Bestowal dialogue
The Shadow of Mordor
"As the Dark Lord's servants carry out the release of a mysterious prisoner, the Stout-axes rise in revolt, desperate to escape from the Dark Tower and flee to lands untouched by the shadow of Mordor."
As the shadow of Mordor lengthens across Middle-earth, the Enemy orders the release of a mysterious prisoner, sparking in-fighting and revolt in Barad-dûr.
Objective 1
Lethi can be found near Hakal-kúnug, the Twisted Stair within Barad-dûr.
You should talk to Lethi.
- Lethi: 'All of this can't be us... can it?
- 'Why do the Orcs fight amongst themselves while our brethren make for the gates?
- 'Perhaps we have found some good fortune at last!'
Objective 2
Lethi can be found near Hakal-kúnug, the Twisted Stair within Barad-dûr.
You should follow Lethi and find your way to the gates of Barad-dûr.
- Lethi says, "Come on, <name>!"
- Lethi says, "Is that... Ashaug? Maybe he knows what happened...."
- Ashaug says, "Don't you look at me like that, shakglob...."
- Stained with black blood, Ashaug lies dying among a number of fallen Orcs and Stout-axes
Objective 3
Ashaug can be found near Hakal-kúnug, the Twisted Stair within Barad-dûr.
Ashaug has sustained a grave wound in the fighting within Barad-dûr, but his wounds seem to be inflicted by an unusual source. You should talk to Ashaug.
- Ashaug: 'If I could still move my arm, I'd slice yer throat....'
- Ashaug coughs and black blood leaks from the corners of his mouth.
- 'The Sneak was on his way out like the High Up wanted... and then you lot come in swingin' knives around and it spooks him. Next thing I know, one of us gets bit... and another takes a tumble off the stair. You lot are easy enough to put down, but not him... and we couldn't even if we wanted to or we'd be for the Pits. Ah... but some thought it'd be worth the Pits to gut that little frog!'
- Ashaug laughs weakly.
- 'We were at each other's throats in an instant... and we forgot all about your little revolt, shakglob. Always goes this way, anyway. A few'll get out, but it won't take long to round 'em up. Even if you find a way out of Lugbúrz, you'll never... escape... Mor....'
- Ashaug chokes and his eyes widen.
Objective 4
- Collect an abandoned weapon to defend yourself
Abandoned weapons can be found near the slain Orcs near Hakal-kúnug, the Twisted Stair within Barad-dûr.
You should find a suitable weapon with which to defend yourself before pressing on through Barad-dûr.
- Lethi says, "If we don't want to end up like them, we'd ought to find some weapons... and fast!"
- Lethi says, "Ah-ha! This'll do...."
- Lethi says, "Over here!"
Objective 5
Lethi can be found in Barad-dûr.
You have taken a weapon. You should talk to Lethi and follow him to the gates of Barad-dûr.
- Lethi: 'Aye, that's good enough. There's no time to pick through the rest with all these Orcs about....'
- Lethi glances toward the Twisted Stair.
- 'We'll have to climb down to reach the gates. Quickly now!'
Objective 6
- Listen to Lethi
- Follow Lethi
Lethi can be found in Barad-dûr.
You have taken a weapon. You should talk to Lethi and follow him to the gates of Barad-dûr.
- Lethi says, "Watch your footing, <name>. It's a long way down...."
- Pale Creature says, "The Black One hurts us, Orcses hurts us and now nassty dwarfses?"
- Pale Creature says, "Not if we hurts them first, Preciouss...."
- Lethi says, "Agh!"
- As Lethi approaches the pale creature, it suddenly springs to its feet and attacks!
Objective 7
The pale creature can be found in Barad-dûr.
Despite appearing to be dead, the pale creature has scrambled to its feet and attacked Lethi. You should defend him and drive off the creature.
- Pale Creature says, "Ach! Leave uss alone! *gollum*, *gollum*...."
- The pale creature sputters and curses as it flees
- Lethi says, "Ugh... what was that thing?"
Objective 8
Lethi can be found in Barad-dûr.
After repelling the pale creature that attacked him, Lethi is shaken. You should talk to Lethi before pressing on to the gates of Barad-dûr.
- Lethi: 'Was that... the Dark Lord's prisoner? No wonder He wanted to be rid of it!'
- Lethi sighs and regains his breath.
- 'It's a good thing you drove it off, <name>.. I swear it looked so sickly and withered, but it had the strength of a dwarf!
- 'Ah, but there's no time to dwell on that now. We've got to keep moving....'
- Lethi says, "But if we cross paths with that thing again... I say we keep our distance!"
Objective 9
Lethi has travelled into the shadowed halls of Barad-dûr.
You should follow Lethi and press on to the gates of Barad-dûr.
- Half-hidden behind a brazier, Lethi peers into the distance
Objective 10
Lethi can be found Barad-dûr.
Lethi is standing next to a brazier in Barad-dûr. You should talk to Lethi.
- Lethi: 'It's not far now... but I fear the worst is still ahead of us.
- 'Ashaug was right about one thing. Even if we escape the Dark Tower, we won't get far without being noticed. And it won't be Udûn for us after all this, I promise you that. We'll end up in the Black Pits or...'
- Lethi visibly shudders.
- '...they'll bring us to the Dead City. I... well, let's hope it doesn't come to that.'
Objective 11
Lethi can be found in Barad-dûr.
Lethi is pressing on toward the gates of Barad-dûr. You should follow him.
- Lethi says, "I don't like the look of this, <name>...."
- Lethi says, "Too many dead... and too quiet."
- Lethi says, "Look there! One of their captains fell in the fighting...."
- Lethi says, "...and if that armour fits, we might have found our way out!"
- Lethi says, "Go on, <name>. Put it on!"
Objective 12
- Disguise yourself as an Orc-captain
The slain Orc-captain can be found just ahead of Lethi in Barad-dûr.
After spying a slain Orc-captain, Lethi has urged you to disguise yourself in its armour so that you might fool the inhabitants of Mordor. You should disguise yourself.
- Lethi says, "Let's have a look at you...."
- As you pull the ill-fitting helm down onto your head, Lethi calls you over
Objective 13
Lethi can be found in Barad-dûr.
You have disguised yourself as an Orc-captain, which may be of help in escaping the Land of Mordor. You should talk to Lethi.
- Lethi: 'I think that might just fool them...
- 'Now listen, <name>. There's a long causeway just ahead of us around that corner, and at its end... the gates of the Dark Tower.
- 'Since you look like a proper Orc, why don't you scout ahead and peer around the corner? If the way is clear, we'll make a run for it!'
Objective 14
- Peer around the corner and look to see if the gates of Barad-dûr are unguarded
The path to the gates of Barad-dûr is just ahead of you.
Lethi has asked you to peer around the corner and see if the path out of Barad-dûr is clear.
- Lethi says, "Go on. I'll keep watch!"
- This is far enough. Best not be seen!
- You spy an uruk looming over a wounded Stout-axe, blocking the way out
Objective 15
Lethi can be found in Barad-dûr.
You discovered the uruk, Ushgrat, guarding the gates of Barad-dûr. Worse still, he appears to have subdued Vaski. You should talk to Lethi.
- Lethi: 'What did you see? Is the way clear?'
- You tell Lethi that you spied a massive uruk and a wounded Stout-axe on the causeway, and that many more Stout-axes have fallen in their attempts to escape.
- 'I knew they'd set a trap for us... I just knew it!'
- Lethi gnashes his teeth in anger.
- 'Bah! Perhaps if I pretend to be your prisoner, we might be able to fool that uruk. If not, well....
- 'It's our only chance, <name>. Follow me!'
Objective 16
After foiling Vaski's escape, Ushgrat is keeping watch before the gates of Barad-dûr.
You should confront Ushgrat and fight your way out of Barad-dûr.
- Ushgrat: 'Hah! Did you think the Great Eye would just let you walk out of Lugbúrz, shakglob?'
- Ushgrat whips Vaski before turning to you.
- 'You... Orc! Why is that one not in chains? And where did it get that knife?'
- Ushgrat's eyes narrow as he looks you over.
- 'Clever, clever. That's your plan, is it, stone-filth?'
Objective 17
After foiling Vaski's escape, Ushgrat is keeping watch before the gates of Barad-dûr.
You should confront Ushgrat and fight your way out of Barad-dûr.
- Ushgrat says, "Nar! It'll be the Pits for all three of you!"
- Vaski says, "Baruk... khazâd! Imrîdi zabad-dush!"
- With a defiant cry, Vaski draws Ushgrat's attention. Run while you can!
- Lethi says, "Run, <name>! We'll find you!"
Objective 18
- Escape from Barad-dûr and find a way out of Mordor!
- You must escape before Ushgrat overpowers Lethi and Vaski
Lethi and Vaski have drawn Ushgrat's attention away from you.
You must escape from Barad-dûr before it is too late!
- 'I fled from the Dark Tower...'
- 'I did not look back. I could not.'
- 'I travelled through many unfamiliar lands, but Mordor never seemed far enough behind.'
- 'But here, among the Blue Mountains, my heart is free of dread.'
- OR
- Fail: You did not escape in time!
Objective 19
Nagli can be found at the Rusted Gate in Ered Luin.
After you told the Dourhands of your escape from Mordor, a dwarf named Nagli has asked to speak with you. You should talk to Nagli.
- Nagli: 'That was quite the story, <name>. I think it took all of us quite by surprise... a welcome surprise, of course! Not just any dwarf could do as you have done!
- 'It's been a long week for us Dourhands. Our Steward, Gormr Doursmith, was preparing a great celebration for Skorgrím, our king of old - a Ritual of Commemoration, he called it. But after the Longbeards came to Ered Luin demanding tribute, he sent us down here to close the pass. We've been at it for nigh on a week now and if my reckoning is right, we missed the celebration two... no, three nights back. Some thanks we get!'
- Nagli appears to realize his grievances pale in comparison to the plight of the Stout-axes.
- 'Here I am complaining about missing a party to you, <name>. Forgive my foolishness!
- 'I can't speak for everyone, but I think we would be glad to hear more of your tales when we return to Thorin's Hall. Perhaps you would even be welcome to stay among us for a time... if the Steward allows it.'
Objective 20
- Listen to Nagli and the Dourhands
Nagli can be found at the Rusted Gate in Ered Luin.
After you told the Dourhands of your escape from Mordor, a dwarf named Nagli has asked to speak with you. You should talk to Nagli.
- Nagli says, "<name> has told us enough for one night, I think."
- Starfi says, "Oh come on, Nagli! We haven't even heard the half of it!"
- Skíthi says, "Aye, it's quite a long way from Mordor to the Blue Mountains...."
- Olwir says, "Oh, tell us just a little more! Won't you, <name>?"
- Nagli says, "Now, now. It's no good to hear the whole story at once, is it?"
- Nagli says, "Besides, we've got our orders from Gormr. There'll be time enough for stories tomorrow."
- Erfith says, "Break's over, I guess...."
- Angàr says, "Bah, fine!"
- Nagli says, "Follow me, <name>."
Objective 21
Nagli can be found at the Rusted Gate in Ered Luin.
Nagli has suggested that you ask to seek refuge among the Dourhands in Ered Luin. Lacking the authority to make such a decision, Nagli has asked you to speak to Rethvárd that he might bring you before the Steward of Thorin's Hall.
Objective 22
Rethvárd can be found at the Rusted Gate in Ered Luin.
Nagli has brought you before Rethvárd, a Dourhand guard, with the hope that he might grant you an audience with Gormr Doursmith, the Steward of Thorin's Hall. You should talk to Rethvárd.
- Rethvárd: 'Yes?'
- Nagli swiftly recounts your tale to Rethvárd. After finishing, Nagli asks Rethvárd to bring you before the Steward of Thorin's Hall that he might judge your worth to the Dourhands.
- 'Aye, I can do that... just as soon as Bjarni arrives to take watch. He's almost an hour late now. It's not like him.
- 'I'd like to hear the tale from you, <name>, if it's not too much trouble. It'd make the journey to Thorin's Hall seem faster for the both of us!'
- Rethvárd visibly shivers.
- 'A chill wind blows. Do you feel it?'
Objective 23
- Listen to Rethvárd and let events transpire
Rethvárd can be found at the Rusted Gate in Ered Luin.
Nagli has brought you before Rethvárd, a Dourhand guard, with the hope that he might grant you an audience with Gormr Doursmith, the Steward of Thorin's Hall. You should talk to Rethvárd.
- Rethvárd says, "I wonder what's keeping Bjarni...."
- Rethvárd says, "Skorgrím-king?! But you... you are dead!"
- Rethvárd says, "You have lain in state since Steward Gormr found you in the Silver Deep!"
- Rethvárd says, "How do you walk among us once more?"
- Skorgrím says, "Be not afraid!"
- Skorgrím says, "Hearken to me, Dourhands, and all shall be revealed."
Objective 24
Skorgrím Dourhand can be found at the Rusted Gate in Ered Luin.
Followed by a significant number of Dourhands, and a deathly-looking Man, Skorgrím has asked to speak with you. You should talk to Skorgrím.
- Skorgrím: Skorgrím glares at you. His eyes flash with an unearthly glow.
- 'You are far from home, aren't you?'
Objective 25
- Listen to Skorgrím
- Remain on guard
Skorgrím, and many of the Dourhands who now follow him, are marching from the Rusted Gate.
You should remain on guard.
- Skorgrím says, "Dourhands!"
- Skorgrím says, "It is by the hand of Ivar and the sacrifice of your Steward that I live once more."
- Skorgrím says, "But I do not come bearing glad tidings... for we have been betrayed!"
- Skorgrím says, "The Longbeards massacred our people during the Ritual of Commemoration..."
- Skorgrím says, "...and their treachery stains my tomb with Dourhand blood."
- Skorgrím says, "But hope is not lost!"
- Skorgrím says, "I have been promised an audience with the Witch-king of Angmar."
- Skorgrím says, "Angmar shall prove a mighty ally, and we Dourhands will avenge this tragedy...'
- Skorgrím says, "...and reclaim what was taken from us!"
- Skorgrím says, "It is time to make your choice."
- Skorgrím says, "Will you remain here and await your doom or..."
- Skorgrím says, "Will you follow me and seek for new glory?"
- A few of the Dourhands have chosen to follow Skorgrím, but it seems some might still be swayed
- Volund says, "As you command, Lord Skorgrím!"
Objective 26
- Warn Dourhands not to follow Skorgrím (0/4)
Dourhands can be found at the Rusted Gate in Ered Luin.
Skorgrím Dourhand claims to have been resurrected by a deathly-looking Man called Ivar the Blood-hand, and he has summoned all loyal Dourhands into the service of Angmar. However, a few have hesitated to answer his summons. You should warn them not to follow Skorgrím.
- Angàr says, "What are you saying? The Longbeards must answer for their treachery!"
- Erfith says, "You say that Skorgrím means to deceive us? Whatever you are... you are no Dourhand, <name>!"
- Olwir says, "If Lord Skorgrím believes Angmar is our ally, then it must be so!"
- Starfi says, "Skorgrím's return was foretold by the Steward. I must honour Gormr's will!"
Objective 27
- Warn Rethvárd not to follow Skorgrím
Rethvárd can be found at the Rusted Gate in Ered Luin.
None of the other Dourhands you warned could be swayed from following Skorgrím. You should warn Rethvárd.
- Rethvárd: 'You seem a fine dwarf, <name>, but you must understand... we Dourhands are also a lost people. We tended the hall of Thorin Oakenshield for many years, and what thanks do the Longbeards offer us? You heard Skorgrím! Naught but a massacre of our brothers and sisters!
- 'Whatever you think Skorgrím-king to be... he and the might of Angmar could help us to step out of the shadows of the Longbeards and reclaim our former glory. Flee to the Longbeards if you must, but if you do, know that I will not hesitate to raise my axe against you.'
Objective 28
Nagli can be found at the Rusted Gate in Ered Luin.
All of the Dourhands save for Nagli have left with Skorgrím. You should talk to Nagli.
- Nagli: 'Something troubles me about Skorgrím's words, and that deathly Man makes me uneasy.
- 'I wish to trust the words of Skorgrím-king, but I cannot. Does he speak for himself or does Ivar speak through him? It is true that Steward Gormr ceased sending tribute to the Lonely Mountain some months ago, but our quarrels with the Longbeards never ended in bloodshed... until now.
- 'I wish to hear what the Longbeards have to say to these accusations. Has Skorgrím-king spoken true or is this some conspiracy guided by the hand of Angmar?
- 'Will you accompany me, <name>? Perhaps the voice of a Stout-axe might do more to ease this unrest than that of a Dourhand....'
Objective 29
Nagli can be found at the Rusted Gate in Ered Luin.
All of the Dourhands save for Nagli have left with Skorgrím. You should talk to Nagli.
- Nagli says, "It is a long way to Thorin's Hall, but I will guide us."
Objective 30
- Talk to Nagli in Thorin's Hall
Nagli has told you of a dwarf named Dwalin, who led the recent Longbeard expedition to Thorin's Hall.
Hoping to learn the truth of Skorgrím's claims and seek refuge, Nagli has asked you to travel with him to Thorin's Hall.
- Nagli: 'I suppose this is as far as I'm to go, <name>.'
- With a look of disdain barely masked on his face, Nagli eyes the Longbeards that have stopped him in Thorin's Hall.
- 'When the Longbeard expedition arrived, I recognized a few of them. They are led by a dwarf named Dwalin, and he is hailed as a hero by many Longbeards. He is an old dwarf, white of beard, and it is not unlikely that he has assumed the mantle of Steward in Gormr's absence.
- 'If his people truly slaughtered my own, there shall be further bloodshed between us... but I am no longer so certain who seeks to do harm to the Dourhands. You know much of the ways of the Enemy, and I must know if our people have been deceived to some foul end.
- 'I beg you, <name>, speak to Dwalin on my behalf.'
Objective 31
- Find Dwalin, the leader of the Longbeard expedition, in Thorin's Hall
Dwalin can be found somewhere within Thorin's Hall.
After entering Thorin's Hall, the Longbeards have kept a close watch on Nagli. You should find and speak to Dwalin.
- Nagli says, "I can handle myself, <name>. Let Dwalin answer for what has happened!"
- As Dwalin looks out upon Thorin's Hall, he strokes his beard uneasily
Objective 32
Dwalin can be found in Thorin's Hall.
You have found Dwalin deep within Thorin's Hall. You should speak to him on behalf of Nagli and plead for refuge in Thorin's Hall.
- Dwalin: 'Bah! What a mess they have left behind!
- 'Who are you and what business have you in the hall of Thorin Oakenshield?'
- You introduce yourself to Dwalin as a Stout-axe of Mordor who escaped imprisonment by the Enemy and fled to distant lands to seek refuge. You explain that you encountered Skorgrím and Ivar on the road to Thorin's Hall, and that Skorgrím claimed that the Longbeards massacred the Dourhands.
- 'A massacre? Aye, you could call it that, but it was the work of Ivar the Blood-hand -- not the Longbeards! Indeed, it was Ivar who roused Skorgrím from his long rest. But it was not some miracle of fortune that made it so... it was Ivar's vile sorcery and the unwitting sacrifice of many Dourhands that bound a terrible spirit to his remains. Whatever the Dourhands think of Skorgrím, he is not who he appears to be!
- 'Although I believe that your Dourhand friend means us no harm, he still has much to answer for and I do not doubt he wishes to hear the truth of this sorry matter for himself.
- 'If it is refuge you seek, you may earn it by helping us to restore these halls from years of neglect by the Dourhands. Even if he had not succumbed to evil, Gormr still failed in the task my lord set for him. If Nagli proves trustworthy, he may dwell in Frerin's Court... but he is forever banished from Thorin's Hall.
- 'Do you accept these terms, <name>?'
- You nod.
- 'Good, good. Now I have never heard of the clan name you mentioned, these Stout-axes, but you are welcome in Thorin's Hall so long as you work to aid the Longbeards.'