Bestowal dialogue
'I know you must continue on your mission to Pelargir, and I will not delay you. But there is one more thing...
'I have heard that an old man of the city, Ioron by name, may have fallen into some madness. He has been hooting and cheering for the past few hours, and folk are afraid he may do some hurt to himself. I would be grateful if you checked on him and ensured that he is of sound mind and no danger to himself or others.
'You will find him south of here. Once you have satisfied yourself that he has not succumbed to madness, continue on to Pelargir with my thanks and my family's.'
Ingalad is very grateful for the help you have provided the people of Linhir, and hopes you can do the same for the folk at Pelargir.
Objective 1
Ioron is south of Ingalad, in Linhir.
The folk of Linhir are concerned for the safety of Ioron, who has been acting peculiarly for several hours.
- Ingalad: 'I have heard that an old man of the city, Ioron by name, may have fallen into some madness. He has been hooting and cheering for the past few hours, and folk are afraid he may do some hurt to himself. I would be grateful if you checked on him and ensured that he is of sound mind and no danger to himself or others.
- Ioron: 'Ha ha! Welcome, welcome! There is no need to look so crestfallen, my friend! Do not concern yourself with the shadow that covers the sky, for it cannot last forever! The winds of hope are blowing!'
- Your puzzled expression prompts Ioron to dance even more vigorously, despite his age. When you offer him a stabilizing hand, he shakes his head.
- 'No need, friend! I will tell you what has caused the years to drop away from old Ioron, if you will listen!'
- Ioron stops dancing, but his smile grows wider than ever
Objective 2
Ioron is south of Ingalad, in Linhir.
You have spoken with Ioron and he insists that the winds of hope are on the rise. Has he truly gone mad, as the people of Linhir suppose?
- Ioron: 'A great, silent host swept down from the north, driving fear into the hearts of those engaged in battle at the city, both foe-man and defender alike. The host has moved on to the east, but I saw from afar the man who rode at its head, and I knew him.
- 'This man bore the very visage of Thorongil, the great hero of Gondor who I saw once in my youth, nearly two score years ago. He it was who gathered the great fleet at Pelargir and sailed it to Umbar, utterly breaking the spirits of the Corsairs and smashing the walls of their fortress. Now he has returned, and the years have not touched him as they have weathered me. His strength remains, timeless and unchanging! He will destroy the Corsairs as he did before.
- 'So that is why I celebrate, and you should too! Follow in his train, friend, defeat Haradrim and Corsairs in Lebennin, and find him at Pelargir. Show him badges of the enemies you defeat, and he will know the people of Gondor have not forgotten him. Thorongil! Thorongil!'
Objective 3
Corsairs and Haradrim can be found throughout Lebennin.
Ioron wants you to defeat Corsairs and Haradrim throughout Lebennin, bringing the badges of rank they carry to Thorongil outside Pelargir.
- Ioron: 'That is why I celebrate, and you should too! Follow in his train, friend, defeat Haradrim and Corsairs in Lebennin, and find him at Pelargir. Show him badges of the enemies you defeat, and he will know the people of Gondor have not forgotten him. Thorongil! Thorongil!'
- Collected Southron Badges (8/8)
- Collected Umbar Badges (8/8)
Objective 4
The man Ioron believed to be Thorongil may be approaching the gates of Pelargir, in Lebennin.
Ioron asked you to find Thorongil, great hero of Gondor.
- You have found Thorongil, and he is, as you suspected, Aragorn, son of Arathorn
Objective 5
- Bring Southron and Umbar Badges to Aragorn outside Pelargir
The man Ioron believed to be Thorongil is in fact Aragorn, son of Arathorn.
Ioron asked you to find Thorongil, great hero of Gondor, and you have found him outside Pelargir.
- Aragorn: 'It is good to see you again, my friend! I see you have been doing good work throughout these lands. To my sorrow my errand has driven me with such speed I could not slow my pace overmuch to help the good people of Gondor, and I fear there are many sad stories behind me.
- 'It is time now to try and prevent another. Now we will see if there is any of Thorongil still left within me, I suppose. We must stop the Corsairs here!'