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The Galadhrim is a reputation faction within Lothlórien.

Lothlórien, translated as "Lórien of the Blossom" and usually called just Lórien, are the fabled golden woods whose Elves dwell high in the mallorn-trees and are ruled by Celeborn, wisest of the Eldar of Middle-earth, and the Lady Galadriel.


Many elves in Lothlórien offer quests for reputation and some offer repeatable quests:


Gaining Reputation

Reputation can only be increased by completing quests and deeds within Lothlórien. There are many repeatable quests inside and on the eaves of the Golden Forest. Also, completing Book 6 of the Mines of Moria will give +10,000 reputation for the Galadhrim.

"The title 'Trusted in Lothlórien' is now bestowed upon reaching the appropriate reputation instead. This will make it so players with the appropriate reputation, no longer become a pincussion when you embark on : Volume 2, Book 7 Chapter 1, without completing The 'Trust of Lórien'."

However, you are not allowed to enter Caras Galadhon, and you will need Friend standing for that.


Many quests in Lothlórien reward with a higher standing with the Galadhrim. Click [+] to expand a list of them.

Repeatable Quests

Tasks Bulletin Boards

Task Level Faction Points
Galadhrim Task: Broken Metal Club 60 Galadhrim: 300
Galadhrim Task: Nasty Skin 60 Galadhrim: 300
Galadhrim Task: Gorgeous Ear 60 Galadhrim: 300
Galadhrim Task: Gorgeous Sword Sheath 60 Galadhrim: 300
Galadhrim Task: Gorgeous Fur 60 Galadhrim: 300

In Talan Haldir:

In Echad Andestel:

In Cerin Amroth:

In Talan Fanuidhol (From NPC Bahanneth):

In Caras Galadhon:

In Imlad Lalaith:

In Egladil:

Mobs Defeated

"Protected" animals within Lothlórien will reduce reputation if killed.


Most deeds within Lothlórien give reputation.

Lothlórien Deeds Overview
Deed Type Virtue Experience Title LP Rep Faction Details
Great Deeds for Lothlórien Meta Doer of Great Deeds 5 500 Galadhrim Complete 5 deeds in Lothlórien
City of the Lord and Lady Explorer +2000 5 500 Galadhrim Find 9 points of interest in Caras Galadhon
Lórien Look-out Explorer Lórien Look-out 500 Galadhrim Find 11 flets in Lothlórien
Wanderer of the Golden Wood Explorer +2000 5 500 Galadhrim Find 10 points of interest in Lothlórien
Ally of Lothlórien Quest Guest of Lothlórien 10 300 Galadhrim Complete 10 quests in Lothlórien
Defender of Lothlórien Quest Guardian of Lothlórien 10 500 Galadhrim Complete 25 quests in Lothlórien
Warrior of Lothlórien Quest Warrior of Lothlórien 20 700 Galadhrim Complete 40 quests in Lothlórien
Flet-runner Challenges Quest Flet-runner 5 700 Galadhrim Complete Flet-runner challenge quests
Friend of Lothlórien Reputation Friend of the Golden Wood 10 500 Galadhrim Complete The Paths of Caras Galadhon quest
Beast-slayer Slayer Wild Hunter 5 500 Galadhrim Defeat 100 Wild Animals in Lothlórien
Beast-slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 10 700 Galadhrim Defeat 200 Wild Animals in Lothlórien
Orc-slayer Slayer Champion of Lothlórien 5 500 Galadhrim Defeat 100 Orcs in Dinriill Dale and Fanuidhol
Orc-slayer (Advanced) Slayer +2000 10 700 Galadhrim Defeat 200 Orcs in Dimrill Dale and Fanuidhol
The Defence of Lórien Lore/Slayer Fleeting Ally of Lórien 5 900 Galadhrim Defend Lothlórien from orcs 1 time
The Defence of Lórien II Lore/Slayer Steadfast Ally of Lórien 5 900 Galadhrim Defend Lothlórien from orcs 3 times
The Defence of Lórien III Lore/Slayer Defender of Lórien 5 900 Galadhrim Defend Lothlórien from orcs 5 times
The Defence of Lórien IV Lore/Slayer Persistent Defender of Lórien 10 900 Galadhrim Defend Lothlórien from orcs 7 times
The Defence of Lórien V Lore/Slayer Trueheart Defender of Lórien 10 900 Galadhrim Defend Lothlórien from orcs 10 times
Totals: +8000 140 14,900 Galadhrim

Crafting Quests & Items


Reputation Barter Items

Most quests and deeds rewards barter items:

These can be exchanged at the Barterers for loot


Barterer: Lomguil (Talan Fanuidhol in Lothlórien)

Barter Exchange - No reputation required
Item to Receive Items to Trade
5 Lothlórien Silver Branches  Lothlórien Gold Leaf
 Lothlórien Gold Leaf 15 Lothlórien Silver Branches
Acquaintance - Shields
 Lórien Light Shield 20 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Warden's Shield of Lothlórien 20 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Heavy Shield 20 Lothlórien Silver Branches

Barterer: Idhbrennil (Talan Fanuidhol in Lothlórien)

Acquaintance – Instruments and Quiver
Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Quiver of Caras Galadhon 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Clarinet 15 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Horn 15 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Cowbell 15 Lothlórien Silver Branches
No reputation required – Potions
 Infused Athelas Essence 3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Infused Celebrant Salve 3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Infused Milkthistle Draught 3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Infused Lhinestad Draught 3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Infused Healing Draught 3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Infused Conhuith Draught 3 Lothlórien Silver Branches

Barterer: Merenedhel (Cerin Amroth in Lothlórien)

Barterer: Tharnelleth (Cerin Amroth in Lothlórien)

Barterer: Beriawen (Warden Trainer at Telain Galadhrim in Lothlórien)

Barterer: Bassiril (on a dock of Imlad Lalaith in Lothlórien)

Barterer: Bainien (Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien)

Barterer: Isdúr (Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien)

Friend - Recipes and Battle of Lorien Items
Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Robe of Lothlórien Recipe  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Shoes of Lothlórien Recipe  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Gloves of Lothlórien Recipe  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Hat of Lothlórien Recipe  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Leggings of Lothlórien Recipe  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Shoulder Pads of Lothlórien Recipe  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Coat of the Golden Wood Recipe  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Boots of the Golden Wood Recipe  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Gauntlets of the Golden Wood Recipe  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Helm of the Golden Wood Recipe  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Leggings of the Golden Wood Recipe  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Shoulder Pads of the Golden Wood  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Advanced Tactics  3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Armour Plating  3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Sharpening Stone  3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Field Bandage  3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lothlórien Hooded Cloak of the Preserver  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lothlórien Hooded Cloak of the Stalker  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lothlórien Hooded Cloak of the Sentinel  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lothlórien Hooded Cloak of the Elder  10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Infused Athelas Essence  3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Infused Celebrant Salve  3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Infused Milkthistle Draught  3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Infused Lhinestad Draught  3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Infused Healing Draught  3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Infused Conhuith Draught  3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Elven-cloth Lining  3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lothlórien Gold Leaf  15 Lothlórien Silver Branches

Barterer: Orelleth (Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien)

Friend - Recipes and House
Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Snowy Peaks Theme 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Pine Green Wall Paint 5 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Elegant Clarinet Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Elegant Horn Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Elegant Cowbell Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Elegant Bagpipes Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Elegant Drum Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Battle Standard 8 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Lamp 15 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Statue 15 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lórien Garden Gate 15 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Elven-wood Oil 3 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Caras Galadhon Coat of Arms 5 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Golden Wood Bow Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Golden Wood Crossbow Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Golden Wood Staff Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Golden Wood Spear Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Golden Wood Hammer Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Golden Wood Javelin Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Golden Wood Club Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Golden Wood Great Club Recipe 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lothlórien 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lothlorien - The Dimrill Dale 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lothlorien - Galadriel's Garden 10 Lothlórien Silver Branches

Barterer: Aesseryn (on a dock of Imlad Lalaith in Lothlórien)

Barterer: Nelliel (Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien)

Ally - Jewelry, Permanent Bonuses and Consumables
Item to Receive Items to Trade
2 Wildlife of Middle-earth Tomes
Lothlórien Gold Leaf
20 Lothlórien Silver Branches
2 Tinderboxes
Lothlórien Gold Leaf
20 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Ring of the Golden Wood
12 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
40 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Earring of Caras Galadhon
12 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
40 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Ring of the Dreamflower
12 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
40 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Lothlórien Protector's Manacle
12 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
40 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Choker of Laurelindórenan
12 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
40 Lothlórien Silver Branches
 Inscription of Benefits
25 Lothlórien Gold Leaves
50 Lothlórien Silver Branches

Barterer: Ganneldúr (Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien)




Title: Ally of the Galadhrim


Title: Honoured of the White Lady


If you have an Elf whose heritage is a Galadhrim, the Galadhrim will not recognize you as one of their kindred.