Quest:Instance: Those Who Are Dead

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Instance: Those Who Are Dead
Level 96
Type Session Play
Starts at Hill of Erech
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 1
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Those Who Are Dead
"No one living could hope to know what moves the Dead Men of Dunharrow. Only one of their kin could know what it means to remain forever cursed..."


Only the Oath-breakers of old know what befell Aragorn and his friends within the Paths of the Dead.

Objective 1

  • Learn if Tenval shares your uneasy disquiet

Tenval has felt a curious disturbance and wishes to speak with you.

Tenval: Years have no meaning beneath the Mountain for the likes of you, but even so, you hold the memory of a time when the passage of day and night mattered. A new feeling has crept into your being, but you cannot place it. Tenval senses it too.
'Something feels different in the dark, Lûtkal', he murmurs, and you know it is true.

Objective 2

  • Follow Tenval, the cursed shade

Tenval has felt a curious disturbance. You should follow him and find out about the meaning of it.

Tenval says, "The chains of our curse bind us and blind us..."
Tenval says, "Every moment is like every other... until now..."

Objective 3

  • Learn if Dûgden knows what has caused this disturbance

Dûdgen is beneath the Mountain, in the Paths of the Dead. He shares your curse, and your feeling that something has changed.

Dûgden: The heavy silence beneath the Mountain remains unbroken, a held breath beneath the still waters of Time, an expectant hush. Dûgden feels it too.
'I swore I would never forget this presence,', he breathes without air or voice, giving thought to the idea that has come to all who now walk the undying paths beneath the Mountain.
'Isildur the Hated has come again, to deepen the burden of his curse.'

Objective 4

  • Follow Dûgden, the cursed shade

Dûdgen is beneath the Mountain, in the Paths of the Dead. He shares your curse, and your feeling that something has changed.

Dûgden says, "Isildur will pay for what he has done to us...!"
Dûgden says, "He who cursed us approaches, Drugât...!"
Drugât says, "It is not he..."
Drugât says, "And yet, this man is descended from hated Isildur... His blood is anathema to me...!"
Drugât says, "He is not alone... and now they approach...!"

Objective 5

  • Watch the living interlopers pass, and learn their intentions

Living interlopers have come to the Paths held by the Dead for uncounted years.

Heir of Hated Isildur says, "Men of the Mountain! I can feel your presence!"
Heir of Hated Isildur says, "I seek no treasure! Keep your secrets!"
Heir of Hated Isildur says, "All I ask of you is this: delay me not, and then follow behind!"
Heir of Hated Isildur says, "I summon you to the Stone of Erech!"
Lagging Dwarf says, "Aragorn, wait! Wait for me!"

Objective 6

  • Listen to the arguments of Tenval and Drugât

One of the living Men is the Heir of Isildur, and he has called your kind to the Stone of Erech. This has caused a split among your people: Tenval and Drugât argue the merits of following the Heir or ignoring his summons.

Tenval says, "Brothers and Sisters... do you know what this means...?"
Tenval says, "The Heir of Isildur has called for us..."
Tenval says, "He alone can lift the burden of our curse..."
Drugât says, "He will lift no curse..."
Drugât says, "You seek redemption...? You seek it in vain..."
Drugât says, "There is only One that can forgive our treason..."
Drugât says, "I speak of Sauron the Great...!"
Tenval says, "I will not compound our errors and our sins..."
Tenval says, "If this man of Isildur's line calls me, I will follow him..."
Drugât says, "I will not follow this man, or any other... I will follow our true master..."
Drugât says, "Stand with me and we will be rewarded for our long service..."

Objective 7

  • Talk to Tenval and learn his intention
  • Talk to Dûdgen and learn his intention

Tenval and Dûdgen were your closest friends when you walked the earth as a living man, in the days before the Curse. Now they must decide where their course lies, as must you.

Tenval: The heavy weight of the silence before the coming of the Heir has been lifted. Now the darkness is busy with the sighing whispers of the Dead. Tenval's gaze is piercing and eager.
'What moved the Heir of Isildur to come beneath the Mountain, Lûtkal...? Has he forgiven us our treason...? I will follow him to Erech, and whither then...? I cannot see it, but I care not...'
Tenval says, "I desire forgiveness, Lûtkal... my debt is very great..."
Tenval has chosen to follow the Heir of Isildur
Dûgden: You knew Dûgden long ago, before the two of you succumbed to weakness and fell beneath the heavy weight of the Curse of Isildur. His presence is cold, but he burns with a fierce agony.
'What has brought the heir of hated Isildur to this place, Lûtkal...? Untold years we have suffered the Curse of his cruel ancestor... has it not been enough...?'
Dûdgen's resolve is sudden and frightening.
'I will cast my lot in with Sauron, as we did before...! Drugât speaks the truth: only Sauron will reward us for our service. Only he can banish the chains of our curse! I will follow our true master!'
Dûgden says, "We cannot seek forgiveness, Lûtkal... we must seek vindication...!"
Dûgden has chosen to follow Drugât, and Sauron

Objective 8

  • Make your choice: follow either Aragorn or Drugât

Tenval and Dûdgen were your closest friends when you walked the earth as a living man, in the days before the Curse. They have decided where their paths lead, and now you must do the same.

<If the player chooses to follow Drugât>

Your lot has been cast, your path decided

Objective 9

  • Witness the actions of your potential allies

You have made your decision, and must now deal with the consequences.

Drugât, the Unrepentant says, "We chose our side in this war long ago, Lûtkal!"
Drugât, the Unrepentant says, "Sauron will reward us for our loyalty. He will crush Isildur's heir!"
Drugât, the Unrepentant says, "They thought Sauron was defeated, long ago. But he is still here!"
Drugât, the Unrepentant says, "He will always be here!"
Drugât, the Unrepentant says, "I was Drugât in life, and I am unrepentant now!"
Drugât, the Unrepentant says, "Cast off all hope of redemption, my cursed brothers and sisters!"
Drugât, the Unrepentant says, "Now we are the Ruthless Dead! Let the Living tremble!"

Completed: Interlude: Those Who Are Dead

<If the player chooses to follow Aragorn>

Your lot has been cast, your path decided

Objective 9

  • Witness the actions of your potential allies

You have made your decision, and must now deal with the consequences.

The Heir of Isildur says, "Oath-breakers! Tell me why you have come!"
Rioc says, "We have come to fulfill our oath..."
Rioc says, "...and to have peace..."
The Heir of Isildur says, "Your hour has come!"
The Heir of Isildur says, "I go now to Pelargir upon Anduin, and you will follow after me."
The Heir of Isildur says, "When this land is free of the servants of Sauron, I will hold your oaths fulfilled."
The Heir of Isildur says, "For I am Elessar, heir of Isildur, and I can give you peace!"

Completed: Interlude: Those Who Are Dead