Celebrían is the daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn of Lothlórien, wife of Elrond Peredhel and mother of Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen Undómiel. Celebrían lived in Eregion for a time, but moved to Lothlórien in the late Second Age with her parents. She and Elrond were married in 109 of the Third Age. Their twin sons were born in 120, and Arwen in 241.

In 2509 T.A., Celebrían was travelling to Lothlórien to visit her parents. While crossing the Redhorn Pass she was captured by Orcs and held at Shathur-munzu, where she took a poisoned wound, until Elladan and Elrohir found and rescued her. Though Elrond healed her in body, Celebrían sailed West the following year. Before she departed, she wrote a verse mentioning a last gift meant for Arwen, though the gift and its hiding place remained hidden on the High Moor for another five hundred years.