Minas Tirith

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This page is about Minas Tirith before the Battle of Pelennor Fields. For other time periods, see Minas Tirith (disambiguation). For the reputation faction, see Defenders of Minas Tirith
Minas Tirith
Region: Old Anórien
Location: [65.8S, 16.8W]


Minas Tirith (Sindarin: "Tower of Guard") is an area and settlement within Old Anórien in Gondor, at the eastern end of the White Mountains at the foot of Mount Mindolluin in the Pelennor Fields. It is the capital and seat of power of the Kingdom of Gondor.

Reputation Factions


A brief listing of services available in Minas Tirith. See the descriptions of the individual Tiers for more complete listings.

Tasks Bulletin Board



The following deeds are located under the Old Anórien tab of the Gondor page of the Deed Log.

Minas Tirith Deeds Overview
Deed Type Virtue Experience Title LP Rep Faction Details
Plaques of the White City Meta City Dweller 1200 Defenders of Minas Tirith Complete Explorer of the White City and The Statues of Minas Tirith deeds
Explorer of the White City Meta Sightseer 700 Defenders of Minas Tirith Complete Guests, Taverns, Teachings, Vaults, and Workings of the the White City deeds.
The Statues of Minas Tirith Meta The Gondorian Historian 900 Defenders of Minas Tirith Complete The Line of Kings and Stewards of Gondor deeds.
Guests of the White City Explorer 5 500 Defenders of Minas Tirith Read the 10 plaques of landmarks frequented by those visiting the city of Minas Tirith.
Taverns of the White City Explorer 5 500 Defenders of Minas Tirith Read the 13 plaques of taverns and wine-shops within Minas Tirith.
Teachings of the White City Explorer 5 500 Defenders of Minas Tirith Read the 5 plaques of buildings used for the advancement of knowledge within the city of Minas Tirith.
Vaults of the White City Explorer 5 500 Defenders of Minas Tirith Read the 6 plaques of landmarks used by those living in Minas Tirith to store Provisions and valuables.
Workings of the White City Explorer 5 500 Defenders of Minas Tirith Read the 5 plaques of places that govern the laws, rules and commerce of Minas Tirith.
The Line of Kings Explorer 5 500 Defenders of Minas Tirith Read the 33 plaques on the statues of the kings of Gondor.
The Stewards of Gondor Explorer 5 500 Defenders of Minas Tirith Read the 25 plaques on the statues of the stewards of Gondor.
A Long Way Down Explorer The Flighty 300 Defenders of Minas Tirith Find the swiftest way off the prow in Minas Tirith
Masters of Minas Tirith Explorer +2000 The Outgoing 5 500 Defenders of Minas Tirith Meet the 7 Masters of Minas Tirith.
Wardens of Minas Tirith Explorer +2000 Friend of the Watch 5 500 Defenders of Minas Tirith Meet the 7 Wardens of Minas Tirith.
Captains of Minas Tirith Explorer +2000 Strategist 5 500 Defenders of Minas Tirith Meet the 5 Captains of Minas Tirith
Minas Tirith Fellow-halls Explorer +2000 The Many-talented 5 500 Defenders of Minas Tirith Discover the 10 Fellow-halls of Minas Tirith.
Tales of Minas Tirith Quest 1200 Defenders of Minas Tirith Complete the Children of Minas Tirith, Furlong's Feast and Travelling Band quest arcs in Minas Tirith




Reputation Faction Reward Barter:

Epic Battle Reward Barter:

Pelennor Instance Reward Barter:

Featured Instance Reward Barter:

Notice: Interiors, landmarks, and other places are coarsely grouped into geographical sections of Minas Tirith, namely the Seven Circles of the city:

The Seven Circles

Minas Tirith consists of seven circles, each surrounded by a wall and dedicated to a different part of the city's society.

See the description of each Tier for details on Services, NPCs and Landmarks.

Workers' Tier (1st Circle)

The Workers' Tier
See Workers' Tier for more details.
The Workers' Tier is the first and lowest of the seven Circles of Minas Tirith in Old Anórien. [65.2S, 16.8W]
It is the largest tier and home to the wrights, builders and workers of the White City.

Soldiers' Tier (2nd Circle)

The Soldiers' Tier
See Soldiers' Tier for more details.
Admission to the second of the Seven Circles of the city of Minas Tirith in Old Anórien, known to the people of Gondor as The Soldiers' Tier. [65.5S, 17.6W] is by way of the Sword-gate.
This tier is home to several ale-halls and barracks catering to soldiers and the town-guard, as well as a number of armories and the Wielding-yard.

Craftsmen's Tier (3rd Circle)

The Craftsmen's Tier
See Craftsmen's Tier for more details.
The Craftsmen's Tier is the third of the seven Circles of Minas Tirith, in Old Anórien. [64.7S, 18.0W] Entrance is by way of the Silver Gate.
This tier houses shops and smithies of the craftsmen of the White City, as well as the Clothiers' Market and Fellow-hall. Builders and merchants will find much to attend their needs on this tier of the city, as will any who seek the auctioneers at the House of Clamor.'

Players' Tier (4th Circle)

The Players' Tier
See Players' Tier for more details.
The Lords' Gate marks the entrance to the Players' Tier, the fourth of the seven Circles of Minas Tirith, in Old Anórien. [66.4S, 18.4W]
This tier is home to the many artists, bards and minstrels of the White City. Minstrels and actors frequent the Court of Voronwe and the Blue Theatre, and their wealthy patrons gather at the baths and guest-houses between performances. The entrance to the great cistern that feeds most of the city is also on this level, but you would be wise to leave it be. The footing can be treacherous, and the Waterstead has claimed more than a few careless lives.

Sages' Tier (5th Circle)

The Sages' Tier
See Sages' Tier for more details.
The Sages' Tier is the fifth of the seven Circles of Minas Tirith, in Old Anórien. [65.1S, 18.6W]
Protected by the Gate of Stars, this tier is a place of learning. Scholars study the stars from its orrery and tower, and natural philosophers make learned arguments within its quiet courtyards. Several archives can be found in the Fifth Circle, as can the Houses of Lore and the scriptorium where copies are made of valued documents and records containing the ancient knowledge of Númenor.

Masters' Tier (6th Circle)

The Masters' Tier from the Gate of Stones
See Masters' Tier for more details.
The Masters' Tier is the sixth of the seven Circles of Minas Tirith, in Old Anórien. [66.2S, 19.2W] It is entered through the Gate of Stones.
The Sixth Circle is known to folk of the city as the Masters' Tier, but few of them ever climb to this gate. The Houses of Healing can be found on this tier, along with the Cold Hall where the dead are brought to be washed, clothed and prepared for internment in the tombs or, in case of the common folk, the ossuaries within the Hill of Guard.
The Dome of the Sun can also be found on this level. That is where the Council of Gondor meets to decide matters of state, and errand-riders bring their resolutions throughout the city and to the other reaches of Gondor.

The Citadel (7th Circle)

The Citadel
See The Citadel for more details.
The Gate of the Citadel provides entrance to the Seventh Tier of the White City, The Citadel, a landmark within Minas Tirith in Old Anórien. [65.5S, 18.9W]
This, the uppermost tier is also known as the Stewards Tier, but called by many, the Kings Tier. There has been no King in Gondor for many hundreds of years. It is where the Ruling Stewards of Gondor have their seat of power.


Minas Tirith was built in 3320 of the Second Age, originally named Minas Anor (Sindarin for Tower of the Sun), one of the two towers of Gondor guarding the western and eastern flanks of the capital, Osgiliath. It was the city of Anárion, son of Elendil, though Anárion shared joint rule of the southern kingdom with his brother Isildur from Osgiliath. Isildur's was the city of Minas Ithil (Sindarin for Tower of the Moon) on the eastern side of Osgiliath.
At the end of the Second Age, Minas Ithil was overrun and Minas Anor was besieged by Sauron until it was relieved by the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. Anárion was slain in the fighting and rule of the city passed to his son Meneldil and his heirs. Minas Anor was rebuilt in the beginning of the Third Age (T.A. 420) by Ostoher, the seventh King of Gondor, as a summer residence. In Third Age 1640, King Tarondor moved the King's House from Osgiliath following the Great Plague, which devastated the population of the much larger and more populous old capital.
In T.A. 2002, Minas Ithil was again taken by the Nazgûl and became Minas Morgul, the Tower of Black Sorcery. Minas Anor became Minas Tirith, the Tower of Guard -- guarding Gondor against the forces of Sauron. With the fall of Minas Ithil and the capture of the city's palantír, use of the Anor-stone was stopped.
Minas Tirith became the capital of Gondor with the fall of Osgiliath. In T.A. 2050, Eärnur, last King of Gondor, rode to Minas Morgul in answer to the Witch-king of Angmar's challenge and was lost. Rule of Gondor passed to Mardil and the line of the Ruling Stewards, which continues now through Denethor and his sons. In the Courtyard before the king's hall there was a White Tree a descendant Nimloth of Númenor. That tree died at the same time as the twenty-first Steward, Belecthor II, and was left standing in the Court of the Fountain.
Minas Tirith is divided into seven city rings. Mithrandir describes it in Quest: Book 4, Chapter 3: The Seven Gates:
'Minas Tirith is strong, and it was built in seven levels with strategic purpose. Did you notice how the gates alternate sides, first on the south, then the north, and then on the south again? Such a design causes the ascending road to pass through the Neaths in the pier at regular intervals, and carving so many arched tunnels in the stone cannot have been easy. It was done at Anárion's command so the city could be easily fortified, and an opposing force would have a long road to march before reaching the heights of the city.
'The walls of the city have never been breached. No enemy has broken the gates. Denethor knows this. He believes that Minas Tirith cannot fall, and that knowledge gives him strength, but it is also a weakness. He refuses the help I might give him, and the help you could provide. I think that is an error.'
At the end of the Third Age, Minas Tirith was no longer at the height of its power. Its women and children were evacuated to other fiefdoms to the south. It was supplied by farms on the fertile Pelennor Fields surrounding the city, which in turn are bordered by the Rammas Echor, a large wall.
At the end of the Third Age there was a large battle on these fields with the Orcs of Mordor, the Corsairs of Umbar, the Haradrim, the Gondorians and the Rohirrim.

