Quest:Book 2: Chapter 5: Beset By Foes

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Book 2: Chapter 5: Beset By Foes
Level 100
Type Solo
Starts with Tologlor
Starts at Ethring
Start Region Ringló Vale
Map Ref [71.5S, 50.7W]
Ends with Roamingstar
Ends at Gilrain Woods
End Region Lebennin
Map Ref [76.0S, 42.7W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 2
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'This endless shadow seemed to flow out of the south-east, <name>. Does it cover Dor-en-Ernil as well as the Vale? I have family in the town of Linhir, to the south, and I worry for their safety.

'If your travels take you in that direction, will you consider finding my brother Ingalad in Linhir? He is a good man, stern and tough, but who can be prepared for the onset of unending night? It would ease my mind some if I knew you would check on him and ensure his safety.

'I would not normally ask for such a favour, but these are unusual times, are they not? I never believed we would see a day without the sun, and yet here it is!'


The darkness that covers the Ringló Vale flowed out of the south-east. What evil has the shadow wrought in Dor-en-Ernil?

Objective 1

Tologlor has asked you to to check on his brother Ingalad in the town of Linhir, to the south of Ethring in Dor-en-Ernil.

Tologlor is worried for his brother, who lives in the town of Linhir.

Tologlor: 'If your travels take you in that direction, will you consider finding my brother Ingalad in Linhir? He is a good man, stern and tough, but who can be prepared for the onset of unending night? It would ease my mind some if I knew you would check on him and ensure his safety.'
You have found the town of Linhir, which straddles the River Gilrain

Objective 2

Ingalad is somewhere within the town of Linhir, in Dor-en-Ernil.

Tologlor of Ethring has asked you to to check on his brother Ingalad in the town of Linhir.

Ingalad: You tell Ingalad that his brother asked you to check on him.
'I am doing as well as I can under the shadow of this oppressive night, but that is not the only worry occupying my mind. We are beset by foes on all sides, and they press us most cruelly. Corsairs harry our coast, and the Haradrim they bring on their ships disembark and burn our fields.
'If you seek to learn the progress of the Corsair fleet, there is a lighthouse to the south-west that would provide a good vantage point. The way will be thick with Corsairs and Haradrim, and perhaps your efforts against them will ease our burden somewhat.'

Objective 3

  • Defeat Corsairs in Dor-en-Ernil (0/8)
  • Defeat Haradrim in Dor-en-Ernil (0/8)
  • Find Barad Rill, the lighthouse in Dor-en-Ernil, to the south-west of Linhir

Ingalad has told you of a lighthouse to the south-west, from which you might get a good view of the progress of the Corsair fleet. He also wishes for you to defeat the Corsairs and Haradrim that plague Dor-en-Ernil.

Ingalad: 'If you seek to learn the progress of the Corsair fleet, there is a lighthouse to the south-west that would provide a good vantage point. The way will be thick with Corsairs and Haradrim, and perhaps your efforts against them will ease our burden somewhat.'
The lighthouse has been toppled. Beyond, the Corsair fleet continues on its course

Objective 4

  • Talk to Ingalad in Linhir

Ingalad is in the town of Linhir.

You have scouted the progress of the Corsair fleet and defeated many of the foes that plague Dor-en-Ernil.

Ingalad: 'The Corsair fleet is making poor time on its way to Pelargir, for they often stop to pillage the coastline. They believe victory is so near they need not hurry, and I fear they are right.
'I do not want to weigh you down with our troubles, <name>, for you have already been a help, but...'
He trails off, but your reassuring nod prompts him to speak again.
'A child has gone missing. No one knows for certain if she is lost, but none have seen her since the last Corsair attack. If you could investigate their camp to the north-east, I would be in your debt. My friends have already suffered so much of late. Losing their child, Roniel, would be the gravest hurt of all.'

Objective 5

Ingalad believes that Roniel may have fallen prey to Corsairs at a camp to the north-east, and wants you to search for the child.

Ingalad: 'A child has gone missing. No one knows for certain if she is lost, but none have seen her since the last Corsair attack. If you could investigate their camp to the north-east, I would be in your debt. My friends have already suffered so much of late. Losing their child, Roniel, would be the gravest hurt of all.'
Mornil: 'Please find my Roniel! None have seen her since the Corsairs attacked us, and I am at the end of my wits!'
Roniel is not here, but a ragged doll catches your eye. Did it belong to her?

Objective 6

  • Collect the ragged doll from the Corsair camp

A ragged doll in the Corsair camp north-east of Linhir has caught your attention.

The yellow-haired doll has seen better days. Did Roniel drop her here?

Objective 7

  • Continue searching north-east of the Corsair camp for Roniel

If Roniel did flee Linhir to the north-east, and dropped her doll as she passed the Corsair camp, she may have continued in that direction. You should continue your search to the north-west.

A girl sleeps by the banks of the river. You have found Roniel.

Objective 8

A beautiful woman stands by the river, keeping watch on the sleeping Roniel. You should learn what you can about this woman.

Roamingstar: 'You are not like the others who have come to these lands of late, young one. I sense in you a concern for this child. Fear not! I have lulled her to sleep with my song. She will not wake until she is rested, and the cares that spurred her here are eased. She is safe.
'I am Roamingstar. What is your name, and what is that figure you carry?'
As if under some enchantment, you speak your name and hand Roamingstar the yellow-haired doll. She stares at it with curiousity and sadness. After a time, she gently sets it down next to Roniel's sleeping form.