Quest:Mad With Terror

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Mad With Terror
Level 100
Type Solo
Starts with Ingold
Starts at Craftsmen's Tier
Start Region Minas Tirith Besieged
Map Ref [60.8N, 17.9E]
Ends with Ingold
Ends at Craftsmen's Tier
End Region Minas Tirith Besieged
Map Ref [60.8N, 17.9E]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 4
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>! An icy chill grips my heart, and it takes all of my strength to stand here at the wall; my heart quails, and would have me fly from my post in terror!'

Ingold lowers his voice, and speaks in hushed tones.

'The Enemy has catapulted vile ammunition onto the city: heads they have taken from soldiers caught outside the walls, in the Pelennor, and Talath Anor. The barrage has caused men to cast down their weapons, fleeing from the sight of friends and family returned in this horrible fashion. I am not immune to this weapon of Mordor! I have recognized faces in that terrible rain: it was the fate of Barathant, <name>, and I wept to see it.

'Can you gather up the weapons and shields that were dropped by frightened men as they fled their stations? We need that equipment, and those men, if we are to stand against the armies of Mordor!'


You have found Ingold engaged in the defence of the city, and he struggles against the pall of terror that has fallen upon Minas Tirith.

Objective 1

  • Retrieve abandoned weapons (0/6)
  • Retrieve abandoned shields (0/6)

Men cast aside their weapons and shields when they fled in terror from their posts along the wall at the north end of the Third Circle.

Ingold has asked you to retrieve the weapons and shields the men dropped when they fled.

Minas Tirith is besieged! You may examine the model of the city in the Dome of the Stars to travel between states of the city.

Ingold: 'Gather up the weapons and shields that were dropped by frightened men as they fled their stations, <name>. We need that equipment, and those men, if we are to stand against the armies of Mordor!'
Retrieved abandoned weapons (6/6)
Retrieved abandoned shields (6/6)

Objective 2

Ingold is in besieged Minas Tirith, atop the wall at the north end of the Third Circle.

You have retrieved weapons and shields cast aside by men when they fled, and should return now to Ingold.

Minas Tirith is besieged! You may examine the model of the city in the Dome of the Stars to travel between states of the city.

Ingold: 'Thank you for gathering up that equipment, my friend. Now we need men to wield them once again!
'I do not blame them for running. Evil are the sights of war, but this is worse than even a hardened soldier of Gondor could expect. But we must not give up hope! If the men who ran do not return and fight, they will prove great allies to the foes outside the city. Only by returning to their posts and facing their fears can they strike a blow against such evil!
'Find the men who ran, <name>. Tell them to return! We need every soldier of Gondor to master his fear and stand against the host of Mordor, or all is already lost.'

Objective 3

  • Find frightened soldiers and convince them to return (0/6)

Frightened soldiers can be found in the besieged city, at the north end of the Third Circle.

Ingold has asked you to convince the men that ran from their posts to return.

Minas Tirith is besieged! You may examine the model of the city in the Dome of the Stars to travel between states of the city.

Cowering Man says, "You are right, friend! I will return!"
Cowering Man says, "I cannot return! I will not!"
Cowering Man says, "Flee! There can be no victory for us!"
Cowering Man says, "No, no, no! I will not fight!"
Cowering Man says, "I will not flee again!"
Cowering Man says, "Flee for your lives!"
Cowering Man says, "The end has come!"
Cowering Man says, "For Gondor! For Gondor!"
Cowering Man says, "I cannot stand against such evil!"
Cowering Man says, "Fight on! Fight on!"
Cowering Man says, "There may be no victory... but I will stand all the same!"
Cowering Man says, "I will not give in to fear any longer!"
Cowering Man says, "I do not want to die!"
Cowering Man says, "I will not die for you!"
Cowering Man says, "I am ashamed. I will fight for my honour!"

Objective 4

  • Talk to Ingold in the besieged city, atop the wall at the north end of the Third Circle.

Ingold is in besieged Minas Tirith, atop the wall at the north end of the Third Circle.

You have convinced some of the fleeing men to return to their posts, despite the terror.

Minas Tirith is besieged! You may examine the model of the city in the Dome of the Stars to travel between states of the city.

Ingold: 'You did well, my friend. I, too, will fight until the last of my courage is spent, in order to avenge the sad fate of my friends! Barathant will be avenged, and if it is in my power to prevent the destruction of Gondor, I will do it!'