
The Haradrim or Southrons were the proud and warlike people, a race of evil Men from the South of Middle-earth, namely from Umbar and the lands of Harad.
Ancient enemies of Gondor, they allied with Sauron during the War of the Ring. They can be found throughout the regions of Gondor.
The Corsairs of Umbar are lead by Balakhôr the Scourge who has claimed the title "Heir of Castamir", seeking revenge for an attack by the fleet of Gondor that burned most of the Corsair fleet forty years before the War of the Ring.
The Haradrim live in tribes in the Great Desert and paid tribute to Gondor during the height of its power. Many wars have since been fought between the Haradrim and the Gondorrim, and now, with the Dark Lord Sauron's strength on the rise, the Haradrim are eager to conquer the Stone-lands once and for all.
Among the Hobbits of the secluded Shire, the dark-skinned Men of the far south were a people of legend, who rode to war on oliphaunts in stories that the Shire-hobbits only half-believed. They knew these people as the Swertings, a word related to the term 'Swarthy Men' used in the Common Speech (where 'swarthy' is an old word for 'dark-skinned').
In the War of the Ring, the Travellers discovered that the Hobbit-legends were true after all. The Swertings were the southern Men otherwise known as the Haradrim, who rode into battle on the great oliphaunts that they referred to in their own tongue as Mûmakil.
Clans of Harad
"Harad" is the Sindarin word for "South." As such, this term was primarily used by the peoples of western Middle-earth to the describe the Men of Haradwaith. The peoples of the South have their own names for their clans.
- Ordâkhai - The Great Southern Empire of Ordâkh once ruled the majority of Haradwaith, thanks to their alliance with the Dark Lord Sauron. From him, they learned foul sorceries that they used to conquer the southern continent and oppress its peoples. Most of the enemy Haradrim found in other lands such as Gondor or Mordor are likely Ordâkhai. Following the downfall of the Dark Lord, the Ordâkhai have lost their control of Harad but remain a dangerous threat as they seek to quash rebellions and rebuild their empire.
- Shagâni - The people of Shagâna, the land known in Gondor as Near Harad. The Shagâni live primarily in the Valley of Ikorbân along the river of the same name and seek to reclaim their lands from the oppressive Ordâkhai. They are divided into various sub-groups, named for the regions in which they live, such as the Ikorbâni, the Ambarûli, and the Khûdi.
- Umbari - The people of Umbar, the great cape that lies across the Bay of Belfalas from Gondor. The Umbari are a creole people, descended from a mix of native Haradrim and Black Númenóreans who settled in this land after the Downfall of Númenor. They are a seafaring people who build mighty ships. Many of their number join the fearsome Corsairs of Umbar, pirates and freebooters who occasionally sail north to raid the lands of Gondor. The Umbari capital is Umbar Baharbêl, the City of the Corsairs.
While the Haradrim and the Corsairs of Umbar originate in the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, the names of the various clans of Harad are unique to The Lord of the Rings Online.
- Haradrim-slayer of Central Gondor
- Haradrim-slayer of Central Gondor (Advanced)
- Haradrim-slayer of Eastern Gondor
- Haradrim-slayer of Eastern Gondor (Advanced)
See also
- Easterlings - Forces allied with Sauron from the East.
- Mûmak and Mammoths - the Mûmakil (or "Oliphaunts") are the huge beasts of Harad used as living war machines by the Haradrim.
- Corsair Raider
- Corsair Pillager
- Corsair Vandal
- Haradrim Marksman
- Haradrim Champion
- Haradrim Devoted
- Haradrim Lieutenant
- Haradrim Rider
- Terrified Haradrim