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Lothrandir (Sindarin for Flower-pilgrim or Snow-pilgrim)[note 1] is a Ranger of the North who is encountered at different locations throughout the Epic storyline. On the journey south he rides a horse named Mithúl.

Lothrandir (Forochel)

Image of Lothrandir
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Forochel
Area Jä-rannit
Settlement Sûri-kylä
Map Ref [19.0N, 70.8W]

Lothrandir is first met at Sûri-kylä in Forochel, quite near the Stable-master. He was sent from Tinnudir by Calenglad to meet with the Lossoth, but when finished he decided to remain there out of love for the icy expanses and the warmth of the people. In Forochel he has earned the trust by many and is considered their friend. However, when he is summoned by the Grey Company, he travels to Rivendell.

Quest Involvement



"Elrond and Aragorn will wish to see this book and hear the tale behind it...."

Lothrandir (Trollshaws)

Image of Lothrandir
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Trollshaws
Area Rivendell
Landmark Elrond's Stables
Map Ref [29.3S, 6.7W]

Later Lothrandir is summoned to Rivendell and he is temporarily found near Elrond's Stables, west-most of the Valley. He remains by the Stables until the Grey Company moves south.

Quest Involvement


"Mithúl is ready for the next leg of the journey. Indeed, his kind may be more prepared for what awaits us than the others of this Company!"

Lothrandir (Enedwaith)

Image of Lothrandir
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Enedwaith
Area Fordirith
Settlement Echad Dagoras
Map Ref [58.7S, 14.6W]

Lothrandir continues with the Grey Company on their journey south and makes his encampment at Echad Dagoras in Enedwaith.

Quest Involvement


"The ways of this place are coming back to me after my long absence."

Lothrandir (Dunland)

Image of Lothrandir
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Dunland
Area Nan Curunír
Settlement Isengard
Interior Isengard Depths
Map Ref [78.1S, 2.5W]

After the betrayal of the Grey Company by Lheu Brenin, Lothrandir is being held captive in Isengard.

Quest Involvement


"I am Lothrandir of the Dúnedain. I have walked among the frozen wastes and the fiery south-lands. I do not fear this place."

Lothrandir (Central Gondor)

Image of Lothrandir
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Central Gondor
Area Lebennin
Settlement Camp of the Grey Host
Map Ref [82.5S, 37.5W]

Having been freed by his ranger companions, Lothrandir continues on the journey to Gondor with Aragorn and is currently resting at the Camp of the Grey Host in Lebennin, near Pelargir.

Quest Involvement


"Asking for help does not come naturally for me, and I beg you forgive me for it. I hope to regain my strength before long. This weakness and fatigue pains me more than any of the injuries I sustained in Saruman's care!"

Lothrandir (The Wastes)

Image of Lothrandir
Gender Male
Race Man
Region The Wastes
Area The Noman-lands
Settlement Camp of the Host
Map Ref [41.1S, 10.4W]

After the Battle of Pelennor Fields, Lothrandir joins the Host of the West on the march to Mordor.

Quest Involvement


"They will not pass us! We will hold this hill against them!"
"Be not afraid, for you are warriors all!"
"Bolster your courage, soldiers of Gondor and Rohan!"
"Even in the dungeons of Isengard I did not despair! Neither shall we here!"
"Stand fast!"
"We will stand tall, for we stand on the side of Right!"
"Let them come! They will not break our line!"
"We have seen worse than this!"


  1. Depending on whether the first element is loss "snow", lenited to loth before the letter 'r', or simply the word loth "flower".