The Throne of Durin

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The Throne of Durin
Region: Moria
Area: Nud-melek
Location: [9.6S, 102.4W]

The Great Throne Room of Durin, called Rushdurinul by the Dwarves and Zabadgathol by the orcs, is located in Nud-melek [9.6S, 102.4W]

It is first visited in the Session Play: Instance: The Fall of Moria as part of Volume II Book 1. It has been occupied since the Fall of Moria by Orcs, most recently by Azog and Mazog. The Throne of Durin is a quest instance accessed from the quest instance Zurr-thurkh.

Quest Involvement

Related quests that involve this area:


Gallery (Before the Fall)

Gallery (After the Fall)