The Black Blade of Lebennin

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The Black Blade of Lebennin is one of the Nazgûl, recipient of Sapthân (Foolstone), one of the nine Rings of Power that were forged for Men. Originally a Númenórean king, his name is lost in time, and he is now known by the most common of his many nicknames.

He is encountered several times.

The Black Blade of Lebennin (Second Age)

The Black Blade of Lebennin
Image of The Black Blade of Lebennin
Gender Male
Race Nazgûl
Level 110
Morale 2,160,000
Power 59,680
Region The Wastes
Area Morannon (War of the Last Alliance)
Map Ref [62.6N, 4.2W]

The Black Blade of Lebennin is first encountered by High Elf characters in the year 3434 fighting against the host of the Last Alliance during the siege on the battle plain at Dagorlad at the end of the Second Age. In addition, he appears briefly in a flashback within the Blackroot Vale in the first years of the Third Age, known simply as the "Blade of Lebennin".

Quest Involvement

The Black Blade of Lebennin (Mirkwood)

The Black Blade of Lebennin
Level: 65
Region: Mirkwood

Type: Nemesis
Genus: Unseen
Species: Wraith

Morale: 71,000
Power: 3,720
Advanced Stats

The Black Blade of Lebennin is found within Fennas Guldur in Mirkwood. [14.5S, 44.3W] He is one of the three Nazgûl occupying the tower of Dol Guldur.

Quest Involvement

The Black Blade of Lebennin (Central Gondor)

The Black Blade of Lebennin
Level: 100
Region: Central Gondor

Type: Arch-nemesis
Genus: Unseen
Species: Wraith

Morale: 462,000
Power: 46,800
Advanced Stats

The Black Blade of Lebennin lands later on the Roof of Barad Rill in Dor-en-Ernil in Central Gondor, checking in on the Corsairs' progress.

Quest Involvement

The Black Blade of Lebennin (The Dome of Stars)

The Black Blade of Lebennin
Level: 50 - 150
Instance: The Dome of Stars

Type: Nemesis
Genus: Unseen
Species: Wraith

Morale: Varies
Power: Varies
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Poor
F.M. Immune: True
Stun/Mez Imm.: True
Root Immune: True
Cry: Superior
Song: Remarkable
Tactical: Superior
Physical: Remarkable
Common: Incredible AncientDwarf: Incredible
Fire: Incredible Beleriand: Incredible
Light: Incredible Westernesse: Incredible
Shadow: Incredible Frost: Incredible
Lightning: Incredible

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 61 )  

The Black Blade of Lebennin is found within the Dome of Stars in Osgiliath by entering the Osgiliath Culverts in Eastern Gondor. [62.7S, 8.8W] He is the final boss in Instance: Dome of Stars.

Quest Involvement


 Finality of Death
 Shadow of Dol Guldur
 The Black Blade
 Wielder of Darkness
 Wielder of Darkness - 2
 Wielder of Darkness - 3
 Wielder of Darkness - 4
 Wielder of Darkness - 5

The Black Blade of Lebennin (Mordor Besieged)

The Black Blade of Lebennin
Level: 130
Region: Mordor Besieged
Area: Parth Daenath

Type: Elite Master
Genus: Unseen
Species: Wraith

Morale: 466,000
Power: 24,503
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Feeble
F.M. Immune: True
Stun/Mez Imm.: True
Root Immune: True
Cry: Average
Song: Average
Tactical: Average
Physical: Average
Common: Poor AncientDwarf: Poor
Fire: Poor Beleriand: Poor
Light: Poor Westernesse: Poor
Shadow: Poor Frost: Poor
Lightning: Poor

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 140 )  

The Black Blade of Lebennin is next met in Parth Daenath in Mordor Besieged [94.0S, 122.0W]


 The Black Blade
 Dread +3
 Shadow Vulnerability
 Terrible Retribution
 Shadow Grip
 Suppressed Fear

Quest Involvement


The Black Blade of Lebennin (Fallen Kings)

These stats are for Tier 1,
click here for Tier 2.
The Black Blade of Lebennin
Level: 121 - 150
Instance: The Fallen Kings

Type: Elite Master
Genus: Unseen
Species: Wraith

Morale: Varies
Power: Varies
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Unknown
F.M. Immune: Unknown
Stun/Mez Imm.: Unknown
Root Immune: Unknown
Cry: Unknown
Song: Unknown
Tactical: Unknown
Physical: Unknown
Common: Unknown AncientDwarf: Unknown
Fire: Unknown Beleriand: Unknown
Light: Unknown Westernesse: Unknown
Shadow: Unknown Frost: Unknown
Lightning: Unknown

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( )  

The Black Blade of Lebennin gathers with the other Nazgûl in Amon Fuin for battle in the Fallen Kings.

Quest Involvement