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These beautiful creatures, Man- or Elf-like in appearance, are born of the waters of secluded rivers. What they are exactly is unknown even to the Wise, but they are old and powerful. River-maids, also called River-maidens or Idâmi, are beautiful, immortal spirits of nature tied to the rivers and streams of Middle-earth. They are said to be the daughters of the "River-woman." Like many spirits of Arda, River-maids may be a kind of Maiar, embodying the element of Water, but this has never been confirmed.
- Goldberry is the River-maiden of the Withywindle river.
- She lives with Tom Bombadil in the Old Forest just outside the Shire and has been guarding the Old Forest since the days of old.
- Gwindeth is the River-maiden of the Swiftbrook river.
- Watching over Lake Evendim, she has seen the spledour and decay of the great city of Annúminas.
- Naruhel is the River-maiden of the Hoarwell river.
- Turned to evil, willingly or unwillingly, she currently resides in the red swamp of Agamaur in Garth Agarwen.
- Willowsong is the River-maiden of the Midgewater river.
- Known to the folk of Staddle as the wise woman, she is skilled in any kind of herbalism. She currently resides at the Silverwell.

- Grey-eye is the River-maiden of the Serni river.
- Considered hard and unsentimental, she is steadfast and not easily to manipulate. She is one of The Five Sisters.
- Rauniel was the River-maiden of the Ithilduin river.
- Long ago when the Nazgûl turned Minas Ithil into Minas Morgul, her fate was forever changed and her river deviled.
- Roamingstar is the River-maiden of the Gilrain river.
- Dwelling in the Gilrain Woods she has been singing songs of hope and of enchantment. She is one of The Five Sisters.
- Silverfroth is the River-maiden of the Celos river.
- Filled with jokes, tricks and laughter she guards her river keeping the lands of Gondor save. She is one of The Five Sisters.
- The Lone Lady is the River-maiden of the Erui river.
- Driven into sorrow, she is prone to dark thoughts since the bloddying of her waters during the Kin-strife. She is one of The Five Sisters.
- Truetongue is the River-maiden of the Sirith river.
- Defending the city of Pelargir which lies on her river, she is honest and serious. She is one of The Five Sisters.
- Enârshan is the River-maiden of the Ilûritu river.
- With the opening of Utug-bûr, orcs have been invading her river and lands. Before the threat becomes to great to handle she wishes to deal with these intruders.
- Gultháva is the River-maiden of the Gladden river.
- High up at the ancient dwarven stronghold of Kidzul-kâlah, she ever watches her lands and her friends vigilant.
Goldberry is the only River-maid who appears in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. However, the existence of her mother, the River-woman, points to the possibility of other river-spirits in Middle-earth.
- River-maids
Naruhel (while in thrall)
Naruhel (after being freed)
Gwindeth, Maiden of Nenuial
Gultháva, Maiden of the Gladden
Rauniel, Maiden of Ithilduin
Enârshan, Idâmi of the Falls
- The Five Sisters
Roamingstar, Maiden of Gilrain
Grey-eye, Maiden of Serni
Silverfroth, Maiden of Celos
Truetongue, Maiden of Sirith
The Lone Lady, Maiden of Erui