Magh Ashtu

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Magh Ashtu
Region: The Plateau of Gorgoroth
Area: Talath Úrui
Location: [53.1S, 10.6E]


The battlement of Magh Ashtu is a settlement located on the border between Talath Úrui and Dor Amarth on the Plateau of Gorgoroth in Mordor. [53.0S, 10.7E]


The following services can be found within the settlement of Magh Ashtu:


Tasks Bulletin Board


  • none


style="text-align: center;" colspan="5" | Eastfold - Rohan
Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Aldburg (Swift) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Agarnaith Ranger Camp (Swift) Agarnaith 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Agarnaith Ranger Camp Agarnaith 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ruins of Díngarth (Swift) Dor Amarth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ruins of Díngarth Dor Amarth 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Udûn Foothold (Swift) Udûn 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Udûn Foothold Udûn 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Moria 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Vales of Anduin
Hultvis (Swift) Eastfold 91 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Dol Amroth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Iridír (Swift) Ambarûl 1 Silver 
Gerwyn's Convoy (Andrath) (Swift) Cardolan 1 Silver 
Herne (Swift) Cardolan 1 Silver 
Annâk-khurfu (War Room) (Swift) Elderslade 1 Silver 
Akrâz-zahar (Swift) Erebor 1 Silver 
Steepset (Hall of Vérnozal) (Swift) Gundabad 1 Silver 
Urmâkh (Swift) Imhûlar 1 Silver 
Clegur (Swift) Swanfleet 1 Silver 
Trestlebridge Gate (West) (Swift) North Downs 1 Silver 
Bloody Eagle (Swift) Umbar 1 Silver 
Ub Nishir (Swift) Urash Dâr 1 Silver