The Eglain

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The Eglain is a reputation faction located in Ost Guruth, in the Lone-lands.

The Eglain are descendants of an ancient people who have forsaken the towns and cities of "civilized" folk and choose to live as free men in the wild. They scavenge trinkets and relics from the remnants of Arnor to trade for the necessities of life.
The Eglain are wanderers, but they will sometimes stop and make a temporary home in one set of ruins or another, which they call their Ruin-hold. The current Ruin-hold lies amid the ruins of the once-great fortress of Ost Guruth.

Location and NPCs

The Eglain Camp at the Outer Gates
Night sky over Ost Guruth
The Eglain Stable
The Eglain Camp just outside of Ost Laden

Hangout: Ost Guruth in mid-Lone-lands. [31.3S, 29.6W]
The Eglain was introduced with the Siege of Mirkwood expansion.

Name Function Location
Léoflac Reputation Vendor & Quests [31.4S, 29.4W]
Fréagyr Reputation Barterer [28.0S, 25.2W]

Gaining Reputation


Repeatable Quests

Requires Acquaintance standing:

Skirmishes and Instances

Tasks Bulletin Boards



Deeds that yield reputation points


Vendor & Barter Items

Vendor: Léoflac at Ost Guruth. [31.4S, 29.4W]

Item Standing Level Cost
 Lone-lands Acquaintance 14 Silver
 Lone-lands - Garth Agarwen Acquaintance 14 Silver
 Lone-lands - Harloeg Acquaintance 14 Silver
 Traveller's Porridge Acquaintance 10 52 Copper
 Plains Walker's Symbol Beorning Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Shadow-walker's Symbol Burglar Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Pugilist's Symbol Brawler Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Battle-caller's Symbol Captain Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Gallant's Symbol Champion Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Warrior's Symbol Guardian Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Provider's Symbol Hunter Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Sea-farer's Symbol Mariner Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Stone-speaker's Symbol Lore-master Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Tale-spinner's Symbol Minstrel Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Rune-carver's Symbol Rune-keeper Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Warden's Symbol Warden Acquaintance 26 112 Silver
 Request - Fishing Poles Acquaintance 25 21 Silver60 Copper
 Request - Foe-finder Acquaintance 25 21 Silver60 Copper
 Request - Gondorian Throwing Hatchets Acquaintance 25 21 Silver60 Copper
 Request - Hearty Onion Soup Acquaintance 25 21 Silver60 Copper
 Request - Heavy Cotton Cloak Acquaintance 25 21 Silver60 Copper
 Request - Ruby Rings of Willpower Acquaintance 25 21 Silver60 Copper
 Request - Tools of the Expert Explorer Acquaintance 25 21 Silver60 Copper
Jewellery Set Friend
Shire Porridge Recipe Friend Silver
 Defender's Golden Circle Defender of the Eglain Friend 28 112 Silver
 Sage's Golden Circle Sage of the Eglain Friend 28 112 Silver
 Soldier's Golden Circle Soldier of the Eglain Friend 28 112 Silver
Jewellery Set Kindred
 Defender's Golden Band Defender of the Eglain Kindred 30 112 Silver
 Sage's Golden Band Sage of the Eglain Kindred 30 112 Silver
 Soldier's Golden Band Soldier of the Eglain Kindred 30 112 Silver
 Prized Eglan-steed Kindred Gold823 Silver60 Copper

Barterer: Fréagyr at the Outer Gates, outside Garth Agarwen. [28.0S, 25.2W]

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Bow of the Eglan-provider 5 Eglain Tokens
 Staff of the Eglan-sage 5 Eglain Tokens
 Stone of the Eglan-stonespeaker 5 Eglain Tokens
 Javelin of the Eglan-warden 5 Eglain Tokens
 Dagger of the Eglan-soldier 5 Eglain Tokens
 Sword of the Eglan-defender 5 Eglain Tokens
 Halberd of the Eglan-guard 5 Eglain Tokens
 Axe of the Eglan-vanguard 5 Eglain Tokens
 Sword of the Eglan-mender 5 Eglain Tokens
 Shield of the Eglan-defender 5 Eglain Tokens
 Shield of the Eglan-warden 5 Eglain Tokens
 Shield of the Eglan-mender 5 Eglain Tokens
 Club of the Eglan-tender 5 Eglain Tokens

Titles / Passive Skills





  • Passive skill:
 Travel to Ost Guruth
Active skill:
 Return to Ost Guruth