Old Odo's Leaf-farm

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Old Odo's Leaf-farm
Type: Farmstead
Region: The Shire
Area: Green Hill Country
Location: [33.8S, 68.0W]

Old Odo's Leaf-farm is a landmark within Green Hill Country, in the Shire. [33.8S, 68.0W]

Once the respectable Odo Burrow cultivated a prosperous pipe-weed farm's farm, located along the Stock Road, west of Woodhall. When Odo died, his son Longo Burrow inherited the farm but has since abandoned the farm and it has fallen to ruin. Recently, Brigand Men have moved into the Shire and are using the farm as a staging area for their nefarious activities.

During the beginning of the introduction quests for hobbits this farm is overrun by spiders but eventually, after fighting one's way through, brigands capture the new hobbit and the story continues behind bars.




These deeds can be advanced by exploring Old Odo's Leaf-farm:


Gerebert Took

During Instance: A Road Through the Dark:

Bounder Boffin
Celandine Brandybuck
Mundo Sackville-Baggins


These creatures are encountered within this location:

Only within Instance: A Road Through the Dark:


"Old Odo Burrow once held the largest leaf farm in the Southfarthings, though it has now fallen to ruin". — Deed text
