Calenglad (Sindarin for Green-forest/wood) is a respected leader of the Rangers at Tinnudir, loyal to and trusted by Aragorn long since. As the founder of the Wardens of Annúminas, he has patiently been holding out against the continuous waves of threats against the old Arnorian kingdom and its crumbling ruins and tombs, with their precious contents. Recently stronger and more powerful enemies from Angmar than usual has overrun many locations, stretching the resources of the Rangers to their limit.
Throughout the Epic tale Calenglad is met at more locations.
Calenglad (Evendim)
Calenglad is the head of the faction of Rangers known as the Wardens of Annúminas, and is first met at Tinnudir, in Evendim.
Quest Involvement
- [40] Instance: The Tomb of Elendil - Fellowship
Epic Quests:
- [50] Volume I, Book 9, Chapter 4: Amarthiel's Trail
- [50] Volume I, Book 9, Chapter 5: Amarthiel's Hope
- [50] Volume I, Book 9, Instance: Amarthiel's Hope
- [50] Volume I, Book 10, Chapter 1: The Champion of Angmar
- [50] Volume I, Book 10, Chapter 2: The Tide of Battle
- [50] Volume I, Book 10, Chapter 5: Springing the Trap
- [50] Volume I, Book 10, Chapter 6: The Secret of the Orders
- [50] Volume I, Book 10, Chapter 9: A Renewed Assault
- [50] Volume I, Book 10, Chapter 10: Do Not Trust Him
- [50] Volume I, Book 10, Chapter 13: The Plan Carried Out
- [50] Volume I, Book 10, Chapter 14: The Eye of Angmar - Small Fellowship
- [50] Volume I, Book 10, Instance: The Eye of Angmar - Small Fellowship
- [50] Volume I, Book 11, Chapter 1: Watching the Roads
- [50] Volume I, Book 11, Chapter 2: Mordrambor - Solo only
- [50] Volume I, Book 11, Chapter 2: Instance: Mordrambor - Solo only
- [50] Volume I, Book 11, Chapter 3: Cairns for the Fallen - Small Fellowship
- [50] Volume I, Book 11, Chapter 4: Remembrance - Solo only
- [50] Volume I, Book 11, Instance: Remembrance - Solo only
- [50] Volume I, Book 11, Chapter 5: Eastward Passage
- [50] Volume I, Book 12, Chapter 1: Elrond's Request
- [50] Volume I, Book 12, Chapter 2: Unfit Fate - Fellowship
- [50] Volume I, Book 12, Chapter 3: Barad Tironn - Fellowship
- [50] Volume I, Book 12, Chapter 4: In Pursuit of the Enemy
- [65] Volume III, Book 1, Chapter 6: Farewell to Evendim
- [65] Volume III, Book 1, Instance: Farewell to Evendim
- [65] Volume III, Book 1, Chapter 7: Lothrandir of the Frozen Wastes
- "All of your valour will be needed to save Laerdan <name>."
Calenglad (Enedwaith)
Later Calenglad is summoned to join the Grey Company with his kin and he appears in quest instances in Enedwaith and Eregion.
Quest Involvement
Calenglad (Dunland)
Calenglad continues to make appearances throughout the Grey Company's journey through Dunland and the Gap of Rohan.
Quest Involvement
- [75] Volume III, Book 5, Chapter 1: Separate Ways (Calenglad)
- [75] Volume III, Book 5, Chapter 1: Separate Ways (Golodir)
- [75] Instance: Troubled Dreams
- [85] Volume III, Book 10, Interlude: Many Worries
- [85] Volume III, Book 10, Interlude: Calenglad's Appeal
- [95] Instance: Allies Unexpected
- [95] Volume III, Book 14, Chapter 5: Wizard to Manage
Calenglad (Central Gondor)
After journeying through the Paths of the Dead, Calenglad is found encamped at the Camp of the Grey Host in Central Gondor while getting ready to sail for Minas Tirith.
Quest Involvement
Calenglad (Far Anórien)
After defeating the Corsairs of Umbar and taking their ships, Calenglad arrives at the Battle of Pelennor Fields with the Grey Company.
Quest Involvement
Calenglad (The Wastes)
After the battle, Calenglad joins the Host of the West on the journey to the Black Gate. He can be found at Camp of the Host on the edge of the Wastes.
Quest Involvement
- "My eyes have been opened."
- "I see now what is coming."
- "I have come to understand something."