dwarves and Orcs ends.

- Thorin Oakenshield founds Thorin's Hall in Ered Luin.
- Gandalf again enters Dol Guldur, this time with Raddir as a guide. They use the cavern of Thurimen below the fortress as a means of access. There, Gandalf discovers that Sauron is Dol Guldur's master, and that Thráin had been imprisoned in the dark tower's dungeons, his dwarven Ring of Power taken by Sauron. The dwarf-king dies in his prison cell, and Gandalf escapes from the fortress, having to leave his staff behind. Gandalf thinks Sauron now has claimed all the Rings of Power, and is looking for the One Ring.
- With the death of his father Thráin, Thorin Oakenshield becomes King of Durin's Folk.
- The White Council meets; Gandalf calls for an attack on Dol Guldur. Saruman denies him. Afterward, the White Wizard secretly starts searching the Gladden Fields for the Ring.
- Kíli is born.
- King Folca of Rohan is killed by the Boar of Everholt. (Quest:Instance: The Legend of Folca)
- Gimli is born.
- Bilbo Baggins is born.
- Henneth Annûn is built.

- Great floods devastate Enedwaith and Minhiriath. Tharbad is completely ruined, its bridge broken, and its inhabitants give it up to the elements.

- Denethor is born.
- Arador, Aragorn's grandfather, is killed by Hill-trolls in the Ettenmoors. Glangon and Corugúr, Rangers of the North find him too late, and the place where he fell is thereafter called Arador's End. His son Arathorn II becomes the new Chieftain of the Dúnedain. (Quest:Instance: The House of Isildur)
- Aragorn is born.
- Aragorn's father Arathorn II is killed by Orcs. Aragorn becomes the new Chieftain of the Dúnedain, though he is but a small child. Elrond takes him in as a foster-son.

- Bilbo Baggins receives Bag End.

- March 15th: Gandalf meets Thorin Oakenshield in Bree and the plan for the Quest of Erebor is conceived.
- Late March: Thorin Oakenshield appoints Gormr Doursmith as the Steward of Thorin's Hall. Gormr Doursmith, Gimli and Gandalf discover the perfectly preserved corpse of Skorgrím Dourhand in the Silver Deep beneath the ancient ruins of Edhelion. (Quest:Instance: Into the Silver Deep)
- Early April: Thorin's Company sets out from Thorin's Hall and travels to the Shire, where they are to meet Bilbo Baggins.
- April 25th: Gandalf meets Bilbo, who eventually decides to join Thorin's Company. Two days later, they begin to travel towards the Misty Mountains.
- June 20th: Midsummer's Eve. While Thorin's Company rests in Rivendell, Elrond deciphers the hidden runes on Thorin's map.
- July 1st: Separated from the company, Bilbo gains the One Ring in the caverns below Goblin-town.
- September 22nd: Thorin's Company arrives at Esgaroth.
- The White Council drives Sauron from Dol Guldur.
- October 19th: Durin's Day. Thorin's Company opens the secret door into Erebor.
- October 21st: The red dragon Smaug attacks Esgaroth, but is killed by Bard the Bowman.
- Thorin Oakenshield becomes king of Erebor.
- November 3rd: The combined armies of Mirkwood and Esgaroth arrive in the ruins of Dale and besiege Erebor.
- Mid November: During the Battle of Five Armies, Thorin Oakenshield and Bolg are killed.
- Dáin Ironfoot becomes king of Erebor.
- The king of the Stout-axes, Váskmun Greytooth, is captured and inprisoned in the Dungeons of Barad-dûr.
- June 22nd: Bilbo Baggins returns his home in the Shire with the One Ring.
- Ousted from Dol Guldur, Sauron returns to Mordor.
- Gollum leaves his cave in the Misty Mountains and goes searching for the One Ring.
- Bard the Bowman rebuilds Dale and becomes its King.
- Sauron gathers power in Mordor.
- Gollum, feeling the pull of the Shadow from Mordor, heads towards it.
- Elrond reveals to Aragorn his heritage and grants him the shards of Narsil. Aragorn also meets Arwen for the first time when she returns from visiting her grandparents in Lothlórien.

- The White Council meets for the last time. Saruman lies about the location of the One Ring, then withdraws to Isengard. He spies on Gandalf and notices his interest in the Shire. He arranges for loyal men to set up contacts in Bree and Southfarthing.
- In the last winter of his reign, King Fengel is hunting north of the Entwade when an elderly woman named Wyrgende stumbles into his camp. Fengel throws his dagger at her and sends her away into the dark night. The next day she is found frozen to death clutching the King's dagger. She is lying at the foot of a tall boulder, in which she has used the dagger to carve a curse against Fengel and all his descendants. The King is furious and orders Wyrgende's body burned and the stone destroyed, but no man of his company can move her, and every hammer and mattock they set to the stone shatters on contact. Fengel himself assails the stone with his sword until the blade shatters, and a shard pierces his thigh. The wound festers, and King Fengel dies of poisoned blood on the first day of Spring.

- Though they have heard of each other from before, Aragorn meets Gandalf for the first time on the road to Lothlórien. They quickly establish a friendship. (Quest:Instance: The House of Isildur)
- Aragorn puts on the moniker Thorongil and starts travelling around the lands.
- Frodo Baggins is born.

- Samwise Gamgee is born.
- Aragorn, under the name of Thorongil, attacks the haven of Umbar and kills their Captain. He then returns to Pelargir and leaves for the wilderness, dropping his moniker and thus creating a legend for himself among the Gondorians. He then travels to Lothlórien to meet with Arwen, and there they are betrothed.
- Gollum enters Mordor and becomes acquainted with Shelob.
- Théoden becomes King of Rohan upon the death of his father.
- Merry Brandybuck is born.
- Faramir is born.

- Balin enters Moria and funds a new Dwarf settlement there.
- Frodo moves to Bag End to live with his uncle Bilbo.
- Pippin is born.
- Éomer is born.

- After 5 years, Balin's settlement in Moria is destroyed. Balin, Óin, Ori, Frár, Náli, Lóni, Thíli, Olgir and many other Dwarves are killed by orcs led by Mazog, son of Bolg. They are prevented from escaping by the west entrance by the Watcher in the Water which kills Óin, and Durin's Bane by the east. Before he dies, Ori writes the Book of Mazarbul.
- Éowyn is born.

- Bilbo holds his 111th birthday party and farewell feast. Gandalf starts to suspect Bilbo's ring might be the One Ring. Knowing the hobbit obtained the ring from Gollum, Gandalf departs to learn more of the creature's past. On the way, he recruits Aragorn to increase the guard on the Shire by the Rangers of the North.
- Aragorn and Gandalf search for Gollum in the Vales of Anduin, Mirkwood and near Mordor.
- Gollum wanders from Shelob's lair and is captured by Sauron and put into the prisons of Barad-dûr.
- King Théoden of Rohan starts becoming ill, and Gríma Wormtongue gains power over him.

- King Dáin Ironfoot sends Dwalin from Erebor to Ered Luin to uncover why Gormr Doursmith has ceased to send tribute. (Movie: Dwarves - Into the Silver Deep)
- Elrond sends his sons Elrohir and Elladan to investigate a prophecy and a threat from the Blue Mountains. (Movie: Elves - The Refuge of Edhelion)
- Dwalin meets Elladan and Elrohir near Thorin's Hall, and their unite their missions. (Quest:Intro: Elrond's Errand)
- Elladan and Elrohir enter Skorgrím's Tomb with Dwalin and Nos Grimsong. They discover that Gormr Doursmith has abandoned his stewardship in favour of subservience to the corpse of Skorgrím Dourhand. The Gaunt-lord Ivar the Blood-hand performs an unholy rite on the corpse, waking it from the Dead by allowing a fell spirit from Angmar to possess the body. Gormr Doursmith attacks Dwalin's company and is killed. The hall of Skorgrím's Tomb collapses behind them as they escape. (Quest:Instance: Skorgrím's Tomb)
- Gollum is released from Mordor in early January amid a Stout-axe revolt. (Quest:Instance: The Shadow of Mordor)
- Gollum is captured by Aragorn on February 1st in the Dead Marshes. The Ranger brings him to Mirkwood.
- Gandalf visits Minas Tirith and reads the scroll of Isildur, which provides him with enough information to identify the One Ring. He then travels to Mirkwood and questions Gollum.
Journey of the Ring
The Shadow of the Past
- On May 1st:

- On May 20th:
- Afternoon - Radagast comes to Meadhollow and warns Grimbeorn of the rising threat disturbing the lands. Grimbeorn sends one of his Beorning children to seek out Aragorn, while Radagast heads south to ask Saruman for advice. (Quest:Instance: The Skin-changer's Heritage)
- On June 12th:

- On June 13th:
- Noon - Radagast visits Saruman at Orthanc. Saruman reveals that the nine Nazgûl are seeking the Shire, and bids Radagast find Gandalf and offer Saruman's help. Acca, the Steward of Isengard, and the servant Gríma Wormtongue spy on their conversation. (Quest:Instance: The Wizard's Vale)
- On June 20th:
- Foredawn - Faramir has a prophetic dream of Imladris and a hafling. He tells Denethor and Boromir of this, but is dismissed.
- Morning - Faramir and Boromir ride to Osgiliath to aid in its defence.
- Gloaming - The Ringwraiths attack Osgiliath. Boromir and Faramir face them, and survive only by jumping into the Anduin. The Great Bridge is broken.
- On June 30th:
- On July 1st:
- On July 2nd:
- Morning - Barliman Butterbur's own folk are too busy to travel to the Shire to deliver Gandalf's letter.
- On July 3rd:
- Morning - Barliman Butterbur forgets about delivering Gandalf's letter.

- On July 4th:

- On July 10th:
- Evening - Gandalf arrives at Isengard. Acca welcomes him inside the tower of Orthanc. Saruman tries to get Gandalf to tell him the location of the One Ring. When he refuses, Saruman imprisons Gandalf atop the pinnacle of the tower. Gríma Wormtongue puts Gandalf's horse in the Isengard stables, where it will remain. (Quest:Instance: The Wizard's Vale)
- On July 30th:
- Afternoon - Acca steals a loaf of bread and gives it to Gandalf atop Orthanc. Gríma Wormtongue tells Saruman about this. Saruman has Acca thrown into the Isengard dungeons. (Quest:Instance: The Wizard's Vale)
- On September 1st:
- Afternoon - the Ringwraiths head from the Wold towards Isengard.

- On September 4th:
- Noon - Boromir arrives at Edoras, and meets with Gríma Wormtongue, Háma, Théodred, Éomer and Éowyn. (Quest:Instance: A Long Way From Gondor)
- On September 11th:
- Morning - Boromir leaves Edoras on horseback, not having been able to meet with king Théoden. (Quest:Instance: A Long Way From Gondor)
- On September 14th:
- Noon - Boromir encounters the Wizard Saruman on the road near the Gap of Rohan. Though he reveals his destination to the Wizard, he keeps the purpose a secret. (Quest:Instance: A Long Way From Gondor)
- On September 18th:
- Foredawn - Gandalf is rescued from Orthanc by Gwaihir, and is flown to Rohan.
- Dusk - The Ringwraiths cross the river Isen.
- On September 19th:
- Morning - Gandalf is refused entrance at Edoras.
- Evening - To spark a war between Dwarves and Elves, Dourhands abduct Prince Avorthal from Nen Hilith and bring him to the Grimwater.

- On September 20th:
- Late Watches - Dourhands and goblins dig into the Arming-cave of Thorin's Hall and steal its gold. Vitharr is knocked unconscious and dragged inside. (Quest:Prologue: The Missing Guard)
- Foredawn - The Ringwraiths learn the location of the Shire from Gríma Wormtongue. They set out from Isengard.
- Dawn - Guard-Captain Unnarr discovers the theft of the gold from the the Arming-cave. (Quest:Prologue: The Missing Guard)
- Morning - Investigating the cave-in, Unnarr discovers a Dourhand sword-hilt. He sends word of this to Dwalin. (Quest:Prologue: Beyond the Cave-in)
- Morning - Avorthal is late for a meeting with Athal and Cardavor. (Quest:Prologue: Unlike Avorthal)
- Noon - Athal and Cardavor find Avorthal's leather satchel is located in Nen Hilith. (Quest:Prologue: Avorthal's Favourite Haunts)
- Noon - Nos Grimsong tracks the stolen gold to Sarnúr. (Quest:Prologue: The Wisdom of the Thrushes)
- Afternoon - Rothgar and the Dwarves of Noglond attack Sarnúr and recover the stolen gold. (Quest:Prologue: The Old Dourhand City)
- Afternoon - Cardavor and Athal attack the goblins of Limael's Vineyard. Pampraush reveals that Avorthal has been taken by dwarves. (Quest:Prologue: The Wrath of the Elves)
- Dusk - Gandalf is allowed entrance at Edoras and is granted use of a horse, but King Théoden orders him to leave within a day.
- Gloaming - The dwarves of Noglond learn of the plot to abduct Avorthal and send word to Mathi Stouthand in Gondamon. (Quest:Prologue: Gondamon in the Low-lands)
- Evening - Cardavor bids Dorongúr Whitethorn make war upon the dwarves of Ered Luin for abducting his son. (Quest:Prologue: The Master of the Refuge)
- Evening - Rather than declare war outright, Dorongúr Whitethorn sends an envoy to the Dwarves at Gondamon to learn more of Avorthal's abduction. (Quest:Prologue: The Emissary)

- On September 21st:
- Midnight - The Ringwraiths come into Swanfleet, spreading corruption in their wake.
- Dawn - Gailthin and Aglarchen scout Ringdale and discover that Avorthal is being held by the Dwarves of the Grimwater. (Quest:Prologue: Suspicious Encampment)
- Morning - Gandalf chooses the Mearh Shadowfax for his mount. Shadowfax runs away into the fields.
- Afternoon - The Dwarves and Elves almost come to blows over Avorthal's abduction, but Mathi Stouthand averts war by sharing his knowledge of the Dourhands. (Quest:Prologue: Reluctant Allies)
- Gloaming - To avoid escalating tensions, the Dwarves and Elves of Gondamon recruit the Ranger Langlas to rescue Avorthal from the Dourhands. (Quest:Prologue: Mutual Dislike)
- Evening - The Ringwraiths pass through the centre of Herne, scaring the population there. (Quest:Book 2, Chapter 6: The Waiting Night)

- On September 22nd:
- Late Watches - Knowing they've been discovered, the Dourhands move Avorthal to a more secure position in Kheledûl. (Quest:Prologue: To Avert a War)
- Afternoon - Gandalf bonds with Shadowfax.
- Afternoon - Langlas assaults the Dourhands of the Grimwater and kills Hakon Ironfist. He learns of Avorthal's relocation to Kheledûl. (Quest:Prologue: To Avert a War)
- Gloaming - Frodo celebrates his birthday, worried about where Gandalf might be.
- Dusk - The Ringwraiths arrive at Sarn Ford and drive away the Rangers guarding it. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 4: Night Falls on Sarn Ford)
- Evening - The Ringwraiths chase down and kill several Rangers, including Narndir. Others manage to escape. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 4: Night Falls on Sarn Ford)

- On September 23rd:
- Midnight - The Ringwraiths split up to widen their search for Frodo. Four wraiths enter the Shire, while the other five head to Bree-land.
- Late Watches - Langlas, Svanr and Sigurdór lead an attack on Kheledûl and free Avorthal from the docked ship The Irestone. Avorthal warns his rescuers of a large goblin army massing in Rath Teraig. (Quest:Prologue: Rescue by Moonlight)
- Dawn - Mossward is attacked by goblins and an uruk-hai. The outcast ranger Meneldir assists in repelling the attack. He notices the symbol of the White Hand on the dead uruks.(Quest:Instance: Mossward, the Border Village)
- Morning - Meneldir heads to Clegur to learn if the Stoors have encountered the Uruks as well. (Quest:Prologue, Chapter 3: On the Old South Road)
- Noon - Merry and Fredegar Bolger leave Bag End and travel to Crickhollow.
- Afternoon - The Dwarves of and Elves prepare a strike force to counter the goblin army in Rath Teraig. Langlas and Ingólfr start to kill goblins in the outer reaches of the valley. (Quest:Prologue: Preparations for the Assault)
- Afternoon - Lobelia Sackville-Baggins and her son Lotho arrive at Bag End a day early.
- Afternoon - Flam Helur and Drusi Begwyl lead Meneldir to a captured and dying uruk. They learn that his master is Saruman. (Quest:Instance: Mark of the White Hand)
- Dusk - Unable to remain with Lobelia and Lotho as they inventory Bag End, Frodo, Sam, and Pippin leave sooner than intended.
- Gloaming - Gandalf is now able to ride Shadowfax, and they start to cross Rohan.
- Gloaming - Meneldir returns to Mossward and shares his concern about Saruman. He is overheard by Tegwyn. (Quest:Prologue, Chapter 6: Worrisome Tidings)
- Evening - a Ringwraith crosses paths with Frodo, Sam and Pippin near Old Odo's Leaf-farm, but is distracted by Bounder Boffin. (Quest:Instance: A Road Through the Dark)
- Evening - Mistaking him for Frodo, Blackwold bandits kidnap Mundo Sackville-Baggins, along with both Celandine Brandybuck and Bounder Boffin. (Quest:Instance: A Road Through the Dark)
- Evening - Tegwyn goes missing from Mossward. Meneldir volunteers to look for him in the Wadewater. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 2: Start of a Grand Adventure)

- On September 24th:
- Midnight - Meneldir tracks down Tegwyn in the Wadewater and learn from him that the Uruks are headed for Caras Gelebren. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 3: In the Damp and the Mud)
- Dawn - Gandalf and Shadowfax cross the river Isen, six days behind the Nazgûl.
- Morning - Dwarves of Thorin's Hall and elves of Falathlorn raid Rath Teraig. Sara Oakheart is rescued from the goblins and Skorgrím Dourhand escapes to Bree-land. (Quest:Prologue: Assault on Rath Teraig)
- Noon - Langlas dispatches a messenger to warn Aragorn in Bree of Skorgrím's escape. (Quest:Prologue: The One Called Strider)
- Noon - Meneldir meets the elf-warrior Bregoleth at Caras Gelebren. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 4: Uruks in the Elf-city)
- Noon - Meneldir and Bregoleth share news of Saruman's treachery. They discover that the Wizard is searching for Ring-lore in Caras Gelebren. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 5: Bregoleth)
- Afternoon - Meneldir and Bregoleth follow the Uruks to Idhobel. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 8: The Grasping Hand)
- Afternoon - Frodo, Sam and Pippin see a Ringwraith on the road, sniffing in the air. They hide, and it passes them by.
- Afternoon - Meneldir and Bregoleth find a dagger of the Bright Company in Tham Celechir. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 8: The Grasping Hand)
- Afternoon - Bregoleth rides out to bring news of Saruman's treachery to Elrond in Rivendell, while Meneldir heads west to do the same to Aragorn. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 10: On the Precipice of Danger)
- Gloaming - One Ringwraith stalks Frodo, Sam and Pippin near Woody End, but is scared off by Gildor Inglorion and his High Elves passing through the Shire.
- Evening - The Witch-king and three other Nazgûl travel to Andrath, Tyrn Gorthad and the Barrow-downs where they wake the Dead from their rest.

- On September 25th:
- Late Watches - Aragorn and the ranger Amdir mount a rescue of Mundo Sackville-Baggins, Celandine Brandybuck and Bounder Boffin from Blackwold bandits near Archet. Amdir receives a morgul-wound from a Ringwraith. (Quest:Instance: A Road Through the Dark)
- Foredawn - Aragorn sends Bounder Boffin home to the Shire. (Quest:Instance: A Road Through the Dark)
- Dawn - Aragorn, Mundo Sackville-Baggins and Celandine Brandybuck come to Archet where Captain Brackenbrook lets them rest. (Movie: Hobbits and Men - Jailbreak)
- Morning - A Ringwraith finds Frodo, Sam and Pippin's camp shortly after they've left.
- Morning - Boromir releases his horse, and crosses the Gwathló at Tharbad. (Quest:Book 2, Chapter 3: A Long Way From Gondor)
- Noon - Aragorn uncovers a plot by the Blackwolds to attack Archet, backed by servants of Angmar. He puts his trust in Jon Brackenbrook to defend the village, while he heads back to Bree-town to watch for Frodo. (Quest:Intro: The Exiled Hunter)
- Noon - Meneldir meets Egfrith of Rohan in the ruins of Tharbad. They cross the Gwathló together. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 11: The Crossing at Tharbad)
- Afternoon - Boromir is beset by Orcs in the ruins of Tharbad. He is discovered there by Meneldir and Egfrith, a woman of Rohan. They head to Herne together. (Quest:Book 2, Chapter 4: The Words of Bregoleth)
- Afternoon - A Ringwraith interrogates Farmer Maggot, but he refuses any information.
- Dusk - Frodo, Sam and Pippin come to Farmer Maggot's farm.
- Gloaming - Farmer Maggot brings the Hobbits to Bucklebury Ferry, where Merry is waiting for them.
- Evening - Archet is attacked by Blackwolds and Angmarim. The town is burned, many people are killed and Amdir is taken away by a Cargûl, but the townsfolk mounts a defence and defy them at the end. (Quest:Instance: The Assault on Archet)
- Evening - Merry ferries the others across the Brandywine as two Ringwraiths arrive at the landing they've just left. The two other Ringwraiths leave the Shire and head east into Bree-land following the road.
- Evening - Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin come to Crickhollow and spend the night there with Fredegar Bolger.

- On September 26th:
- Dawn - Mundo Sackville-Baggins and Celandine Brandybuck are sent home to the Shire.
- Dawn - Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin and Fredegar Bolger leave Crickhollow and head for the Old Forest.
- Morning - Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin enter the Old Forest. Fredegar Bolger returns to Crickhollow.
- Morning - Constable Underhill, Ellie Cutleaf, Leecher Cartwell and the ranger Toradan raid the Blackwolds in Chetwood, killing Jagger Jack. (Quest:Prologue: A Critical Strike)
- Noon - Halros and Bounder Primstone discover that goblins have invaded the Shire, and that the rangers are missing from the border. (Quest:Prologue: Goblin Foothold)
- Noon - The four Hobbits rest on Bald Hill.
- Noon - Gandalf crosses into Swanfleet and heads west along the road.
- Afternoon - Halros and Bounder Primstone uncover the skull of Golfimbul in the Scary Quarry. (Quest:Prologue: The Quarry In Scary)
- Afternoon - The four Hobbits in the Old Forest get turned around and wind up at the Withywindle. They follow it upstream.
- Afternoon - Meneldir, Boromir and Egfrith arrive at Herne. Its townfolk are still affected by dread from the passage of the Nazgûl four nights earlier. Boromir admits to Meneldir and Egfrith that the purpose of his journey is following a prophetic dream. (Quest:Instance: The Waiting Night)
- Dusk - Constable Underhill, Ellie Cutleaf, Leecher Cartwell and Toradan root out the last remaining Blackwold hideout below Staddle Falls. William Skunkwood is killed and Sara Oakheart is rescued, but Amdir has become a wraith and kills Toradan. (Quest:Instance: The Hideout)
- Dusk - The four Hobbits in the Old Forest are trapped by Old Man Willow and nearly killed, but are rescued by Tom Bombadil who brings them to his house, where they meet Goldberry.
- Gloaming - Halros and Bounder Primstone stage an attack on the goblin camps in the Greenfields. Bounder Primstone is wounded, and Lubach is killed. Halros sends warning of an Angmarim named Éogan to Aragorn in Bree-land. (Quest:Instance: Beneath the Greenfields)
- Evening - The four Hobbits rest at Tom Bombadil's house for the night.
- Evening - Bregoleth arrives in Rivendell and passes warning of Saruman's treachery to Elrond.

- On September 27th:
- Midnight - Gandalf and Shadowfax cross the Gwathló at Tharbad.
- Late Watches - Herne is attacked by the Dead drawn in from nearby Tyrn Gorthad. Meneldir, Boromir, and Egfrith participate in its defence. (Quest:Instance: The Waiting Night)
- Foredawn - The Dead are repelled from Herne. Meneldir and Boromir find a letter from Egfrith admitting she works for Saruman. (Quest:Book 2, Chapter 7: Questions)
- Morning - Constable Underhill tries to warn Mundol and Reniolind in the Midgewater Marshes, but they are both hunted down and killed by Amdir. (Quest:Prologue: To a Ranger's Aid)
- Noon - Boromir and Meneldir chase after Egfrith to the gates of Minhiriath, but she escapes them. Boromir leaves Meneldir to travel to Imladris alone. Meneldir heads north to find Aragorn. (Quest:Book 2, Chapter 8: A Journey Alone)
- Noon - Constable Underhill sends word of Amdir's full corruption and escape to Aragorn in the Prancing Pony. (Quest:Prologue: To a Ranger's Aid)
- Afternoon - Meneldir comes across the corpse of Narndir, killed by Nazgûl five days earlier. Meneldir heads to Sarn Ford. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 1: Meneldir's Kin)
- Afternoon - Aragorn receives news of the rise of Skorgrím Dourhand in Ered Luin, goblins led by Éogan invading the Shire, and the murderous rampage of Amdir in Bree-land. (Quest:Foreword: An Unwanted Guest)
- Gloaming - Meneldir arrives at Sarn Ford, and delivers news of Saruman's treachery to Halbarad. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 2: The Body in the Brush)
- Evening - Unwelcome among his former kin, Meneldir heads back into the wild. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 5: The South Downs)
- Evening - Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin stay another night in Tom Bombadil's house.

- On September 28th:
- Late Watches - Gandalf reaches Sarn Ford. Halbarad tells him of the Nazgûl having entered the Shire.
- Foredawn - Meneldir finds orders on a goblin involving a dwarf named Skorgrím, the Witch-king of Angmar and something called the Grey Fear. (Quest:Book 3, Chapter 6: Danger in All Directions)
- Morning - The four Hobbits leave Tom Bombadil's house and travel to the Barrow-downs.
- Noon - Meneldir uncovers Narndir's journal, thus learning the Grey Fear's assumed identity - Prince Amondir of Old Cardolan.
- Dusk - Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin encounter a barrow-wight when they cross the Barrow-downs.
- Gloaming - Meneldir arrives at Dol Ernil and meets Gorwen.
- Evening - Aragorn, Torthann, Lenglinn and other rangers raid Ost Baranor in southern Chetwood. Éogan and Amdir are killed, while Skorgrím Dourhand the five Ringwraiths escape. Lenglinn heads west toward Buckland.

- On September 29th:
- Morning - The Four Hobbits wake in a barrow and are rescued by Tom Bombadil. They take ancient barrow-daggers with them as swords.
- Noon - Tom Bombadil leads the Hobbits north through the Barrow-downs.
- Afternoon - Gandalf arrives at Hobbiton and learns that Frodo has gone to Crickhollow. Gandalf heads in that direction.
- Afternoon - Constable Underhill sneaks into Skunkwood's Hideout. The Blackwold leader defies Skorgrím Dourhand and is killed, ending the threat of the Blackwolds.
- Gloaming - Halbarad arrives at Dol Ernil to warn Meneldir and Gorwen away from the danger of the Grey Fear, but they have already entered the catacombs beneath the city. The Grey Fear kills Meneldir and wounds Gorwen. Halbarad finds her and they escape together.
- Dusk - Tom Bombadil brings Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin to the road to Bree-town and leaves them. Aragorn sees this from his hideout near the road, and follows them back to the Prancing Pony.
- Evening - Frodo meets Aragorn in the common room of the Prancing Pony, and finally receives Gandalf's letter from Barliman Butterbur. Frodo accidentally puts on the One Ring briefly. Merry sees a Ringwraith inside Bree. They board up their door and windows.
Flight to the Ford

- On September 30th:
- Foredawn - Five Ringwraiths attack the Prancing Pony, but fail to locate Aragorn and the hobbits hiding in the inn.
- Foredawn - Four Ringwraiths attack Crickhollow. Fredegar Bolger tells them Frodo has left the Shire. They ride east on the road. Lenglinn warns Aragorn that Frodo's route has been revealed.
- Morning - Aragorn sends a message asking for aid from Tom Bombadil. He brings the four hobbits with him and leave Bree on the East road.
- Morning - Gandalf comes to Crickhollow and learns of the Nazgûl attack. He rides to Bree-town.
- Noon - Halbarad heads toward the North Downs to fortify Esteldín.
- Afternoon - Aragorn and the Hobbits veer north and enter Chetwood.
- Afternoon - Tom Bombadil receives word from Aragorn asking for aid.
- Gloaming - Tom Bombadil goes to the Barrow-downs and kills crebain and their master Andraste.
- Dusk - Gandalf arrives at the Prancing Pony and receives news of Frodo from Barliman Butterbur.

- On October 1st:
- Midnight - Tom Bombadil enters Othrongroth.
- Late Watches - Tom Bombadil encounters Skorgrím Dourhand, Ivar the Blood-hand, the Witch-king of Angmar and the wight-lord Sambrog in Othrongroth. Tom kills Sambrog while the others escape. Tom finds Luilloth's blue brooch in the barrow.
- Foredawn - Joined by the Witch-king coming up from the Barrow-downs, the Ringwraiths attack Bree-town and ride East on the road. Gandalf follows them on Shadowfax.
- Dawn - Tom Bombadil returns home and gives the blue brooch of Luilloth to Goldberry.
- Morning - Aragorn and the four hobbits travel through Chetwood.
- Noon - Rhiangar asks Gorwen to enter Sarch Vorn and stop the Grey Fear.
- Afternoon - Gorwen enters Sarch Vorn. She returns Luilloth and Astoryn to rest, then faces the Grey Fear, who still bears the visage of Prince Amondir. Gorwen draws the spirit of Hithrengor out of the prince's corpse, and Mandos then summons Hithrengor to the Halls of Mandos.
- Dusk - As she is leaving Sarch Vorn, Gorwen encounters Goldberry in Luilloth's chamber. Goldberry returns Luilloth's brooch to its original owner. Gorwen and Goldberry leave the tomb behind, and go their separate ways.

- On October 2nd:
- Tom Bombadil writes a letter to Aragorn about the events in Othrongroth.
- Noon - Gandalf comes into the Lone-lands.
- Afternoon - Aragorn and the hobbits arrive at the edge of Chetwood bordering the Midgewater Marshes.
- Dusk - Aragorn and the hobbits camp in Midgewater Marshes, swarmed by midges.
- On October 3rd:
- Morning - Aragorn and the Hobbits continue across the Midgewater Marshes.
- Tom Bombadil sends the letter to Aragorn to Bree-town.
- Afternoon - Gandalf comes to Weathertop and leaves a rune inscribed with his initial 'G' in the ruin at the top.
- Dusk - As the sun sets, the Ringwraiths surround Weathertop.
- Evening - The Ringwraiths attack Gandalf. The flashes of light from the battle is seen by Aragorn and the hobbits in Midgewater Marshes, Radagast on the road west of the Forsaken Inn, and Candaith on the Last Bridge.
- On October 4th:
- Foredawn - As sunlight starts to return, the Ringwraiths retreat. Gandalf rides north on Shadowfax, leading four of the Ringwraiths after him, away from Frodo.
- Morning - Aragorn and the four hobbits reach the edge of the Midgewater Marshes and come to the Weather Hills.
- Noon - Radagast meets with the ranger Saeradan in Bree-land, telling him about the lightning on Weathertop. Radagast then heads east toward the Lone-lands.
- On October 5th:
- Morning - The four Ringwraiths pursuing Gandalf pursue him to near Nen Harn, and lose sight of him there. They continue looking for him for two more days.
- Afternoon - Gandalf rides back to Bree-town. There he receives the message from Tom Bombadil intended for Aragorn.
- Dusk - Aragorn and the hobbits enter the Weather Hills in the Lone-lands.

- On October 6th:
- Morning - Gandalf sends word to Saeradan to recruit the help of Radagast, and then leaves Bree-town again. This time, he heads into Chetwood looking for the trail of Frodo's company.
- Noon - Saeradan, aware that Radagast has gone to the Lone-lands just two days prior, heads east on the road to the Forsaken Inn.
- Afternoon - Frodo and the others arrive at Weathertop. Aragorn, Frodo and Merry ascend to the top and see the Misty Mountains. They find Gandalf's G-rune. Frodo spots five Ringwraiths approaching from east and west.
- Evening - The five Ringwraiths attack, and Frodo puts on the One Ring. The Witch-king stabs him in the shoulder with a morgul blade. Aragorn fights off the wraiths by wielding firebrands.
- On October 7th:
- Dawn - the four Nazgûl searching for Gandalf break off their pursuit and head back to the Lone-lands.
- Morning - Since Frodo cannot walk, they put him on the pony. Aragorn and the hobbits cross the road to the south hills. They hear Nazgûl screeching in the distance.
- Noon - Saeradan meets with Candaith, relaying Gandalf's request for aid from Radagast.
- Afternoon - Saeradan and Candaith assault Glumhallow and Bleakrift and kill War-master Uzorr. They find orders written in Black Speech stamped with the White Hand.
- Gloaming - Saeradan returns to Bree-land. Candaith ascends to Weathertop and takes a rubbing of Gandalf's 'G' rune.
- Evening - Gandalf releases Shadowfax to return to Rohan due to the rocky terrain ahead.

- On October 8th:
- Dawn - Gandalf enters the Weather Hills and heads north east.
- Morning - Candaith battles orcs at Weathertop and kills Warg-keeper Muz, Bûb-hosh, Throk-goth and their leader Rigûl, but is badly wounded himself.
- Noon - Candaith retreats to the Forsaken Inn and talks with Gadaric Munce. Gadaric agrees to deliver the 'G' etching to Radagast for the wounded Ranger.
- Dusk - Gadaric Munce brings the etching of the 'G' rune, to his brother Hunulf Munce in Ost Guruth.
- Evening - Gadaric and Hunulf Munce meet with Radagast in his tower and show him the 'G' rune.

- On October 9th:
- Morning - Radagast battles wights and gaunt-men in Haragmar and learns they follow the gaunt-lord Ivar the Blood-hand.
- Noon - News reaches Elrond of Nazgûl hunting Frodo, who is carrying a burden east without the help of Gandalf. Elrond sends Elves riding in several directions. Glorfindel rides west along the road itself.
- Afternoon - Radagast arrives in Harloeg and asks Aric the Stone-speaker for aid.
- Dusk - Gandalf enters Rhudaur.
- Gloaming - Radagast and Aric the Stone-speaker confront Emelin at Ost Haer. They learn that the land is tied to the corruption of the spirit the Red Maid, held by the dark sorcery of Ivar the Blood-hand. This is also why Emelin was cursed by Iarwain Ben-adar to live as a half-dead spirit.

- On October 10th:
- Morning - Emelin, Radagast and Aric the Stone-speaker battle the wight-lord Brudhraw in Nindor.
- Noon - Radagast returns to Ost Guruth and learns that Elsa the Bold and Eriac the Strong have entered the red swamp Agamaur with a small company.
- Afternoon - Radagast passes through the Red-pass and defeats Neven. Freed from Nevern's influence, Dannasen reveals that the Red Maid dwells in Garth Agarwen, and leads Radagast to Elsa and Eriac in Barad Dhorn.
- Dusk - Candaith receives a message from Halbarad in Esteldín, describing the threat of orcs and Dourhands in the North Downs.
- Gloaming - Radagast battles Ivar the Blood-hand. The gaunt-lord escapes, but Radagast learns that the Red Maid is a tainted river-maiden.
- Evening - Elsa sends a letter requesting supplies to Frideric the Elder at Ost Guruth, and a pack to her sister Hana.

- On October 11th:
- Dawn - Frideric the Elder sends supplies to the Eglain at Barad Dhorn.
- Morning - Glorfindel chases off three Ringwraiths from the Last Bridge. He leaves an Elf-stone to mark safe passage.
- Noon - Radagast begins to cleanse the Red Swamp of corruption, defeating darkwaters, wights and maddened shades.
- Afternoon - The Eglain delve deeper into Agamaur and come to the entrance of Garth Agarwen.

- On October 12th:
- Morning - Recovered from the worst of his wounds, Candaith dispatches a message to Frideric the Elder, informing him of the Enemy's movements in the North Downs, then heads back to his encampment.
- Noon - A group including Dannasen, Elsa the Bold, Eriac the Strong and Hartrím enter Garth Agarwen to cleanse it of evil. They defeat the twisted huorn Grimbark and the gaunt-lord Ivar the Blood-hand
- Afternoon - The Eglain use a phial of water from Goldberry's spring to partially cleanse the Red-Maid's pool. Though not fully restored, she becomes Naruhel once more.
- On October 13th:
- Morning - Aragorn finds Glorfindel's Elf-stone, and brings the hobbits across the Last Bridge and into the Trollshaws.
- Noon - Frideric the Elder in Ost Guruth receives Candaith's report regarding the North Downs.
- On October 14th:
- Morning - Aragorn and the hobbits head into the North Trollshaws to stay off the road.
- Noon - Gandalf enters the Ettenmoors.
- Afternoon - Radagast tends to the remaining corruption of the Red Swamp.
- Evening - Bósi and Brogur determine they will arrange an expedition to reclaim Moria. They start reaching out for Dwarves willing to join them in this venture.
- On October 15th:
- Morning - Radagast leaves Barad Dhorn and goes to Ost Guruth, informing Frideric the Elder of the events in Agamaur and Garth Agarwen.
- Noon - Frideric the Elder sends a messenger to Candaith with his response.

- On October 16th:
- Morning - Aragorn and the hobbits enter Nan Tornaeth.
- Noon - Radagast leaves Ost Guruth and heads for Rhovanion.
- Noon - Candaith relays the information concerning the cleansed Red-Maid to Saeradan in Bree-land.
- Afternoon - Glorfindel finds Aragorn's trail in the Lone-lands and follows it back east.
- On October 17th:
- Noon - Saeradan sends word of the goings-on in the Lone-lands to Halbarad in Esteldín.
- On October 18th:

- On October 19th:
- Afternoon - Mincham assesses the strength of the Enemy by spying on the orcs and wargs at the Norbury Gates. He discovers Angmar has sent a whole army to Fornost through back ways in the north.

- On October 20th:
- Morning - Mincham relays information about the strength of Angmar in Fornost.
- Afternoon - Aragorn, Glorfindel and the hobbits are approached by all nine Ringwraiths as they cross the Bruinen. Glorfindel turns to make his stand against the Nazgûl. The Riders cross the ford as Elrond and Gandalf release a powerful flood down the Bruinen. The flood sweeps the Nazgûl far downriver, drowning their horses. Frodo loses consciousness again and is out for three days.
- Dusk - Glorfindel, Aragorn, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin finally arrive at Rivendell where Frodo receives the healing of the elves.
- On October 21st:
- On October 22nd:
- Morning - Elladan and Elrohir set out to find the corpses of the Black Riders' horses, but find only eight.
- Afternoon - Halbarad gains the allegiance of the elves by aiding Gildor Inglorion with defeating the Uruk Drukordh in Nan Wathren.

- On October 23rd:
- Afternoon - Halbarad helps defend Trestlebridge from an Ongburz raiding party, gaining the allegiance of mayor Nellie Boskins.
- Dusk - Elladan and Elrohir travel far to the south looking for the last Ringwraith's horse, but cannot find it.
- Evening - Elrond again opens and searches Frodo’s wound. He finds and removes a splinter of the Morgul-knife that was still inside his shoulder.
- On October 24th
- Morning - Frodo awakes in Rivendell, recovered from his morgul-wound delirium.
- Noon - Halbarad sends word the assembly the Council of the North to Aragorn in Rivendell.
- Afternoon - On their return from the south Elladan and Elrohir find hoofprints in the South Trollshaws, and they send word of this to their father Elrond.
- Evening - Frodo and Bilbo are reunited.
- On October 25th:
- Dawn - Boromir arrives in Rivendell.
- Morning - Elladan and Elrohir search Minas Agor and find the ninth horse's corpse there. Its Rider is nowhere to be seen, and has clearly survived the flood of the Bruinen.
- Morning - The Council of Elrond begins in Rivendell with the tale of the One Ring.
- Noon - The Council of Elrond concludes with tasking Frodo and Sam with the destruction of the One Ring in Mount Doom.
- Noon - Elladan and Elrohir ask for aid in finding the surviving Ringwraith from Glorfindel. Glorfindel sends his Elf-stone to the two brothers.
- Evening - Elladan and Elrohir use Glorfindel's elf-stone to determine that the Ringwraith has not been present in the caves of the North Trollshaws.
- On October 26th:

- On October 27th
- Morning - Glóin receives word from Elrond about the rogue Ringwraith.
- Noon - Glóin discovers that Dourhands and goblins are working together under Skorgrím Dourhand and the missing Nazgûl.
- Afternoon - Glóin locates the building plans and key-stone to Gabilazan, allowing access to a secret entrance to the fort.
- Evening - Gimli sneaks into the Gabilazan and kills Skorgrím Dourhand, releasing a fell spirit of Angmar from the corpse.

- On October 28th:
- Dawn - Glóin scouts Helegrod for signs of the surviving Ringwraith.
- Morning - Glóin finds the sigil of Drugoth the Death-monger. He sends word of this to Elrond.
- Gloaming - Elrond arranges for an attack on the treasury of Helegrod. The Nazgûl is defeated, and Drugoth the Death-monger's ritual to restore Thorog is interrupted. The dragon-wight awakes, but is unbound by Drugoth's control.
- On October 29th:
- Foredawn - Corunir learns the secrets of the Rammas Deluon in Angmar.
- Morning - Corunir takes a stone heart by interrupting a binding ritual in Tór Gailvin.
- Noon - Corunir uses the stone hart to free and break the spirits of the remaining statues of the Rammas Deluon.
- Afternoon - Since crossing the line of statues is now possible, Braigiar in Gabilshathûr gets in contact with Corunir.
- Evening - Braigiar sends a missive about the breaking of the Rammas Deluon to Lorniel in Gath Forthnir.
- On October 30th:
- Dawn - Lorniel learns how to forge a key to the gates of Carn Dûm.
- Morning - Lorniel asks for aid from the Dwarves of Thorin's Hall to forge the key to Carn Dûm.
- On November 6th:
- On November 7th:
- Foredawn - Laerdan retrieves Golodir's equipment from enemy emissaries at Barad Gúlaran.
- Dawn - Laerdan sends Golodir's equipment for repairs.
- On November 8th:

- On November 9th:

- On November 10th:
- Foredawn - Golodir returns to Gath Forthnír.
- Afternoon - Golodir enters Barad Gúlaran where Sara Oakheart bids Castellan Wisdán summon Udúnion. She reveals her real identity to be Amarthiel, Champion of Angmar. She seeks the elven-ring Narchuil, and is granted Lords of Umbar as servants from Sauron. Golodir flees.
- On November 11th:
- Morning - Golodir warns the Free Peoples of Amarthiel, sending missives with information on the Knights of Mordirith to Esteldín, Gondamon, Combe and Ost Guruth.
- Noon - Laerdan sends a missive to Calenglad at Tinnudír, warning him of Amarthiel's quest for the palantír pedestal in Annúminas, then makes ready to travel.
- On November 12th:
- Gloaming - Daervunn kills Siridean, a Knight of Mordirith at Ost Crithlanc.

- On November 13th:
- On November 14th:
- Morning - Calenglad sends Rangers out to reinforce Annúminas - Rosselloth to Gwaelband, Fainneleg to Echad Garthadir, Gwonil to the Port of Annúminas, and Torchirion to the Adannon.
- Dusk - Frideric the Elder kills Neacal, a Knight of Mordirith in Harloeg.

- On November 15th,
- Noon - Mathi kills Kevoca, a Knight of Mordirith found south of Ringdale.
- Gloaming - Calenglad and Tadan capture Mordrambor at Haudh Elendil
- Evening - Mordrambor is imprisoned him within Tinnudir under guard by Tadan. Mordrambor reveals to the Rangers that Amarthiel has sent emissaries to the Gauredain, the Kergrim, and the Men of Rantost.
- On November 16th,
- Morning - The Gauredain and the Men of Rantost join Amarthiel. Her three emissaries are defeated.
- Afternoon - Gwonil and Torchirion defend their positions against the Angmarim after a warning from Mordrambor.
- Evening - The Rangers kill Guldurchir and retrieve Tann Morgul after a tip by Mordrambor.

- On November 17th:
- Late Watches - Laerdan leaves alone to confront Amarthiel in Barad Tironn.
- Morning - Amarthiel sees the wilderness of the Trollshaws in the palantír. Calenglad and his Rangers break into Barad Tironn and take the palantír. They escape, leaving Laerdan behind.
- Afternoon - Mordrambor gets hold of Tann Morgul. He uses it to blow up his prison and escape, killing Tadan, Colhamnir and Carchammadel.
- On November 18th:
- Dawn - The Rangers of the North hold a burial for the three slain Rangers at Barad Rath. The memorial is interrupted by a raven sent by Torogethir, bearing news that Amarthiel's forces are marching east. The Rangers send a scout to follow their passage.
- On November 21st:
- Evening - Amarthiel's Angmarim come to the Trollshaws, coming into conflict with Candelleth's scouts.
- On November 22nd:
- Dawn - The Angmarim search around Eryn Singor and Delossad, looking for Narchuil.
- Morning - Idhreneth, finds the original Sara Oakheart's a rotted diary in the Crumbled Cellar.
- Noon - The diary leads to the discovery of box of broken keys outside Delossad.
- Afternoon - The Angmarim find a half-piece of Narchuil in Bar-e-Therchir, and carry with them to Barad Dúrgul in Angmar.
- Evening - The jeweller Merilos repairs some of the keys.
- On November 23rd:
- Morning - Candelleth sends Muildir into Delossad to learn its mysteries. Inside, he sees visions of the past, revealing that Amarthiel's real name is Narmeleth, Sara Oakheart was her keeper, Laerdan is her father, Delossad was her prison, and [Mordirith]] freed her.
- Noon - Mordrambor enters Delossad and locks Muildir inside a room. He brags about finding Narchuil, then heads to Angmar. Muildir locks himself out with one of the repaired keys.
- Afternoon - Muildir returns to Candelleth with news from Delossad. She sends him to Elrond in Rivendell.
- On November 24th:
- Dawn - Calenglad and Forchon stage an assault upon Barad Tironn. They slay the torturer Éin, but find that Laerdan has been taken away to Angmar.
- Morning - Calenglad sends a message to Gwathryn, stationed at Tármunn Súrsa, asking him to look for Laerdan there.

- On November 26th:
- Afternoon - Gwathryn receives Calenglad's message. He kills Lozudurkh and enters Sammath Baul.
- Dusk - In Sammath Baul, Gwathryn kills the jailor Morven and finds Laerdan unconscious and wounded.
- On November 27th,
- On November 28th:
- On November 30th:
- Afternoon - Laerdan is brought to Rivendell and receives healing at the Last Homely House.

- On December 1st:
- Morning - The raven carrying the half-piece of Narchuil lands in Rivendell.
- Noon - Laerdan wakes up, and Elrond shows him the half-piece of Narchuil recovered from Barad Dúrgul. At a Council, Laerdan reveals the history of Narchuil. He took it from Amarthiel at the gates of Fornost and broke in two pieces, one left in Bar-e-Therchir, the other given to ship-captain Aearil who perished in the rescue of king Arvedui. Laerdan swears an oath that he will not find rest or peace until Narmeleth is returned to him, and storms off.
- Afternoon - Laerdan sends a raven to Dáthi, asking him to seek the Lossoth for aid to recover Narchuil's other half-piece, if it survived the sinking of Aearil's ship.
- On December 4th:
- Morning - Dáthi receives Laerdan's raven-letter in Kauppa-kohta, and travels to Sûri-kylä.
- Afternoon - Dáthi completes three trials to earn the favour of Chieftain Yrjänä.
- Evening - Mordrambor attempts to lure the Lossoth to join Angmar's side, but they refuse and a fight breaks out. Jalmari is set on fire and jumps into the sea. Mordrambor retreats, threatening with further violence.
- On December 5th:
- Dawn - Yrjänä sends Dáthi to the seer Saija at Näky-kolo.
- Noon - Saija directs Dáthi to the frozen wreck of an ancient ship, haunted by the shade of King Arvedui.
- Afternoon - Arvedui instructs Dáthi to search the nearby dwarf-mines for a book of heraldry.
- Gloaming - Dáthi finds the book of heraldry and brings it to Lothrandir. Lothrandir sets out to bring it to Rivendell.

- On December 6th:
- Dawn - Dáthi returns to Saija who tells him of the ice cave Halla-kolo, where elves sought refuge after their ship sank.
- Morning - Saija and Dáthi enter the cave together, where they are hounded by Mordrambor, now calling himself the Champion of Angmar. Saija then reveals herself to be Amarthiel, and she clashes with Mordrambor. Dáthi finds the half-piece of Narchuil and escapes.
- Noon - Dáthi sends the ring-fragment with a raven to Elrond in Rivendell.
- On December 7th:
- Afternoon - Bósi and Brogur have finished assembling the Iron Garrison, and set out on a long journey from Erebor.
- On December 8th:
- Gloaming - Amarthiel collects the skin of the fallen dragon Bregmor, and bids Mordrambor and the Gauredain guard Bregmor's Den from intrusion.
- On December 9th:
- On December 10th,
- Morning - Elrond realizes Laerdan's deception and searches his room, the elf-lord's journal in his rooms. Elrond sends out a mission to retrieve Bregmor's skin and Celebrimbor's shaping tools - too late.
- On December 11th:
- Morning - Amarthiel enters the Tomb of Maenadar and retrieves Celebrimbor's shaping tools. She travels to Eregion.
- On December 12th:
- Dusk - Elrond learns that his mission to retrieve the skin of Bregmor and the tools of Celebrimbor has failed, as Amarthiel collected the two items first. He sends a team to Mirobel in Eregion to stop her plans.

- On December 13th:
- Noon - Amarthiel reforges Narchuil.
- Afternoon - The Eregion strike team finds Laerdan wounded in Mirobel. They enter the Ring-Forges of Tham Mírdain.
- Dusk - Mordrambor and Mordirith arrive at the Ring-Forge. Amarthiel refuses to yield to Mordirith. Despite Narchuil reforged, Mordririth strikes her down and removes her hand. He grants Narchuil as a reward to Mordrambor. Laerdan reveals Mordirith's true name - Eärnur, the king of Gondor who rode to Minas Morgul and was lost. Mordrambor kills Laerdan, and Amarthiel is taken as a prisoner of the Free Peoples. The violent loss of Laerdan and Narchuil breaks Sauron's spell upon Amarthiel, and she becomes Narmeleth again.
- On December 14th:
- Morning - Narmeleth, is imprisoned in Delossad. Glorfindel is tasked with questioning her.
- Noon - Narmeleth warns Glorfindel that she has sent a spy to infiltrate Esteldín. Glorfindel sends a raven to Halbarad informing him of this.
- On December 16th:
- Noon - Halbarad receives the message from Glorfindel warning him against a spy at Esteldín. Halbarad investigates, and finds one of the refugees from Angmar, Alis, to be missing.
- Afternoon - Searchers find Alis at the pass to Angmar. She attacks them, and is killed.
- Gloaming - The searchers return to Halbarad with news of Alis's betrayal. Halbarad thanks the searchers and sends a raven with the news back to Glorfindel in Delossad.

- On December 18th:
- Dusk - The Company of the Ring is formed in Rivendell to escort Frodo and Sam on their journey to Mount Doom.
- Evening - The raven from Halbarad arrives at Delossad. Narmeleth tells Glorfindel of her past with Sauron, and how she became the Champion of Angmar. She swears to see about the destruction of Mordirith and Narchuil. Glorfindel frees her, and she sets off on the road to Gath Forthnír.

- On December 22nd:
- Morning - Golodir admits Narmeleth into Gath Forthnír.
- Noon - Golodir retrieves the broken sword Dúnachar from Lorniel's grave in Gorothlad.
- Afternoon - Narmeleth takes Dúnachar and heads to Gador Gúlaran.
- Dusk - Narmeleth enters Gador Gúlaran. She kills Mordrambor and destroys Narchuil in the forge-fires. She stabs Mordirith's chest with the broken blade of Dúnachar, and he drains her life-force. They both perish.
- Gloaming - Golodir sends a raven with news of the deaths of Mordrambor, Mordirith and Narmeleth and the destruction of Narchuil to Rivendell.
- On December 24th:
- Evening - Glorfindel and Elrond receive the raven from Golodir and declare that their foe in Angmar finally has been defeated, never to trouble Middle-earth again.
The Road through the Black Chasm

- On December 25th:
- Morning - Gimli thinks of the potential riches that can be found in Moria by his cousin Balin
- Morning - Aragorn considers the possible travel routes past the Misty Mountains.
- Morning - Boromir reminds the Elves of Imladris of the importance of Gondor's defence against Mordor
- Morning - Pippin recovers a sceptre he borrowed from Elrond without permission.
- Noon - Frodo gathers his journal notes
- Noon - Sam stocks up on supplies
- Afternoon - Legolas asks forgiveness for harsh words spoken in the Council.
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring heads south out of Rivendell.
- On December 26th:
- Morning - The Company of the Ring reach the High Moor of the Trollshaws.
- On December 28th:
- Noon - The Iron Garrison, led by Bósi and Brogur, start their ascent to the Misty Mountains.
- On January 6th:
- On January 7th:
- Noon - The Company of the Ring emerges onto the open plains of Eregion.

- On January 8th:
- Morning - The Company of the Ring stops at High Hollin in Eregion and see the three peaks of Moria. Crebain swarm over them again, and they hide on the ground.
- Afternon - To avoid being seen by the crebain, the Company of the Ring starts walking at night time.
- On January 9th:
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring travel through High Hollin toward the wilderness of Tâl Caradhras and shelter against another swarm of Crebain.
- On January 10th:
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring pass through Tâl Caradhras and come to the foothills of the Redhorn Pass.
- On January 11th:
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring starts the ascent up the Redhorn Pass.

- On January 12th:
- Midnight - The Company of the Ring reach the cliffs below the pass. Snow starts to fall.
- Late Watches - Snow piles up, and rocks tumble from the heights. The Company of the Ring hear a voice echoing through the peaks, and the cold seeps into them. Gandalf uses magic to keep them from freezing.
- Morning - Snow has blocked the pass completely. The Company of the Ring have no choice but to turn back.
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring decide to go through Moria. They backtrack through Tâl Caradhras to High Hollin
- Dusk - The Company of the Ring hear howling. They shelter on a hilltop.
- Evening - The Company of the Ring is attacked by a wolf. Legolas kills it. They hear more howling.

- On January 13th:
- Dawn - The Company of the Ring fends of a pack of maddened shadow wolves. Gandalf burns down an entire hilltop to chase them off.
- Noon - The Company of the Ring enters the Walls of Moria.
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring arrives at the Doors of Durin.
- Dusk - The Watcher in the Water grabs Frodo, but Sam hacks off its tentacle. The Company escape into Moria. The Watcher destroys the entrance, sealing them inside. Inside, Gollum begins to trail them.
- On January 14th:
- Foredawn - The Company of the Ring come to the Chamber of the Crossroads.
- Morning - The Iron Garrison, led by Bósi and Brogur, arrive at the entrance to Moria to find its entrance recently collapsed and impassable.
- Noon - The Company of the Ring leaves the Chamber of the Crossroads through the right passage.
- Afternoon - The Iron Garrison come into conflict with the half-orcs of Filgogân. Graug and Lofrík are killed.
- Evening - The Company of the Ring come to the Twenty-first Hall. Frodo spots Gollum.

- On January 15th:
- Morning - The Company of the Ring find Balin's and Ori's corpses in the Chamber of Mazarbul.
- Morning - The Iron Garrison scout the Brackwater. Ógur and Súlki are killed by cave-lizards.
- Noon - The Company of the Ring find the Book of Mazarbul. They are swarmed by Orcs, and encounter Durin's Bane. It chases them to the Bridge of Khazad-dûm, where it and Gandalf fall together into the abyss. The rest of the Company flees from Moria into Dimrill Dale.
- Afternoon - The Dwarves of the Iron Garrison kill several spying crebain flocking about the Walls of Moria.
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring pass the Mirrormere.
- Dusk - The Company of the Ring arrive at the Nimrodel on the border of Lothlórien.
- On January 16th:
- Foredawn - Orcs attack the Company of the Ring, but are killed by Haldir's archers or flee.
- Dawn - Gandalf and Durin's Bane battle in the Foundations of Stone.
- Morning - The Company of the Ring is accosted by Haldir and his band of border-guards. They are put under guard and led blindfolded through the woods.
- Noon - Gandalf loses his hat in the fight with Durin's Bane. They arrive at the bottom of the Endless Stair, and start to ascend it.
- Afternoon - the Iron Garrison works to excavate the blocked entrance to Moria. They send a team to kill some of the howling Shadow wolves.

- On January 17th:
- Noon - The Company of the Ring arrive at Cerin Amroth and see Caras Galadhon and Mirkwood.
- Morning - The Iron Garrison beats back more howling shadow wolves.
- Noon - The Iron Garrison sends repaired pickaxes to the Dwarves clearing the Doors of Durin.
- Afternoon - Bósi attempts to rouse the harried Dwarves' mood with a speech by the Doors of Durin. The Watcher in the Water emerges and grabs Bróin and several other Dwarves, and pull them beneath the surface. The Dwarves' weapons cannot harm it, and they retreat back to their outpost.
- Dusk - The Watcher in the Water pulls Bróin and the other dwarves into the Drowned Treasury. There, they find Zigilburk on the corpse of Óin.
- Gloaming - The Company of the Ring arrives at Caras Galadhon and meet with Galadriel and Celeborn.
- Evening - In order to pass the Watcher in the Water, Hundi hands out ancient weapons to the Dwarves of the Iron Garrison. They recruit the aid of weaponsmiths and forge-masters to reforge their ancient weapons.

- On January 18th:
- Morning - The Iron Garrison make another attempt at passing the Black Pool. The Watcher in the Water attacks again, but the Dwarves hew off its tentacles with their reforged weapons. The Watcher retreats back into its pool. The Iron Garrison passes the Doors of Durin and enter Moria. They establish Durin's Threshold in the Great Delving.
- Afternoon - The Iron Garrison establishes the Dolven-view in the Great Delving.
- Afternoon - Galadriel and Celeborn decide to form a party of Elves to establish a small foothold within the depths of Moria.
- Gloaming - The Iron Garrison establishes the Deep Descent in the Silvertine Lodes.
- Evening - The Iron Garrison establishes the Chamber of the Crossroads in Durin's Way.

- On January 19th:
- Dawn - The Iron Garrison establishes the Chamber of Command in Durin's Way.
- Morning - The Iron Garrison establishes Lamâb-dûm in the Great Delving.
- Noon - The Iron Garrison battle gredbyg in the Great Delving and discover mention of the one-handed mithril axe Zigilburk, forged in the secret forge Nâr-khelab, the Heart of Fire, by the smith Ongli.
- Afternoon - Galadriel gathers members for the party of Elves to go into the depths of Moria.
- Dusk - The Iron Garrison find the trick to opening Nâr-khelab at Katûb-zahar. The location of the forge itself, however, remains hidden to the Iron Garrison.
- Evening - The Iron Garrison establishes the Orc-watch in the Redhorn Lodes.

- On January 20th:
- Dawn - The Iron Garrison establishes The Twenty-first Hall in Zelem-melek.
- Morning - The small party of Elves formed by Galadriel set out from Caras Galadhon to establish a holding within the depths of Moria.
- Noon - The Iron Garrison establishes The Rotting Cellar in the Water-works.
- Afternoon - After a goblin hunt, Bósi discovers a blank space on a goblin map.
- Dusk - Brogur relocates to the Chamber of Leadership by the Twenty-First Hall.
- Gloaming - The Iron Garrison establishes Gharâf-fehem in the Redhorn Lodes.
- Evening - Bósi uses the map and and discovers the path to the Way of Smiths. Inside, he discovers the the secret forge Nâr-khelab, the Heart of Fire. The axe Zigilburk is not in the forge, however.
- On January 21st:
- Morning - The Iron Garrison establishes Auti's Camp and Knakk's Camp in the Redhorn Lodes.
- Noon - The Dwarves are attacked by Uruks of the White Hand, but they strike back and kill several Orcs and Goblins.
- Afternoon - The Iron Garrison establishes the Crossroads of Ash in the Flaming Deeps.
- Dusk - Gandalf and Durin's Bane reach the level of Durin's Way on the Endless Stair. The Iron Garrison do not witness this directly, but the presence of Durin's Bane in the upper level is enough to spread the shadow of fear across the expedition.
- Evening - Wárr uncovers the Chamber of Mazarbul and finds the Book of Mazarbul. The Iron Garrison learn the fate of Balin and his colony.

- On January 22nd:
- Morning - Brogur sends a team of Dwarves to set up a camp in the Dimrill Dale outside Moria's East entrance.
- Noon - The small party of Elves formed by Galadriel reach the Foundations of Stone, where they establish the Shadowed Refuge. They send a message about their location back to Galadriel.
- Afternoon - Bori plans a strike against the Orcs by taking out the leader of the White Hand. Though many Dwarves refuse to aid him, Wíli and Stilling volunteer to join.
- Dusk - The Iron Garrison establishes Anazârmekhem in the Flaming Deeps.
- Gloaming - Bori, Wíli and Stilling collect old equipment and barrels of black powder.

- On January 23rd:
- Morning - Gandalf and Durin's Bane reach the top of the Endless Stair. They exit Durin's Tower and battle atop a narrow ledge on the peak of Zirakzigil.
- Noon - Bósi finishes reading the Book of Mazarbul and learns that Mazog was behind the massacre of Balin's colony.
- Afternoon - Bori, Wíli and Stilling strike at Stazgnâkh. Ashpar is killed, and Bori learns that Mazog is the true leader of the Moria Orcs.
- Dusk - The Iron Garrison establishes Jazârgund in Durin's Way, and see the damage done to the Endless Stair by the recent battle of Gandalf and Durin's Bane.
- Evening - Bori returns to Bósi and they share news of Mazog.
- On January 24th:
- Morning - Bósi recruits Slóthi and Thórgnyr to set up supply lines of food from the exterior of Moria.
- Noon - The Iron Garrison establishes the Peaceful Path in Durin's Way.
- Afternoon - Bósi recruits Sigdan and Sporr to scout and kill lurking Orc spies.
- Gloaming - Galadriel receives news of the establishment of the Shadowed Refuge in the Foundations of Stone.
- Evening - Bósi recruits Thálfi and Melmar to check the safety of the bottom of the well in the Chamber of the Crossroads.
- Evening - Stóthkell learns that the Orcs plan an assault on the Way of Smiths.

- On January 25th:
- Morning - Gandalf finally kills Durin's Bane at the cost of his own life. While the Wizard perishes at the very peak of the mountain, the dying Balrog falls onto on a cliff edge below.
- Noon - Brogur's Dimrill Dale team cross the East gate of Moria and come to the Mirrormere. There, they establish Mekhem-bizru as an outpost.
- Afternoon - The Iron Garrison establishes the Door to the Clouds in Durin's Way.
- Evening - Stóthkell and Rink Stronghammer gear up the Way of Smiths for defence. They construct barricades, disrupt the network of Goblin runners, and scavenge materials for weapon forging.
- Evening - Brogur sets up the defences of the Twenty-first Hall and strikes out against the Ghâsh-hai Orcs of the Flaming Deeps.

- On January 26th:
- Dawn - Bori reads the Book of Mazarbul. He finds mention of Óin, the upper armouries of Third Deep, and a mighty axe. He thinks this refers to Zigilburk, and the Hall of Mithril in the Water-works.
- Morning - The camp at Mekhem-bizru sends word of its successful completion to Brogur.
- Noon - Bori travels to the Drowned Treasury and there finds the corpse of Óin, and the weakened, cold and fearful Bróin. Bróin has managed to keep the Watcher in the Water at bay by wielding Zigilburk against it, but has been unable to escape.
- Afternoon - Members of the Iron Garrison venture out onto the cliff of Zirakzigil where they find the corpse of Durin's Bane, still smoking. Though terrifying to behold even in death, the Dwarves are heartened by the end of this thousand-year threat to Khazad-dûm. They do not notice Gandalf's still form lying atop the peak high above.
- Evening - Bori brings Bróin to the Peaceful Path for healing and rest. They bring Zigilburk with them, though Bróin says it is cursed.

- On January 27th:
- Dawn - Bróin warns Bori that Zigilburk might be cursed with greed. Bori ignores this warning, and ask Glúmur to investigate Mazog's lair at Zabadgathol in Nud-melek.
- Morning - Dwarves from the camp at the Door to the Clouds spread the word of the death of Durin's Bane through the upper levels of Moria.
- Noon - Glúmur finds a cache of evil relics from Dol Guldur at Zabadgathol, revealing the machinations of Gorothúl.
- Afternoon - The Iron Garrison establishes the Tharâkh Bazân camp in Durin's Way.
- Dusk - Bori, Lifur and Mag march to Zabadgathol wielding Zigilburk, certain of his victory over Mazog. Instead, Gorothúl captures the three dwarves and seizes Zigilburk using dark magics.
- Evening - The Iron Garrison prepares for a siege by Mazog's Orcs.

- On January 28th:
- Morning - Mazog's Orcs strike at the Deep Way, defended by Brogur and his forces. The assault is led by Gukhmûl, who rallies many Orcs to his side. Brogur withstands the prolonged assault and kills Gukhmúl, keeping the Deep Way safe.
- Morning - The Way of Smiths comes under attack by Harna and a horde of Ghâsh-hai. Stóthkell mounts a defence to keep the Heart of Fire out of Mazog's grip. Though hard-pressed, Stóthkell's forces slay Harna and beat back the tide of Orcs.
- Morning - Wíli defends the Twenty-first Hall against goblin sappers carrying black powder. Wíli and his Dwarves counter the attacks, and unfurl banners of Khazad-dûm to boost morale. Mazog sends Motsham into the fray, but Wíli and his allies manage to hold out, and Motsham is killed.
- Afternoon - After the harrowing day, Bósi sees that there is no hope for the survival of the Iron Garrison without exterior help. He sets out to ask Galadriel for aid.
- On January 29th:
- Morning - Bósi arrives on the border of Lothlórien and impresses Haldir with the Iron Garrison's high kill count of Orcs and goblins in Moria. He is allowed within the bounds of the woods, with Haldir as escort.
- Noon - Bósi meets Haldir's brothers Orophin and Rúmil. Together, they fend off an attack from the Orcs of Fanuidhol.
- Afternoon - Haldir tells Bósi of the Shadowed Refuge in the Foundations of Stone, and suggests he return to Moria and meet with Galadriel's Elves stationed there.
- Evening - Bósi heads back toward Moria, resting at Mekhem-bizru.

- On January 30th:
- Afternoon - Bósi finds his way to the Shadowed Refuge following Haldir's directions. There, he meets Lenglammel, Forglinn and Dithaliwenn. They tell him of the Globsnaga, Orcs that Mazog sent into the Foundations of Stone which are afflicted by some sickness of mind and body.
- Evening - Bósi and the Elves kill many Globsnaga and learn that Gorothúl has tricked Mazog and corrupted his Orcs on purpose.

- On February 1st:
- Dawn - Bósi shares the news of the death of Durin's Bane with the Elves of the Shadowed Refuge. The Elves thank Bósi for his aid, and promise to aid the Iron Garrison in return. Bósi starts his return trip to Lothlórien.
- Morning - The Elves of the Shadowed Refuge place Elf-stones around their camp to ward off the horrors of the deep, then set out to find news of Gandalf, and of the Elf-warrior Magor, missing for some days.
- Noon - Galadriel confers with Aragorn about the upcoming departure of the Company of the Ring from Lothlórien.
- Noon - The Elves of the Shadowed Refuge find Gandalf's burned hat, and discover that the Endless Stair has become damaged in a great battle.
- Afternoon - Galadriel writes a letter about the departure of the Company of the Ring to Elrond, asking him to form the Grey Company and to send it south to meet Aragorn in Rohan. She sends the letter to Imladris with a messenger.
- Afternoon - The Elves of the Shadowed Refuge enter the pit of Azanarukâr, where they encounter battalions of Mazog's elite orcs led by Dhugluk. They find Magor, imprisoned in the depths.
- Dusk - Magor brings the Elves of the Shadowed Refuge further inside Azanarukâr. They defeat the the Gloom-walker, the Flame-drinker, and the Ancient Evil of Gwathnor.
- Evening - The Elves return to the Shadowed Refuge, and Magor heads out to inform Galadriel of the events in Azanarukâr, and of the death of Durin's Bane.

- On February 2nd:
- Dawn - Bósi arrives back at Lothlórien and tells Haldir of the events at the Shadowed Refuge. This time, Haldir agrees to bring Bósi to Celeborn and Galadriel.
- Morning - Milwen muses on the hill of Cerin Amroth, named for Amroth, last King of Lórien, and the river Nimrodel named for the King's love, both lost centuries ago. She goes to find the Company of the Ring.
- Noon - Bósi and Haldir encounter Legolas and Gimli. Bósi explains to them the threat of Mazog, the capture of his son Bori, and the hidden evils of the depths of Moria.
- Afternoon - Milwen talks with Frodo, Sam and Merry. The Hobbits are relaxing in the Golden Wood, Merry out for a stroll and Pippin taking a nap.
- Dusk - Bósi meets with to Galadriel and Celeborn. He asks for aid against Mazog and the dangers of Moria. He mentions the interference of Gorothúl, which prompts Celeborn to send a number of Galadhrim to aid the Iron Garrison. He appoints Corunothiel to lead this endeavour.
- Gloaming - Bósi and Corunothiel leave for Moria with their Elven escort.
- Evening - Milwen talks with Boromir, Legolas and Gimli. Boromir is impatient to return to Gondor, while Gimli and Legolas hold a contest to see who can kill the most Orcs at the edge of the wood.

- On February 3rd:
- Late Watches - Magor arrives at Caras Galadhon and meets with Galadriel. He shares news that Gandalf likely survived his fall, and later ascended the Endless Stair. Durin's Bane lies dead, but Gandalf has not been found. Galadriel grants Magor a powerful Elf-stone.
- Morning - While searching for mining records, Bróin discovers mention of Zurr-thurkh, a secret passage to Rushdurinul where the Throne of Durin can be found - the same place known as Zabadgathol, where Mazog is keeping Bori prisoner.
- Noon - Magor heads back into Moria.
- Afternoon - Bósi and the Elves of Lórien arrive in Moria.
- Dusk - Orvar and Corunothiel establish Buzun-ghâr in Durin's Way.
- Gloaming - Orvar and Corunothiel kill several encroaching Globsnaga and defeat Grawulun the Caerog.
- Gloaming - Bróin searches the workshop of Melkólf Stonecarver and discovers that the entrance to Zurr-thurkh lies in Buzun-ghâr.
- Evening - Bróin, Orvar, Corunothiel and Nimpheleg scout the secret passage to Zurr-thurkh. They launch a sneak attack, and capture Mazog. Mazog reveals that Bori has been sent as a gift to Gorothúl in Dol Guldur. Bróin swears an oath to kill Mazog once Bori has been freed. (Quest:Instance: The Secret Road)

- On February 4th:
- Dawn - Bróin prepares to trade Mazog for his cousin Bori in an exchange of prisoners.
- Morning - The letter Galadriel wrote to Elrond arrives in Imladris. Elrond meets with Pethelen and gives him a mission - gather Rangers of the North from the corners of Eriador to join the Grey Company.
- Noon - Orvar finds and destroys one of Gorothúl's wards in Buzun-ghâr.
- Afternoon - Celeborn prepares for an incursion into Mirkwood. He gathers supplies and makes ready for the passage of the Malledhrim, selecting those who will lead it. The lore-master Issuriel is among them.
- Dusk - Orvar returns to Bróin, and tells of the relic he found in Buzun-ghâr. Bróin warns other Dwarves about Gorothúl's wards.
- Dusk - Galadriel looks into her mirror. She sees the fight between Gandalf and Durin's Bane on the Bridge of Khazad-dûm. The bridge breaks, and they fall into the abyss together. She also sees the earth shaking below mighty feet, and war-horns sounding. The end comes, and the Beorning is on the wrong side of the tide. There is a race at great speed, but death comes more quickly still.
- Gloaming - Iron Garrison explorers find and destroy another of Gorothúl's wards in the Mirror-halls of Lumul-nar, after it draws Ergoth and many other Merrevail there.
- Evening - Magor arrives back in the Foundations of Stone and undertakes several incursions into the depths of Azanarukâr. He sees some Regmyl carrying an idol of some evil significance.

- On February 5th:
- Dawn - Stóthkell uses to the forge at the Heart of Fire to create new mithril shackles for Mazog.
- Dawn - Bróin forms an escort team consisting of Greyhammer Dwarves - Lúth, Otri, Rósar and Stígur.
- Morning - Magor forms a small party and makes another incursion into Azanarukâr.
- Morning - Bróin's escort team bring Mazog with them out of Moria.
- Noon - Radanir receives the letter from Elrond, summoning him to join the Grey Company.
- Noon - Magor's party battle the many forms of Grawulun the Caerog, and destroy one of Gorothúl's relics. Gwathnor returns from the Shadows, and is defeated using Galadriel's Elf-Stone.
- Afternoon - Bósi and a strike team enter Nalâ-dûm, the Water Wheels. They defeat the Caerog Caerlûg, and destroy another of Gorothúl's relics.
- Afternoon - Magor send a messenger to Lothlórien, beseeching Celeborn to make haste with the strike on Dol Guldur, lest the Elves be caught in the middle of the servants of the Shadow.
- Afternoon - Radanir clears out several Orc defilers from the cave of Laenan, then rides out to Rivendell.
- Dusk - Galadriel again looks into her mirror. She sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane plummeting into the shadowed depths of Moria, past rushing rock and whistling air. She also sees a tower clawing the sky, unhidden by the falling snow. Hearts hardened by defeat burn there, white-hot with vengeance. The brawler should beware the place of jungle, where rot festers in stately lines. A climb is dared with friends, but alone someone falls into a trap.

- On February 6th:
- Foredawn - Bróin and Mazog's escort come to the Anduin river in Thinglad. They cross the Anduin and wait for the Hidden Guard in Mirkwood.
- Dawn - The Hidden Guard is formed from Raddir the scout, Sigileth the Lady of Knives, Achardor the guardian, Issuriel the lore-master, and Cúcheron the bow-master.
- Morning - Celeborn receives Magor's letter. He launches the attack on Mirkwood by sending the Malledhrim across the Anduin. Braiglinn leads the preparation efforts, Calengoth organises the crossing, Fuirgam has charge of the host on the East bank, and Alfirimbes coordinates the assault team with the Hidden Guard.
- Afternoon - Candaith receives the letter from Elrond, summoning him to join the Grey Company. He collects a hidden cache of items and defeats the half-orc bandit Orskdulug, then rides east to Rivendell.
- Afternoon - The Hidden Guard cross the Anduin and meets Mazog's Dwarven escort.
- Dusk - The Hidden Guard find orders on a slain orc in Mirkwood, revealing that the Enemy is unaware of their mission.
- Dusk - Galadriel tries again to learn more of Gandalf's fate in her mirror. She sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane battling deep in the Foundations of Stone. She sees bursts of light and sweeping shadows, whirls of fire and rippling water. She also sees a great tower in moonlight, a shadow across the sky, a cell with no escape, and stairs being watched, though she cannot see how a burglar would enter or leave that place.
- Gloaming - Radanir arrives in Rivendell with several Trollshaws Rangers as the first part of the Grey Company.
- Evening - Raddir leads the Hidden Guard into the Drownholt.

- On February 7th:
- Midnight - The Hidden Guard cross through the Drownholt. Raddir mentions seeing someone familiar that died a long time ago, then scouts ahead. The others clear a tunnel of Crawlers, then find Raddir dead, with no trace of violence on his body. With no guide, the party retreats from the swamp and heads north into the Dourstocks.
- Late Watches - The Hidden Guard arrive in Audaghaim, where the Malledhrim have set up a base camp.
- Noon - Saeradan of Bree-land receives the letter from Elrond, summoning him to join the Grey Company.
- Afternoon - Dúndurion recruits the Hidden Guard to aid in an assault against the Merrevail in Dannenglor. They free Laeglang, Idhrenfair, Prestadír, Puiguil and Athradnir from imprisonment in the ruined fort, and kill Authdurgul.
- Afternoon - Saeradan warns Barliman Butterbur of unruly southerners, recently arrived in Bree-land. Uchdrud challenges Saeradan to a duel, but is defeated. Saeradan starts out on the road to Rivendell.
- Dusk - The Hidden Guard return to the Haunted Inn and discover that Rósar and Stígur have vanished.
- Dusk - Galadriel searches her mirror. She sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane at the foot of the Endless Stair, spells flashing and weapons whirling. She also sees a long vigil, waiting for an ally that does not come. The captain's words must inspire, for time passes too slowly behind the walls. They cannot stand forever, neither the walls, nor the Men under their command. The dawn seems far off, but is it their fate to see it?
- Gloaming - The Hidden Guard find Rósar and Stígur in the Drownholt. Both brothers swear to seeing familiar faces in the swamp, luring them on, then vanishing.
- Evening - The Hidden Guard discuss forward routes - the Scuttledells, Taur Morvith and Emyn Lûm are all fronted as possible options.

- On February 8th:
- Morning - Advance scouts of the Malledhrim investigate possible routes for the Hidden Guard. Both the direct path through Emyn Lûm and the southern route through Taur Morvith have a heavy Orc presence, while the Scuttledells are crawling with venomous spiders.
- Noon - Halros receives the letter from Elrond, summoning him to join the Grey Company.
- Noon - The Hidden Guard receive reports about their possible routes. The party decides to brave the spiders rather than risk detection by Orcs.
- Afternoon - Candaith arrives in Rivendell with several Lone-lands Rangers as the second part of the Grey Company.
- Afternoon - The Hidden Guard make an attempt at crossing through the Scuttledells, but is repeatedly swarmed by spiders. Both Issuriel and Mazog are bitten, and cannot proceed.
- Afternoon - During goodbyes, Lotho Sackville-Baggins seems surprisingly happy to see Halros leave. Halros sets out on the road towards Rivendell.
- Dusk - Halbarad receives the letter from Elrond, summoning him to join the Grey Company.
- Dusk - Galadriel looks in her mirror and sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane battling on the Endless Stair, the darkness of the deepest pits receding around them. She also sees a shadow beneath the trees, moving without sound. Might here will not avail. The shadow stalks without mercy, unrelenting. Someone bellows a challenge, and a beast is at the champion's side, but whether this beast is a friend or foe, she cannot see.
- Gloaming - Halbarad destroys three unholy statues in Tham Úmdúr.
- Evening - The Hidden Guard retreat from the Scuttledells. They bring Issuriel and Mazog to Ost Galadh to be cured.
- Evening - Halbarad and Daervunn arrange to leave for Rivendell.

- On February 9th:
- Dawn - The Hidden Guard collect ingredients for a remedy for the poison afflicting Issuriel and Mazog - a gwigael venom sac and a Sereglos flower.
- Morning - Barvessain creates a remedy for the gwigael poison. Issuriel refuses it, so it is given to Mazog instead. Bróin disappears from Ost Galadh.
- Noon - Calenglad of Evendim receives the letter from Elrond, summoning him to join the Grey Company.
- Afternoon - Calenglad collects relics from tomb robbers and says goodbye to Gwindeth, then leaves for Rivendell.
- Dusk - Bróin returns with another Sereglos flower and a gwigael venom sac, having combed through Mirkwood all day. Another dose of remedy is created and given to Issuriel.
- Dusk - Galadriel looks in her mirror and sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane battling on the Endless Stair. Their fight echoes through the halls of the Dwarves as they climb slowly, step by step. She also sees a crash of thunder, a broken shield, the wall of spears moving in time to the drum-bear of doom. A shroud of despair as the great beast descends. The guardian is mighty, but not all their friends can be saved.
- Gloaming - The Hidden Guard leave for Dol Guldur to make the prisoner exchange.
- Evening - At Dol Guldur, the Hidden Guard entreat with Gorothúl. They hand Mazog over, but Gorothúl reneges on the deal. Three Ringwraiths enter the courtyard - the Gloom of Nurn, the Black Blade of Lebennin and the Lieutenant of Dol Guldur. Achardor defies them and is killed, while Bróin, Sigileth and Cúcheron escape back to Ost Galadh.

- On February 10th:
- Morning - Ningloril defeats the commanders of the orc-camps of Gathbúrz, and get hold of some of their battle plans.
- Morning - Corunir receives the letter from Elrond, summoning him to join the Grey Company.
- Noon - Ningloril sends a team to kill sorcerers and fell spirits in the Ashenslades.
- Afternoon - Saeradan arrives in Rivendell with several Bree-land Rangers as the third part of the Grey Company.
- Afternoon - The Ashenslades team kill Gorothúl's sorcerers and fell spirits at Sâd Doldúr, and destroy the sorcerers' spell tomes.
- Afternoon - Lothrandir receives the letter from Elrond, summoning him to join the Grey Company.
- Dusk - Ningloril, Ellunen and Rodelleth lead the defence of Thangúlhad against Mazaukal and his Orcs.
- Dusk - Galadriel looks in her mirror and sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane battling on the Endless Stair, the giant halls of the Dwarves rising out around them. She also sees great webs strung beneath the trees. A friend in peril, her life's blood mingling with venom and remose. Chattering, evil shapes approach. The hunter's bow longs to sing, but there are too many, even should all the arrows find their marks. Galadriel also learns of Achardor's death, and goes to inform his widow Núrelleth of this.
- Evening - Corunir travels to the Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu, and saves Golodir from the mind control of the Rogmul Erebún. Corunir and Golodir make ready to ride for Rivendell together.
- Evening - Lothrandir travels to Kolo-hampât to warn off Gun Ain from the lands of the Lossoth. He starts on the long journey to Rivendell. Gun Ain follows him south.
- Evening - The Malledhrim prepare to strike at Dol Guldur itself.

- On February 11th:
- Morning - The gates of Dol Guldur are taken by the Malledhrim, and Doraz is killed.
- Afternoon - The Malledhrim assault the Ringwraiths' lair. They stand against Uluithiad at the Outer Bailey, then follow him to the tower and defeat him. They claim the Ringwraiths' Lair, exposing the heart of Dol Guldur to attack.
- Dusk - Galadriel looks in her mirror and sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane battling on the Endless Stair, their fight lighting up the walls and scarring the stone around them. She also sees the prize of knowledge, waiting, ripe for the taking. A library at the pinnacle of the black spire, secrets untold. Enemies without, and within. How far will the lore-master's heart be taken for limitless knowledge?
- Evening - Ningloril arranges for a party of Malledhrim to enter the Dungeons of Dol Guldur. They find Bori there, and bring him back to Thangúlhad. The mihtril axe Zigilburk remains in the hands of the Enemy.

- On February 12th:
- Morning - Bróin and Sigileth scout the cave of Thurimen in the Ashenslades. They find it leads to a secret access to the tower of Dol Guldur.
- Noon - The Malledhrim mount a final offensive against Dol Guldur, while Bróin, Sigileth and Cúcheron use the secret entrance through Thurimen to gain access to the tower armoury where Mazog is being held.
- Afternoon - The Hidden Guard face off against Mazog wielding Zigilburk. The curse of the axe holds true, and Mazog is killed by Bróin. Thus, Bróin's oath is fulfilled, and Zigilburk is reclaimed.
- Dusk - On the way out out the tower, Ellunen finds Sigileth's knives in a slain Olog-hai. As she would never abandon her weapons, she is assumed to be killed in the battle. The team returns to Thangúlhad, bringing Sigileth's knives with them.
- Dusk - Galadriel looks in her mirror and sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane battling on the Endless Stair, as the caves of the Dwarves fade beneath them, and the light of open sky lights up the walls. Stairs climb unceasingly into the heights, and a city sleeps, its inhabitants gone. But not all, not yet. Those that remain dream a restless dream. Will the minstrel's songs stir them to wakefulness?
- Evening - Halros, Daervunn and Halbarad arrive in Rivendell with several North Downs Rangers as the fourth part of the Grey Company.

- On February 13th:
- Dawn - Ningloril sends Malledhrim to kill the Orcs and worms mustering in Gath Ulunn.
- Morning - Laeglang scouts the locations of various points of interest throughout Dol Guldur, including the entrance to the Warg-pens and the Sword-hall.
- Morning - Barvessain gathers ingredients for an unguent that can shield the bearer from the effects of fire, and for a soothing salve that can mitigate the effects of poison.
- Noon - Cúcheron returns to the Haunted Inn to investigate the mystery of Audaghaim one last time. He learns that many of the townsfolk fled to Agistath, while others remained behind. Of those who ended up in that dark cave, few escaped with their lives.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer swears an oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged. He starts by killing an Orc in Mirkwood.
- Dusk - Alfirimbes follows some fleeing Orcs into the Hall of Lights where she discovers some pestilent glow-worms. She dispatches of the worms and their queen.
- Dusk - Galadriel looks in her mirror and sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane battling high on a peak somewhere in the Misty Mountains, where snow whirls and wind howls and both combatants falter. She also sees runes of power in the darkness, secrets unseen for an age. A blast of warm air, and the rune-keeper turns to stare into yellow eyes. Words of power are spoken, but still the eyes stare out of the darkness, unafraid.
- Gloaming - Ellunen brings Sigileth's knives back to Lord Celeborn in Caras Galadhon.
- Evening - Gruingalas goes to Achardor's widow Núrelleth to inform her of her husband's death, but she has already been told by Galadriel several days earlier.

- On February 14th:
- Morning - Braiglinn organises a strike against the Warg-pens of Dol Guldur, killing Athgrat and Kranklob.
- Afternoon - Calenglad arrives in Rivendell with several Evendim Rangers as the fifth part of the Grey Company.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in Lothlórien.
- Dusk - Galadriel looks in her mirror and sees Gandalf and Durin's Bane battling to the end. They both fall into shadow in the snowy peaks of the Misty Mountains. She also sees a thundering of hooves shaking the earth. Black sails fly on a river of dread. Foes are everywhere, but the warden sees them not, blinded by grief, and death is defined in its name.
- Evening - Galadriel goes to Gwaihir the Windlord, and asks him to fly to the highest peaks of the Misty Mountains to look for the fallen form of Gandalf.
- Evening - Nineteen days after destroying Durin's Bane, Gandalf returns to life. Though he breathes and perceives, he cannot move, and lies frozen still on the peak.

- On February 15th:
- Dawn - Corunir, Golodir and Lothrandir arrive in Rivendell with several Angmar Rangers as the sixth and final part of the Grey Company.
- Morning - Arwen finishes her gift of a battle standard for Aragorn and leaves it in the charge of the Grey Company.
- Morning - Braiglinn organises a strike against the Sword-hall of Dol Guldur, killing Urcheron, Carchrien, and Durkâr.
- Noon - The Grey Company sets out from Rivendell and head to Eregion.
- Noon - Gwaihir searches the peak of Cloudyhead for signs of Gandalf.
- Noon - Bori and Bróin return to Moria and put Zigilburk back into Nalâ-dûm where they found it, never again to cause its wielder's downfall.
- Afternoon - The Iron Garrison seals the entrance to the Drowned Treasury, locking the cursed weapon Zigilburk inside.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in Moria.
- Dusk - Galadriel allows Sam and Frodo to use her mirror. In the reflective surface, Sam sees Frodo lying pale and still, and trees being felled in the Shire. Frodo sees a wizard in white, Bilbo pacing, the lost island of Númenor, and a great Eye searching for him. He sees that Galadriel wears Nenya. He offers the One Ring to her, but she refuses it.
- Evening - Celeborn offers the Company of the Ring use of Elven boats, and they prepare to leave in the morning.
Breaking of the Fellowship

- On February 16th:
- Morning - The Company of the Ring leave Caras Galadhon and head to their boats.
- Morning - Braiglinn organises a strike against the Dungeons of Dol Guldur, killing The Warden.
- Noon - The Grey Company arrive in Eregion and encounter Fúsi Gem-cutter, who asks them for aid in rescuing his father from Uruks.
- Noon - Gwaihir searches the peak of Redhorn for signs of Gandalf.
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring sail south on the Anduin.
- Afternoon - The Grey Company rescue Fúni from Minas Elendúr and bring him back to his son.
- Afternoon - Issuriel sends an elanor blossom to Bróin as a thanks for saving her life from the gwigael poison in Mirkwood.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in Eregion.
- Dusk - Fúsi Gem-cutter creates fake Rings of Barahir for several of the Rangers in the Grey Company located in Eregion, to conceal the absence of Aragorn.
- Gloaming - Bori and a large strike force set out for Mirkwood to put an end to the evils of Gorothúl.

- On February 17th:
- Morning - The Grey Company meet Wadu and they kill hostile Dunlendings together.
- Noon - Gwaihir finds Gandalf on the broken summit of Silvertine. He carries the wizard to Lothlórien where he can recover.
- Noon - The Grey Company find Wadu killed in a Dunlending ambush and recover his sword.
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring see a Nazgûl riding a flying beast. They stop in Thinglad to evade it, and rests on the shore there, trailed by Gollum.
- Afternoon - The Grey Company bring the sword and news of Wadu's death to Suvulch and Nona in Lhanuch.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in the Trollshaws.
- Dusk - The Grey Company travel to Zudrugund and meet Nár and Frithgeir. They learn that Wadu killed a Gwiber Drake before he died.
- Gloaming - Nona asks to join the Grey Company on their road south, but is refused. A letter from Ergothorn indicates they should travel to the Lich Bluffs to save a Dunlending envoy.
- Evening - The Grey Company arrive at Lhaid Ogo and rescue Anirin from hostile wights. Anirin brings word from Lheu Brenin of the Falcon Clan that Saruman should not be believed.

- On February 18th:
- Morning - The Brehurs and Brehures of Lhanuch vote again on whether to join the other clans on Saruman's side, but choose to remain independent.
- Morning - The Grey Company receives a warning from Ergothorn that Zudrugund is about to be attacked.
- Noon - On Saruman's orders, Gun Ain kills Ergothorn and replaces a note in his hand with a false one.
- Afternoon - The Grey Company defend Zudrugund and hold back a strike force of Uruks. They learn that Ergothorn has been killed.
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring passes by Parth Celebrant on their boats.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in the Misty Mountains.
- Dusk - Halbarad finds a scrap of paper on Ergothorn's body, pointing the way to oath-breaker ghosts lingering in the Forsaken Road.
- Gloaming - The Grey Company follows Ergothorn's note and find the oath-breaker captains Maonir and Britou. Candaith claims to be the heir to Isildur, but the ghosts see through his ruse. The oathbreakers attack, and Candaith, Himeldir, Linnor, Calithil and Hodhon are all killed. The rest of the Grey Company escape. (Quest:Instance: Echoes of the Dead)
- Evening - Corunir brews a potion of clarity and gives it to Nár. Nár reveals that he has been meeting in secret with Saruman, unaware of his treachery. The Grey Company realise they have been tricked, and resolve to leave Enedwaith at first light.

- On February 19th:
- Dawn - The Grey Company splits up into two groups. Braigiar's group heads west through the Mournshaws and into Trum Dreng. Prestadír's group heads south through the Lich Bluffs into the Bonevales.
- Morning - Prestadír's group encounters Bledhun, hunted by the Dievlig.
- Noon - Braigiar's group encounters a band of Dunlendings who at first seem to have good intentions, but then reveal themselves to be bandits.
- Noon - Prestadir's Rangers do battle against the Dievlig, then head to Galtrev.
- Noon - Bori's strike force enter Sammath Gûl and kill Urchír, Alagossír, Gorothúl, and Demafaer, then head back to Moria.
- Afternoon - Braigiar's Rangers kill the leader of the Dunlending bandits and free Elain. They form a bond with the Caru-lûth of Lhan Tarren.
- Afternoon - Catrin of the Falcon Clan recruits the reunited Grey Company to sabotage Saruman's lumber mill and set fire to his lumber.
- Dusk - The Company of the Ring paddle by the Brown Lands and cross the North Undeep. Sam sees Gollum floating on a log behind them.
- Evening - The Grey Company come to Tûr Morva in Tâl Methedras. They meet the Chieftain, Lheu Brenin of the Hebog-lûth, who have sworn against Saruman.
- Evening - The Company of the Ring rest on the north shore of the Wold, close to Rushgore.

- On February 20th:
- Late Watches - Frodo sees Gollum's shining eyes in the dark. He draws Sting to scare him off.
- Noon - The Grey Company help Iwan find toxic toad residue to be used as poisonous weapon-coating against the Falcon Clan's enemies.
- Afternoon - The Grey Company learn from Maelona that root powder is a cure against the toad poison.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in the Lone-lands.
- Dusk - A woman keeps spying on the Falcon Clan from across the lake, so the Rangers help Wynfor set up avanc-jaw traps to catch her.
- Evening - The Company of the Ring passes by the South Undeep on their boats.
- Evening - The Grey Company are taken to see Dondhreg, a prisoner in the employ of Saruman. Dondhreg says the clans of Dunbog and Carreglyn and Starkmoor already have joined the Wizard's side.

- On February 21st:
- Dawn - Nona volunteers to help the Grey Company see about the loyalties of the peoples of Starkmoor, Dunbog and Carreglyn.
- Morning - In Starkmoor, Nona finds the farms and fields abandoned.
- Noon - In Dunbog, Nona finds that the avanc-lûth have become displaced by Dunlendings loyal to Saruman.
- Afternoon - In Carreglyn, Nona finds that the men of Barnavon have been bribed with Saruman's gold.
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring row south on the Anduin and spy Orcs in the hills on the East bank.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in Bree-land.
- Dusk - Nona travels to Gravenwood and shares her findings with the Rangers. Prince Théodred of Rohan is present. They send a Ranger to report Nona's findings to Lheu Brenin in Tûr Morva.
- Gloaming - Nona travels to the Gap of Rohan to kill more Dunlending traitors, using Saruman's gold as bait.
- Gloaming - The Men at the Rohirrim camp feel watched by an unknown presence near the Mustering Tree and Uvel-cadlus, but are unable to determine its source.
- Evening - Lheu Brenin takes some of the Rangers into the prison. They find Dondhreg dead inside, and the Falcon Clan turn on the Rangers. Lothrandir kills Nai and Léolin, but is captured by Lheu Brenin and sent on a waggon to Isengard's dungeons. Radanir evades capture, but Braigiar is killed, and many others are taken prisoner. (Quest:Instance: The Captive)

- On February 22nd:
- Late Watches - Nona has a prophetic dream. She sees a swampland with Wadu's sword sticking out of the ground. She hears the voice of Galadriel calling her to the shores of the Anduin across the Misty Mountains.
- Dawn - Taking her dream as a sign, Nona heads north toward Lhanuch.
- Morning - Lothrandir's waggon transport arrives at Isengard. He meets the overseers Morflak and Fâsh, and the prisoners Dulan, Kenned, Baldgar, and Acca.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in the North Downs.
- Dusk - Nona meets with her father Suvulch in Lhanuch. They reconcile, and she heads north into Eregion.
- Evening - Lothrandir is summoned by Saruman who quizzes him about the whereabout of the One Ring while Gun Ain taunts him.

- On February 23rd:
- Dawn - Morflak allows Dulan to go without an overseer in the dungeons.
- Morning - Dulan poisons the Uruks' meal. He plots escape with Baldgar and Acca. Acca knows of a secret way out, and Baldgar suggests using black powder to blow up the siege engines.
- Noon - Dulan leaves piles of black powder by the war-machines. He kills the Uruk key-master and takes his key-ring, then frees all the prisoners.
- Afternoon - Acca volunteers to light the black powder while the others escape, but is killed by Morflak. Baldgar lights the powder. The explosion knocks Morflak out, but both Baldgar and Dulan are badly injured. They limp together out of Isengard.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in Evendim.
- Dusk - Shadowfax returns to Edoras.
- Evening - Dulan loses consciousness before they get to Gravenwood, and has to be carried by Baldgar.
- Evening - The Company of the Ring come unexpectedly on the rapids of Sarn Gebir in the dark. The current takes them, and they are ambushed by Orcs who shoot arrows from the east bank. The Company passes out of range and land on the west shore. A Nazgûl in flight passes over them. As it veers west, Legolas shoots the fellbeast, and it falls into the Brown Lands.

- On February 24th:
- Dawn - Dulan wakes to find Baldgar is dying. Dulan limps alone to Prince Théodred's camp.
- Dawn - Nona comes to Lothlórien. Haldir lets her in only by going blindfolded under escort.
- Morning - Nona is taken to Galadriel's Garden. She relates to Galadriel the images she beheld while dreaming in the Gap of Rohan, but Galadriel has not caused this dream. Nona then meets Gandalf the White, who suggests she take action to follow her dream south. He sends for Alfrohir who ferries Nona into Thinglad.
- Morning - Dulan shares news of the last few days with Théodred, Saeradan, Seren and Hogawise. Lothrandir remains a captive in Isengard, while the Falcon Clan holds Halbarad, Elladan, Elrohir, and Golodir.
- Noon - Nona and Fimloth hunt Orcs along the river. Fimloth tells Nona of Stangard, and Nona heads there to learn more of her sword.
- Noon - The Company of the Ring portage their boats.
- Afternoon - Afic refuses to let Nona into Stangard. Horn invites her to meet him at the Cuthstan.
- Afternoon - Théodred and the Grey Company set up a staging area within Tâl Methedras and reclaim the fallen body of Braigiar, killing several Falcon Clan warriors. Déormund's leg gets caught in one of Wynfor's traps, and Herestan gets cut with Iwan's poison, but the Rangers break the traps and cure the poison with Maelona's root powder.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in Forochel.
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring finish their portage and rest by the river.
- Dusk - Horn tells Nona the story of the foundation of Rohan, and links the battle at the Field of Celebrant with Wadu's sword.
- Dusk - The Grey Company kills the Falcon Clan champions Mostun, Gaenor, and Wundod.
- Gloaming - The Grey Company stage a rescue from the caves beneath Tûr Morva. Golodir, Halbarad, Elladan, and Elrohir are freed, and Penrod, Rhus and Taf are killed. Lheu Brenin sets up a cadre of archers to cover him and gets away.
- Evening - Horn and Nona return to Stangard. Nona is still refused entry and must sleep outside the town walls.
- Evening - The Grey Company return at night to Théodred's camp. The Prince heads back to the Fords of Isen, bringing some of the Rangers with him.

- On February 25th:
- Dawn - Théodred and Grimbold prepare their men for an assault on Isengard. Théodred bids Cadda stay on the East bank of the ford and defend it from Saruman's Uruks. Cadda's brother Edwig joins the vanguard. The Prince rides out with his strike force, heading north to Nan Curunír.
- Morning - When he goes outside Stangard, Horn finds that Nona is gone.
- Noon - Prince Théodred and his company arrive at Nan Curunír and attack the forces arrayed outside the walls. A massive force of Uruks pours from the Ring of Isengard and outnumber the Prince's Men.
- Noon - Horn goes to Parth Celebrant and meets Cerdic. They search some notable battle sites and find a heirloom among the debris. Horn returns to Stangard, and Cerdic goes to meet with Edbrit in the Rushgore.
- Afternoon - The Company of the Ring passes the Argonath and disembarks at the East Wall of Rohan.
- Afternoon - The Uruks swarm Prince Théodred's Men, killing Edwig. Théodred retreats to the Fords of Isen. Grimbold learns that a second force of Uruks have come to the East bank in secret, driving Cadda and his men back into Rohan.
- Dusk - Edbrit and Cerdic calm the riled-up wildlife in the Rushgore. Some evil presence has enraged the gredbyg so much their blood is boiling.
- Gloaming - Edbrit and Cerdic investiage a great shape that Edbrit saw fall from the sky across the river. They encounter Nona there, standing by the corpse of a fellbeast in the Brown Lands. Its rider is nowhere to be seen.
- Dusk - Grimbold's forces arrive at the Fords of Isen. Prince Théodred is caught between both flanks of the Uruks. Morflak strikes Théodred with his axe, and kills the Princes' esquire Cynstan. Elfhelm and his Rohirrim arrive, and kill Morflak and his Uruks. The rest of Saruman's army retreats back into Nan Curunír.
- Evening - Sigward mourns Cynstan, while Grimbold and Elfhelm attend to Prince Théodred's deathbed. His last word before he dies is the name of his cousin, Éomer.
- Evening - Edbrit, Cerdic, and Nona return to Aculf's Camp to rest.

- On February 26th:
- Midnight - Limthir sees the Nazgûl on the shore of the Anduin, a darker patch of shadow in the space between the trees.
- Late Watches - Magla hears the Nazgûl sniffing and spooking the goats.
- Late Watches - Aragorn wakes during Frodo’s watch and asks him to draw Sting. Its edges glow slightly: there are Orcs somewhere in the area.
- Late Watches - Ifing encounters the Nazgûl near Stangard, and is struck by the Black Breath.
- Foredawn - Cerdic wakes and heads to Parth Celebrant. The Nazgûl passes nearby, and he is stuck by dread.
- Dawn - Nona wakes to find Cerdic gone from their camp in the Rushgore. She tracks him to Parth Celebrant. He asks her to investigate the source of his fear, but she finds nothing.
- Morning - Frodo walks alone into the forest to think. Boromir finds him and asks for the One Ring to defend Minas Tirith. Frodo refuses. Boromir demands the Ring and leaps at Frodo. Frodo puts on the Ring and disappears. He runs uphill to the high seat atop Amon Hen. With the Ring, he can see all across Middle-earth - even unto Barad-dûr and its flaming Eye. Sauron notices Frodo’s gaze and looks for him. Gandalf, sitting far away in a high place, feels Sauron’s gaze and opposes it, concealing Frodo. He speaks into Frodo's mind and urges him to remove the Ring immediately. Frodo complies, and Sauron's gaze barely misses him. (Quest:Instance: The Point of Decision and Quest:Instance: The Breaking of the Fellowship)
- Morning - Nona arrives at Stangard and finds Ifing sitting befuddled on the ground. She finds the footprint of a heavily-mailed boot, and follows the track to the Wailing Hills.
- Morning - Frodo heads downhill toward the boats. Boromir returns to the Company's camp and tells them of the argument, and that Frodo used the Ring to disappear. Merry and Pippin run into the woods calling for Frodo, while Aragorn runs for Amon Hen. (Quest:Instance: Two Hobbits)
- Noon - Sam races to the boats and sees one of them slipping by itself into the water. Sam leaps into the lake. Frodo pulls him out and takes off the Ring again. They set out to the east bank. (Quest:Instance: Two Hobbits)
- Noon - Nona encounters Magla, who complains of dreadful sniffing in the night. Nona follows the tracks to Thinglad where she meets Limthir. He names the terror to be a Nazgûl. They warn Fimloth of this threat, and Nona heads south again, having lost the track.
- Noon - Boromir catches up to Merry and Pippin and defends them from attacking Uruks. He kills many, creating Dead Orc Glade as his last stand. He blows the horn of Gondor so looudly it is heard even unto Minas Tirith. He is shot by many arrows and Merry and Pippin are taken by the Uruks. (Quest:Instance: The Horn of Gondor)
- Noon - Aragorn reaches the top of Amon Hen but does not see Frodo there. He hears Orcs, and then and the sudden loud call of the horn of Boromir. He runs back down to the glade and finds Boromir dying. Orc bodies lie all around him. Boromir tells Aragorn Merry and Pippin were taken, and bids him save Minas Tirith and his people.
- Noon - As she follows the shore back south, Nona hears the the blaring sound of a horn echoing along the river. She rushes on along the river toward the East.
- Noon - Frodo and Sam reach the eastern shore of Nen Hithoel. They hide their boat and start hiking into the Emyn Muil.
- Afternoon - Hurrying to Aculf's Camp, Nona sees Easterlings crossing the North Undeep. She and some of the Rohirrim fight them back, but they are gripped by a strong sense of dread. Nona grabs a torch and climbs a rock to see better. He sword flashes with the fire, and she sees the Nazgûl retreating before her. Nona runs after it. A large Khundolar Captain confronts her. They strike each other down.
- Afternoon - Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli cast loose the Boromir’s burial boat. It vanishes over the Falls of Rauros. Aragorn sets off with Legolas and Gimli to rescue Merry and Pippin.
- Dusk - Edbrit brings Nona to Stangard, but even badly wounded she is refused entry as a Dunlending. The leader of Stangard demands Wadu's sword as payment for healing her, which Nona refuses. Horn takes her and they ride to Lothlórien to receive the healing of the Elves.
- Dusk - Pippin wakes to the Orcs arguing. There is a fight, and several Orcs are killed before they start moving again.
- Gloaming - The Grey Company hunts down and kills lingering Hebog-lûth in Tâl Methedras. Saeradan proposes to Halbarad that they send their dead north to their homelands to be buried. (Quest:1. Interlude: Many Worries)
- Evening - A Rider of Rohan glimpses the Orcs that carry Merry and Pippin as they reach the edge of the East Wall. He rides west to alert Éomer of this.
- Evening - The Orcs force Pippin and Merry to run. As they reach damp soil where footprints will be obvious, Pippins drops his Elven-brooch.
- Evening - Éomer hears of the roving band of Orcs and asks to stop them, but Théoden forbids it.

- On February 27th:
- Midnight - Seeing Nona safely into the hands of the Elves, Horn leaves Lothlórien and returns to Stangard.
- Midnight - While on watch in Emyn Muil, Frodo sees the glowing eyes of Gollum.
- Dawn - Nona wakes up in Caras Galadhon, healed of her wound.
- Dawn - Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli find the Orcs killed in the scuffle. From a high ridge they see the Orcs carrying Merry and Pippin far away on the plain. They descend down from the East Wall onto the plains of Rohan.
- Morning - Halbarad decides to send Radanir and Saeradan north with the bodies of the Rangers slain by the Hebog-lûth traitors.
- Morning - Nona takes a walk among the flets and meets with Húrien, Luidhros and Anglamel. Galadriel permits Nona to gaze into her mirror, where she sees the events afflicting the Company of the Ring the day before. Galadriel asks Nona to journey downriver with Corudan in case the Company needs help.
- Morning - Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli find the elf-brooch that Pippin dropped.
- Noon - Nona and Corudan receive lembas from Bordhrist and a boat and paddles from Faengalph. They row downriver to Thinglad, where Corudan learns Fimloth was attacked by Orcs and lost the bow he lent her. None of the Orcs that remain in Thinglad carry the bow.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in Angmar.
- Afternoon - Nona goes to to thank Horn. Now shunned by the people of Stangard, Horn packs his supplies and leaves with her. They head back to the boat and set off down the river with Corudan.
- Dusk - Nona, Horn and Corudan set up camp on the riverbed and share stories. Corudan tells of his sister Sigileth, Horn tells the legend of Wyrgende, and Nona talks of Wadu and the Rohirrim sword.
- Evening - Éomer rides out to locate the Orcs against Théoden's orders.

- On February 28th:
- Foredawn - Nona, Horn and Corudan continue down the river along the Wold, making good speed with the swell of spring waters. Nona and Horn talk about their differing perspectives on the story of Freca, Wulf and Helm, which is a source of great contention between their two peoples.
- Morning - On their road north, Radanir and Saeradan encounter the Dead from the Forsaken Road, led by Cursed Britou. Despite their former hostility, the Dead pass the Rangers without aggression, headed south to the Paths of the Dead to await Isildur's heir. (Quest:2. Interlude: One More Journey)
- Noon - With the navigation skills of Corudan, the boat slips through the rapids of Sarn Gebir without flipping over.
- Afternoon - Nona, Horn and Corudan arrive near the Argonath in the East Wall after a long day of paddling. They set up camp, and head to Parth Galen. They learn from the tracks, items and dead Uruks that the Company of the Ring has split up. Framric leads Nona, Horn and Corudan to Mansig's Encampment where Ingild shows them the view over the plains of Rohan. In the distance they can barely see a faint cloud of dust - the Orcs, days ahead of them. Mansig directs them to go to Langhold in the morning to get war-steeds.
- Afternoon - Éomer and his Éored cut off the Orcs' escape into Fangorn Forest. The Orcs halt on a small hill, and are surrounded by horsemen.
- Afternoon - Radanir and Saeradan return to the Forsaken Road, and collect the corpses of Hodhon, Calithil, Linnor, Himeldir and Candaith. (Quest:2. Interlude: One More Journey)
- Dusk - Éomer's men light watch-fires around the hill.
- Evening - Grishnákh seizes Merry and Pippin and slinks between two watch-fires. A Rohirrim kills him while Merry and Pippin crawl away and escape.

- On February 29th:
- Dawn - Merry and Pippin enter the Fangorn Forest, along the course of the Entwash.
- Dawn - Éomer and his riders kill the orcs, including their leader Uglúk.
- Morning - Nona, Horn and Corudan go to Langhold and aid Adnoth and others with salamanders, brigands and Easterlings. Langhold is attacked by The Woe of Khand and Thane Utred is killed.
- Morning - Inside Fangorn, Merry and Pippin encounter Treebeard. He brings them toward the deepest part of the forest, to Wellinghall. (Quest:Instance: The Moot)
- Noon - Dala brings the survivors of Langhold to Harwick. Nona, Horn and Corudan receive war-horses and learn to ride them at the tourney field. They disturb Aldor Harding during a council meeting and he has them evicted from town.
- Afternoon - Nona, Horn and Corudan help Captain Agelmund at Feldburg with Wargs, bugs and Easterlings.
- Afternoon - Merry, Pippin and Treebeard arrive at Wellinghall. He tells the Hobbits of the Entwives. (Quest:Instance: The Moot)
- Afternoon - In Lhanuch, Radanir tells Glynn Brenin of the Hebog-lûth's betrayal. When the Uch-lûth refuse to join Saruman, the Draig-lûth unleashes Worms upon Lhanuch. Radanir, Saeradan, and former Falcon Clan Anirin aid in the defence and kill the attackers. Saeradan bids Radanir return to Dunland and warn the rest of the Grey Company while he continues north with the waggon alone. (Quest:3. Interlude: The Ox and the Dragon)
- Dusk - Nona, Horn and Corudan go to Floodwend. Elfsige has Corudan's bow, but wants to race him for it. Elfsige's horse is riderless when it arrives at Harwick. They find Elfsige having fallen from his horse, and he gives Corudan his bow. They go together to Elthengels.
- Evening - Gollum attacks Sam and Frodo, but they subdue him. He swears on the One Ring to serve "its master".
- Evening - Elthengels is attacked by Orcs. Nona, Horn and Corudan contribute to the defence of the town, earning them good standing with Thane Mildrith.
- Evening - Faramir sees Boromir's funeral boat. He lets the boat float past him towards the sea.

- On February 30th:
- Foredawn - Halros spots Hebog-lûth sneaking through the woods toward the camp of the Grey Company. He wakes the others and together they kill the attackers, including Lheu Brenin's daughter, Mair. (Quest:4. Interlude: Halros's Watch)
- Morning - Nona, Horn and Corudan ride to Cliving and meet Mildrith's daughter Siflád. They ride on the bounds with Cuthred, and Reeve Athelward asks them to bid for Mildrith's hand in marriage. They head back to Elthengels.
- Morning - Éomer encounters Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli on the plains of Rohan. He lends them horses, and they ride to Éomer's Vengeance, where the Orcs were killed.
- Noon - Nona, Horn and Corudan return to Elthengels with Athelward's proposal, which Mildrith declines. The trio heads to Faldham to meet with Elfmar, son of Elfhelm.
- Noon - Treebeard brings Merry and Pippin from Wellinghall to Derndingle to hold the Entmoot. The Ents start discussing Saruman. (Quest:Instance: The Moot)
- Afternoon - Nona, Horn and Corudan arrive in Faldham and train with Elfmar's men, and then continue on to Horn's home of Eaworth.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in the Shire.
- Dusk - Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli arrive at Éomer's Vengeance, but find no trace of Merry or Pippin.
- Dusk - Frodo and Sam follow Gollum south toward the Dead Marshes.
- Evening - Nona, Horn and Corudan arrive at Eaworth. They where they meet Horn's father and sister, Reeve Ingbert and Ingyth. Ingyth is betrothed to Prince Théodred and unaware of his death five days ago. Reeve Ingbert argues with Nona for her origins and Horn for breaking his exile. Nona leaves Wadu's sword behind and walks off to Wildermore without talking to anyone.
- Evening - Gimli sees an old man with a hat and staff who suddenly disappears along with the trio's horses.

- On March 1st:
- Dawn - During the Entmoot, Merry and Pippin mention the battle at Éomer's Vengeance. The Ents send Baldbark to discover the outcome of this matter.
- Dawn - Éomer arrives at Eaworth and tells Horn and Corudan of Éomer's Vengeance. They ride there to see it for themselves.
- Morning - Frodo, Sam and Gollum enter the Dead Marshes.
- Morning - Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli follow hobbit tracks leading into Fangorn Forest. They climb up to Treebeard's ledge and see Gandalf moving in the forest. They are seen by Baldbark as he nears the edge of the forest.
- Morning - Nona encounters survivors from Byre Tor and leads them into the hills for safety.
- Morning - Horn and Corudan arrive at Eomer's Vengeance and follow the Hobbit tracks into the forest. They encounter Baldbark, who tells them the Hobbits are safe with Treebeard, and that Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas have met with Gandalf. Their quest done, Horn and Corudan return to their horses and ride back to Eaworth.
- Morning - Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli share stories with Gandalf, then leave Fangorn. They come out onto the plains of Rohan and head toward Eaworth.
- Noon - Nona finds a cave and shelters the refugees from Byre Tor there.
- Noon - Éomer, Horn and Corudan stop by the Stone of Wyrgende and Snowbourn before going to Edoras. When they arrive, Gríma Wormtongue has Éomer thrown into prison. Horn, Corudan and Gléowine are banished from the Westemnet. They return to Snowbourn, where Gléowine gets drunk.
- Afternoon - Lúth Greyhammer continues following his oath to kill an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer has been wronged, by killing an Orc in Ered Luin.
- Afternoon - Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli arrive at Eaworth and share news with Reeve Ingbert.
- Afternoon - Horn, Corudan and Gléowine arrive in Wildermore, under attack by Núrzum. They encounter Nona again, and help her save four survivors from Byre Tor. One of them is Léodwig, the son of Aldor Harding. Horn and Gléowine defy their banishment and head back to Edoras.
- Dusk - Leaflock is recruited to defend Wildermore. He starts to create an army of Huorns.
- Dusk - Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli arrive at Garsfeld and share news with Thane Gísil.
- Gloaming - A witan is held at Hytbold, and the Aldor, Thanes and Reeves of the Eastemnet gather for a council. The town is attacked by orcs and a siege-troll of Isengard, led by Athelward. Garmund, Béortnoth, Radwig, Gísil and Athelward himself are killed, but the defenders hold the line and kill the attackers. The remaining leaders swear bloody vengeance upon Saruman for this deed.
- Gloaming - Corudan and Nona deliver the Byre Tor survivors to Forlaw.
- Gloaming - Calenglad and Helchon uncover the entrance to the Hall of the Huntsman in the Mournshaws. They speak with the Huntsman, who tells them an imprisoned creature is being tortured and used as a weapon by allies of Saruman, and should be freed. (Quest:5. Interlude: Calenglad's Appeal)
- Evening - Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli cross the Entwade and rest for the night in Kingstead, in sight of Edoras.
- Evening - Frodo, Sam and Gollum cross the Dead Marshes. Frodo gets lured by a corpse-candle and must be brought to his senses by Sam.
- Evening - Nona and Corudan bring Léodwig to Harwick. When Aldor Harding returns from the battle at Hytbold and is reunited with his son, he welcomes to stay the night.

- On March 2nd:
- Midnight - Horn and Gléowine arrive at the Entwade. Though he knows of Horn's exile, Hunbald is unaware of Gléowine's banishment. He lets them pass into the Westemnet.
- Morning - Gollum brings Frodo and Sam out of the Dead Marshes, and into the Wastes.
- Morning - Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli arrive at Edoras. Horn and Gléowine arrive shortly after. Gandalf cures King Théoden of Saruman's influence.
- Morning - Háma finds Théoden's sword in Gríma Wormtongue's room. The King releases Éomer from imprisonment, and Shadowfax is granted to Gandalf in truth. Éowyn is charged with the safety of the people of Rohan, and Gríma is banished. Théoden announces that his army will ride west and defeat Saruman.
- Morning - Nona and Corudan leave Cliving and head south. They opt to not cross the Entwash at Entwade.
- Noon - Saruman attacks Grimbold's encampment at the Fords of Isen.
- Noon - Éowyn starts sending her people to Harrowdale. She discovers that Léofing and Hebeca are among Gríma Wormtongue's collaborators.
- Afternoon - King Théoden forgives Horn and Gléowine of their tresspass and relents of their exile, but Gléowine is ordered to accompany the King to battle. Éomer asks Horn to aid his home of Aldburg in his absence, and the Rohirrim ride to war. Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli ride with them.
- Afternoon - Nona and Corudan cross the Entwash south of Snowbourn, and discover a toppled waggon and a sign of struggle.
- Afternoon - Éowyn sends aid to the people of Entwade. Horn travels to Harrowdale and kills some Orcs and wargs. He looks at the Dark Door and brings his battle-trophies to Ellen Fremedon.
- Afternoon - Lúth tells his father Tandri Greyhammer of his glorious deed of killing an Orc in every region where a Greyhammer was wronged. He promptly gets told off in a huff for such an incredible waste of time.
- Afternoon - Golodir and Corunir return to the prison caves beneath Tûr Morva and free Maelona and Wenda and kill a giant cave-claw. (Quest:6. Interlude: Pit of the Falcon)
- Afternoon - The Entmoot finishes, and the Ents march to Isengard.
- Dusk - Horn arrives at Aldburg. Arcil asks him to find some missing workers in the Everholt.
- Dusk - Nona and Corudan follow tracks to Burg-shápol.
- Dusk - Saruman's Uruks force Grimbold and his forces across the Fords of Isen.
- Gloaming - The Ents crest the ridge from Fangorn and begin to file into Nan Curunir. (Quest:Instance: Last March of the Ents)
- Gloaming - Horn finds Nona and Corudan in Burg-shápol. They kill the Orcs and bring the workers back to Aldburg.
- Evening - Elfhelm is hindered from aiding Grimbold at the Fords of Isen. He and his cavalry are driven away by wolf-riders.

- On March 3rd:
- Midnight - The Ents allow Saruman's Uruks to pass them, and send the army of Huorns south after them. The Ents start attacking Isengard. (Quest:Instance: Last March of the Ents)
- Late Watches - Unable to hold the Fords of Isen any longer, Grimbold breaks into a retreat. Rohan is open to attack.
- Dawn - Nona, Horn and Corudan leave Aldburg, and ride to Edoras.
- Morning - Nona, Horn and Corudan arrive in Edoras. Éowyn sends them north to warn Thane Fríthild in Stoke about one of Gríma Wormtongue's allies.
- Noon - Nona, Horn and Corudan arrive at Stoke, warning Thane Fríthild of the infiltrator from Edoras. They ride to Bardh-dorám to kill Orcs, and when they return, they learn that Wigbald has been murdered, and the killer has gone west. Fríthild sends Nona, Horn and Corudan to Woodhurst.
- Noon - Lothrandir is tormented by Gun Ain and Saruman, but continues his defiance. (Quest:7. Interlude: Strength of Will)
- Afternoon - Nona, Horn and Corudan arrive at Woodhurst. They help Reeve Herubrand with invaders of the Draig-lûth Clan, Nona's sworn enemies.They meet the soothsayer Hildegard, who foretells of the siege of Helm's Deep, and Horn's death in battle. Nona swears to prevent this outcome. The trio rides south to Brockbridge.
- Dusk - Hearing of the gap in Rohan's defences from fleeing fugitives, Gandalf directs the host of Rohan to Helm's Deep. He rides alone rides on to Isengard.
- Gloaming - Nona, Horn and Corudan arrive at Brockbridge. They are informed of Hebog-lûth harassing the town, and of the impending battle at Helm's Deep. The trio splits up; Nona and Horn go to face the Faclon Clan, while Corudan heads south to join the battle at Helm's Deep.
- Evening - Gandalf arrives at Orthanc and encounters Merry, Pippin and Treebeard among the ruins of Isengard. They discuss strategy, then the Wizard rides out again.
- Evening - The host of Rohan arrive at the Hornburg in the evening, and fortify it. The host includes King Théoden, Éomer, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Gléowine. Corudan arrives after the rest, and contributed to the preparations to battle.
- Evening - The Ents open dams and start to flood Isengard and its fires and pits. (Quest:Instance: Last March of the Ents)

- On March 4th:
- Midnight - Gamling leads the defence at Helm's Dike, supported by Thenca and Cenric. They hold out for a while, but are eventually forced to retreat back across the Deeping-coomb and into the Hornburg. (Quest:Storied Tale: Helm's Dike)
- Midnight - Aragorn inspires the Men of Rohan for its defence. Orcs charge at the Deeping-wall and up the ramp to the keep. (Quest:Instance: A Need for Words)
- Late Watches - Aragorn and Éomer lead a sortie against the Orcs through the postern gate. Legolas kill Orcs with his bow and arrows, while other defenders push siege-ladders away from the wall. Egláf drops stones onto the Orcs below, and Thenca kills Orcs climbing one of the towers. Éomer is pulled from his horse, but is saved by Gimli. (Quest:Storied Tale: The Deeping Wall)
- Foredawn - Orcs use black powder to blast a hole in the Deeping-wall. Egláf is injured and Béorcla and Fisc are killed. The fighting spreads to inside Helm's Deep. (Quest:Storied Tale: The Deeping-coomb)
- Foredawn - The battle spreads to the Glittering Caves. Inside, Gimli and Léofa kill Lheu Brenin and the last Hebog-lûth traitors. Gimli and Éomer clear the caves of other dangers. (Quest:Storied Tale: The Glittering Caves)
- Dawn - Aragorn and Théoden fight at the walls of the Hornburg. The Enemy's number is overwhelming, and Háma is killed protecting the door. The King readies a final charge on horseback against the orcs on the ramp. (Quest:Storied Tale: The Hornburg)
- Dawn - The Orcs breach the Hornburg’s gate, and Théoden charges on horseback down the causeway with Aragorn and the lords of Rohan. The Horn of Helm sounds. As Théoden reaches Helm's Dike, Gandalf and Erkenbrand lead a thousand soldiers into the fray. The Orcs flee into the Huorn-wood, and from there, none emerge. (Quest:Chapter 11: Dawn Comes)
- Morning - The survivors of the battle of Helm's Deep mourn their dead, aid their wounded, and send out riders to issue commands and spread the news of victory throughout the land. (Quest:Chapter 1: The Battle Is Won)
- Afternoon - Gandalf, Théoden, Éomer, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli ride for Isengard. They hear groans and cries from within the Huorn-wood, but pass through unharmed. (Quest:Instance: Allies Unexpected)
- Dusk - Frodo, Sam and Gollum reach the Slag-hills and see the Black Gate.
- Evening - The flooding of Isengard is complete, its forges quenched. The Ents remove their dams to return the waters of the Isen.
- Evening - Gandalf and Théoden's Company cross the Fords of Isen. They are joined by the Grey Company, whose mission to reach Aragorn is finally complete. (Quest:Instance: Allies Unexpected)
- NOTE: LotRO's timeline here differs from that of the books, where the Grey Company arrives a day later

- On March 5th:
- Late Watches - In the night, the Company of Rohirrim and Rangers are passed by the Huorns returning to Fangorn.
- Morning - Frodo, Sam and Gollum hide near the Black Gate. Gollum shares he knows of another secret way into Mordor.
- Morning - Gríma Wormtongue reaches Isengard. Treebeard and the other Ents force him to join Saruman inside of Orthanc. (Quest:Instance: Last March of the Ents)
- Noon - Gandalf, Aragorn and Théoden's retinue arrives to Isengard, and reunites with Merry and Pippin. (The Flooded Ring)
- Noon - Merry and Pippin find pipe-weed in the stores of Isengard, revealing to Aragorn that Saruman has had dealings in the Shire for some time. (Quest:Chapter 4: Took and Brandybuck)
- Noon - Treebeard finds that Beechbone has been set afire and killed during the attack on Isengard. (Quest:Chapter 5: Wizard to Manage)
- Afternoon - Golodir enters the Isengard Depths and searches for Lothrandir. (Quest:Chapter 6: The Drowning Pits)
- Afternoon - Gandalf parleys with Saruman, but Saruman refuses to submit. Gandalf casts him out of the order of Istari and the White Council and shatters his staff. Gríma Wormtongue tosses the Orthanc palantír at Gandalf, but misses. Pippin picks it up and brings to to Gandalf. (Quest:Chapter 8: Allies of the King)
- Afternoon - Halbarad, Golodir and Corunir enter the Pits of Isengard. Gun Ain brings them Lothrandir, who dies soon after. In a rage, Golodir almost kills her, but Halbarad and Corunir intervenes. Gun Ain abandons Saruman and reveals to the Rangers that the dead man is Kenned, dressed in Lothrandir's rags. She guides them to the real Lothrandir, alive in a cell. Halbarad renames Gun Ain "Mercy", and grants her safe passage from Isengard. (Quest:Instance: Lothrandir)
- Afternoon - Seeing massive trrops movements through the Black Gate, Frodo decides to follow Gollum to his other entrance.
- Dusk - When Horn receives the summons to the muster, Nona reveals that she lured him away from Helm's Deep to prevent his prophesied death there, and that she is pregnant. They argue, and Horn answers the muster to defend her and their child. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 6: What It Means to Fight)
- Evening - Pippin steals a look into the palantír. He sees Barad-dûr and speaks with Sauron. Gandalf takes the palantír away before it can do more harm. A Nazgûl passes overhead. Gandalf takes Pippin and rides for Minas Tirith. (Quest:Guard of the Citadel)
The Land of Shadows

- On March 6th:
- Foredawn - Frodo, Sam and Gollum enter North Ithilien.
- Foredawn - Gandalf brings Pippin to Edoras. One of the Nazgûl swoops low across the roof of Meduseld. Gandalf orders the mustering men to Dunharrow to be ready for the arrival of King Théoden. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 1: The Muster of the Rohirrim)
- Noon - Aragorn uses the palantír, declaring himself openly to Sauron. In the stone, he sees Corsairs sailing for Gondor.
- Afternoon - Théoden and Merry ride from Helm's Deep by the southern mountain path.
- Afternoon - Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli ride to Edoras across the open plains along with Elladan, Elrohir and the Rangers.
- Dusk - Gandalf rides out from Edoras, headed for Gondor.

- On March 7th:
- Morning - Smoke from their cookfire cause Frodo and Sam to be captured by Faramir and brought to Henneth Annûn.
- Afternoon - Aragorn and his fellows arrive at Edoras, and then set out south for Dunharrow.
- Afternoon - Faramir tells Frodo and Sam that Boromir is dead.
- Dusk - Aragorn and the others arrive at Dunharrow. Éowyn tries to stop them, then asks to join them into the Paths of the Dead, but Aragorn refuses her.
- Evening - Faramir learns Frodo has the One Ring, but he does not wish to take it, instead promising them aid.

- On March 8th:
- Foredawn - Gollum fishes in the Forbidden Pool and is almost killed by Faramir's Rangers. He is saved by Frodo.
- Morning - Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and the Grey Company leave Dunharrow and enter the Paths of the Dead.
- Morning - Radwine tells Éowyn that Elfhelm's grandson Elfdag has entered into the Paths of the Dead following Aragorn's company. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 1: The Muster of the Rohirrim)
- Morning - Frodo, Sam, and Gollum are released Henneth Annûn. They head south through Ithilien.
- Noon - Aragorn's company passes through the Paths of the Dead. The Oathbreakers split into two factions; the Army of the Dead, led by King Rioc are those that follow Aragorn to keep their oath. Those who deny Aragorn and keep to their worship of Sauron are led by Drugât, who names them the Ruthless Dead. (Quest:Instance: Those Who Are Dead)
- Noon - Elfdag is rescued from the Paths of the Dead, but the rescue party is assaulted by the Ruthless Dead. Only Elfdag and Waldere survive. (The Ruthless Dead)
- Afternoon - Aragorn and the others leave the Paths of the Dead and ride south to the Stone of Erech.
- Dusk - Gandalf and Pippin pass through Far Anórien. They see the beacons of Gondor being lit. Hirgon and Andothol pass them on their way west, carrying the Red Arrow.
- Evening - Aragorn and his escort climb to the Stone of Erech. He summons the Oathbreakers to the stone and evokes their vow; they shall have peace when Gondor is free from Sauron's servants. Rovalang witnesses this. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 4: Atop Erech)

- On March 9th:
- Foredawn - Gandalf and Pippin are let through the Rammas Echor into the Pelennor Fields.
- Dawn - Aragorn leads his new army south and east from the Stone of Erech, passing Rovalang. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 4: Atop Erech)
- Morning - The presence of the Bane of Rhûn in the Blackroot Vale causes the local wildlife to go into a frenzy. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 3: The Whisper of Death)
- Morning - Gandalf and Pippin arrive at Minas Tirith, and are let through the city gates. They meet with Denethor and tell him the manner of Boromir's death. Pippin becomes a guard of the city. In Gondor, Gandalf is known as Mithrandir.
- Morning - Bandron and Nethadan struggle to repair their broken cart carrying healing liquors on their way to Calembel. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 5: A Difficult Road)
- Morning - Galengam defends his flower farms from encroaching Corsair raiders. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 6: The Merchant)
- Noon - Lathlorn strikes at the Corsairs of Umbar invading Edhellond. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 7: Abandoned Refuge)
- Noon - Galdor brings news to Dorthaneth that the Corsairs invading the Havens of Belfalas call themselves the Heirs of Castamir, and are led by the Scourge. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 8: Dorthaneth)
- Afternoon - Lothíriel receives Dorthaneth's warning of the Heirs of Castamir and the Scourge. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 9: A Message for Lothíriel)
- Afternoon - Lothíriel learns of the death of her betrothed, Boromir of Minas Tirith. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 10: Keepers of the History)
- Afternoon - Lothíriel recalls the Swan-knights Nedhros, Heledir and Rovalang to Dol Amroth to better defend it against the Heirs of Castamir. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 11: The Swan-knights)
- Dusk - Théoden and Merry come down from the mountain path and arrive at Dunharrow, meeting with Éowyn.
- Dusk - The Bane of Rhûn stalks the Blackroot Vale. Rovalang sees it and attacks. He defeats the Nazgûl, and it returns to Sauron's side. (Quest:Instance: The Shadow in Morthond)
- Dusk - Aragorn arrives at Calembel.
- Dusk - Faramir leaves Henneth Annûn and passes through Cair Andros. He sends Rangers to reinforce Osgiliath.
- Gloaming - Lothiriel investigates the state of the Corsair blockade. She sees the Scourge's flagship The Night-jewel docked in Cobas Haven. (Quest:Book 2: Chapter 1: The Ships of Gondor)
- Evening - Umer delivers a messenge from Balakhôr the Scourge to Lothiriel, bidding her to come treat with him aboard The Night-jewel. (Quest:Book 2: Chapter 2: Two Messengers)
- Evening - Hirgon and Andothol deliver the Red Arrow to Théoden. The King commits his forces to the call to war from Gondor. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 2: Ride Swift and Sure)
- Evening - Lothíriel sends a Swan-knight to treat with Balakhôr the Scourge in her stead. Balakhôr boasts of his plan to besiege Pelargir with his ships, and demands the surrender of the Gondorian coast. The Swan-knight refuses, and is tossed overboard. Captain Noreth saves the Swan-knight from the water, and Lothíriel sends a messenger to warn Pelargir of the impending attack. (Quest:Instance: Balakhôr the Scourge)

- On March 10th:
- Dawn - The Dawnless Day covers the skies of Gondor in a heavy, dark cloud.
- Dawn - Orcs invade Ringló Vale and Tologlor arranges a defence. He keeps torches burning to stave off the darkness. (Quest:Book 2: Chapter 4: The Dawnless Day)
- Morning - Théoden leads the muster of Rohirrim from Harrowdale to Edoras.
- Noon - Hirgon and Andothol ride out for Minas Tirith with the Red Arrow, intending to bring news of the muster of the Rohirrim to Denethor. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 2: Ride Swift and Sure)
- Afternoon - Théoden leads his army east from Edoras. Horn and Gléowine are part of the muster, and, unknown to the King, so are Merry and "Dernhelm".
- Dusk - Mithrandir rescues Faramir from five flying Nazgûl on the Pelennor Fields.
- Dusk - Aragorn crosses the Ringló river.
- Dusk - Roamingstar comes forth to aid the people of Lebennin. She encounters the child Roniel, gone missing from Linhir. Roamingstar puts her to sleep. (Quest:Book 2: Chapter 5: Beset By Foes)
- Gloaming - Faramir tells Mithrandir, Pippin and Denethor of Frodo and Sam's capture and release.
- Evening - Cair Andros is taken by an army from the Black Gate. Lord Gilgír and his two elder sons are killed, but his wife Dúneth and youngest son Tolwin escape.
- Evening - Frodo, Sam and Gollum enter the Morgul Vale and climb the cliffs towards Cirith Ungol.
- Evening - The Morgul-host marches from Minas Morgul.

- On March 11th:
- Dawn - The Dawnless Day continues for its second day.
- Morning - Denethor sends Faramir back to Osgiliath to slow the Enemy's advance.
- Morning - Lothlórien is assaulted by the forces of Dol Guldur.
- Noon - Orcs and Khundolar cross the Anduin, overwhelm Stangard, and pass into the Wold. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 5: The Long Road to Battle)
- Noon - Aragorn passes through Linhir. Ioron recognises him as Thorongil. (Quest:Book 2: Chapter 7: Thorongil's Visage)
- Noon - Roamingstar wakes Roniel and gives her a river stone. Roniel goes back to Linhir and shows her mother Mornil that Gondor has the power of the River-maidens on their side. (Quest:Book 2: Chapter 6: Roamingstar)
- Afternoon - Inspired by Thorongil's passage, Ioron initiates a hunt for Corsair and Haradrim badges as an offering to him. (Quest:Book 2: Chapter 7: Thorongil's Visage)
- Afternoon - Théoden meets refugees from the Wold, but refuses to split his forces to counterattack the Orcs.
- Dusk - The army of the Witch-king closes on Osgiliath, joined by an army of Haradrim.
- Evening - Gollum leads Frodo and Sam to the pass at Cirith Ungol. Gollum visits Shelob while the Hobbits go to sleep. They notice him missing. (Quest:Interlude: No Other Way)
- Evening - Théoden's call to arms reaches Wildermore at night; Thrymm Red-beard gathers his riders. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 5: The Long Road to Battle)

- On March 12th:
- Dawn - The Dawnless Day continues for its third day.
- Dawn - Osgiliath is lost to Sauron's invading forces. Faramir retreats to the Causeway Forts. Lúmithil is wounded by a Morgul Blade.
- Morning - Thrymm Red-beard leads two Éoreds from Wildermore at dawn; they meet enemies in the Wold and attempt to relieve Harwick but are rebuffed. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 5: The Long Road to Battle)
- Noon - Aragorn and the Grey Host reach Pelargir. He receives Ioron's offering of Corsair and Haradrim badges. (Quest:Book 2: Chapter 7: Thorongil's Visage)
- Afternoon - Aragorn orders the Army of the Dead to attack the Corsair ships. The Haradrim jump overboard in terror. (Quest:Book 2: Chapter 8: The Battle of Pelargir)
- Afternoon - Aragorn and his Army of the Dead kill Balakhôr the Scourge and secure the fleet at Pelargir. The ships' slaves are freed and released into Gondor. After the battle, Aragorn absolves King Rioc and the Men of the Mountains who heeded his call of their endless unrest. (Quest:Instance: Even In Darkness)
- Afternoon - Gollum leads Frodo and Sam into Shelob's Lair. Shelob attacks them and stings Frodo before Sam fends her off.
- Afternoon - Leaflock and his Huorn-herd drive the orcs and Khundolar from the Wold. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 5: The Long Road to Battle)
- Dusk - Thrymm Red-beard leads his remaining Éoreds in pursuit of Théoden's war-riding. They pass Entwade and come to Aldburg at dusk. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 5: The Long Road to Battle)
- Dusk - Aragorn hunts down fleeing Haradrim near Erynos. (Quest:Book 3: Chapter 1: A Need for Secrecy)
- Gloaming - Aragorn and the Grey Company make ready to sail upriver. (Quest:Book 3: Chapter 2: Grey Host, Black Sails)
- Evening - Refugees from Minas Tirith flee to Tumladen. Angbor chases down Haradrim across Upper Lebennin and at the Crossings of Erui. (Quest:Book 3: Chapter 3: Fearless)
- Evening - Thinking Frodo to be dead, Sam takes the One Ring. He hears Orcs so he puts on the One Ring and follows them. They find Frodo and bring him with them into Cirith Ungol.
- Evening - Thrymm Red-beard and his Éored stop at Beaconwatch to rest. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 5: The Long Road to Battle)
- Evening - Bandron and Nethadan are prevented from bringing their healing liquor to Minas Tirith by the occupation of Harlond. They seek refuge in Imloth Melui. (Quest:Book 3: Chapter 4: Another Difficult Road)
- Théoden camps beneath Min-Rimmon.

- On March 13th:
- Midnight - Luntil secretly ferries Duilin and Derufin across the Anduin into South Ithilien under the cover of night. (Quest:Book 3: Chapter 5: Into Ithilien)
- Midnight - Sam overhears the Orcs saying Frodo is alive.
- Late Watches - Duilin and Derufin go on a night hunt for Mûmakil. They kill Haradrim and Orcs. They are charged by two Mûmakil at once, and flee. (Quest:Instance: Sons of Blackroot)
- Late Watches - Duilin and Derufin come to Osgiliath seeking Faramir, but he is missing. They meet Damrod and his men in the Osgiliath Culverts. (Quest:Book 3: Chapter 7: Osgiliath Overrun)
- Foredawn - On a mission from Damrod, Duilin and Derufin do slight sabotage to the giant ram Grond. They encounter Gothmog and flee from his dread might. (Quest:Instance: Gothmog Appears)
- Dawn - The Dawnless Day continues for its fourth day.
- Dawn - Thrymm Red-beard crosses into the Beacon Hills and is beset by Orcs and Variags near Amon Dîn. He breaks through the line and is not pursued. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 5: The Long Road to Battle)
- Dawn - Damrod, Duilin and Derufin flee Osgiliath. They come to the Causeway Forts. (Quest:Book 4, Chapter 1: The Broken Causeway)
- Morning - The Pelennor Fields are invaded. Damrod, Duilin and Derufin flee, and Faramir is wounded in the retreat. (Quest:Instance: Too Far from the City)
- Noon - Imrahil brings Faramir to the Houses of Healing. (Quest:Book 4, Chapter 3: The Seven Gates)
- Noon - Duilin and Derufin are reunited with their father Duinhir. (Quest:In Need of Discipline)
- Afternoon - Ingold and Barathant discover that a second host from Mordor have crossed the Anduin at Cair Andros. (Quest:Book 4, Chapter 5: Beyond the Rammas)
- Afternoon - Hirgon and Andothol arrive at Talath Anor, intending to let Minas Tirith know of the ride of the Rohirrim. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 2: Ride Swift and Sure)
- Dusk - Ingold orders his scouts retreat to Minas Tirith as Talath Anor floods with Orcs, Wargs and Sûhalar, but Barathant is killed. (Quest:Book 4, Chapter 6: The Net Closes)
- Gloaming - Hirgon and Andothol are repelled from the Rammas Echor by Enemy forces. Orcs kill Hirgon and take his head, and Andothol is mortally wounded. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 2: Ride Swift and Sure)
- Gloaming - Jangovar overrun the Dale-lands.
- Evening - Denethor looks into the Minas Tirith palantír. Sauron shows him visions of Minas Tirith and Gondor falling, Hirgon slain still clutching the Red Arrow, and Frodo captive in Cirith Ungol, having lost the One Ring. Denethor abandons all hope. (Quest:Instance: What the Steward Saw)
- Evening - Mithrandir learns that Denethor has been using the palantír. (Quest:Book 4, Chapter 13: Time Yet Remains)
- Evening - Duilin and Derufin spread the news to soldiers of the city that Gothmog cannot be killed, and that Golodir is to blame. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 1: The Spread of Rumour)
- Evening - Théoden arrives in the Drúadan Wood and finds the road past Amon Dîn blockaded by Orcs.
- Evening - Thrymm Red-beard arrives at the War-stead of the Rohirrim after nightfall. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 5: The Long Road to Battle)
- Evening - Ghân-buri-Ghân encounters Rohirrim in the forest and learns of the Orc blockade. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 3: Older Than the Hills)

- On March 14th:
- Midnight - The Rohirrim aid Ghân-buri-Ghân recover the body of his slain son from the Orcs. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 4: The Hated Orcs)
- Foredawn - Minas Tirith is besieged by Sauron's forces. (Quest:Book 4, Chapter 9: The City Besieged)
- Dawn - The Dawnless Day continues for its fifth day.
- Dawn - With the aid of Ghân-buri-Ghân and the Woses, Théoden's war-host takes the old road that passes Drû Bhûta to the Grey Wood. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 7: Through the Stonewain Vale)
- Morning - Aragorn's Corsair ships take on thousands of Men from Southern Gondor, and they sail upriver.
- Morning - Supporters of the Withered Tree rebel against the rule of Denethor and are killed. (Quest:The Withered Tree)
- Noon - Sam, wearing the One Ring, enters Cirith Ungol and finds many dead orcs after a brawl over who would receive Frodo's mithril shirt.
- Afternoon - Heads of killed Gondorians are catapulted over the walls to spread fear, including Hirgon's and Barathant's. (Quest:Mad With Terror)
- Afternoon - Shagrat takes Frodo's mithril shirt and elven cloak and Sam's sword and leaves for Barad-dûr.
- Afternoon - Théoden and his Rohirrim emerge from the Drúedain woods and make camp. They prepare to ride to Pelennor in the morning. (Quest:Book 5, Chapter 7: Through the Stonewain Vale)
- Dusk - Sam finds Frodo in the highest tower of Cirith Ungol and returns the One Ring to him.
- Gloaming - Catapults cast flaming stones into Minas Tirith. Rathon fights to hinder the fires from spreading. (Quest:Fires in the City)
- Evening - A brisk wind blows in from the sea, giving speed to Aragorn's ships and slowly blowing away the dark clouds of the Dawnless Day.

- On March 15th:
- Midnight - Frodo and Sam escape Cirith Ungol, dressed as Orcs.
- Late Watches - The Siege of Minas Tirith escalates with Nazgûl, siege ladders and additional siege engines set against the walls of the city. (Quest:Book 4, Chapter 10: The Defence of Minas Tirith)
- Foredawn - Théoden and his Rohirrim start their charge to Pelennor. (Quest:Instance: The Ride of the Rohirrim)
- Dawn - The clouds of the Dawnless Day recede to the east over the course of the day.
- Dawn - The Battle of the Pelennor Fields begins. The Witch-king uses the giant ram Grond to knock down the Great Gate of Minas Tirith. (Quest:Book 4, Chapter 11: Hammer of the Underworld)
- Dawn - The Witch-king confronts Mithrandir, but is repelled from entering further into the city by the sound of Rohan's forces arriving at the Pelennor Fields. (Quest:Instance: The Ride of the Rohirrim)
- Dawn - The Rohirrim and the Gondorians join forces on the Pelennor. (Quest:Book 6, Chapter 1: Bonded By Battle)
- Morning - Théoden charges into the Haradrim. The King of Harad, Kâlach Hûl, The Black Serpent, and his sons are slain. (Blood of the Black Serpent)
- Morning - The Witch-king of Angmar descends on the battlefield. Guthláf and Déorwine are killed, and Snowmane is hit by a dart and falls on top of Théoden, crushing him. Éowyn kills the Witch-king's fellbeast. He breaks her shield and arm, but is stabbed in his knee by Merry, then Éowyn kills him with her blade. Théoden proclaims Éomer as the new king of Rohan, and dies. Éomer sees Éowyn fallen and charges deep into enemy ranks. (Quest:Instance: Death Comes for All)
- Morning - Mithrandir goes to Faramir and carries him away from Denethor on Pippin's urging. The leaders of the Withered Tree are killed. The Gloom of Nurn proclaims the return of King Eärnur, but is driven off. Denethor burns himself and his palantír on the pyre. (The Silent Street)
- Morning - Elfmar is killed by Thrúgrath. Horn witnesses the procession bringing the bodies of Théoden and Éowyn into the city being attacked by another Nazgûl, but Mithrandir arrives in time to drive it away. (Quest:Book 6, Chapter 3: The Grip of Despair)
- Morning - Duilin and Derufin are trampled by three Mûmakil. Orolang, the former knight of Eärnur, proclaims Gothmog as the King returned. Reeve Imrahil and Ingbert defeat him together. Dúnhere is killed by an arrow, and Hirluin by a troll. (Quest:Book 6, Chapter 4: The Foe Resurgent)
- Morning - Aragorn's Corsair ships sail into view. (Quest:Book 6, Chapter 5: The Black Ships)
- Morning - The defenders of Minas Tirith see that the ships present Arwen's white tree and seven star banner. (Quest:Book 6, Chapter 6: The Battle Rages)
- Noon - Aragorn lands his ships in Harlond, where they beat back The Forsaken Reaver and his forces. (The Quays of the Harlond)
- Noon - Golodir confronts Thrúgrath, and they kill each other. (Quest:Book 6, Chapter 7: A Final Vengeance)
- Afternoon - Crúmgam is killed, but Halros dies protecting Horn. Gothmog kills Halbarad, but is repelled by Aragorn and flees the battlefield. (Quest:Book 6, Chapter 8: On a Field of Red)
- Afternoon - Sauron's forces are routed and Minas Tirith stands triumphant. Horn is devastated by Halros' sacrifice. Gléowine recounts the slain of the battle - Harding, Guthláf, Fastred and Grimbold are among them. (Quest:Book 6, Chapter 9: The City Stands)
- Afternoon - Thranduil defends northern Mirkwood against the forces of Dol Guldur.
- Afternoon - Lothlórien is assaulted by Dol Guldur a second time.
- Dusk - When the sun sets, the clouds of the Dawnless Day have cleared, and Mordor's host has been beaten. Aragorn uses Athelas to heal Faramir, Éowyn and Merry.

- On March 16th:
- Dawn - Aragorn calls a council on the field of battle. (Quest:Book 7, Chapter 1: Beginning to Heal)
- Morning - The surviving commanders of Rohan and Gondor debate their next moves. They decide to form a host to besiege the Black Gate and draw Sauron's gaze away from Frodo and Sam. (Quest:Instance: The Council of the Captains)
- Morning - The Host of the West begins its muster. (Quest:Book 7, Chapter 3: The Great Jest)
- Noon - Elfhelm rides north to drives out the Orcs blockading the road.
- Noon - A brief memorial is held for those who fell on the Pelennor. (Quest:Instance: Mourning the Dead)
- Dusk - Frodo and Sam cross the Morgai and see Mount Doom.
- On March 17th:
- Morning - Shagrat brings Frodo's mithril shirt and elven cloak and Sam's sword into Barad-dûr.
- Noon - Elfhelm's Rohirrim break the Orc blockade camping across the road between Gondor and Rohan, and chase the Orcs off Talath Anor and onto Cair Andros.
- Afternoon - Brand and Dáin are both killed in the Battle of Dale. King Thorin III accepts many dwarves and Men into Erebor and seals the gates, earning him the name Stonehelm. Erebor is besieged by Jangovar. They attempt to call for help, but the Jangovar attempt to smoke them out of the Mountain with a harnessed fire-grim
On March 18th:
- Morning - Having brought together trumpeters and heralds, the Host of the West marches from Pelennor toward the Black Gate. Merry stays behind in Minas Tirith. (Quest:Book 7, Chapter 4: A Loud Departure)
- Noon - The Host of the West arrives at Osgiliath. Bandron and Nethadan set up a nail-selling enterprise for the city's repairs. (Quest:Book 7, Chapter 4: A Loud Departure)
- Dusk - The Host of the West rest outside Osgiliath. They repair the statue of the king at the Cross-roads of Ithilien. (Quest:Book 7, Chapter 5: The Garden of Gondor)
- Gloaming - Frodo and Sam near the Isenmouthe; they encounter orcs on the road from Durthang to Udûn. Thinking they are goblins, they force the Hobbits to jog with them.

- On March 19th:
- Late Watches - A scuffle breaks out among the orcs and Sam and Frodo escape, hiding under Sam's elf-cloak. They set out to cross Dor Amarth.
- Noon - The Host of the West passes the entrance to the Morgul Vale. Aragorn accompanies Mithrandir to destroy the Gúliant bridge to prevent an attack from behind. (Quest:Fire Beneath the Shadow)
- On March 20th:
- Morning - Frodo and Sam continue across Dor Amarth.
- Noon - The Host of the West travels north through Ithilien and come to Henneth Annûn. They discover an Orc and Easterling ambush has been set up at Cirith Negen. (Quest:Book 7, Chapter 6: The Window on the West)

- On March 21st:
- Noon - Frodo and Sam finds muddy water in an Orc cistern, the last refilling of their water bottle.
- Afternoon - The Host of the West destroy the Orc ambush set in Cirith Negen. (Quest:Book 7, Chapter 7: The Ambush)
- On March 22nd:
- Noon - Having crossed Dor Amarth, Frodo and Sam turn south to face Mount Doom.
- Dusk - Lothlórien is assaulted a third and final time by forces of Dol Guldur, and burn part of the forest's edge.
- On March 23rd:
- Morning - Frodo and Sam abandon their orc-disguises and the last of their equipment as they leave the plains behind and walk among the rocky spurs north of Mount Doom.
- Morning - The Host of the West leaves North Ithilien and establishes the Camp of the Host on the edge of the Wastes. They are followed by Nazgûl above, sowing dread among the Men on the march. (Quest:Book 7, Chapter 8: Resolve)
- Morning - Aragorn dismisses the Faint-hearted; Duinhir of the Blackroot Vale leads them to retake Cair Andros, where he is joined by Dúneth and Tolwin. (Quest:Instance: The Retaking of Cair Andros)
- Afternoon - Aragorn sends Mincham and Faeron to spy on the Black Gate. They enter Narchost and learn that Sauron believes the ruse of the Host of the West. (Quest:Book 7, Chapter 9: By Secret Steps)
- On March 24th:
- Dawn - Before they set out from the Camp of the Host, Aragorn thanks some of the remaining Rangers of the North - Lothrandir, Radanir, Corunir and Calenglad, for their continued service. Quest:Book 8, Chapter 2: Last Chances)
- Noon - Frodo and Sam reach Mount Doom and prepare for the long climb to the top.
- Dusk - Aragorn's host camps in the Slag-hills before the Morannon. (Quest:Book 8, Chapter 3: A Waiting Silence)

- On March 25th:
- Dawn - Frodo can no longer walk. Sam carries him while he climbs Mount Doom.
- Morning - Aragorn rides to the Black Gate and challenges Sauron. Dulgabêth, the Mouth of Sauron appears and presents Frodo's mail shirt and elf-cloak, and Sam's sword, promising torment to the one who who bore the items. Mithrandir seizes the equipment and refuses Sauron's terms. As Dulgabêth returns through the Gate, his men blow horns to start the attack. (Quest:Book 8, Chapter 4: The Black Gate)
- Morning - The Battle of the Morannon starts as foes pour out of the hills and the Black Gate. The Host of the West is quickly surrounded on all sides. (Quest:Book 8, Chapter 5: Surrounded)
- Morning - Overwhelming numbers press upon the Host. Nazgûl pick up men and dash them to the ground. Thalanir is killed, and King Éomer is wounded. (Quest:Book 8, Chapter 6: The Drowning Tide)
- Morning - In the final assault, Calenglad and Berthon are sized by Nazgûl, and Golasgil is slain by a troll. Pippin saves Beregond's life but is injured by a troll falling over him. (Quest:Instance: Mordor Triumphant)
- Morning - Inside Sammath Naur, the forge of Mount Doom, Gollum attacks Frodo and takes the One Ring, then falls into the Crack of Doom. Gollum and the Ring are consumed by its fires. Barad-dûr crumbles, and the Nazgûl plummet from the sky. The Black Gate and its towers fall. Sauron is finally vanquished. (Quest:Interlude: The Precious, At Last)
- Morning - Hrímil Frost-heart escapes Glúrakul, the Pit of Frost in the Abyss of Mordath while Thostír the Rank escapes Glúrghash, the Pit of Flame.
- Morning - The Great Eagles arrive, and the Nazgûl flee. Mithrandir bids Gwaihir carry him to Mount Doom. (Quest:Book 9, Chapter 2: The Eagles are Coming!)
- Morning - Faramir sees an enormous shadow rise up over Mordor, then disappear.
- Morning - Frodo and Sam descend from Mount Doom, then fall into a coma. As Orodruin erupts, Gwaihir and Mithrandir pick them up and carry them away to Aragorn. (Quest:Book 9, Chapter 2: The Eagles are Coming!)
- Afternoon - Aragorn heals Frodo, Sam and Pippin.
A World Reclaimed
- On March 26th:
- Morning -The cleansing of Mordor starts in Udûn.
- Afternoon - The Host of the West set up Udûn Foothold inside Udûn.
- On March 27th:
- Afternoon - King Bard II and King Thorin III drive the Jangovar from Dale and break the siege of Erebor.
- On March 28th:
- Morning - Celeborn and Galadriel cross the Anduin and begin the destruction of Dol Guldur.
- On March 29th:
- Morning - Magh Ashtu is build up in Talath Úrui as a base of operations to cleanse Mordor.
- On April 6th:
- On April 8th:
- Morning - Frodo and Sam wake from their two-week long coma in the Field of Cormallen. Merry has traveled from Minas Tirith to be there as well. (Quest:Book 9, Chapter 3: On the Field of Victory)
- Noon - Frodo shares the story of what happened at Mount Doom, though it pains him. (Quest:Book 9, Chapter 4: Frodo Baggins and the Ring of Power)
- Noon - Mithrandir and Aragorn discuss the future, and agree to form a mission to explore the Plateau of Gorgoroth in time. (Quest:Book 9, Chapter 5: The Next Adventure)
- On April 10th:
- Morning - Ayorzén is rescued by Annoth from Durthang. (Quest:Chapter 1.3: Unintentions)
- Afternoon - A camp is set up in Dor Amarth.
- Evening - Ayorzén is brought before Gandalf and Aragorn. He is offered a home in Gondor in exchange for information about Mordor. He declines this offer, but he does share the names of Ugrukhôr, Urudanî and Dulgabêth. (Quest:Chapter 1.6: Whispers from the Other Side)
- On April 11th:
- Morning - Dulgabêth offers Aragorn peace, on the conditions that all the other Gúrzyul must be killed, and Dulgabêth is to be put as the ruler of Mordor. Aragorn rejects the offer. (Quest:Chapter 2.5: Mouth of Gondor)
- On April 13th:
- Afternoon - King Váskmun Greytooth is rescued from the Dungeons of Barad-dûr.
- On April 14st:
- Afternoon - Váskmun Greytooth, Gimli and Eitur confront and defeat Zôreth.
- Afternoon - Váskmun Greytooth renames the Stout-axes to the Firehorns and announces he is going to retrieve Manthríf.
- On April 18th:
- Afternoon - Dulgabêth the Black Word is defeated by Rhadrog and Faeron in Seregost.
- On April 20th:
- The Host of Gondor heads in to the Abyss of Mordath deep below Barad-dûr to stop the Firehorns from obtaining Manthríf and stopping the Order of the Eye from taking revenge.
- Váskmun Greytooth is eaten by Fingar the Greedy who is afterwards slain in Glurnákh, the Pit of Greed by the Host of Gondor.
On April 28th:
- Morning - The last parts of Sauron's armies are defeated, and the fortresses of northern Mordor have been levelled.
- Dusk - The Captains of the Host of the West arrive at Osgiliath.
On April 30th:
- Evening - The Captains of the Host of the West arrive at the gates of Minas Tirith and spend the night in pavilions on the Pelennor Fields.
- On May 1st:
- Morning - Aragorn is crowned King in Minas Tirith.
- Afternoon - Arwen's wedding party departs Rivendell. The party includes Elrond, Glorfindel, Gildor, and Baradal.
- On May 8th:
- On May 20th:
- Afternoon - Arwen's wedding party arrives in Lothlórien. Baradal is nearly killed in Shathur-munzu by Ránulur, Chieftain of Wargs before the arrival of Galadriel, Arwen, and Elrond.
- On May 25th:
- Morning - Aragorn and Gandalf find a sapling of the White Tree on the slopes of Mindolluin above Minas Tirith.
- On May 27th:
- Noon - Arwen's wedding party leaves Lothlórien, now joined by Galadriel and Celeborn.
- On June 1st:
- Morning - The sapling of the White Tree is already heavy with blossoms, a sign of Arwen's coming arrival.
- On June 29th (1 Lithe):
- Morning - Arwen's wedding party arrives in Minas Tirith. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 6: The Evenstar in Gondor)
- On June 30th, Mid-year's Day:
- Noon - Aragorn and Arwen are married. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 7: A Wedding at Midsummer)
- Afternoon - A great wedding banquet is held that lasts until evening. Members of the Grey Company discuss the Morgul Vale and the need to rid it of its dangers. (Quest:Book 1, Chapter 8: The Wedding Banquet)
- In July:
- The White Company, led by Faramir, begin the reclamation of the Morgul Vale.
- Ugrukhôr, Captain of the Pit is defeated by Gothmog.
- Gothmog falls in his fortress of Barad Cúron once and for all.
- Rûkhor the Pale Herald is defeated by Celeborn, Legolas, Mablung and the rangers of Ithilien in the Remmorchant.
- From August to December:
- The Kindred of the Coins rise to power in Umbar Baharbêl.
- Durin VII and his dwarves lay siege to Gundabad in the War of Three Peaks.
- The dwarves enter Mount Gundabad and try to reclaim it.
- Gorgar, Rúvaran and Ailgar are slain by Mótsog and Durin VII.
- Lord Náin is slain by Hrímil Frost-heart.
- Hrímil Frost-heart is slain by Durin VII.
- In January:
- King Elessar and Lady Arwen set up a crew to look into the city of Umbar Baharbêl.