War of the Elves and Sauron
The War of the Elves and Sauron was a 8-year long great war fought in the Second Age between Sauron and the Elves in Eriador.
Although it ended in victory for the Elves, the cost of the war was great. Eregion was decimated, Caras Gelebren, fell and Mirobel and Tham Mírdain was left abandoned. Many Elves lost their lives in the war, the great ring-smith Celebrimbor was one among them.
Elrond participated in the war, but was forced to retreat in the face of Sauron's armies. This led to the founding of Imladris in a hidden vale among the Misty Mountains.
Sauron was only defeated with the air of Númenor, who sailed to the mouth of the Gwathló with their great navy and struck Sauron's forces at the back. The Battle of the Gwathló was decisive in the outcome of the war, with Sauron's armies now caught between the Men from the south and the Elves from the West. Sauron was defeated at Sarn Ford and pushed back. In retaliation, he burned the forests of Minhiriath and Enedwaith as he retreated, but when he arrived upon Lond Daer he was routed again, and his forces were killed to the last. Sauron limped back to Mordor swearing his vengeance, but though defeated in the end, he had achieved the goal of obtaining the Rings of Power from Eregion and slain their maker. The Elves would never regain the height of ring-lore they had held before the war.