Quest:Book 1, Chapter 11: The Swan-knights

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Book 1, Chapter 11: The Swan-knights
Level 99
Type Solo
Starts with Lothíriel
Starts at Dol Amroth
Start Region Dol Amroth
Map Ref [74.4S, 72.2W]
Ends with Rovalang
Ends at Hill of Erech
End Region Blackroot Vale
Map Ref [58.1S, 64.6W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 1
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'While my father is away, I must rule in Dol Amroth. I do not have the time to come to terms with this loss, <name>. I will grieve at another time, and reconcile my feelings then. For now I must be strong.'

By the set of her jaw you see that Lothíriel is resolved, and the strength of her father is in her.

'I sent forth the Swan-knights for two purposes. One was the purpose of a ruler, to ensure the safety of her people. The other purpose was that of a rebellious child, acting out against the wishes of her father in the only way she could. That purpose I regret. Now is the time for the Swan-knights to return to Dol Amroth, for I will have need of them if we are to survive the menace of Umbar and these Heirs of Castamir.

'Travel first to the beacon on Amon Lontir, east of the city, and tell Nedhros to return. He is the nearest Swan-knight, and is advanced in age, but it has not decreased his skill one measure. Travel then to the beacon of Maegond, in Lamedon. Heledir is the knight I sent to Lamedon, and he is also brave of heart.

'The last of the knights I sent forth is named Rovalang, and he will be somewhere in the Blackroot Vale, I know not where.'


Lothíriel agrees with Pethebir that, given the unexpected severity of the Corsair threat, the Swan-knights should return to Dol Amroth.

Objective 1

Nedhros is on the hill of Amon Lontir, by the great beacon.

Lothíriel has sent you to recall Nedhros, the Swan-knight she sent out of the city into the lands of Belfalas.

Lothíriel: 'Travel first to the beacon on Amon Lontir, east of the city, and tell Nedhros to return. He is the nearest Swan-knight, and is advanced in age, but it has not decreased his skill one measure. Travel then to the beacon of Maegond, in Lamedon. Heledir is the knight I sent to Lamedon, and he is also brave of heart.
'The last of the knights I sent forth is named Rovalang, and he will be somewhere in the Blackroot Vale, I know not where.'
Nedhros: 'You say that Lothíriel has commanded my return to the city? I will return, of course, but there is something I must say to you first, young one!'
Nedhros laughs sharply.
'You have interrupted me during a brief lull in the battle, my timely new friend! I routed a group of Corsair raiders, but they are certain to return. Indeed, I hear them approach once more!'
Nedhros says, "They return, and with allies!"
You have defeated the Corsair raiders, and now Nedhros can return
Nedhros says, "We have victory! Now I will return to Dol Amroth, as Lothíriel commands."

Objective 2

Heledir is by the beacon of Maegond, in Lamedon.

Lothíriel has sent you to recall the Swan-knight Heledir, currently scouting on her behalf in Lamedon.

Heledir: 'Lothíriel wishes for me to return to the city? I will do so at once.
'If you have a taste for adventure, friend, you might travel up the hill to scout the beacon. I was just atop the hill, but saw no one, though I felt a watching presence. I think someone might be up there now, hiding from me.
'If you climb the hill now, but quietly, you might surprise a hidden villain. I think you should do so, my friend!'
You assure Heledir you will search for the mysterious villain, and he can return

Objective 3

  • Find the hidden villain near the beacon of Maegond

Some villain is hidden atop the hill by the beacon of Maegond, in Lamedon.

Heledir has agreed to return to Dol Amroth, but has asked you to seek out the hidden villain he sensed near the beacon of Maegond.

Corsair Raiders have scaled the hill in secret. Defeat their leader to demoralize them!

Objective 4

Some villain is hidden atop the hill by the beacon of Maegond, in Lamedon.

Heledir has agreed to return to Dol Amroth, but has asked you to seek out the hidden villain he sensed near the beacon of Maegond.

You defeated the Corsair leader near Maegond, and demoralized his allies
Corsair Raider says, "Flee! Flee!"
Corsair Raider says, "Our leader is slain! We must escape!"
Corsair Raider says, "We have no chance without our leader!"
Corsair Raider says, "My courage deserts me!"

Objective 5

Rovalang was near the Hill of Erech, in Blackroot Vale, when you last saw him.

Lothíriel asked you to find Rovalang, the Swan-knight she sent to Blackroot Vale.

Rovalang: 'You have returned, my friend, and with a message? Well, do not tarry in its delivery, for I have an urgent matter of my own to resolve!'
Rovalang listens to your message.
'I will return to the city, as Lothíriel commands. But I cannot abandon the Blackroot Vale just yet. A great evil has come south, and I cannot leave the people of the Vale at its mercy!
'In form it took the shape of a great winged beast, and if flew out of the North, passing over the mountains. It circled over Erech for a time, and then passed low over Morlad. I saw it only moments before you arrived, passing low in the direction of the mountains.'
Rovalang seems unaware of the nature of this evil, but you know it by the winged beast it rides, and have seen its kind before: Nazgûl! If this creature learns of Aragorn's passage and the army of the Dead that follows him, so too will the Great Enemy learn of it. The Nazgûl must be defeated.