Angmar War
The Angmar War was a centuries long conflict between Men and Elves of Arnor and the forces of the Witch-king of Angmar in the middle of the Third Age (TA 1356 - 1974).
The conflict lasted throughout Eriador and spilled over into northern Rhovanion toward the end.
Major battles of the war include the first invasion of Angmar, the Fall of Cardolan, the Fall of Amon Sûl, Skirmishes in the Weather Hills, the Second Siege of Imladris, the Fall of Fornost, the Battle of Fornost and the Eótheód Incursion.
The casualties were numerous, and include both King Argeleb I and his son King Arveleg I of Arthedain, as well as Ostir, Last Prince of Cardolan. The war led to the complete ruin of both of Arnor's succession states, with Cardolan and Arthedain losing their capitals, their kings and most of their people. The bloodline of Isildur was relegated to become landless Dúnedain, Rangers of the North. The great capitals and bastions of old - Amon Sûl, Dol Ernil, Caranost, Fornost, Ost Guruth, Ost Laden and Ost Forod were all left in complete ruin.
In the end, though, Angmar was beaten back in the Battle of Fornost, aided by King Eärnur of Gondor and the Elves of Eriador. The Witch-king fled before the might of Glorfindel, his army utterly destroyed. This was followed up on the other side of the Misty Mountains by Frumgar's Eótheód ousting the Angmarim from the Wells of Langflood and settling there themselves.