Quest:Book 1, Chapter 3: The Whisper of Death

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Book 1, Chapter 3: The Whisper of Death
Level 95
Type Solo
Starts with Éowyn
Starts at Dunharrow
Start Region Kingstead
Map Ref [70.1S, 71.2W]
Ends with Celegdal
Ends at Morlad
End Region Blackroot Vale
Map Ref [56.9S, 67.6W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 1
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Elfdag's adventure beneath the Dwimorberg may have been ill-advised, but it has given us warning of a new danger. Aragorn has passed into Gondor, and it seems from Elfdag's report that he is followed by some number of the Dead that believe he can offer them redemption. I cannot say if it be true or if it be false, but as long as the Dead Men believe it, Aragorn need not fear them.

'But this other group, these Ruthless Dead... if they have forever cast their lot in with Sauron, then Aragorn will have no safety from them. Neither will the folk of Gondor, and our friends' passage may have planted a dangerous seed in the minds of the Ruthless Dead: with no hope of redemption, what reason is there to remain within the Mountain? If you have no desire to atone for your evils, what would prevent you from adding to the number of your sins?

'I ask you to travel the Paths of the Dead, <name>, and by that way come into Gondor. The people there must be protected, and if they cannot be saved from the threat of the Ruthless Dead they must flee to a place of safety, if any still exists in this world.'


Motivated by her concern for Aragorn and Elfdag's report of the Ruthless Dead, Éowyn has suggested a new course for you to follow.

Objective 1

The Dark Door is south-east of the camp at Dunharrow.

Éowyn has charged you with travelling the Paths of the Dead and coming by that way into Gondor, where she asks that you protect the people of Gondor from the threat posed by the Ruthless Dead.

Cold dread grips your heart as you approach the Dark Door once again

Objective 2

Buildings built by those who are Dead can be found beneath the Haunted Mountain, Dwimorberg.

Éowyn has charged you with travelling the Paths of the Dead and coming by that way into Gondor, where she asks that you protect the people of Gondor from the threat posed by the Ruthless Dead.

The cold air hangs heavily in the great open space

Objective 3

The Paths of the Dead lead beneath the Haunted Mountain, Dwimorberg, to the Blackroot Vale.

Éowyn has charged you with travelling the Paths of the Dead and coming by that way into Gondor, where she asks that you protect the people of Gondor from the threat posed by the Ruthless Dead.

With great relief, you emerge from the cave. Now you must find a settlement

Objective 4

The town of Morlad is on a hill on the western side of the Blackroot Vale.

Éowyn has charged you with protecting the people of Gondor from any threat posed by the Ruthless Dead.

Ludhír: 'You must be mighty indeed to have braved the paths under the mountain! Follow the road and it will bring you to the hilltop on which sits Morlad, my home. Help my people in any way you can and I willl be most grateful to you.'
A man waves his greeting, and calls for your attention

Objective 5

A man has called for your attention at the entrance to Morlad, in the Blackroot Vale.

Celegdal: 'Folk have seen frightening things at night in the Vale. You should be careful outside Morlad.'
  • What can you tell me about the Vale?
'I can tell you that it has always been a good place to live, but of late there have been some troubling things happening. Folk have seen strange lights in the distance, and it is said that the Dead stalk from the mountains, and bear great enmity for the living.'
Is that so?
  • What can you tell me about Gondor?
'You are a stranger indeed if you know little of Gondor. The kingdom is very old, older than I could say, and has not been ruled by a king for many hundreds of years. Steward Denethor rules in Minas Tirith, but to my knowledge he has never come to Morlad.
'A king would be no different, I expect. No king would worry himself with our troubles in the Blackroot Vale.'
You say so?
'If you are a friend of Gondor, welcome to Morlad! If you are not, listen to my words and hasten your feet elsewhere. We have troubles enough in the Vale without your adding to them.
'Strange things have been happening here of late, and it has stirred in the creatures of the Vale a form of madness. I could not say what has caused it, but I know the creatures are oft driven into a frenzy when approached. I have seen beasts cast themselves at the very walls of Morlad for no reason at all, doing themselves great injury in the process. Do you want to know what I think? I think it is the whisper of Death that has done this. But let us not speak of that now.
'It is but a matter of time before one of the beasts is driven into the heart of the city. It would ease my mind some if you could defeat a number of the frenzied creatures in the Vale, or the bears and birds that might be next. We might speak again once that is done.'

Objective 6

  • Defeat frenzied or maddened creatures throughout the Blackroot Vale (0/10)

Celegdal has asked you to defeat frenzied or maddened creatures throughout the Blackroot Vale, especially near the town of Morlad, including any creatures that might be susceptible.

Celegdal: 'It would ease my mind some if you could defeat a number of the frenzied creatures in the Vale, or the bears and beasts that might turn that way next. We might speak again once that is done.'

Objective 7

  • Talk to Celegdal at the entrance to Morlad

Celegdal is at the entrance to Morlad, in the Blackroot Vale.

You have defeated frenzied creatures in the Vale and should now return to Celegdal.

Celegdal: 'Thank you for the assistance, <name>. I do not know what has caused this madness in the birds and beasts of the Vale, but there have been strange happenings here of late. If we learn the truth of them, we may learn what has so disturbed the creatures as well.
'I have heard whisperings on the wind. Whispers of Death.'