Evendim is a region found within the land of Eriador.
A vast region dominated by the majestic lake from which it gets its name, Lake Evendim, also known as Nenuial (Sindarin for Lake of Twilight). Here the dwindling numbers of Dúnedain have struggled for long to honour their heritage.
Little is said about Evendim but Elendil came here no earlier than Second Age 3320 and founded the northern Kingdom of Arnor, while his two sons founded Gondor in the south. Ten High Kings ruled out of Annúminas, the shining jewel on the southern shore of Nenuial. However, Amlaith never became the eleventh King but left to Fornost and Arnor was split in three.
The ancient abandoned city of Annúminas, the former capital of the Kingdom of Arnor, is well known amongst the Free Peoples for according to the legends, amidst its ruins lay great wealth and powerful artifacts now threatened by evil creatures and the nefarious forces of Angmar. The Wardens of Annúminas have set up a smaller camp within the ruins and a large camp at Tinnudir, trying to press back the Enemy and secure the tombs of old.
- Level: 30 - 40
- Factions: The Wardens of Annúminas
- Crafting: Expert and Artisan
- Neighbouring: Bree-land, Forochel, North Downs, The Shire
- Introduced: Shores of Evendim, June 13th, 2007
(Ordered by main quest-level)
Bullroarer's Sward
- Town: Oatbarton:
- Milestone, Stable-master, Camp Site Fire, Mailbox, Supplier, Healer, armament vendors, quests
- Crafting: Farmland, Forge, Oven, Workbench, novice trainers
- Glass-blowers' Camp: Milestone, Stable-master, Mailbox, Healer, Provisioner, quests
- World Instances: Northcotton Farm - Level 65+
- Quests: mainly 30 - 32
- Quests: mainly 31 - 33
- Town: Tinnudir
- Bard, Vault, Milestone, Stable-master, Dock-master, Reflecting Pool, Mailbox, Skirmish Camp, Grocer, Healer, Provisioner, Supplier, class trainers, quests
- Crafting: Forge, Oven, Study, Workbench, novice trainers
- Outpost: High King's Crossing: Milestone, Stable-master, Dock-master, Mailbox, Healer, Provisioner, quests
- Quests: mainly 32 - 40
- Dock-master
- Quests: mainly 33
- Village: Ost Forod
- Milestone, Stable-master, Mailbox, Tavern Keep, Supplier, Grocer, Healer, Provisioner, armament vendors
- Crafting: Forge, Oven, Study, Workbench, novice trainers
- Quests: mainly 35 - 38
- Camp: The Eavespires: Milestone, Dock-master, Bowyer, Healer, Hunter Trainer, quests
- Camp Site Fire
- Quests: mainly 36 - 38
- Quests: mainly 38
- Camp: Way of Kings: Dock-master, quests
- Quests: mainly 37 - 39
- Outpost: Echad Garthadir: Camp Site Fire w Mustering Horn, Milestone, Stable-master, Healer, Provisioner & Supplier, Legendary Armour barterers
- Dungeon: Glinghant
- Quests: mainly 38 - 40
- World Instances: Haudh Valandil, Ost Elendil
- Quests: mainly 39 - 40
Settlements |
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Instances |
QuestsFor more detail, see Evendim Quests |
DeedsFor more detail, see Evendim Deeds |
TitlesFor more detail, see Evendim Titles | ||||||||||||||||||||
CraftingCrafting Tier(s):
Resource Locations:
MapsRegional mapGallery