
Olog-hai (a Black Speech term meaning "Troll-folk") are a race of powerful Trolls that debuted in the War of the Ring. Like the similar Uruk-hai, they are essentially "super-soldiers" of Sauron's army -- larger, stronger, and more intelligent than ordinary Trolls. Ologs have large, hoof-like feet, bodies that are covered in thick scales, and wide faces with mouths filled with hideous sharp teeth. Unlike most of their race, they can withstand the light of the sun and do not turn to stone if exposed to its rays. For this reason, they have sometimes been mistaken for giant Orcs.
The Olog-hai were bred from a race of ancient Trolls from the First Age known as Gertheryg, presumably by crossing them with one or more other breeds of Troll. Through this breeding experiment, Sauron was able to improve upon the work of his master Morgoth and produce the strongest and perhaps most terrifying of the Troll-kind. For classification purposes, Lore-masters consider the Olog-hai to be a type of Gertheryg.
The Ologs first debuted in Mirkwood near the tower of Dol Guldur and can often be found patrolling that region. Olog-hai can also be seen in Ost Dunhoth in Enedwaith and in Mordor on the Plateau of Gorgoroth.
- Weak Guldur Olog-hai
- Hale Guldur Olog-hai
- Hardy Guldur Olog-hai
- Strong Guldur Olog-hai
- Staunch Guldur Olog-hai
- Mordor Olog
- Matúrz-olog
- Rakothas
- Shemator
- Thrúgrath
Olog-hai appear in The Return of the King. Their connection to Gertheryg (a game-specific race) was invented for The Lord of the Rings Online.