Eärnil II

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Eärnil II
Level: 75 - 150
Instance: The Silent Street

Type: Nemesis
Genus: The Dead
Species: Shade

Morale: Varies
Power: Varies
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Poor
F.M. Immune: False
Stun/Mez Imm.: False
Root Immune: False
Cry: Superior
Song: Superior
Tactical: Superior
Physical: Superior
Common: Incredible AncientDwarf: Incredible
Fire: Incredible Beleriand: Incredible
Light: Incredible Westernesse: Incredible
Shadow: Incredible Frost: Incredible
Lightning: Incredible

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 95 )  


Eärnil II was the 32nd king of Gondor and father of Eärnur, who would become Mordirith. During his reign, Arnor fell to the forces of the Witch-king, and Eärnil sent his son Eärnur to retake Fornost from the Enemy. This act succeeded, and the Witch-king was sent away from Fornost in defeat. This gave the Witch-king a particular hatred for Eärnur, and in Third Age, the Nazgûl conquered Minas Ithil and made it their own fortress, Minas Morgul. Eärnil died in Third Age 2043, and his son took the crown as the last king of Gondor until the return of Elessar at the end of the Third Age.

He was honored with a statue and plaque on the Craftsmen's Tier of Minas Tirith.


Eärnil II can be found in the 6-man instance the Silent Street, beneath the tombs of the Kings and Stewards of Gondor. He spawns during the final boss fight with the Gloom of Nurn, alongside Mardil Voronwë.


 Might of the Fallen Father Effect:  Eärnil's Might buff on Mardil Voronwë)
 Fall to Sorcery
 Weakness to Shadows
 Difficulty Tier II On Tier 2


"Who defies the claim of my son?"
"You betray your fellows, [name]."
"Flee from [name] or suffer!"
"I am... sorry."
"What vile force guides my hand?"
"Why does my son flee death?"