Meriadoc Brandybuck
- This page is about the hobbit. For the game server, see World:Meriadoc.
Meriadoc Brandybuck, usually called "Merry", is the son of Saradoc Brandybuck and Esmeralda Took. He was born in Buckland in T.A. 2982. Merry is best friend of Peregrin Took, better known as "Pippin". Already in the Shire the two were notorious rascals, though never bad or wicked but rather curious and unthinking. Though he is also very considerate and protective of his friends, which is the reason he ended up in the epic events being unfolded. — tolkiengateway
- Son of Saradoc Brandybuck, called 'The Magnificent', Merry travelled with the Company of the Ring, accompanied Frodo on the Quest of Mount Doom. Captured with his friend Peregrin Took by Yrch, they were separated from the rest of the Company of the Ring, but eventually escaped to become the first mortals for many centuries to encounter the Ents of the Fangorn Forest. Merry was present at the destruction of Isengard, and rode to the Battle of the Pelennor with the Rohirrim. There, his deeds won great renown, for with Éowyn of Rohan he defeated and slew the Lord of the Nazgûl. — lorebook
Meriadoc Brandybuck (Rivendell)
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Meriadoc Brandybuck is first found in Bilbo's Room in the Last Homely House, at the southern side of the ground floor. He has a +3 Hope aura.
Later we will find Merry in Lothlórien, and in a dream which takes place at the banks of Anduin at the Gap of Rohan. After the fall of Isengard, Merry is found alongside Pippin at the gates to the destroyed citadel. When Théoden rides to war with the Riders of Rohan, Merry joins him and can be found at the War-stead of the Eorlingas, next to one Dernhelm.
Quest Involvement
- [50] Volume II, Prologue, Instance: The Fellowship Departs
- [60] Volume II, Book 7, Chapter 2: Ringbearer's Respite
- [75] Volume III, Book 6, Instance: Troubled Dreams - Solo only
- [76] Instance: The Horn of Gondor - Session Play
- [76] Instance: Two Hobbits - Session Play
- [95] Volume III, Book 14, Chapter 4: Took and Brandybuck
- [95] Interlude: The Moot
- [95] Instance: The Moot
- [95] Interlude: The Moot
- [103] Volume IV, Book 5, Chapter 6: What It Means to Fight
- [103] Volume IV, Book 5, Chapter 7: Through the Stonewain Vale
- [104] Instance: The Ride of the Rohirrim
- [105] Instance: Death Comes for All
- [105] Instance: Interlude: A Dream of Cold and Silence
- [105] Word of the Wounded
- [105] Instance: Interlude: A Secret Return
- [105] Instance: The Hands of a Healer
- [...] Year 5 Tales: Merry - Anniversary
- "It would be the worst kind of punishment to be left behind!"
- "I wonder how far it is to... where we're going?"
- "I told Pip that the sceptre looked a little fancy for a walking-stick...."
- "All's well that ends well, right? I'm sure the Elves aren't really upset."
Meriadoc Brandybuck (Cormallen)
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Merry and Pippin join Frodo and Sam after the ring has been destroyed, on the field of Cormallen.
Quest Involvement
Meriadoc Brandybuck (Allegiance Hall)
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Merry can be found at Bâr Thorenion – or Tham Periain as it becomes known – after the destruction of the Ring.
Quest Involvement
- [110] Chapter 2: A First Furtive Foray
- [110] Chapter 3: High and Low
- [110] Chapter 4: Deeper In
- [110] Instance: Deeper In
Meriadoc Brandybuck (Midsummer)
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Merry awaits the Great Wedding in Midsummer Minas Tirith, where he and Pippin are being quite helpful. He can be found in Merethrond following the wedding ceremony, seated with the Rohirrim.
Quest Involvement
- [...] A Long-awaited Banquet -- Meriadoc Brandybuck (Midsummer Festival only)

External References