Quest:Book 6, Chapter 3: The Grip of Despair

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Book 6, Chapter 3: The Grip of Despair
Level 105
Type Solo
Starts with Gléowine
Starts at Kings' End
Start Region Kings' End
Map Ref [22.4N, 14.2W]
Ends with Ingbert
Ends at Kings' End
End Region Kings' End
Map Ref [22.4N, 14.2W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 6
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Théoden is slain, and Éomer has charged past the lines and is lost to us. The men of Rohan need someone to lead them, or they will be seized by the same despair that has sapped my own courage, paltry as it is. Where is Elfhelm? Find him and he may help bolster the courage of the Rohirrim at this critical juncture!'


The resolve of the men of Rohan is sorely tested following the Death of Théoden.

Objective 1

Elfhelm is very near to the corpse of the fellbeast at Kings' End.

Gléowine sent you to find Elfhelm and get him to lead the Rohirrim during this critical moment in the fighting.

Gléowine: 'Where is Elfhelm? Find him and he may help bolster the courage of the Rohirrim at this critical juncture!'
Elfhelm: 'Gléowine is a bard and no warrior, but he speaks the truth in this. The death of Théoden will affect the Rohirrim greatly. Will they despair and cast down their weapons, as the bard believes, or will they respond with anger and vengeance, as Éomer has done? My son Elfmar has followed Éomer's course, and fights with renewed vigour!
'The enemy is massing to the north-east and to the south of Kings' End, <name>. Scout those camps, and slay any enemies you find! The death of that terrible spectre, for I deem it was a death, may have cast our foes into disarray and confusion. I hope it is so!'

Objective 2

  • Scout the battlefield north-east of Kings' End
  • Scout the battlefield south of Kings' End
  • Defeat your foes on the Pelennor during the battle (0/12)

The enemy is massing to the south and to the north-east of Kings' End, and Elfhelm wanted you to scout those camps and slay any enemies you find.

Bodies litter the field: Orcs, Haradrim, Rohirrim, and Gondorians
The battle rages as deadlier forces from Mordor take the field
Defeated foes on the Pelennor during the battle (12/12)

Objective 3

  • Talk to Elfhelm south of Kings' End

Elfhelm fights in a small knot of soldiers near a fallen Mûmak south of Kings' End.

Elfhelm: 'My son has fallen! A fearsome Olog-hai smashed through the ranks, and he crushed Elfmar where he stood in defiance! With every swing of its blood-drenched weapon, the terrible creature cried its name aloud! 'Thrúgrath!' he bellowed, over and over. I can still hear its name, echoing in my head without end! Thrúgrath, slayer of my beloved son!
'Elfmar, I will avenge you! I will make them pay for the hurt they have caused, and send them fleeing into the darkness of death with our curses echoing in their ears!
'In the name of Théoden King and Elfmar my son, I will not rest until every last Orc is slain, and until Thrúgrath chokes upon his own name and cries it no more!'
A great cry goes up from the direction of Kings' End

Objective 4

  • Learn what transpired at Kings' End

There was the sound of sudden commotion from the direction of Kings' End, and you should return there at once.

You see Horn standing where Théoden fell. He may know what transpired

Objective 5

  • Talk to Horn at Kings' End

Horn is at Kings' End.

You heard a loud commotion and should ask Horn what transpired to cause it.

Ingbert: 'The battle is not yet ended!'
Horn: 'Oh, <name>, I am glad... glad to see you. I have lost many friends today already, and the sun is not yet high in the sky. There will be more dead.'
You hear the sorrow in Horn's voice, and something else: tired resignation, dangerous acceptance. You ask him what the sudden commotion was a moment ago.
'It was a frightening thing. Men were bringing the bodies of Théoden and Éowyn to the city, where they will lie in peace. We watched from afar during a brief respite, and saw that the group carrying the bodies of our dead were nearly to the city gates. But before they could enter, a Nazgûl flew down from above and sought to seize the body of Théoden!
'We cried in dismay to see it, for we were much too far away to prevent it; that was the sound you must have heard. Even as we despaired, there was a great flash, and the Nazgûl was thwarted. Gandalf turned it aside, and the bodies of our dead were safely brought within the city. But it was a close thing. How much grief can those wraiths inflict that might top what they have already? I would have said no more, but it seems there is no end to their ravening hate! How can we hope to survive this day?
'I do not now if I have the will to continue fighting, <name>. Théoden King... Lady Éowyn... so many others...'
Horn's father Ingbert calls you to him

Objective 6

Ingbert is at Kings' End.

Horn: 'I do not now if I have the will to continue fighting, <name>. Théoden King... Lady Éowyn... so many others...'
Ingbert: 'I do not think highly of Wizards, but Gandalf did right by Théoden King to protect his body from that wraith's foul intentions. Our dead have been brought within the city, and we will mourn them when the fighting is done.
'Listen not to Horn's despairing words, for they are only on the surface. He has the same solid core as I have, though I might not have said so a week ago. He will be fine. He has already slain more Orcs than I have fingers on one hand, and more will join them in the ground by the end of the battle, I doubt it not!'