Quest:Book 1, Chapter 8: The Grasping Hand
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Level | 14 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Meneldir |
Starts at | Caras Gelebren |
Start Region | Swanfleet |
Map Ref | [53.5S, 21.9W] |
Ends with | Bregoleth |
Ends at | Idhobel |
End Region | Swanfleet |
Map Ref | [47.2S, 19.0W] |
Quest Group | Before the Shadow, Book 1 |
Quest Chain |
Previous: Before the Shadow, Prologue
Before the Shadow, Book 1
Next: Book 2, Chapter 1: Something Creeps in Tharbad -- Before the Shadow, Book 2
Walkthrough & Notes |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'I returned Tegwyn to Mossward, and while I was unable to coax a promise not to venture again into the wild, his parents gave him enough chores to keep him occupied at least until adulthood, at which point I think our obligation to keep him safe must surely lapse. I swore no oath to the farmers of Swanfleet.' Meneldir studies your expression, and sighs heavily. 'Duindil did not speak kindly of me, did he? I am... not surprised, <name>. In my heart I still hold the cause of the Dúnedain most dear... but I understand my folk may not believe it, and I cannot deny the breaking of my oath. 'But who is your new friend? If she hates the Uruks as we do, and is willing to aid us, perhaps she can help us track down several of their leaders? Rumor of three such villains has preceded me here, and I cannot help but think the work would go more quickly if we were to split up, each of us to deal with one.' BackgroundBregoleth spoke sadly of the War of the Elves and Sauron, but she refuses to dwell upon the past. If there is something to be gained from her memories that will prevent further grief in the present day, she will do her best to learn it. Objective 1
Bregoleth is north-west of Caras Gelebren, hopeful that the purpose of the Uruks in Swanfleet can be hindered.
Objective 2
Uruk tracks signifying the locations of Uruk war-leaders can be found at three different places in Western Eregion. Meneldir asked you to investigate Uruk tracks within Swanfleet and defeat one of the Uruk war-leaders
Objective 3Idhobel is located in Western Eregion, along the road that runs north to Tham Celechir. Meneldir and Bregoleth agreed to meet with you at Idhobel after each of you defeated your own Uruk war-leader.
Objective 4
Bregoleth is at the camp of Idhobel, in Western Eregion.