The Gwaith-i-Mírdain were the Elven People of the Jewel-smiths in Eregion. They were a brotherhood of master crafters who forged the Rings of Power in the Second Age.
The Gwaith-i-Mírdain were founded and led by Celebrimbor, and taught ring-lore by Antheron the Gift-lord. Based in Caras Gelebren, the Silver City, they worked their arts in the ring-forges of Tham Mírdain. Mirobel was also established nearby to facilitate the trade of mithril with the dwarves of Khazad-dûm, with whom they had a close friendship.
The jewel-smiths were devastated in the War of the Elves and Sauron, when their former mentor Antheron returned in his true form - Sauron. Their towns fell and Eregion was laid in ruins, and those who survived fled to Imladris. What remained of their ring-lore was passed on, but most of their most precious techniques and crafts were lost for all time.