Quest:Instance: The Horn of Gondor

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Instance: The Horn of Gondor
Level 76
Type Session Play
Starts with Corpse of Uruk
Starts at Dead Orc Glade
Start Region The East Wall
Map Ref [56.7S, 49.7W]
Quest Group Vol. III. Book 7
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Bestowal dialogue

The Horn of Gondor
"Someone cut a mighty swath through the Uruks in the East Wall, but was it enough to save our mutual friends from certain death?"


Aragorn has given you an important charge, perhaps the most important charge you have been given on this entire journey: keep the hobbits safe!

Objective 1

  • Come to the aid of the hobbits!

The hobbits Meriadoc and Peregrin are in danger! You have to come to their aid!

The hobbits need your help, Boromir!

Objective 2

  • Defeat the Uruk that threatens the hobbits!

An Uruk threatens the hobbits!

Meriadoc says, "Thank you, Boromir!"

Objective 3

Meriadoc and Peregrin need your help. They are not safe of the Uruks yet!

Meriadoc: 'He came out of the woods in that direction, Boromir! And it sounds like he was not alone!'
You are struck by the hobbit's suddenly-fierce countenance. They look so much like children, yet you begin to see some of the resolve of which Gandalf spoke.
'We have to find Frodo, Boromir! If you had some cause in his disappearance, help us now and make it right!'
  • Defend the hobbits
Meriadoc says, "This way! We've got to find Frodo!"
Peregrin says, "Merry, what's happening?"
Meriadoc says, "This is bad, Pip!"
Peregrin says, "Do you think the Orcs have found Frodo?"
Meriadoc says, "It sounds like there are a lot of Orcs in the woods, Boromir!"
Meriadoc says, "Boromir! Help!"
Peregrin says, "Take that!"
Peregrin says, "Boromir, are you hurt? Merry, he does not look well!"
Meriadoc says, "Stay close to Boromir, Pippin!"
Meriadoc says, "There are too many!

Objective 4

  • Blow the Horn of Gondor to summon aid!

The number of the Uruks is overwhelming! You need aid! Blow the Horn of Gondor!

You need aid! You must blow the Horn of Gondor!

Objective 5

Meriadoc and Peregrin need your help. They are not safe of the Uruks yet!

Peregrin: 'The Orcs seem endless! How can we hope to fight them all? We are not as strong as you, Boromir! Merry has shown them a thing or two, but I just cannot do it!'
  • Defend the hobbits
Peregrin says, "I cannot fight anymore! There are just too many of them!"
Peregrin says, "Where is Strider? He must have heard the horn!"
Peregrin says, "Merry, I think Boromir tires! What are we going to do?"
Meriadoc says, "I don't know, Pip."

Objective 6

  • Blow the Horn of Gondor to summon aid!

The number of the Uruks is overwhelming! You need aid! Blow the Horn of Gondor!

You need to alert your allies! Blow the Horn of Gondor once more!

Objective 7

  • Examine the dying Uruk in the middle of the glade

You have to protect the hobbits, at any cost!

Meriadoc says, "I don't think anyone's coming, Pip."
Peregrin says, "But..."
Dying Uruk: This fallen Uruk is barely alive, but the mark of the White Hand on his armour is unmistakeable.
'Seize... the halfling...' he moans, his wounds bubbling painfully.
These Uruks are here for Frodo! You have to stop them!

Objective 8

  • Defend the hobbits

The Uruks are closing in...

Peregrin says, "Oh no!"
Meriadoc says, "Boromir!"
Meriadoc says, "Boromir, get up!"
Peregrin says, "Merry..."
Meriadoc says, "Come on, we have to go! Boromir!"

Objective 9

  • Defend the hobbits

You have done what you could, Boromir.

Meriadoc says, "Pippin... I think this is it. Are you ready?"
Peregrin says, "I suppose, Merry. It is our turn to protect you now, Boromir!"
Meriadoc says, "For Frodo!"
Peregrin says, "The Shire!"