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Region: East Rohan
Area: Sutcrofts
Location: [57.6S, 56.3W]
Hytbold Square (Rebuilt)
Hytbold Square (Rebuilt)

Hytbold is a ruined settlement located within the Sutcrofts in East Rohan. [57.6S, 56.3W]

It was recently burned down in an attack by Orcs from the East Wall. Rebuilding the town will allow access to class armor, special resource instances and more.

If your character chooses to rebuild Hytbold complete the following:


Locations found within the settlement of Hytbold are listed below:


Lumber-mill of Hytbold


Hytbold Mead Hall




The following services are found outside the Mead Hall of Hytbold once rebuilt. [57.5S, 55.4W]

The following services are found inside the Mead Hall of Hytbold once rebuilt. [57.5S, 55.4W]
(Requires The Mead Hall: Inhabitants I)

The following services are found in the Smithy of Hytbold courtyard once rebuilt. [57.8S, 54.9W]
(Requires The Armoury: Inhabitants I)

The following services are found in the Stable of Hytbold once rebuilt. [57.3S, 55.4W]
Requires The Stable: Rebuild


The Quests are segmented into stages as the town is rebuilt.

It all begins with a  Letter, which can be found in your characters mail from Fastred after reaching level 84.

[85] To Hytbold (in mailbox)
[85] Welcome to Hytbold
[85] Aiding the Eastemnet (Daily)
[85] The Mead Hall: Rebuild
  • Note: This quest is a prereq for most of the rebuild quests for the town.
See Hytbold Quests for a more detailed look at the quest list.


These deeds and their associated quests all reward Hytbold Tokens as you rebuild the town of Hytbold.


To rebuild Hytbold completely your character must reach kindred standing with the following factions in East Rohan:

There are two NPCs that appear for each faction (one at Ally standing, one at Kindred standing) that provide quests to gain reputation.


Class Armour NPCs

Requires the stage of continuing the quest The Mead Hall: Rebuild to see your character's class traders.
Note: Barter vendors for other classes will only become visible only after you completely rebuild Hytbold.

Reputation NPCs

The following NPCs will appear depending on your reputation level and how far you've unlocked the town.

Crafting NPCs

These NPCs are both Questgivers and Barterers.

Expert Crafting NPCs


Crafting Tier: Eastemnet (T8): Riddermark Skarn Deposit, Oak Branches, Riddermark Hide, Ornate Cache

Crafting Location(s):

Rebuilding the corresponding building and it's facility unlocks the following resource instances:

Crafting Facilities:

The following facilities unlock after completing their corresponding quests/deeds.


Map of Hytbold

Detailed Maps

Click maps to see full size


See Also

2012 Guide: Hytbold: A Guide to Rebuilding and Armour
2022 Update: Hytbold quickly guide 2022