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Region: North Downs
Area: Nan Amlug West
Location: [7.3S, 45.4W]

Othrikar is a settlement located within the area of Nan Amlug West, in the North Downs. [7.3S, 45.4W]

This dwarf mining town is found in the mountains of western Nan Amlug, north-west of Esteldín. At the centre square stands the town's smelting shop and spread around the town are many locked entrances to deep and once lucrative silver mines. However, recently they have begun to run low and the residents are looking for new lodes.

Othrikar provides the services of a renowned Outfitter, a Stable-master, Grocer, Supplier, and Provisioners. The residents ask visitors for help in a variety of tasks.


Othrikar Stable


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Esteldín North Downs 15 Silver 
Meluinen North Downs 15 Silver 




For some reason many dwarves here seem to believe in the odd theory that there is a relation between them and the Jorthkyn. Whether they mean by genes or what is yet to be heard, at least there seems to be a significant gap in ... sizes.
