![]() | |
Region: | East Rohan |
Area: | The Wold |
Location: | [36.2S, 53.5W] |


Langhold is the first settlement you will encounter as you travel south from Stangard and cross the bridge from Parth Celebrant in the Great River into in the North Wold in East Rohan. [36.2S, 53.5W]
(Note that the Bridge to Rohan [31.3S, 56.6W] is to the west of the ancient Gondorian keep, Ost Celebrant [30.3S, 56.0W]. The very visible bridge leads into the Keep and a host of undead, but not to Rohan!)
Dialogs are offered providing the player with insight into the situation.
Dala: What news have you of the Wold, <name>? Things have been relatively quiet of late, I do not like it.
- I hear rumours of brigands in these parts
- 'Brigands are ever a plague upon the Wold, pillaging the farmlands and harassing travellers upon the roads. We banish them across the river whenever they dare to rise up, but they always return ere long. We have driven them back lately, so it will be long before they dare to bother us again.'
- I see.
- I hear that Easterlings are a great threat.
- 'Easterlings are ever the true threat in the Wold, for they cross the river from their lands to the east.
- 'The South Undeep is our most vulnerable point; we have built four watchtowers to keep our eyes along the river. They are ready to fly to Langhold with a call for reinforcements at a moment's notice, but we send a rider to patrol the towers once a week regardless.'
- I see.
Thane Utred: Hail, friend of the Riddermark. I am Thane of this keep; what business have you here?
- What can you tell me about Langhold?
- 'Langhold is a watchful city, holding the north border of Eastern Rohan against any and all enemies that would strike us from the Great River. We protect many farms, and also keep vigilant watch upon the Great River from our many defence-outposts.'
- Thank you.
- I hear rumours of brigands in these parts.
- 'Brigands are ever a plague upon the Wold, pillaging the farmlands and harassing travellers upon the roads. We banish them across the river whenever they dare to rise up, but they always return ere long. We have driven them back lately, so it will be long before they dare to bother us again.
- They are no true threat against the might of the Rohirrim, so worry not -- you are safe here in Langhold.'
- I see.
- I hear that Easterlings are a great threat.
- 'Easterlings are ever the true threat in the Wold, for they cross the river from their hard lands to the east.
- The South Undeep is our most vulnerable point; we have built four watchtowers to keep our eyes along the river. They are ready to fly to Langhold with a call for reinforcements at a moments notice, but we send a rider to patrol the towers once a week regardless.'
- I see.
The following services can be found within the settlement of Langhold:
- Langhold General Store [35.8S, 53.6W] - Available ONLY before Langhold is destroyed by the Easterlings
- Expert Farmhand [36.5S, 51.5W] - outside of town to the south east
The following deeds can be obtained by visiting this place:
- Reputation with Men of the Wold - Known to the Wold - obtained at the completion of War Comes to Rohan.
- Cities of Eastern Rohan
- Rohan Awaits (Letter from Gandalf)
The Langhold Quest Arc (series of quests):
- It is necessary to complete all the non-optional quests to get one's first War-steed.
- This quest arc is the same if you begin your exploration of Rohan as a result of a mail message from "G." -- Rohan Awaits, or a mail message from Galadriel: "A Need in Rohan." (Which begins Volume III, Book 7 of the Epic Quest line.)
- In this quest arc, you will encounter new game technology -- three "Landscape quests." That is, quests you acquire by virtue of your being in a certain location. A "Quest Action" button pop-up appears on your screen to announce the availability of landscape quests.
- [76] The Wold
- [76] The Thane of Langhold
- [76] Salamanders Hate Fire
- [76] Slithering Too Near
- [76] Venomtongue - Landscape
- [77] Warband:Cinder - Landscape - Repeatable
- [76] A Game of Brigand-bashing
- [76] An Unnerving Display of Confidence
- [76] Crime at the Farmlands - Landscape
- [76] The Brigands of the Wold - Landscape
- [76] The River Watch Patrol
- [76] An Unsettling Alliance
- [76] Easterlings at the Undeep - Landscape
- [76] A Greater Enemy - Landscape
- [76] Reason for Alarm
- [76] War Comes to Rohan
- [76] Devastation in the North
Once complete, you'll be at the Harwick Stables, where you can take the tutorial on how to use your War-steed.
NPC: Stable Guard (Directs you to Seoca)
NPC: Seoca
- [75] Mounted Combat Tutorial (repeatable) - Repeatable
- [78] Bingo's Burden
Settlements and Landmarks of The Wold
| ||
Settlements: | Langhold • Harwick • Floodwend • Feldburg | |
Landmarks: | Cracabor • Dwolung Hole • Eastmund's Lair • Eorl's Hallow • Fang Point • Feldburg • the Howling Wood • Jóshkin Orda • Nîn-stazg • North-torr • Olghakhósh • The Seething Mire • The Stinging Bog • South Undeep • Súth-torr • Twickenburg • Undeep Watch • Wakenflood • Wódscrafen | |
Instances: | Aiding the Eastemnet: Defence of Harwick • Dígelon • Gerngarth • The Ford |