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Rhadrog is a Ranger of Ithilien located in the refuge of Henneth Annûn.

Rhadrog (North Ithilien)

Image of Rhadrog
Role Ranger of Ithilien
Gender Male
Race Gondorian
Region Ithilien
Area North Ithilien
Settlement Henneth Annûn
Map Ref [48.1S, 8.0W]

Rhadrog is one of the Rangers of Ithilien in their refuge at Henneth Annûn during the War of the Ring.

Quest Involvement

  1. [105] Natural Defence
  2. [105] No Safe Passage
  3. [105] A Fearful Foe

Rhadrog (The Wastes)

Image of Rhadrog
Role Ranger of Ithilien
Gender Male
Race Gondorian
Region The Wastes
Area The Noman-lands
Settlement Haerondir
Map Ref [36.6S, 8.9W]

Rhadrog is found at the Ranger outpost of Haerondir in the Wastes during the Host of the West's march on the Black Gate.

Quest Involvement

Rhadrog (The Plateau of Gorgoroth)

Image of Rhadrog
Role Ranger of Ithilien
Gender Male
Race Gondorian
Region The Plateau of Gorgoroth
Area Agarnaith
Settlement Agarnaith Ranger Camp

After Sauron's defeat, Rhadrog partners with Faeron, a Ranger of the North, to investigate the swamps of Agarnaith.

Quest Involvement

Rhadrog (Minas Morgul)

Image of Rhadrog
Role Ranger of Ithilien
Gender Male
Race Gondorian
Region Morgul Vale
Area Minas Morgul
Settlement Barad Elenath, the Star-gazers' Spire

Rhadrog is found in Minas Morgul in Barad Elenath with Faeron, having followed Lhaereth the Stained from Agarnaith.

Quest Involvement