Blood of the Black Serpent

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Blood of the Black Serpent
Level: 75 - 150
Size: Small Fellowship
Cluster: The Battle of Pelennor
Region: Old Anórien
Area: King's End
Location: [23.3N, 12.5W]

"As the Battle of the Pelennor Fields intensifies, the forces of Rohan and Gondor unite to defeat the Men of Harad and their vile King: The Black Serpent."


Blood of the Black Serpent is a 3-person World Instance in Pelennor in Old Anórien during the The Battle of Pelennor Instances

Difficulty Level

This is a scaled instance, designed for a small fellowship (3 players) from level 75 and upto max.
It is available in the Instance Finder.




Instance Overview

Walk-through and Tactics

< Basic walk-through commentary>

  • Tier 1 - N/A
  • Tier 2 - N/A
  • Tier 3 - N/A


< General tips for all levels >


<Describe any challenge mode>


Level 100-105 Tier 1-2 Loot

All three Pelennor Instances share their T1 and T2 loot pools. T2 Challenge Chests can yield additional items from the T2 pool.

Level 105 Tier 1 Loot

Normal chests (bosses 1-3)
Pelennor Boots and Gloves

Other Loot

Level 105 Tier 2 Challege Chest Loot