
Fangorn (Sindarin for Treebeard) is a a great forest at the southeastern edge of the Misty Mountains, on the northern edge of Rohan. The forest appears in different areas and instances throughout Middle-earth. It once stretched from one edge of Middle-earth to the other and its shepherd is the Ent Treebeard. According to Elrond: "Time was when a squirrel could go from tree to tree from what is now the Shire to Dunland west of Isengard." Of this vast forest, according to Treebeard, Fangorn forest was "just the East End". And indeed, players have rescued a walking tree in Bindbole Wood, in the North Farthing in the quest Web-cutter.
Remnants of this ancient wood can be found in the Old Forest of Bree-land, where traces of the Entwives can be found in their flowers (see the deed Flowers of the Old Forest), and in Mirkwood, where the forest has been corrupted by Sauron. The desolated gardens of the Entwives are found in the Brown Lands.
Fangorn Forest, in the North of Rohan, bordering on the Misty Mountains, was the oldest part of Treebeard's realm, and it is here the Ents retreated as the bounds of their woodland shrunk throughout the Second Age, due in part to Sauron's efforts and in part to widespread deforestation as the Númenóreans cut lumber for their ships. Treebeard maintained several Ent-houses in Fangorn Forest, including Wellinghall in the flanks of Methedras. It is located in the flanks of Methedras, the southernmost peak of the Misty Mountains overlooking Isengard, and is the source of the River Isen. Wellinghall further consists of a tree-lined courtyard, furnishings of different kinds, and a rocky bay with a curtain of falling water.
Fangorn in the Third Age is often ill-reputed. It is certainly dangerous and wild, protected by the Ents that remain awake and overrun with wild huorns and spider-dens where the treeherds no longer watch. Fangorn once met the edges of Lothlórien along the Limlight River that forms the northern border of the forest. The River Entwash, or the Onodló, issues from the more central region of the forest, entering the Entwash Vale and dividing the Eastemnet and Westemnet of Rohan.
The fabled forest of Fangorn is encountered from multiple zones:
- One first encounters it on the edge of the Ring of Isengard from the Ox-clan Merchant Camp, in the instance Fangorn's Edge.
- Next, one brushes under the Edge of Fangorn while in the Limlight Gorge area of the Great River in another instance, the Roots of Fangorn.
- Later, two large questing areas are located in Fangorn: the Eaves of Fangorn, north of the Entwash Vale in East Rohan, and the Balewood in Wildermore. These are normal questing areas, traversed as part of the Epic Quest line.
- Finally, the Entwood questing area in West Rohan depicts the oldest part of Fangorn Forest, after the Breaking of Isengard.
- Fangorn's Edge - lvl 75
- Roots of Fangorn - lvl 75
Volume III, Book 14: The Waters of Isengard |
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- [...] Year 11 Trifles: Long List of the Ents, as part of the Anniversary Celebration
- [110] Chapter 3: High and Low
Additional Lore
In the Willow-meads Of Tasarinan
The Road Goes Ever On is a song cycle that has been published as sheet music and as an audio recording. The music was written by Donald Swann, and the words are taken from poems in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth writings, especially The Lord of the Rings.
With Tolkien's approval, Donald Swann wrote the music for this song cycle, and much of the music resembles English traditional music or folk music. The sole exception is the Quenya song "Namárië," which was based on a tune by Tolkien himself and which has some affinities to Gregorian chant.
Of particular interest here, Swann composed: "In the Willow-meads Of Tasarinan". From The Lord of the Rings vol. 2, The Two Towers, Book 3, Chapter 4
- Treebeard's description of Fangorn to Merry and Pippin as he strode through Fangorn on his way to Wellinghall.
In the willow-meads of Tasarinan I walked in the Spring.
Ah! the sight and the smell of the Spring in Nan-tasarion!
And I said that was good.
I wandered in Summer in the elm-woods of Ossiriand.
Ah! the light and the music in the Summer by the Seven Rivers of Ossir!
And I thought that was best.
To the beeches of Neldoreth I came in the Autumn.
Ah! the gold and the red and the sighing of leaves in the Autumn in Taur-na-neldor!
It was more than my desire.
To the pine-trees upon the highland of Dorthonion I climbed in the Winter.
Ah! the wind and the whiteness and the black branches of Winter upon Orod-na-Thôn!
My voice went up and sang in the sky.
And now all those lands lie under the wave,
And I walk in Ambarona, in Tauremorna, in Aldalómë,
In my own land, in the country of Fangorn,
Where the roots are long,
And the years lie thicker than the leaves
In Tauremornalómë.
After finishing this song Treebeard walked on silently through the silent woods. [1]
Many Partings
- Said Fangorn the Ent to Galadriel and Celeborn: 'Long, long ago when we met by stock and by stone, A vanimar, vanimálion nostari! It is sad that we should meet only thus at the ending. For the world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air. I do not think that we shall meet again. And Celeborn said: 'I do not know, Eldest.' But Galadriel said: 'Not in Middle-earth, nor until the lands that lie under the wave are lifted up again. Then in the willow-meads of Tasarinan we may meet in the Spring. Farewell!'[2]