Quest:Chapter 3: The Flooded Ring
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Level | 95 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Aragorn |
Starts at | The Fords of Isen |
Start Region | Westfold |
Map Ref | [54.4S, 91.3W] |
Ends with | Pippin |
Ends at | Gates of Isengard |
End Region | Isengard (after) |
Map Ref | [47.7S, 89.7W] |
Quest Chain | Vol. III. Book 14 |
Quest Chain |
Previous: Volume III, Book 13
Vol. III. Book 14: The Waters of Isengard
Next: Volume IV, Book 1
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal Dialogue'I spoke briefly with Halbarad, and if I had business within Isengard before now I count it double. We must find if Lothrandir still lives within the Ring, <name>. Let Gandalf speak with Saruman for weeks, if that is his desire; my thoughts are of my kinsman. I have not seen him for many years, but Lothrandir has been a friend for longer than that and I will not abandon him. 'Let us ride along the road to Isengard! I am most curious to see what it is we will find.' BackgroundMany purposes now collide within the Ring of Isengard. Objective 1
Aragorn has asked you to ride along the road to Isengard, and to keep your eyes peeled as you go.
Objective 2
Gandalf stands by the Pillar of the Hand, on the way to Isengard.
Objective 3
Gandalf has warned you that you might not recognize Isengard since last you saw it.
Objective 4
You have found Merry and Pippin at the gate of Isengard.