This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |

- World: Landroval
Menelmacar was founded as Valacirca on 31 Mar 2007 on the Windfola server. It is a small Kinship of friends with a strong background in MMORPGs as well as traditional tabletop RPGs. Our approach is to "keep the kin in kinship" and leave our ranks small. We are roleplayers who are well-versed in Tolkien lore, but not to obsession.
On 26 Oct 2015, Valacirca moved to the Landroval server and became "Valacirca-1" even though it is highly doubtful there was a Kinship with this name on Landroval. The name is probably "not available" for other, lore-based, reasons. Reasons that weren't in effect when we formed.
In October of 2018, Valacirca-1 was renamed to Menelmacar, mostly because we were tired of the -1 attached to our name. So, we changed our name from one constellation in the sky to another!
All members are officers
- Broogen - Captain 111/Scholar
- Elawien - Minstrel 116/Jeweler
- Hollman - Burglar 100/Tailor
- Bon - Guardian 138/Weaponsmith
- Agathul - Runekeeper
- Eikenskjaldi - Metalsmith
- Eirien - Hunter 100/Woodworker
- Gemmawyn - Minstrel 136
- Hathliel - Champion
- Adrien - Minstrel
- Istiel - Runekeeper
- Beomia - Warden
- Audri - Guardian
- Hobbson - Minstrel 44
- Lumberyl - Runekeeper 136
- Telemnil - Hunter
- Mosi - Champion
- Fortred - Burglar
- Jaromir - Champion 58
- Aoliel - Guardian 62
- Isbister - Captain
- Gimbol - Burglar
- Danelwyn - Minstrel
- Bannak - Hunter
- Crexxis - Loremaster 60
- Chaotik - Hunter 60
- Skargaard - Runekeeper 60
- Jarrlaxle - Loremaster
- Phenom - Captain
- Diventil - Loremaster
- Lillyan - Burglar
- Valindil - Captain
- Narin - Guardian
- Eanath - Loremaster
- Krori - Champion
- Basilton - Burglar
- Halafas - Minstrel
- Marvil - Warden
- Trillie - Hunter
- Zelokar - Loremaster
- Iani - Hunter
- Waring - Guardian
Menelmacar refers a constellation in the night sky, the Swordsman of the Heavens. Easily identified by his shining belt, these stars are known to us today as Orion.