The Dúnadan Corunir (Sindarin for Cunning-man) long years ago made company with a stubborn Captain named Golodir who travelled to Angmar, despite Aragorn's forbidding. The Ranger captain had heard rumour about Carn Dûm being inhabited again, by descendants of Rhudaur. That company was not heard of since, but...
Recently a message from Corunir came through the hostile lands of Angmar and aid will be sent.
Later in the Epic storyline Corunir will rejoin his Kinship and travel southwards, thus appearing at yet other locations. He is described by Golodir as being "relatively plump, for a Ranger".
Corunir (Angmar)
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Corunir is first met in the craft-fair of Aughaire in Angmar.
Recently he was able to get across message to his commander, as well as sending mails to a few of the Free Peoples, making known he was alive and his location. Though he has not heard of Captain Golodir and the troops that followed, Corunir has not given up hope on them but he cannot himself surpass a border of the Witch-king of Angmar's design.
Quest Involvement
- [44] Volume I, Book 6, Chapter 2: Against His Lord
- [44] Volume I, Book 6, Chapter 3: Secrets of the Stones
- [45] Volume I, Book 6, Chapter 4: Heart of Stone
- [45] Volume I, Book 6, Chapter 5: The Sorcerer's Doom
- [46] Volume I, Book 6, Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone
- [47] Volume I, Book 6, Chapter 7: Beyond Rammas Deluon
- [65] Volume III, Book 1, Chapter 8: The Depths of Duty
- [...] Rescue in Nûrz Ghâshu - skirmish
- [65] Volume III, Book 1, Chapter 9: The Gathering of the Grey Company
- "You have naught to fear from the Watcher of Rammas Deluon."
- "'Greetings, friend. Well met."
- "There is an air of mystery about this place. I do not know what to make of it."
- "Where strayed the rest of the people who lived here?"
- "I do not know what to make of these dwarves!"
- "I asked Golodir to explore this place with me, but he had other tasks before him."
- There is something very peculiar about this place.""
Corunir (Enedwaith)
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Corunir is later told of the mission of the Grey Company as they travel south. He joins them on their journey and makes his encampment inside the Library of Zudrugund in Enedwaith.
Quest Involvement
- [65] To Dunland
- [65] Volume III, Book 2, Chapter 14, The Distant Dwarf
- [65] Volume III, Book 3, Chapter 15: An Echo of Days Past - Solo only
- [65] Volume III, Book 3, Instance: An Echo of Days Past - Solo only
- [65] Volume III, Book 3, Chapter 1: Secrets of Zudrugund
- [65] Volume III, Book 3, Chapter 7: Attack on Zudrugund
- [65] Volume III, Book 3, Chapter 8: Further Secrets
- [65] Volume III, Book 3, Chapter 11: Grief and Insight
- [65] Volume III, Book 4, Chapter 1: The Departure of Lhanuch
- "'I cannot believe this! The traitor Saruman has been influencing our errand without our knowledge, and we have played right into his hands!"
Corunir (Dunland)
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As the Grey Company continues on their way south, Corunir appears in multiple locations in Dunland: First in Tûr Morva and later in the Rohirrim Scout-camp. During the journey, he is usually accompanied by Golodir who seems to be his closest friend.
Quest Involvement
- [75] Chapter 1: Separate Ways (Saeradan)
- [75] Chapter 1: Separate Ways (Corunir)
- [85] Interlude: Many Worries
- [85] Interlude: Pit of the Falcon
- [95] Instance: Allies Unexpected
- [95] Instance: Lothrandir
- "My mother always said I worried enough for the whole family, but the dangers through which we have come and to which we ride deserve even more worry than I can manage."
Corunir (Central Gondor)
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Travelling further along the Path of the Grey Host into Gondor, Corunir can later be found resting at the port city of Pelargir, in Central Gondor.
Quest Involvement
- "I am not in the mood to talk. This has been a trying experience for all of us. I hope you do not mind."
Corunir (Pelennor)
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Corunir fights on the Pelennor Fields with the rest of the Grey Company. He can be found at the Ruin of Pel Dúven near midday.
Quest Involvement
Vol. IV, Book 6:
- [105] Chapter 6: The Battle Rages
- [105] Chapter 7: A Final Vengeance
- [105] Chapter 8: On a Field of Red
- "Aragorn is right. The battle rages, and it will not wait for us."
Corunir (The Wastes)
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After the victory on the Pelennor, Corunir joins the Host of the West and journeys with them into the Wastes.
Quest Involvement
- "At long last I am at peace, <name>. I will follow Aragorn to the end, with an unburdened heart."
Corunir (Midsummer)
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Corunir survives the Battle of the Black Gate and attends the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen at Midsummer. He can be found in the feast-hall of Merethrond after the wedding ceremony, seated with the rest of the surviving Grey Company.
Quest Involvement
- "Do not be fooled, <name>! It was Radanir's idea."