The Shire
The Shire is a region found within the land of Eriador.
The country of the Shire is a land of peace and pastoral beauty, where hobbits dwell in seclusion from the world at large.
In former times, Men were seldom seen there, though Dwarves often passed through the Shire as they travelled to the Blue Mountains from their lands in the East. More rarely still, Elves could sometimes be seen in the woods as they journeyed to Mithlond, the Grey Havens beyond the borders of the Shire, where they cross the Sea into the Utter West.
Dark things seldom threatened the hills and meadows of the Shire. Largely this has been because hobbits are very good at keeping to their own business and not being noticed by others. But Little Folk would be aghast and unbelieving if they only knew the lengths to which Gandalf the Grey and the Rangers of the North have gone to ensure the country's peace. Now, though, even the Shire cannot escape the notice of the Shadow in the East.
- Level: 1 - 13
- Factions: The Mathom Society, The Inn League and The Yonder-watch
- Crafting: T1 (Apprentice), T2 (Journeyman)
- Neighbouring: Bree-land, Ered Luin, Evendim, Cardolan
- Introduced: The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, April 2007
(Ordered by main quest-level)
The Delving Fields
- Capital of the Shire: Michel Delving
- Stable-master, Milestone, Auction House, Barber, Clerk of Kinships, Notary, Vault, Hobby Master, Outfitter, Reflecting Pool, vendors
- Michel Delving's Craft-fair: Forge, Oven, Workbench, Farmlands nearby
- Crafting guilds: Cook's Guild Hall
- Factions: The Mathom Society and The Inn League
- Villages:
- Events: The Shire Race-track
- Quests: mainly 1 - 10
- Town: Bywater
- Mailbox, Grocer, Provisioner, Tavern Keep, vendors
- Crafting: Forge, Oven, Workbench, Supplier, trainers
- Events: Farmers Faire
- Villages:
- Crafting: Farmlands, Workbench, trainers
- Quests: mainly 7 - 10
- Village: Tuckborough: Mailbox, Grocer
- Extraordinary landmarks: Great Smials, Methel-stage
- Events: See Methel-stage for details
- Quests: mainly 8 - 12
- Village: Needlehole: Stable-master, Mailbox, Supplier
- Quests: mainly 9 - 10
- Village: Overhill
- Mailbox, Grocer
- Crafting: Camp-fire, Workbench, Expert Woodworker
- Quests: mainly 9 - 10
- Camp Site Fire
- Extraordinary landmarks: Bag End, The Party Tree
- Events: See the Party Tree for details
- Quests: mainly 9 - 11
- Village: Stock: Stable-master, Mailbox Outfitter, Tavern Keep
- Extraordinary landmarks: Bamfurlong, Bucklebury Ferry
- Quests: mainly 9 - 11
- Town: Budgeford
- Quests: mainly 10 - 11
- Creatures: mainly 10 - 12
- Town: Brockenborings
- Stable-master, Milestone, Skirmish Camp, Tavern Keep, vendors
- Crafting: Forge, Oven, Workbench, Supplier, trainers
- Village: Scary: Mailbox, Grocer
- Events: Spring Festival Games
- Quests: mainly 11 - 13
- Main village: Nobottle: Milestone, Stable-master, Mailbox, Quartermaster, vendors
- Villages: Gamwich, Long Cleeve, Tighfield: Stable-master, Quartermaster, vendors
- Crafting: Farmlands
- Factions: The Yonder-watch
- Quests: mainly 20 - 23
Settlements |
Landmarks |
Interiors |
Interiors |
Instances |
Player Housing |
The Shire Homesteads [36.5S, 73.2W] |
QuestsFor more detail, see The Shire Quests |
DeedsFor more detail, see The Shire Deeds |
TitlesFor more detail, see The Shire Titles | ||||||
The Shire Reputation
CreaturesFor rare, signature, unique and named creatures, see the Shire Quest Creatures. CraftingCrafting Tier(s):
Resource Locations:
MapsThe Shire mapsThe Shire Detailed mapsRegional mapsGallery