- This page is about the Hobbit. For the game server, see World:Peregrin.
Peregrin Took, often called "Pippin", is primarily found in Bilbo's Room in the Last Homely House, at the southern side of the ground floor. He has a +3 Hope aura.
- Son of Paladin Took II of Great Smials, and later Thain Peregrin I; he travelled with the Company of the Ring. With Meriadoc Brandybuck, he was separated from the Company at Parth Galen, and taken captive by Orcs. Escaping into Fangorn Forest, he saw the destruction of Isengard and travelled with Gandalf to Minas Tirith, where he became a bondsman of Steward Denethor II.
- Pippin, as Peregrin was universally known, was the youngest of Frodo's companions. He was only twenty-eight years old when he set out with Frodo and Sam from Bag End on the first part of their great journey, which was considered very young for a Hobbit. At first, he seemed to be rather unsuited to a long journey - through the early part of their travels, we see him regularly calling for rests or meals. As befitted the son of the Shire's Thain, though, he had a good general knowledge of that land and its people.
- After the War of the Ring --- Peregrin inherited the title Thain of the Shire in the year IV 14 (1434 by the Shire-reckoning). During his Thainship, he remained in close contact with Gondor, and built a library of great historical importance at Great Smials. The works he collected were mainly concerned with the history of Númenor and the Exiles after its Downfall, and so were of little interest to the Hobbits of the Shire, but were of great significance to the larger world. The "Tale of Years" was probably prepared at Great Smials, with help from Meriadoc Brandybuck. — lorebook
Peregrin Took (Rivendell)
A new hobbit or man character will briefly meet Pippin, with Frodo and Sam, already in the first instance, on their way to Crickhollow in Buckland. Next encounter is in Bilbo's Room in Rivendell. Later in the Epic story-line Pippin will appear at yet other locations.
Much later Pippin also appears in a dream, in a quest instance which takes place at the banks of Anduin at the Gap of Rohan.
Quest Involvement
- "How did that barrel of pipe-weed come to be there, I wonder?"
- "Thanks again for that pouch of pipe-weed!"
- "Frodo needs dependable folk like us on this journey."
- "Well, we certainly wouldn't stand to be left behind!"
- "I wonder if Elrond is sore at me? I don't think we got off on the right foot."
- "How was I supposed to know that was the Sceptre of Annúminas?"
- "I hope Sam has packed enough food for this journey. Maybe we should remind him?"
Peregrin Took (Lothlórien)
Pippin can be found taking a nap in Caras Galadhon, where he offers no quests.
Peregrin Took (Isengard)
After his adventures in Fangorn Forest, Pippin can be found at the gates of flooded Isengard, alongside Merry. He then moves to the foot of Orthanc were he finds a Palantír.
Quest Involvement
- "The look on your face is quite a thing to see, my confused friend! Welcome to Isengard! You have had a number of adventures, I expect, and would you believe that we have as well? We have all come a long way from Lothlórien, haven't we?"
Peregrin Took (Minas Tirith)
Gandalf takes Pippin with him when he rides from Isengard to Minas Tirith, and to war. Here, Pippin becomes a Guard of the Citadel in service to Denethor, the Steward of Gondor.
Quest Involvement
- "Oh, Gandalf brought me here. I slept much of the way, but Shadowfax is the swiftest of his kind and he was at gallop for most of the journey. Why did we leave our friends behind? Well... Gandalf thought... he just thought I should see Minas Tirith, is all. The others had their own plans, and... you know. He's a Wizard."
Peregrin Took (North Ithilien)
After the victory on the fields of the Pelennor, Peregrin Took joins the Host of the West led by Aragorn, and can be found east of after-battle Osgiliath, in Anórien (After Battle).
Quest Involvement
Peregrin Took (The Wastes)
As the Host of the West enters the Wastes, Peregrin Took can be found at the Camp of the Host at a campfire next to the Rangers Culang, Dagoras, and Mithrendan.
Quest Involvement
- "What can we do?"
- "I do not like the look of this!"
- "Oh dear."
Peregrin Took (Cormallen)
After the ring is destroyed, Merry and Pippin join Frodo and Sam on the field of Cormallen.
Quest Involvement
Peregrin Took (Allegiance Hall)
Pippin can be found at Bâr Thorenion- or Tham Periain as it becomes known- after the destruction of the Ring.
Quest Involvement
Peregrin Took (Midsummer)
Pippin awaits the Great Wedding in Midsummer Minas Tirith, where he and Merry are being quite helpful! He can be found in Merethrond following the wedding ceremony, seated with Beregond and his family.
Quest Involvement