Sigileth (Sindarin for Dagger-woman) is an Elf of Lothlórien and a member of the Hidden Guard. She is the sister of Corudan, the River-walker.
An expert melee combatant, Sigileth wields the twin knives, Egnassigil and Lanchigil.
Sigileth (Hidden Guard)
Sigileth is first met in Imlad Lalaith before the Hidden Guard crosses Anduin. She takes part in the mission of the Hidden Guard, and afterwards participates in the assault on Dol Guldur.
She is later reported to have died in the Battle in the Tower, and her knives are recovered from where she fell.
Quest Involvement
Sigileth (Gostador)
Sigileth in fact survived her fall in Barad Guldur, but was hidden by deep shadow even from the knowledge of Lady Galadriel. In the weeks since, she has hiding out in Gostador.
Quest Involvement
Sigileth (King's Gondor)
After the War of the Ring, Sigileth sets out on a quest to find her brother Corudan, who went missing at Helm's Deep. When news of Corudan's reappearance in Anfalas reaches Sigileth, she braves the Paths of the Dead to cross into King's Gondor.
Quest Involvement
Sigileth (Pinnath Gelin)
Upon learning of Corudan's kidnapping by the Kindred of the Coins, Sigileth joins the crew of the Wave-hunter in order to travel to Umbar to free her brother.
Quest Involvement
Sigileth (The Shield Isles)
When the Wave-hunter is taken by a fierce storm, Sigileth and the rest of the crew must survive the trials of the Shield Isles before continuing with their rescue mission.
Quest Involvement
Sigileth (Cape of Umbar)
Arriving at the city of Umbar Baharbêl, Sigileth is finally able to reunite with her brother Corudan after he is freed from captivity.
Quest Involvement
Sigileth (Umbar-môkh)
While the search for Tatháta the Sea-Beast continues, Sigileth can be found in Mekab-kuphâr at Khabârkhad in Umbar-môkh.
Quest Involvement
Sigileth (Ambarûl)
While in pursuit of Azagath Sea-shadow Sigileth and her brother Corudan passes through Iridír in Ambarûl.
Quest Involvement
Sigileth (Khûd Zagin)
Sigileth and their travelling party encountered some difficulty with highwaymen on the road into Khûd Zagin and followed them back to their hideout at Ghalbûru.
Quest Involvement
Sigileth (Imhûlar)
Together with Silirtas, Sigileth travels to Imhûlar. Tharashil wished for them to first visit the grove of Vartúlin, and although she is not opposed to this plan, she does not want to linger overlong at that grove. She is more concerned for the safety of her brother in the company of the Kindred.
Quest Involvement
Sigileth (Urash Dâr)
Sigileth has arrived at Urash Dâr. She is concerned about Silirtas idea of investigating beyond the walls of Maurûsh.
Quest Involvement
During Instance: Plans of the Golden Host:
- Tell me about yourself
- "There is little to tell. I have lived long in Lórien, and in all that time I have not seen such an endeavour as that of the Golden Host. If any of its aims come to pass it will seem to me a wonder.
- "But I vow to see to the will of the Lord and Lady in all things, for they have shown me kindness and beauty in such measure as I would not have believed were I not witness to it myself."
- I believe it.
- Where did you get your knives?
- "I crafted these knives myself, friend. This one is called Egnassigil, for his sharp point can pierce even the air, and this one is Lanchigil, for his edge can halve a whisper. They are the last knives I will ever make, for all others would be less.
- "For each Orc I slay, I will carve a mark on the hill of the knife that deals the killing blow, and I will gift Lanchigil and Egnassigil to the Lord and Lady when the grips are completely filled with these marks."
During Chapter 6: The Choice of Ways:
- How are you holding up?
- "The death of Raddir has taken its toll, and left us without direction, though not without purpose. We know where we must go... we simply do not know how to get there. But we will decide, and then we will have action again, and an end to this idleness!"
- A worthy gift!
- You wish to travel through Taur Morvith?
- "Taur Morvith is the route our company should take to Dol Guldur. Emyn Lûm is clearly too obvious a road, and the Scuttledells have a fell reputation. Orcs there may be within Taur Morvith, but I have dealt with Orcs before, as have the other members of our company. I do not fear Orcs."
During Chapter 16: The Dungeons of Dol Guldur:
- Tell me about this dream.
- "In the dream I am climbing a long staircase, but there are no walls on either side. Shadows press close all around me, and far below a single light twinkles in the darkness. I can see no foes, but a great feeling of dread hangs upon me and I cannot breathe but with a great effort. I reach for Lanchigil, but he is gone; with my other hand I grasp Egnassigil, but it is too late! I am falling, falling, falling from the stairway, and before waking I hear a voice call out from a high place, 'It grieves me that they will no longer strike fear into the hearts of her foes.'
- "And then I awaken, but the memory of the dream will not leave me, and its dread remains."
- It is a dream only.
- I am sure it is nothing.
- "Perhaps."
- Sigileth studies the hilts of her knives, and will say no more.
- ...