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Gandalf is one particularly eminent character in Tolkien's works, introduced as a renowned wizard long since already in The Hobbit and having a central role in the War of the Ring. He is well known among all races as he in turn values them highly for their respective merits. Thus, Gandalf carries many names: "Mithrandir" to Elves, "Incánus" to Men of the South with the variant Inkanûsh used in Shagâni, "Tharkûn" to Dwarves, and named "Láthspell" by Gríma Wormtongue.
Gandalf is a Maia of Manwë and his true name is "Olórin". Sent along with four others (Curumo, Aiwendil, Alatar, and Pallando) to Middle-earth to fight Sauron, he was chosen by Manwë himself for his humility and compassion. Gandalf is known for his mastery of fire, and bears Narya, the elven ring of Fire. Of the Five Istari (wizards) Gandalf alone was loyal to his task, and was instrumental in Sauron's defeat.
J. R. R. Tolkien introduces Gandalf already in The Hobbit when he visits Bilbo Baggins in Bag End and it soon is clear that Gandalf had set foot in the Shire long since and astounded the friendly hobbits with his magic fireworks. From before that and on Gandalf continues to be the mage that vanishes from throngs and fellowships, only to appear in great straits to rescue his friends once again.
In Lotro, dwarves meet Gandalf already in the introduction sequence and other races find him in Bree, an odd wizard with peculiar comments. He listens to all and thus he gathers information far beyond what his enemies may fathom, leading to their future destruction. Though Saruman is the leader of the five, he envies Gandalf's virtues in getting to understand the folks of Middle-earth and his ability to obtain their ears and trust; however, Saruman exaggerates Gandalf's ability of foreseeing, thus undermining himself. Players can encounter Gandalf in many regions: Bree, Ered Luin, The Shire, Trollshaws, Lothlorien, Rohan, Gondor, Mordor, and Erebor.
- "Also known as the "Grey Wizard" (his Sindarin name Mithrandir means "Grey Pilgrim"), Gandalf is perhaps Middle-earth's best-known inhabitant. Although he sometimes appears to be old and frail, Gandalf the Grey is actually one of the most powerful allies of the good folk of Middle-earth and a guide to the Free Peoples in their struggle against the darkness. In addition to being a powerful wizard, Gandalf wields Glamdring, the "Foe-hammer", a magical elven-sword forged in the First Age and greatly feared by the creatures of evil. Calling no land his home, he is friend to many, especially hobbits, and revered by elves. Since he is often at the center of world-changing events, he is also feared by many as an omen of difficult times ahead.
- "Gandalf serves as a wise leader in Lotro, rarely seen, but always guiding events through his dealings. Players will often hear mention of Gandalf in the lands between Bree and Rivendell and may occasionally cross his path, since his activities in these early days of the War of the Ring serve to guide not only the quest to destroy the One Ring, but also the heroic activities of all the adventurers who seek to stand against evil." — (quote from the Lorebook entry, prior to the Lorebook being removed from service)

Gandalf's main location is inside Bilbo's Room in Rivendell. He also appears elsewhere and in quest instances:
- The Dwarf introduction in Thorin's Gate
- The Prancing Pony in Bree
- Thurimen in Mirkwood
- Ost Dunhoth in Enedwaith
- In Galadriel‘s garden in Lothlórien
- Methel-stage in the Shire - Anniversary
- The Wold in Rhovanion - Discovering the Descendant session play
- In the Eaves of Fangorn upon Treebeard's Hill
- Inside Meduseld at Edoras
- Elfhelm's Encampment in the Westfold
- In the Deeping-coomb at Helm's Deep
- At the base of Orthanc in Isengard
- During the defence of the walls of Minas Tirith
- At the Court of the White Tree in the Citadel of the White City
- At the Camp of the Host, in North Ithilien
- At the Slag-hills, outside the Black Gate of Mordor
- In the Hall of the King near Elessar‘s seat
- In Felegoth at the court of Thranduil
- At the throne of King Thorin III, in the Hall under the Mountain
- At Beorninghús, in the Vales of Anduin
- In Minas Tirith (Midsummer), in the feast-hall of Merethrond
- In Thuringwath, not far from Aufaltor
Quest Involvement
Groups of quests mainly ordered by level:
Event quests:
- [...] Fireworks Exploration - Anniversary
- [...] Year 9 Tales: Gandalf - Anniversary
Before the Shadow Epic quests:
- [7] Chapter 6: Worrisome Tidings as a reflection
Volume I Epic quests:
- [1] Intro (Dwarf), Instance: Into the Silver Deep
- [21] Volume I, Book 1, Chapter 12: The Black Rider's Designs
- [22] Volume I, Book 2, Foreword: Aiding the Order
- [32] Before the Shadow, Book 3, Chapter 12: Instance: In a Northern Dale
- [50] Volume I, Book 9, Foreword: News of the Palantír
- [50] Volume I, Book 9, Chapter 1: Oakheart Unhidden
- [50] Volume I, Book 12, Instance: Half-truths - Solo-only
Rivendell quests:
- [20] The Road to the Lonely Mountain
- [38] Bert, Tom, and Bill
- [39] Lore of the Blade - Lore-master
- [39] Frodo's Burden
- [40] Instance: The Blade that was Broken
- [43] Gandalf's Secret Recipe
- [45] Preparing for the Dark
- [50] The Fall of Thaurlach - Raid
Volume II Epic quests:
- [50] Volume II, Prologue, Foreword: Sons and Fathers - Hobbit
- [50] Volume II, Prologue, Foreword: Three Ways - Man
- [50] Volume II, Prologue, Instance: The Fellowship Departs
- [65] Volume II, Book 9, Instance: Memories of Mithrandir
Volume III Epic quests:
- [65] Volume III, Book 2, Instance: The House of Isildur - Session play
- [72] Volume III, Book 4, Instance: The Wizard's Vale - Session play
- [75] Volume III, Book 6, Instance: Old Friends and New Tidings - Solo-only
- [86] Volume III, Book 11, Chapter 3: Théoden, Son of Thengel
- [86] Volume III, Book 11, Instance: Théoden, Son of Thengel
- [86] Volume III, Book 11, Chapter 4: Tidings Glad and Sorrowful
- [86] Volume III, Book 11, Chapter 6: The Cage
- [86] Volume III, Book 11, Quest:Chapter 7: Commands of the King
- [86] Volume III, Book 11, Instance: Commands of the King
- [95] Volume III, Book 13, Chapter 11: Dawn Comes
- [95] Volume III, Book 14, Chapter 1: The Battle Is Won
- [95] Volume III, Book 14, Chapter 2: Allies Unexpected
- [95] Volume III, Book 14, Chapter 3: The Flooded Ring
- [95] Volume III, Book 14, Chapter 5: Wizard to Manage
- [95] Volume III, Book 14, Chapter 6: The Drownning Pits
- [95] Volume III, Book 14, Chapter 8: Allies of the King
East Rohan quests:
- [75] Instance: Discovering the Descendant - Session play
- [82] A Mysterious Old Man
- [82] Minions of Moria
- [82] Fangs a Million
- [82] The Treasure of Rohan
- [82] Tracking Some Hobbits
- [82] Scattered Friends
- [82] Curiosity Dawns
West Rohan quests:
- [89] Answering the Call
- [91] To the Broadacres
- [93] To the Westfold
- [93] The Westfold: To the King's Aid
- [94] Survivors From the Fords
- [94] The Mustering
- [94] Instance: The Mustering
- [94] To Helm's Deep
Volume IV Epic quests:
- [100] Volume IV, Book 2, Chapter 2: Too Far from the City
- [100] Volume IV, Book 2, Chapter 2, Instance: Too Far from the City
- [100] Volume IV, Book 4, Chapter 3: The Seven Gates
- [100] Volume IV, Book 4, Chapter 4: Tower of Guard
- [100] A Matter of Lineage
- [100] Volume IV, Book 4, Chapter 8: What the Steward Saw
- [100] Volume IV, Book 4, Chapter 9: The City Besieged
- [100] Volume IV, Book 4, Chapter 10: The Defence of Minas Tirith
- [100] Volume IV, Book 4, Chapter 11: Hammer of the Underworld
- [100] Volume IV, Book 4, Chapter 12: The Darkest Hour
- [100] Volume IV, Book 4, Chapter 12, Instance: The Darkest Hour
- [100] Volume IV, Book 4, Chapter 13: Time Yet Remains
- [101] Volume IV, Book 5, Chapter 1: The Spread of Rumour
- [105] Volume IV, Book 7, Chapter 2, Instance: The Council of the Captains
- [105] Volume IV, Book 7, Chapter 3: The Great Jest
- [105] Volume IV, Book 7, Chapter 4: A Loud Departure
- [105] Volume IV, Book 7, Chapter 5: The Garden of Gondor
- [105] Volume IV, Book 8, Chapter 1: No Other Way
- [105] Volume IV, Book 8, Chapter 4, Instance: The Black Gate
- [105] Volume IV, Book 9, Chapter 1: Sauron's Hour
- [105] Volume IV, Book 9, Chapter 2: The Eagles are Coming!
- [105] Volume IV, Book 9, Chapter 2, Instance: The Eagles are Coming!
- [105] Volume IV, Book 9, Chapter 3: On the Field of Victory
- [105] Volume IV, Book 9, Chapter 4: Frodo Baggins and the Ring of Power
- [105] Volume IV, Book 9, Chapter 5: The Next Adventure
Minas Tirith quests:
- [100] Defence of Minas Tirith - Epic Battles
- [100] Hammer of the Undeworld - Epic Battles
- [100] Unspoken Feats
- [100] Words of the Enenmy
- [100] Vile Tongues
- [100] Instance: Vile Tongues
- [105] Interlude: A Secret Return
- [105] Instance: A Secret Return
- [105] The Hands of a Healer
- [105] Instance: The Hands of a Healer
- [105] Wrath and Ruin, Chapter 3
- [105] The Silent Street
- [105] Head of the Fallen Beast
North Ithilien quests:
- [105] Fire Beneath the Shadow
- [105] Noisome and Unrelenting
- [106] Chapter 1.1: Beyond the Black Gate
- [106] Chapter 1.4: Ayorzén, Twice-Imprisoned
- [107] Chapter 1.5: The Air of That Place
- [107] Chapter 1.6: Whispers from the Other Side
- [107] Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of the Wild Men - Beorning
- [107] Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of Rhudaur - Burglar
- [107] Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of the Riddermark - Captain
- [107] Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of the Eglain - Champion
- [107] Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of Cardolan - Guardian
- [107] Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of the Tribes - Hunter
- [107] Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of the Earth-Kin - Lore-master
- [107] Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of the Snowmen - Minstrel
- [107] Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of Khazad-dûm - Rune-keeper
- [107] Chapter 2.1: Heirloom of the High King - Warden
- [108] Chapter 2.2: The Light of Eärendil
- [108] Chapter 2.3: Lands of Doom
- [108] Chapter 2.4: Madness at Barad-dûr
- [109] Chapter 2.5: Mouth of Gondor
- [112] Chapter 3.1: The Dread Lands
- [114] Chapter 3.4: A Change of Heart
- [114] Chapter 3.5: The Song of Sweet Lara
- [114] Instance: The Song of Sweet Lara
- [114] Chapter 3.6: The Next Great Plague
- [115] Chapter 4.3: Raiment of Disguise
- [115] Chapter 4.4: Union of Evil
- [115] Chapter 5.1: A Question of Purpose
- [115] Chapter 5.2: The Warrior Missing
- [115] Chapter 6.3: Hidden in the Hoard
- [115] Chapter 6.5: Decline and Decay
- [115] Chapter 6.6: The Keeper of Raven-hill
- [115] Chapter 6.7: Wood, Lake, Mountain, and Stone
- [115] Instance: Wood, Lake, Mountain, and Stone
- [116] Chapter 7.4: Iron Road
- [117] Chapter 8.1: The Black Book of Mordor
- [118] Chapter 8.2: The Zhélruka
- [120] Chapter 9.4: An Unexpected Delivery
- [120] Chapter 9.5: Report from Winterstith
- [120] Chapter 9.6: Painting the Picture
- [120] Chapter 9.7: The Wind and the Warrior
- [120] Instance: A Promise Kept
- [120] Chapter 9.9: A Promise Kept
- [120] Chapter 10.1: A New Journey
- [120] Chapter 10.2: The Price of Lodging
- [120] Chapter 10.3: Good Fences
- [120] Chapter 10.4: The Disaster of the Gladden Fields
- [120] Chapter 10.5: The Isle of the Flowers
- [120] Chapter 10.6: A Request
- [120] Chapter 10.7: The Arrival of the Wise
- [120] Interlude: Shades in the Swamp
- [120] Chapter 11.1: A Window On the Past
- [121] Instance: Tales of the Bright Company
- [122] Chapter 12.3: A Bad Birthday
- [124] Chapter 13.3: The Picture Painted
- [124] Chapter 13.5: The Watch on the Dead City
- [125] Chapter 13.6: The Sword and the Stonemaiden
- [125] Chapter 13.7: Searching for Something
- [126] Chapter 13.8: Guardians of the Tower
- [126] Chapter 13.9: The Warrior Remade
- [128] Chapter 14.1: The Closing Net
- [128] Epilogue: An Incomplete Key
- [128] Epilogue: Vóin's Tale
- [128] Instance: Vóin's Tale
- [128] Epilogue: Isildur's Last Journey
- [128] Epilogue: The Wanderer's Confession
- [128] Epilogue: His Father's Son
- [128] Epilogue: The Disaster
- [128] Epilogue: Freed of the Burden
Allegiance quests:
- [110] Hobbits of the Company: Chapter 1: A Place for Hobbits
- [110] Hobbits of the Company: Chapter 6: The Last Word
- [110] Kingdom of Gondor: Chapter 6: The Wizard and the King
- [110] Kingdom of Gondor: Instance: The Wizard and the King
- [110] Kingdom of Gondor: Instance: A True Friend of Gondor
Vales of Anduin quests:
- [120] Instance: A Beorninghús Tradition
- [120] Into the Gladdenmere
- [120] The Depths of Kidzul-kâlah
Thuringwath quests:
- [129] Within the Looming Darkness
- [129] The Secret Shadow
- [130] Instance: The Secret Shadow
- [129] Before the Heart of Darkness
Elderslade quests: (as Wandalb Greyhame)
- [130] Instance: The Ill-fated Feast
- [130] The Necklace of Undoing
Epic: Vol. V quests:
- [...] Book 1, Chapter 3: A Little Wizard-Magic
- [...] Book 1, Chapter 4: Vows, Speeches, and Oaths
- [...] Book 1, Chapter 5: A Whisper of Unrest
- [...] Instance: A Wedding at Midsummer
- [...] Book 1, Chapter 8: The Wedding Banquet
- [...] A Long-awaited Banquet -- Mithrandir (Midsummer Festival only)
The Song of Waves and Wind quests:
- [150] Instance: Beyond Living Memory
- [150] Chapter 12.7: Something Has Awoken
- [150] Chapter 12.8: Friends From the North
- [150] Chapter 13.1: Evil In The Canyons
- [150] Chapter 13.4: A Greater Power
- [150] Chapter 13.5: The Dagor Carlanthir
- [150] Chapter 13.8: Last Words
- "Frodo is a most remarkable hobbit. He will be fine."
- "Adventurers are a curious sort. As curious as Wizards, if you ask most hobbits!"
- "We are safe for the present, but soon we will be thrust again into danger."
- "No one can see all of the roads that lie before us."
- "If the Rohirrim do not come to the aid of Gondor, Minas Tirith will fall. There is little time left!."
At Methel-stage, Anniversary Fireworks
At Dwarf starting instance
In the Wold - Session play
At Isengard
Wandalb in Framsburg (flashback)
In Caras Galadhon
In Eaves of Fangorn
In Elfhelm's Encampment
At Midsummer
At Urash Dâr
- Bilbo's Room NPCs
- Quest NPCs
- The Prancing Pony NPCs
- Ost Dunhoth NPCs
- Caras Galadhon NPCs
- Methel-stage NPCs
- The Wold NPCs
- Eaves of Fangorn NPCs
- Edoras NPCs
- Elfhelm's Encampment NPCs
- Helm's Deep NPCs
- Nan Curunír NPCs
- Minas Tirith NPCs
- Camp of the Host NPCs
- The Slag-hills NPCs
- Hall of the King NPCs
- Felegoth NPCs
- Hall Under the Mountain NPCs
- Beorninghús NPCs
- Merethrond - Banquet Hall NPCs
- Thuringwath NPCs
- The Citadel NPCs
- Silver Deep NPCs
- Istari