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This page is about the old stronghold of Morgoth. For the zone in the land of Mordor, see Udûn

Utumno, also known as Udûn, was the first stronghold of the first dark lord; Melkor. From here Melkor destroyed the two lamps and reigned over the lands of Middle-Earth. It was the birthplace of the orcs and other vile creatures like trolls. When the Valar learned of the elves they came to Utumno and razed it to the ground during the War for the Sake of the Elves, also known as the War of the Powers. In their haste they did not search Utumno and Melkor's second stronghold of Angband to its fullest extent and so Sauron and the Valaraukar were allowed to continue to exist there.


The exact location is unknown, but there are some speculations about where it lay.

  • It is possible it may lie under the Bay of Forochel.
  • It is possible it may lie under Carn Dûm in Angmar.
  • It is possible it may lie further to the east, east of the Iron Hills.