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The Malledhrim (Sindarin for Golden Host) is a reputation faction located in Mirkwood. The Malledhrim are a group of elves from Lothlórien fighting against the encroaching evils of southern Mirkwood.

This is what a typical Malledhrim looks like

Acquaintance or no reputation required reputation reward vendors in Echad Sirion

Acquaintance reputation barterer in Ost Galadh

Acquaintance reputation reward vendors in the Haunted Inn

Friend reputation reward vendors in Mithechad

Friend Barterer in Thangúlhad

Kindred Barterer in Thangúlhad

Gaining Reputation

Reputation with the Malledhrim can be gained by doing quests for them. Unlike many other reputation factions of Middle Earth, there are no special items you can collect to barter for reputation. Almost every deed in Southern Mirkwood also gives reputation with the Malledhrim, as well.


Many quests in Mirkwood reward with a higher standing with the Malledhrim. Click [+] to expand a list of them.

Repeatable Quests

Daily, repeatable quests that give Malledhrim reputation.

In Ost Galadh:

In Estolad Mernael:

In Mithechad:

In Thangúlhad:

Mobs Defeated


Daily Skirmishes


Some deeds in Southern Mirkwood also reward players with a higher standing among the Malledhrim . Click [+] to expand a list of them.

Reputation Items

Apart from raw reputation with the Malledhrim, quests often reward with feathers and emblems. These can be bartered for special rewards with reputation reward vendors.

Quest Barter Reward
 Malledhrim Bronze Feather
 Malledhrim Gold Star Emblem


Reputation Reward Vendors of the Malledhrim are found in Echad Sirion, Mithechad, Ost Galadh, The Haunted Inn, and Thangúlhad in Mirkwood.


Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

5 Potent Athelas Essences 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Potent Celebrant Salves 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Infused Milkthistle Draughts 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Infused Lhinestad Draughts 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Infused Healing Draughts 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Infused Conhuith Draughts 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Traveller's Potages 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Charm of Spirit 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Charm of Avoidance 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Charm of Defence 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Manadhechor 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Angechor 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Filegor 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Faerchaim 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Belegaim 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Derngaim 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Raindail 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Boots of Wandering 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Boots of the Scout 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Curucham 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Hauberk of the Bear 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Amarcham 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Leggings of Good Fortune 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Leggings of the Guard 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Arambadanir 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Hat of the Valar 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Bronwethol 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Tarchar 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Gloves of Mastery 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Terchaim 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Brenweaim 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

5 Potent Athelas Essences 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Potent Celebrant Salves 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Infused Milkthistle Draughts 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Infused Lhinestad Draughts 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Infused Healing Draughts 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Infused Conhuith Draughts 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Traveller's Potages 5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Golthann 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Curuthan 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Tirithram 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Faeram 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Tirithamath 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Brogamath 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Thalionhigil 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Brechigil 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
 Balanhigil 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
5 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers Malledhrim Gold Star Emblem
Malledhrim Gold Star Emblem 15 Malledhrim Bronze Feathers
Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Decorated Coffer of Ancient Script 5 Medallion of Dol Guldur
 Tracery, Lvl 50 Uncommon 2 Medallion of Dol Guldur
 Tracery, Lvl 50 Rare 10 Medallion of Dol Guldur


