Faeron (Sindarin for Spirited-one) is a Dúnadan of the North who joins the Grey Company and travels to Gondor during the War of the Ring.
Faeron (Tornhad)
Faeron is a Ranger of Tornhad, quite skilled in stealth (if less so in losing a contest gracefully). He stands on a bridge in the middle of the village.
Quest Involvement
Faeron (Enedwaith)
During the journey through Enedwaith, Fareon acts as a Burglar Trainer found at Harndirion. He deals with items and skills specific for a Burglar.
Burglar Trainer Offerings
Quest Involvement
- "I have trained many light-fingered folk in the art of burglary, and I know the value of surprise. Sometimes it can make all the difference."
Faeron (Central Gondor)
After a long journey through Dunland, the Gap of Rohan, West Rohan, the Paths of the Dead, Western Gondor and Central Gondor, Faeron can be found at the central courtyard of Pelargir, getting ready to board the corsair ships bound for Minas Tirith.
Quest Involvement
Faeron (The Wastes)
Faeron is one of the Rangers who survives the Battle of Pelennor Fields and joins the Host of the West. He can be found at the Camp of the Host.
Quest Involvement
Faeron (The Plateau of Gorgoroth)
After the fall of Sauron, Faeron participates in the Conquest of Gorgoroth. He partners with Rhadrog, Ranger of Ithilien, to investigate the blighted realm of Agarnaith, and can be found at a camp the two Rangers set up at the edge of the swamp.
Quest Involvement
Faeron (Minas Morgul)
Faeron is found in Minas Morgul in Barad Elenath with Rhadrog, having followed Lhaereth the Stained from Agarnaith.
Quest Involvement