The Faithful were those belonging to the faction of Númenor who followed the will of the Valar and remained loyal to the Elves of Middle-earth. They were opposed to the King's Men who rose to power and fell to greed, pride and envy.
The Kings of Númenor suppressed the Faithful and forced them out of the capital, banning the Eldar speech. King Tar-Palantir was an exception, and followed the Faithful but faced strong criticism for this and had to publically repent his policies. His daughter Tar-Míriel was also secretly a Faithful, but was supplanted by her forced marriage to her cousin Ar-Pharazôn.
When Ar-Pharazôn went to war against the Valar, the Faithful knew that the time of Númenor was ended. They gathered in seven ships, and thus escaped the Downfall of Númenor.
The Faithful sailed to Middle-earth and there founded the realms of Arnor and Gondor, mixing with the indigenous Men of those lands.