Ost Guruth

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Ost Guruth
Region: Lone-lands
Area: Nain Enidh
Location: [31.3S, 29.6W]

Ost Guruth is a settlement located within the area of Nain Enidh, in the Lone-lands. [31.3S, 29.6W]

Halfway through the Lone-lands the silhouette of the towers of Ost Guruth (Sindarin for City of Death) encourages the weary traveller upon the Great East Road to press on, only to slow down as the details reveal how broken the town now is. Recently half-orcs and brigands poured all over the Lone-lands but the people of Eglain pulled through in this severely damaged keep. Now fell creatures are literally just outside the thick stone walls.

Ost Guruth provides excellent services, better than many settlements that have not yet suffered as much. Notable are a Bard and the crafting facilities with expert trainers, and the farmlands! Vendors are selling armour and weapons for levels 20 to 30. Just outside its eastern wall lies a Skirmish Camp. This town is also the centre for the Eglain faction.

Within the northern section the Lore-tower stands erect, certainly damaged but inside its artefacts, lore, and runes are intact. There Radagast the Brown dwells at the courtesy of Aric the Stone-speaker, to continues the mission of the Valar.



Terrain Map of Ost Guruth
Ost Guruth from the south
Inside the Craft Centre
The Market Faire
Inside the Healing House
The Stable of Ost Guruth
Ost Guruth Reflecting Pool
Ost Guruth Skirimish Camp
The Lore-tower - Exterior
The Lore-tower - Interior
Sunset over Ost Guruth
Night sky over Ost Guruth


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 25 Silver  Min. Level: 15
The Lone-lands
Candaith's Camp (Swift) Lone-lands Free Having quest Vol I, Book 3, Foreword: Fires in the North
The Forsaken Inn Lone-lands 15 Silver 
The Last Bridge Lone-lands 15 Silver  Min. Level: 20
The Last Bridge (Swift) Lone-lands 25 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Rivendell Stables Trollshaws 15 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Rivendell Stables (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver  Min. Level: 20




The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this place:


(See also quests bestowed in The Lore-tower)

The Eglain Reputation Quests:


Epic Quests:


NPC Function Coords
Services & Supplies
Galar Deep-pouches Supplier [31.3S, 29.8W]
Hallam Comfrey Bard of Ost Guruth [31.3S, 29.4W]
Hana the Young Grocer & Task-master [31.0S, 29.6W]
Léoflac Eglain Reputation Vendor [31.4S, 29.4W]
Mildnoth Provisioner [31.1S, 29.9W]
Strangsig Healer [31.3S, 29.3W]
Unni Stable-master [32.1S, 29.8W]
Bert Bartleby Bingo Badge Barterer [32.1S, 29.7W]
Ailith Keeper of Gifts - Anniversary [31.7S, 29.4W]
Daegwalt Light Armoursmith [31.3S, 29.7W]
Baygild Medium Armoursmith [31.3S, 29.7W]
Grimdeal Bowyer [31.3S, 29.6W]
Waltmaer Pole Turner [31.3S, 29.7W]
Swetstan One-handed Weaponsmith [31.3S, 29.8W]
Gestr Quicksilver Two-handed Weaponsmith [31.3S, 29.8W]
Abeodan Master of Crafting Guilds [31.0S, 29.9W]
Déorthryth Expert Cook [31.0S, 29.9W]
Edfréa Expert Farmhand [31.4S, 30.0W]
Berwyth Expert Jeweller [31.0S, 29.9W]
Alfbald Expert Metalsmith [31.4S, 29.7W]
Gódrun Expert Scholar [31.0S, 29.9W]
Herhalig Expert Tailor [31.0S, 29.9W]
Osketil Expert Weaponcrafter [31.4S, 29.7W]
Cuthdag Expert Woodworker [31.0S, 29.8W]
Frideric the Elder Task-master - Quest [31.5S, 28.5W]
Hrotha Quest - Warden [31.7S, 29.4W]
Langhár Quest - Beorning [31.4S, 29.3W]
Mosco Mudbottom Quest - Warden [31.8S, 29.2W]
Radagast's Horse Quest [31.2S, 29.3W]
Slade Ransford Quest - Champion [31.3S, 29.5W]
Stanric Quest [31.2S, 29.7W]
Tortwil Quest [31.2S, 29.7W]
Trumswith Quest - Hunter [31.4S, 29.6W]
Branda Rumble Scenery [31.0S, 29.9W]
Guard Free Peoples

At the Lore-tower

Radagast the Brown - Quest


"Ost Guruth served as a stronghold of the North Kingdom in the days of the Witch-realm of Angmar. Now it is serves as the temporary home of the Forsaken, the ruin-hold of the Eglain". — Deed

"To the east of Bree-land lies a largely barren and uninhabited stretch of wilderness known as the Lone-lands. Usually the only life seen in these lands are scattered birds and wildlife. On rare occasions a traveller upon the Great East Road may be spied. Hidden among the ruins of the ancient fortresses there can be found the Eglain. These are descendants of an ancient people who have forsaken the towns and cities of "civilized" folk and choose to live as free men in the wild. They scavenge trinkets and relics from the remnants of Arnor to trade for the necessities of life.
"The Eglain are wanderers, but they will sometimes stop and make a temporary home in one set of ruins or another, which they call their Ruin-hold. The current Ruin-hold lies far beyond Bree, just off the Great East Road, amid the ruins of the once-great fortress of Ost Guruth. Once a castle belonging to the kingdom of Rhudaur, it fell long ago in the wars between that realm and Arthedain. One tower still remains intact, however, and serves as the home of Aric the Stone-speaker - when he is not abroad in the swamps, seeking ancient lore. — lorebook