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Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Sirion Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Sirion (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Estolad Mernael Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Estolad Mernael (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black... (Inter.)
Ost Galadh Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Ost Galadh (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black... (Inter.)
Helethir Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Helethir (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black... (Adv.)
Mithechad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Mithechad (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black... (Adv.)
Thangúlhad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Thangúlhad (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black... (Adv.)

Andfast Tunnelly

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 1 Silver 
Buckland (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver  Min. Level: 35
Combe (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver  Not available to F2P
West Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver 
Andrath (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Andrath Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
Herne (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Herne Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
Ered Luin
Celondim (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Duillond (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Duillond Ered Luin 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Tinnudir (Swift) Evendim 35 Silver 
Mossward (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver 
The Ettenmoors
Ettenmoors (Swift) Ettenmoors 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20, and VIP or travel pass
The Shire
Brockenborings (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Bullroarer's Way (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Bullroarer's Way The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton The Shire 1 Silver 
Long Cleeve (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Long Cleeve The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Needlehole (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Shire Homesteads (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver 
Shire Homesteads The Shire 1 Silver 
Stock (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Tighfield (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Tighfield The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20

Andy Deepwell

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Buckland (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Ered Luin
Duillond (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver  Min. Level: 35
Dwaling (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Dwaling Evendim 15 Silver 
High King's Crossing (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
High King's Crossing Evendim 15 Silver 
Ost Forod (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Ost Forod Evendim 15 Silver 
Tinnudir (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Tinnudir Evendim 15 Silver 
The Shire
Brockenborings (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver 
Brockenborings The Shire 1 Silver 
Bullroarer's Way (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Bullroarer's Way The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Long Cleeve (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Long Cleeve The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Needlehole (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Stock (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 15
Tighfield (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Tighfield The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20

AnórohirFrom The Carrock:

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
The Vales of Anduin
The Eyrie Wolf-denes 75 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Wells of Langflood
Lyndelby (Swift) Misthallow 130 Silver  Min. Level: 115 and completed Welcome to Lyndelby

From The Eyrie:

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
The Carrock Beorning-lands 75 Silver  Min. Level: 90


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aughaire Angmar 25 Silver 
Bail Avarc (Swift) Angmar 35 Silver 
Gath Forthnír (Swift) Angmar 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acq. with Council of the North and completed Book 6, Chapter 6
West Bree (Swift) Bree-land 35 Silver  Min. Level: 30
Tinnudir Evendim 15 Silver 
Tinnudir (Swift) Evendim 35 Silver  Min. Level: 30
North Downs
Amon Raith North Downs 15 Silver 
Meluinen North Downs 15 Silver 
Othrikar North Downs 15 Silver 
Trestlebridge North Downs 15 Silver 
Rivendell Stables (Swift) Trollshaws 20 Silver  Min. Level: 40

Avan Brocktull

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Echad Daervunn Mournshaws 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Daervunn (Swift) Mournshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of E. (Inter.)
Echad Dagoras Fordirith 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Dagoras (Swift) Fordirith 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Harndirion Thrór's Coomb 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Harndirion (Swift) Thrór's Coomb 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of E. (Adv.)
Lhanuch Nan Laeglin 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Lhanuch (Swift) Nan Laeglin 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of E. (Inter.)
Lintrev (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver  Min. Level: None
Lintrev Swanfleet 1 Silver  Min. Level: None


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Dúnann (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45 and completed deed Silent and Restless (Advanced)
Echad Dúnann Eregion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Echad Eregion (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and completed deed Silent and Restless (Intermediate)
Echad Eregion Eregion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Echad Mirobel (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45 and completed deed Silent and Restless (Final)
Echad Mirobel Eregion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Echad Candelleth (Swift) Trollshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Echad Candelleth Trollshaws 25 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Rivendell Stables (Swift) Trollshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Rivendell Stables Trollshaws 25 Silver  Min. Level: 20


Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree 45 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Galtrev (Swift) Galtrev 45 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Echad Daervunn Mournshaws 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Daervunn (Swift) Mournshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Echad Dagoras Fordirith 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Dagoras (Swift) Fordirith 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Harndirion Thrór's Coomb 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Harndirion (Swift) Thrór's Coomb 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith (Advanced)
Maur Tulhau Gloomglens 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Maur Tulhau (Swift) Gloomglens 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith
Caras Galadhon (Swift) Lothlórien 45 Silver  Min. Level: 50, Friend with Galadhrim, and completed The Paths of Caras Galadhon
Lhan Garan (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver  Min. Level: None
Lhan Garan Swanfleet 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Lintrev (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver  Min. Level: None
Lintrev Swanfleet 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Mossward (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver  None
Rivendell (Swift) Rivendell 45 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and Friend with Elves of Rivendell

Bert Goldenleaf

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Lond Cirion (Swift) Anfalas 180 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Mid) (Swift) Anórien 1 Silver 
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Bree-land Homes. (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver 
Bree-land Homes. Bree-land 1 Silver 
Combe Bree-land 1 Silver 
West Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver 
Croftlands - Rohan
Snowbourn (Swift) East Rohan 71 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 75
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 45 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Eastfold - Rohan
Aldburg (Swift) West Rohan 71 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 85
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Lhanuch (Swift) Enedwaith 45 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of E. (Inter.)
Ered Luin
Celondim (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Great River
Stangard (Swift) The Great River 45 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Máttugard 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
King's Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Belfalas 135 Silver  Min. Level:130
Linhir (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir West Gate (Swift) Upper Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Mordor 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith (Swift) Old Anórien 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Strongholds of the North
Dale (Swift) The Dale-lands 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Lake-town (Swift) The Dale-lands 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Dwarf-holds
Járnfast (Swift) Iron Hills 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Skarháld (Swift) Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Ettenmoors
Ettenmoors (Swift) Ettenmoors 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20 and either VIP or travel pass from Lotro Store
The Lone-lands
The Forsaken Inn Lone-lands 5 Silver 
Ost Guruth (Swift) Lone-lands 20 Silver  Min. Level: 15
The Shire
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 1 Silver 
The Trollshaws
Rivendell (Swift) Trollshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40
The Vales of Anduin
Hultvís (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Western Gondor 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Westfold - Rohan
Helm's Deep (Swift) West Rohan 71 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 85
Wold - Rohan
Forlaw (Swift) Wildermore 71 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 75

Bill Rosewood

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Adso's Camp Bree-land 1 Silver 
Buckland Bree-land 1 Silver 
Hengstacer Farm Bree-land 1 Silver 
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver 
Andrath (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Andrath Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
Herne (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Herne Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
Ered Luin
Celondim (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Ost Forod (Swift) Evendim 35 Silver  Min. Level: 30
Tinnudir (Swift) Evendim 35 Silver 
Sûri-kylä (Swift) Forochel 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acq. w. Lossoth of Forochel
Mossward (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver  None
The North Downs
Esteldín (Swift) North Downs 35 Silver  Min. Level: 25
Trestlebridge North Downs 5 Silver 
The Shire
Hobbiton The Shire 5 Silver 
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 1 Silver 

Bogo Chubb

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Buckland (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver  Min. Level: 35
West Bree (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver 
Ered Luin
Duillond (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
The Shire
Brockenborings (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Brockenborings The Shire 1 Silver 
Bullroarer's Way (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Long Cleeve (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving The Shire 1 Silver 
Needlehole (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Needlehole The Shire 1 Silver 
Nobottle (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Shire Homesteads (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver 
Shire Homesteads The Shire 1 Silver 
Stock (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Stock The Shire 1 Silver 
Tighfield (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20



Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Dagoras Eregion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Dagoras (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Dúnann Eregion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Echad Dúnann (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45 and done deed Silent and Restless (Adv.)
Echad Eregion Eregion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Echad Eregion (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45 and done deed Silent and Restless (Inter.)
Gwingris Eregion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Gwingris (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45 and completed deed Silent and Restless
Caras Gelebren (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver  Min. level 10
Caras Gelebren Swanfleet 1 Silver  Min. level 10
Western Eregion (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver  Min. level 10
Western Eregion [Swanfleet[]] 1 Silver  Min. level 10


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Sirion Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Sirion (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Estolad Mernael Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Estolad Mernael (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black ... (Inter.)
Helethir Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Helethir (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black ... (Adv.)
Mithechad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Mithechad (Swift) Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black ... (Adv.)
Ost Galadh Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Ost Galadh (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black ... (Inter.)
The Haunted Inn Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
The Haunted Inn (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black and Twis...
Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Tham Taerdol (Swift) EL & DL 85 Silver 40 Copper  Min. Level: 90


Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Echad Naeglanc Bonevales 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Echad Naeglanc (Swift) Bonevales 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Echad Daervunn Mournshaws 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Daervunn (Swift) Mournshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Echad Dagoras Fordirith 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Dagoras (Swift) Fordirith 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Lhanuch Nan Laeglin 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Lhanuch (Swift) Nan Laeglin 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith (Intermediate)
Maur Tulhau Gloomglens 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Maur Tulhau (Swift) Gloomglens 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Buckland (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver  Min. Level: 35
Ered Luin
Celondim Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Falathlorn Homesteads (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver 
Falathlorn Homesteads Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Gondamon Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thorin's Gate Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thrasi's Lodge Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
The Shire
Brockenborings (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Bullroarer's Way (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Bullroarer's Way The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Long Cleeve (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Long Cleeve The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Needlehole (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Needlehole The Shire 1 Silver 
Nobottle (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Stock (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 15
Tighfield (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Tighfield The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Sirion Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Sirion (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
The Haunted Inn Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
The Haunted Inn (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black and Twi...
Helethir Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Helethir (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black ... (Adv.)
Ost Galadh Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Ost Galadh (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black ... (Inter.)
Mithechad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Mithechad (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black ... (Adv.)
Thangúlhad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Thangúlhad (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black ... (Avd.)


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Tinnudir (Swift) Evendim 20 Silver  Min. Level: 35 and Friend with the Wardens of Annúminas

Demúr (Ranger)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Echad Daervunn Mournshaws 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Daervunn (Swift) Mournshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith (Inter.)
Harndirion Thrór's Coomb 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Harndirion (Swift) Thrór's Coomb 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith (Adv.)
Lhanuch Nan Laeglin 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Lhanuch (Swift) Nan Laeglin 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith (Inter.)
Maur Tulhau Gloomglens 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Maur Tulhau (Swift) Gloomglens 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith
Echad Dúnann Nan Sirannon 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Dúnann (Swift) Nan Sirannon 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Mirobel Mirobel 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Mirobel (Swift) Mirobel 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Esteldín North Downs 15 Silver 
Othrikar North Downs 15 Silver 

Earl Beechwood

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
West Bree Bree-land 1 Silver 
North Downs
Trestlebridge North Downs 1 Silver 


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Pynti-peldot Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Sûri-kylä (Swift) Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acq. with Lossoth of Forochel
Sûri-kylä Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40


Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
The Carrock (Swift) Beorning-lands 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115 and completed Welcome to Lyndelby


Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Lhan Tarren Trum Dreng 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Lhan Tarren (Swift) Trum Dreng 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Echad Dagoras Fordirith 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Dagoras (Swift) Fordirith 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Harndirion Thrór's Coomb 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Harndirion (Swift) Thrór's Coomb 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Myst. of Enedwaith (Adv.)
Lhanuch Nan Laeglin 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Lhanuch (Swift) Nan Laeglin 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Myst. of Enedwaith (Inter.)
Maur Tulhau Gloomglens 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Maur Tulhau (Swift) Gloomglens 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith

Festival Announcer (Bree)

Destination Region Cost Festival
Winter-home (Swift) Frostbluff Free Yule Festival
Treasure Camp (Swift) Ered Luin Free Treasure Hunt

Festival Announcer (Celondim)

Destination Region Cost Festival
Treasure Camp (Swift) Ered Luin Free Treasure Hunt
Winter-home (Swift) Frostbluff Free Yule Festival

Festival Announcer (Frostbluff)

Destination Region Cost
West Bree (Swift) Bree-land Free
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin Free
Celondim (Swift) Ered Luin Free
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire Free

Festival Announcer (Michel Delving)

Destination Region Cost Festival
Treasure Camp (Swift) Ered Luin Free Treasure Hunt
Winter-home (Swift) Frostbluff Free Yule Festival

Festival Announcer (Thorin's Gate)

Destination Region Cost Festival
Treasure Camp (Swift) Ered Luin Free Treasure Hunt
Winter-home (Swift) Frostbluff Free Yule Festival

Grimric Brockhouse

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
High King's Crossing Evendim 15 Silver 
High King's Crossing (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Oatbarton Evendim 15 Silver 
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Ost Forod Evendim 15 Silver 
Ost Forod (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Tinnudir Evendim 15 Silver 
Tinnudir (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 

Gundo Bracegirdle

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Buckland (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver  Min. Level: 35
Buckland Bree-land 1 Silver 
Ered Luin
Duillond (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
The Shire
Brockenborings (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Brockenborings The Shire 1 Silver 
Bullroarer's Way (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton The Shire 1 Silver 
Long Cleeve (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Needlehole (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Tighfield (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Barnavon (Swift) Dunland Free

Hending Gamgee

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Buckland (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver  Min. Level: 35
Ered Luin
Duillond (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Duillond Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
The Shire
Brockenborings (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Bullroarer's Way (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton The Shire 1 Silver 
Long Cleeve (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Stock (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Tighfield (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aughaire (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Completed: Book 6, Chapter 6
Gath Forthnír (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acq. with Council of the North and completed: Book 6, Chapter 6
Iorelen's Camp (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acq. with Council of the North and completed: Book 6, Chapter 6


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Estolad Mernael Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Estolad Mernael (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Inter.)
Helethir Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Helethir (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Adv.)
Mithechad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Mithechad (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Adv.)
Ost Galadh Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Ost Galadh (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Inter.)
Thangúlhad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Thangúlhad (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Adv.)
The Haunted Inn Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
The Haunted Inn (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Into the Black and Twisted Forest


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Caras Galadhon Lothlórien 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Caras Galadhon (Swift) Lothlórien 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and done deed Defender of Lothlórien
Echad Andestel Lothlórien 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Andestel (Swift) Lothlórien 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and done deed Ally of Lothlórien
Mekhem-bizru Lothlórien 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Mekhem-bizru (Swift) Lothlórien 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
The Vineyards of Lórien Lothlórien 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
The Vineyards of Lórien (Swift) Lothlórien 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and done deed Warrior of Lothlórien


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Ost Forod Evendim 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Ost Forod (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acquaint. with Lossoth of Forochel
Kauppa-kohta Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Sûri-kylä Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Zigilgund Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40

Jack Cloverdale

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
South Bree Bree-land 1 Silver 
Ered Luin
Celondim (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
The Shire
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 1 Silver 


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Ost Forod Evendim 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Ost Forod (Swift) Evendim 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Pynti-peldot Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Sûri-kylä (Swift) Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and completed The Frozen War


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Gath Forthnír (Swift) Angmar 35 Silver Min. Level: 20
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) (Swift) Anórien Silver
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 25 Silver
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 120
Lhanuch (Swift) Enedwaith 45 Silver Min. Level: 55
Echad Dúnann (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver Min. Level: 35
Gwingris Eregion 25 Silver Min. Level: 35
Gwingris (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver Min. Level: 35
Sûri-kylä (Swift) Forochel 35 Silver Min. Level: 35
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Gundabad 162 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 125
Caras Galadhon (Swift) Lothlórien 35 Silver Min. Level: 55
The Ettenmoors
Ettenmoors (Swift) Ettenmoors Silver Min. Level: 20
The Lone-lands
Ost Guruth Lone-lands 15 Silver Min. Level: 15
Ost Guruth (Swift) Lone-lands 25 Silver Min. Level: 15
The Misty Mountains
Glóin's Camp Misty Mountains 15 Silver Min. Level: 30
Glóin's Camp (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver Min. Level: 30
The North Downs
Esteldín (Swift) North Downs 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
The Trollshaws
Barachen's Camp Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
Barachen's Camp (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
Echad Candelleth Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
Echad Candelleth (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
Gaerond Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
Gaerond (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
Scout's Camp (High Moor) Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
Scout's Camp (High Moor) (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
Scout's Camp (Nan Tornaeth) Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
Scout's Camp (Nan Tornaeth) (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
Scout's Camp (North Trollshaws) Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
Scout's Camp (North Trollshaws) (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
Tham Lumren Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
Tham Lumren (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
The Last Bridge Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
The Last Bridge (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
The Last Homely House Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
The Last Homely House (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
Thorenhad Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
Thorenhad (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
Tornhad Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
Tornhad (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver Min. Level: 20
Vales of Anduin
Vegbár (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver Min. Level: 115


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Gath Forthnír (Swift) Angmar 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acquaintance with Council of the North and completed Challenging the Stone
West Bree (Swift) Bree-land 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acquaintance with Men of Bree
Ost Forod (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Kuru-leiri (Swift) Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and completed The Frozen War
Pynti-peldot Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Zigilgund Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Zigilgund (Swift) Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acquaintance with Lossoth of Forochel
Rivendell (Swift) Trollshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acquaintance with Elves of Rivendell


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Misty Mountains
High Crag (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 
Hrimbarg (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 
Vindurhal (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 
Rivendell (Swift) Trollshaws 35 Silver 
Rivendell Trollshaws 15 Silver 

Leiknir (Ered Luin)

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Ered Luin
Thorin's Gate Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Gondamon Ered Luin 1 Silver 


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aughaire (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acq. with Council of the North and done Book 6, Chapter 6
Bail Avarc (Swift) Angmar 35 Silver 
Gabilshathûr (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acq. with Council of the North and done Book 6, Chapter 6
Iorelen's Camp (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acq. with Council of the North and done Book 6, Chapter 6
Sûri-kylä (Swift) Forochel 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acq. with Lossoth of Forochel and done Book 6, Chpt. 6
North Downs
Esteldín (Swift) North Downs 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acq. with Rangers of Esteldín
Rivendell (Swift) Trollshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acq. with Elves of Rivendell and done Book 6, Chpt. 6



Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Caras Galadhon (Swift) Egladil 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Defender of Lothlórien
Caras Galadhon Egladil 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Cerin Amroth (Swift) Cirin-en-Galadh 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Defender of Lothlórien
Cerin Amroth Cirin-en-Galadh 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Mekhem-bizru (Swift) Nanduhirion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Mekhem-bizru Nanduhirion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
The Vineyards of Lórien (Swift) Egladil 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Warrior of Lothlórien
The Vineyards of Lórien Egladil 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Sirion Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
Echad Sirion (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50
Estolad Mernael Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
Estolad Mernael (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50 and done deed Into the Black and ... (Inter.)
The Haunted Inn Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
The Haunted Inn (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50 and done deed Into the Black and Twisted ...
Ost Galadh Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
Ost Galadh (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50 and done deed Into the Black and ... (Inter.)
Mithechad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
Mithechad (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50 and done deed Into the Black and ... (Adv.)
Thangúlhad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
Thangúlhad (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50 and done deed Into the Black and ... (Adv.)


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Sirion Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
Echad Sirion (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50
Estolad Mernael Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
Estolad Mernael (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50 and done deed Into the Black and ... (Inter.)
The Haunted Inn Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
The Haunted Inn (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50 and done deed Into the Black and Twisted ...
Helethir Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
Helethir (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50 and done deed Into the Black and ... (Adv.)
Ost Galadh Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
Ost Galadh (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50 and done deed Into the Black and ... (Inter.)
Thangúlhad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min Level: 50
Thangúlhad (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min Level: 50 and done deed Into the Black and ... (Adv.)

Mission Recruiter

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Iridír (Swift) Ambarûl 1 Silver 
Gerwyn's Convoy (Andrath) (Swift) Cardolan 1 Silver 
Herne (Swift) Cardolan 1 Silver 
Annâk-khurfu (War Room) (Swift) Elderslade 1 Silver 
Akrâz-zahar (Swift) Erebor 1 Silver 
Steepset (Hall of Vérnozal) (Swift) Gundabad 1 Silver 
Urmâkh (Swift) Imhûlar 1 Silver 
Clegur (Swift) Swanfleet 1 Silver 
Trestlebridge Gate (West) (Swift) North Downs 1 Silver 
Bloody Eagle (Swift) Umbar 1 Silver 
Ub Nishir (Swift) Urash Dâr 1 Silver 

Nat Collop

Pip Wortley

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Bree-land Homesteads (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver 
Bree-land Homesteads Bree-land 1 Silver 
South Bree Bree-land 5 Silver 
Caranost (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Caranost Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
Herne (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Herne Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
Scurloc Farm (Swift) Cardolan 25 Silver  Min. level 10
Scurloc Farm Cardolan 15 Silver  Min. level 10
The Lone-lands
Ost Guruth Lone-lands 15 Silver 


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Esteldín North Downs 15 Silver 
Trestlebridge North Downs 15 Silver 


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Gondamon Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Duillond Ered Luin 1 Silver 


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 28 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 28 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Rivendell (Swift) Trollshaws 28 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 28 Silver  Min. Level: 20


Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Great River
Thinglad (Swift) Thinglad 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Thinglad Thinglad 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Caras Galadhon (Swift) Egladil 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Defender of Lothlórien
Caras Galadhon Egladil 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Cerin Amroth (Swift) Cirin-en-Galadh 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Defender of Lothlórien
Cerin Amroth Cirin-en-Galadh 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Andestel (Swift) Nimrodel 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Ally of Lothlórien
Echad Andestel Nimrodel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Mekhem-bizru (Swift) Nanduhirion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Mekhem-bizru Nanduhirion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Dúnann (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45 and done deed Silent and Restless (Adv.)
Echad Dúnann Eregion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Echad Mirobel (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45 and done deed Silent and Restless (Final)
Echad Mirobel Eregion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Gwingris (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Completed deed Silent and Restless
Gwingris Eregion 25 Silver 


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Dagoras Enedwaith 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Dagoras (Swift) Enedwaith 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Eregion Eregion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Echad Eregion (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45 and done deed Silent and Restless (Inter.)
Echad Mirobel Eregion 25 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Echad Mirobel (Swift) Eregion 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45 and completed deed Silent and Restless (Final)
Rivendell (Swift) Trollshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 35


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Combe (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver 
West Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver 
Ered Luin
Duillond Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Falathlorn Homesteads Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Falathlorn Homesteads (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver 
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Mossward (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver 
The Shire
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 1 Silver 


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) (Swift) Anórien (A. B.) Silver Min. Level: none
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 115
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Máttugard) (Swift) Gundabad 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Cerin Amroth (Swift) Lothlórien 35 Silver Min. Level: 50 and done Defender of Lothlórien
Cerin Amroth Lothlórien 25 Silver Min. Level: 50
Echad Andestel (Swift) Lothlórien 35 Silver Min. Level: 50 and done Ally of Lothlórien
Echad Andestel Lothlórien 25 Silver Min. Level: 50
Mekhem-bizru (Swift) Lothlórien 35 Silver Min. Level: 50
Mekhem-bizru Lothlórien 25 Silver Min. Level: 50
The Vineyards of Lórien (Swift) Lothlórien 35 Silver Min. Level: 50 and done Warrior of Lothlórien
The Vineyards of Lórien Lothlórien 25 Silver Min. Level: 50
Rivendell Stables (Swift) Trollshaws 15 Silver Min. Level: 20
The Vales of Anduin
Arhaim (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver Min. Level: 90
Arhaim Vales of Anduin 85 Silver Min. Level: 90

Rory Primstone

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Buckland (Swift) Bree-land 5 Silver  Min. Level: 35
Ered Luin
Duillond (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 5 Silver 
Oatbarton Evendim 1 Silver 
The Shire
Bullroarer's Way (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton The Shire 1 Silver 
Long Cleeve (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Needlehole (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Stock (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Stock The Shire 1 Silver 
Tighfield (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Candaith's Camp Lone-lands Free Accepted quest Vol I, Book 2, Foreword: Aiding the Order

Sam Pickwell

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Esteldín North Downs 15 Silver 
Meluinen North Downs 15 Silver 


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 45 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Lhanuch (Swift) Enedwaith 45 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and Friend with Galadhrim and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith (Inter.)
The Great River
Stangard (Swift) The Great River 45 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Ost Galadh (Swift) Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Zelem-melek 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed The Paths of Caras Galadhon
Rohan - Eastemnet
Snowbourn (Swift) East Rohan 55 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Rivendell (Swift) Trollshaws 45 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and Friend with Elves of Rivendell and completed The Paths of Caras Galadhon


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Misty Mountains
Gloin's Camp (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 
High Crag (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 
Vindurhal (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 
Vales of Anduin
Vegbár Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Vegbár (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Ered Luin
Duillond Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Noglond Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thorin's Gate Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thrasi's Lodge Ered Luin 1 Silver 

Stable-master (Adambel)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Echad-in-Edhil Arandor 95 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Echad-in-Edhil (Swift) Arandor 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Barthost Parth Daenath 95 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Barthost (Swift) Parth Daenath 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Díngarth Parth Daenath 95 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Díngarth (Swift) Parth Daenath 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Agarnaith Ranger Camp)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Ruins of Díngarth Dor Amarth 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ruins of Díngarth (Swift) Dor Amarth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Magh Ashtu Talath Úrui 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Talath Úrui 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Udûn Foothold Udûn 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Udûn Foothold (Swift) Udûn 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Aldburg)

Destination Region or Area Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Beaconwatch (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Beaconwatch Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Eastfold Hills Homesteads (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Eastfold Hills Homesteads Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Edoras (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Edoras Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Fenmarch (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Fenmarch Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Kingstead Meadows Homesteads (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Kingstead Meadows Homesteads Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Stoke (Swift) Broadacres 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Stoke Broadacres 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Far Anórien
Ost Rimmon (Swift) Beacon Hills 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Talath Úrui 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Zelem-melek 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith Main Gate (Swift) Old Anórien 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Rohan - Westemnet
Isengard (Swift) Nan Curunír 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Strongholds of the North
Dale (Swift) The Dale-lands 125 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Dwarf-holds
Járnfast (Swift) The Ironfold 125 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Skarháld (Swift) Ered Mithrin 125 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Western Gondor 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Helm's Deep (Swift) Westfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Helm's Deep Westfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst (Swift) Broadacres 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst Broadacres 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Amdân)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Ashmargathâl Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125
Ashmargathâl (Swift) Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125
Khur Azan Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125
Khur Azan (Swift) Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125
Zirakazhâr Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125
Zirakazhâr (Swift) Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125

Stable-master (Annâk-khurfu War Room)

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Akrâz-zahar (Swift) Erebor 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Ered Luin
Celondim (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Steepset (Gundabad) [1] (Swift) Gundabad 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
North Downs
Trestlebridge (West Alley) (Swift) North Downs 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20
The Shire
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 1 Silver  Min. Level: None

Stable-master (Annâk-khurfu)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Mid) (Swift) Anórien 1 Silver 
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 100
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver 
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 122 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Drenghól Elderslade 96 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Drenghól (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
War of Three Peaks (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 120
Zudramdân Elderslade 96 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Zudramdân (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Ered Luin
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Caras Galadhon (Swift) Lothlorien 122 Silver Min. Level: 50
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Moria 45 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Strongholds of the North
Erebor (Swift) Strongholds of the North 122 Silver  Min. Level: 100
Felegoth (Swift) Strongholds of the North 122 Silver  Min. Level: 100
The Dwarf Holds
Skarháld The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Skarháld (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 122 Silver  Min. Level: 115
The Trollshaws
Rivendell Stables (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Wells of Langflood
Hlithseld Wells of Langflood 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Hlithseld (Swift) Wells of Langflood 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Hlithseld Wells of Langflood 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115

Stable-master (Aragorn's Pavilion)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Minas Tirith (After-battle) Anórien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith (After-battle) (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Osgiliath (After Battle) Anórien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Osgiliath (After Battle) (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Camp of the Host Ithilien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Camp of the Host (Swift) Ithilien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Henneth Annûn Ithilien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Henneth Annûn (Swift) Ithilien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Arhaim)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Caras Galadhon Lothlorien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Caras Galadhon (Swift) Lothlórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Vales of Anduin
Beorninghús Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Beorninghús (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Blómgard Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Blómgard (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Hultvís Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Hultvís (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Vegbár Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Vegbár (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Arnach)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Central Gondor
East Pelargir Upper Lebennin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
East Pelargir (Swift) Upper Lebennin 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Eastern Gondor
Bâr Húrin (Swift) South Ithilien 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Faramir's Lookout (Swift) South Ithilien 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Glaniath Upper Lebennin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Glaniath (Swift) Upper Lebennin 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Asbaj-khîrfin)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aslíf Deepscrave 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost Gloomingtarn 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Ashmargathâl)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Amdân, the Threshold Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125
Amdân, the Threshold (Swift) Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125
Khur Azan Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125
Khur Azan (Swift) Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125
Zirakazhâr Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125
Zirakazhâr (Swift) Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125

Stable-master (Aslíf)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Asbaj-khîrfin Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar Clovengap 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Fellgát Welkin-lofts 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath Câr Bronach 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth Clovengap 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru Welkin-lofts 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth Câr Bronach 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Maergrind Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost Gloomingtarn 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, Steep. Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, Steep. (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Avardin)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Galtrev (Swift) Pren Gwydh 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Galtrev Pren Gwydh 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Lhan Rhos (Swift) Dunbog 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Lhan Rhos Dunbog 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65

Stable-master (Barachen)

Stable-master (Barad Angarth)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Barad Arthir, the Lofty Watch-fort (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Despair
Barad Elenath, the Star-gazers' Spire (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Madness
Barad Orhant, the Tower of the Treegarth (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Sorrow

Stable-master (Barad Arthir)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Barad Angarth, the Gate-wardens' Keep (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Wrath
Barad Elenath, the Star-gazers' Spire (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Madness
Barad Orhant, the Tower of the Treegarth (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Sorrow

Stable-master (Barad Elenath)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Barad Angarth, the Gate-wardens' Keep (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Wrath
Barad Arthir, the Lofty Watch-fort (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Despair
Barad Orhant, the Tower of the Treegarth (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Sorrow

Stable-master (Barad Orhant)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Barad Angarth, the Gate-wardens' Keep (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Wrath
Barad Arthir, the Lofty Watch-fort (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Despair
Barad Elenath, the Star-gazers' Spire (Swift) Morgul Vale 110 Silver 63 Copper  Min. Level: 90 and done Instance: Into the Circle of Madness

Stable-master (Barnavon)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Galtrev Pren Gwydh 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Galtrev (Swift) Pren Gwydh 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Lhan Rhos Dunbog 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Lhan Rhos (Swift) Dunbog 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Rohirrim Scout-camp South Gravenwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Rohirrim Scout-camp (Swift) South Gravenwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65

Stable-master (Barthost)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Adambel Parth Daenath 95 Silver Min. Level: 90
Adambel (Swift) Parth Daenath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Díngarth Parth Daenath 95 Silver Min. Level: 90
Díngarth (Swift) Parth Daenath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Echad-in-Edhil Arandor 95 Silver Min. Level: 90
Echad-in-Edhil (Swift) Arandor 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Bazanmanar)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Asbaj-khîrfin Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Aslíf Deepscrave 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Fellgát Welkin-lofts 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath Câr Bronach 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth Clovengap 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru Welkin-lofts 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth Câr Bronach 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Maergrind Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost Gloomingtarn 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Beaconwatch)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Aldburg Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Fenmarch Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Fenmarch (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Beorninghús)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Mid) (Swift) Anórien 1 Silver 
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver 
Strongholds of the North
Felegoth Strongholds of the North 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Felegoth (Swift) Strongholds of the North 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Vales of Anduin
Arhaim Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Arhaim (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Blómgard Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Blómgard (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Hultvís Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Hultvís (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Vegbár Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Vegbár (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Wells of Langflood
Limlók (Swift) Floodfells 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Limlók Floodfells 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115

Stable-master (Blómgard)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Arhaim Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Arhaim (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Beorninghús Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Beorninghús (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Hultvís Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Hultvís (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Vegbar Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Vegbar (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Brockbridge)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Gapholt (Swift) Stonedeans 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Gapholt Stonedeans 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst (Swift) Stonedeans 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst Stonedeans 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Byre Tor)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Cerdic's Camp (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Cerdic's Camp Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Dunfast's Refugees (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Dunfast's Refugees Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Forlaw (Swift) Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Forlaw Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Bárgstad)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Asbaj-khîrfin Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Aslíf Deepscrave 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar Clovengap 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Fellgát Welkin-lofts 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath Câr Bronach 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth Clovengap 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru Welkin-lofts 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth Câr Bronach 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Maergrind Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost Gloomingtarn 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Bâr Húrin)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Central Gondor
East Pelargir (Swift) Upper Lebennin 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Eastern Gondor
Arnach (Swift) Lossarnach 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Faramir's Lookout South Ithilien 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Faramir's Lookout (Swift) South Ithilien 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Glaniath (Swift) Upper Lebennin 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith (Swift) Minas Tirith 122 Silver Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 122 Silver Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Calembel)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Central Gondor
Ethring Ringló Vale 60 Silver  Min. Level: 100
Ethring (Swift) Ringló Vale 122 Silver  Min. Level: 100
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth Havens of Belfalas 80 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Dol Amroth (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 88 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Morlad Blackroot Vale 80 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Morlad (Swift) Blackroot Vale 88 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Tadrent Havens of Belfalas 80 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Tadrent (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 88 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Camp of the Host)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aragorn's Pavilion Anórien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Aragorn's Pavilion (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith Anórien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Osgiliath Anórien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Henneth Annûn Ithilien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Henneth Annûn (Swift) Ithilien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Wastes
The Slag-hills The Wastes 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Slag-hills (Swift) The Wastes 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Cerdic's Camp)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Byre Tor (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Byre Tor Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Dunfast's Refugees (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Dunfast's Refugees Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Forlaw (Swift) Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Forlaw Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Cliving)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Elthengels Norcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Elthengels (Swift) Norcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Faldham Norcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Faldham (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Hytbold Sutcrofts 65 Silver Min. Level: 80 and Ally with Men of the Norcrofts and completed The Stable: Rebuild
Hytbold (Swift) Sutcrofts 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 80 and Ally with Men of the Norcrofts and completed The Stable: Rebuild
Parth Galen The East Wall 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Parth Galen (Swift) The East Wall 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn Sutcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Eaworth Entwash Vale 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Eaworth (Swift) Entwash Vale 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Harwick The Wold 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Harwick (Swift) The Wold 66 Silver Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Crithost)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith Pelennor Fields 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith (Swift) Pelennor Fields 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
North-gate Pelennor Fields 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
North-gate (Swift) Pelennor Fields 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Dagoras' Camp)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Galtrev Dunland 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Grimbold's Camp Dunland 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Grimbold's Camp (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65

Stable-master (Dale)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 97 Silver60 Copper Min. Level: 90
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 97 Silver60 Copper Min. Level: 90
Eastfold - Rohan
Aldburg (Swift) West Rohan 97 Silver60 Copper Min. Level: 85
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Moria 97 Silver60 Copper Min. Level: 65
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith (Swift) Old Anórien 97 Silver60 Copper Min. Level: 85
Strongholds of the North
Felegoth Strongholds of the North 68 Silver Min. Level: 90
Felegoth (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver80 Copper Min. Level: 90
Lake-town Strongholds of the North 68 Silver Min. Level: 90
Lake-town (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver80 Copper Min. Level: 90
Tham Taerdol Strongholds of the North 68 Silver Min. Level: 90
Tham Taerdol (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver80 Copper Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Járnfast The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Járnfast (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Skarháld The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Skarháld (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Western Gondor 97 Silver60 Copper Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Dol Amroth)

Destination Region or Area Cost Prerequisites
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Central Gondor
East Pelargir (Swift) Upper Lebennin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ethring (Swift) Ringló Vale 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Linhir (Swift) Dor-en-Ernil 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ost Anglebed (Swift) Lebennin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
West Pelargir (Swift) Pelargir 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Eastern Gondor
Arnach (Swift) Lossarnach 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Bâr Húrin (Swift) South Ithilien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Faramir's Lookout (Swift) South Ithilien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Glaniath (Swift) Upper Lebennin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Talath Úrui 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Zelem-melek 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith (Swift) Pelennor Fields 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
North Gate (Swift) Pelennor Fields 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Rohan - Westemnet
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Calembel Lamedon 80 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Calembel (Swift) Lamedon 88 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Morlad Blackroot Vale 80 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Morlad (Swift) Blackroot Vale 88 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Tadrent Havens of Belfalas 80 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Tadrent (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 88 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Drenghól)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Annâk-khurfu Elderslade 96 Silver Min. Level: 115
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 115
Zudramdân Elderslade 96 Silver Min. Level: 115
Zudramdân (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 115

Stable-master (Dunfast's Refugees)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Cerdic's Camp (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Cerdic's Camp Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Byre Tor (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Byre Tor Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Dunfast's Refugees (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Dunfast's Refugees Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Forlaw (Swift) Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Forlaw Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Díngarth)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Adambel Parth Daenath 95 Silver Min. Level: 90
Adambel (Swift) Parth Daenath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Barthost Parth Daenath 95 Silver Min. Level: 90
Barthost (Swift) Parth Daenath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Echad-in-Edhil Arandor 95 Silver Min. Level: 90
Echad-in-Edhil (Swift) Arandor 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Dôm Goru)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Strongholds of the North
Dale Strongholds of the North 68 Silver Min. Level: 90
Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver80 Copper Min. Level: 90
Erebor Strongholds of the North 68 Silver Min. Level: 90
Erebor (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver80 Copper Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead The Dwarf-holds 74 Silver80 Copper Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 74 Silver80 Copper Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop The Dwarf-holds 74 Silver80 Copper Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 74 Silver80 Copper Min. Level: 90
Skarháld The Dwarf-holds 74 Silver80 Copper Min. Level: 90
Skarháld (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 74 Silver80 Copper Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (East Pelargir)

Destination Region or Area Cost Prereqs
Central Gondor
West Pelargir Lebennin 10 Silver Min. Level: 90
West Pelargir (Swift) Lebennin 20 Silver Min. Level: 90
Eastern Gondor
Arnach Lossarnach 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Arnach (Swift) Lossarnach 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Bâr Húrin (Swift) South Ithilien 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Faramir's Lookout (Swift) South Ithilien 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Glaniath Upper Lebennin 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Glaniath (Swift) Upper Lebennin 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Pelennor 122 Silver Min. Level: 90
North-gate (Swift) Pelennor 122 Silver Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 122 Silver Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Eaworth)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Cliving Norcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Cliving (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Garsfeld Sutcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Garsfeld (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Hytbold Sutcrofts 65 Silver Min. Level: 80 and Ally with Men of the Entwash Vale and done The Stable: Rebuild
Hytbold (Swift) Sutcrofts 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 80 and Ally with Men of the Entwash Vale and done The Stable: Rebuild
Parth Galen The East Wall 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Parth Galen (Swift) The East Wall 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn Sutcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Thornhope Entwash Vale 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Thornhope (Swift) Entwash Vale 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Harwick The Wold 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Harwick (Swift) The Wold 66 Silver Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Echad Naeglanc)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Galtrev (Swift) Galtrev 35 Silver  Min Level 65
Galtrev Galtrev 25 Silver  Min Level 65
Lhan Tarren (Swift) Trum Dreng 35 Silver  Min Level 65
Lhan Tarren Trum Dreng 25 Silver  Min Level 65
Harndirion (Swift) Thrór's Coomb 35 Silver  Min Level 65
Harndirion Thrór's Coomb 25 Silver  Min Level 65

Stable-master (Echad Taerdim)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Uial Morgul Vale 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Echad Uial (Swift) Morgul Vale 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Estolad Lân Morgul Vale 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Estolad Lân (Swift) Morgul Vale 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Minas Morgul Morgul Vale 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Minas Morgul (Swift) Morgul Vale 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Taen Orwath Morgul Vale 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Taen Orwath (Swift) Morgul Vale 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110

Stable-master (Echad Uial)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Echad Taerdim Cirith Ungol 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Echad Taerdim (Swift) Cirith Ungol 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Estolad Lân Rath Dúath 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Estolad Lân (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Magh Ashtu Talath Úrui 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Talath Úrui 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Minas Morgul Rath Dúath 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Minas Morgul (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Taen Orwath Rath Dúath 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Taen Orwath (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110

Stable-master (Echad-in-Edhil)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Adambel Parth Daenath 95 Silver Min. Level: 90
Adambel (Swift) Parth Daenath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Barthost Parth Daenath 95 Silver Min. Level: 90
Barthost (Swift) Parth Daenath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Díngarth Arandor 95 Silver Min. Level: 90
Díngarth (Swift) Arandor 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Edoras)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Lond Cirion (Swift) Anfalas 135 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Mid) (Swift) Anórien 1 Silver 
Minas Tirith (Mid) (Swift) Anórien 1 Silver 
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Aldburg Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Eastfold Hills Homesteads (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Eastfold Hills Homesteads Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Entwade (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Entwade Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Kingstead Meadows Homesteads (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Kingstead Meadows Homesteads Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Middlemead (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Middlemead Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Underharrow (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Underharrow Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Stoke (Swift) Broadacres 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Stoke Broadacres 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Máttugard 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
King's Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Belfalas 135 Silver  Min. Level:130
Linhir (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir West Gate (Swift) Upper Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Helm's Deep Westfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Helm's Deep (Swift) Westfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst Broadacres 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst (Swift) Broadacres 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Elthengels)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Cliving (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Cliving Norcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Faldham (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Faldham Norcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Hytbold (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 80 and Ally with Men of the Norcrofts and done The Stable: Rebuild
Hytbold Sutcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 80 and Ally with Men of the Norcrofts and done The Stable: Rebuild
Mansig's Encampment (Swift) The East Wall 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Mansig's Encampment The East Wall 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Parth Galen (Swift) The East Wall 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Parth Galen The East Wall 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Floodwend (Swift) The Wold 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Floodwend The Wold 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Harwick (Swift) The Wold 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Harwick The Wold 60 Silver Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Entwade)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Snowbourn East Rohan 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Snowbourn (Swift) East Rohan 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Edoras West Rohan 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Edoras (Swift) West Rohan 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Middlemead West Rohan 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Middlemead (Swift) West Rohan 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Underharrow West Rohan 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Underharrow (Swift) West Rohan 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Erebor)

Destination Region or Area Cost Prerequisites
Lond Cirion (Swift) Anfalas 180 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Mid) (Swift) Anórien Silver
Annâk-khurfu Elderslade (Swift) 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 115
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
King's Gondor
Linhir (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) Upper Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Strongholds of the North
Dale Strongholds of the North 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Felegoth Strongholds of the North 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Felegoth (Swift) Strongholds of the North 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Lake-town Strongholds of the North 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Lake-town (Swift) Strongholds of the North 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Tham Taerdol Strongholds of the North 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Tham Taerdol (Swift) Strongholds of the North 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Járnfast The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Járnfast (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Skarháld The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Skarháld (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
The Vales of Anduin
Hultvís (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Estolad Lân)

Destination Region or Area Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Osgiliath Anórien (After Battle) 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Henneth Annûn North Ithilien 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Henneth Annûn (Swift) North Ithilien 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Echad Taerdim Cirith Ungol 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Echad Taerdim (Swift) Cirith Ungol 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Echad Uial Rath Dúath 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Echad Uial (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Magh Ashtu Talath Úrui 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Talath Úrui 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Minas Morgul Rath Dúath 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Minas Morgul (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
Taen Orwath Rath Dúath 95 Silver Min. Level: 110
Taen Orwath (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110
The Vales of Anduin
Hultvís (Swift) Vales of Anduin 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 110

Stable-master (Etheburg)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Limlight Gatehouse (Swift) Limlight Gorge 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Brifard's Fort (Swift) Parth Celebrant 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Aculf's Camp Rushgore 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Aculf's Camp (Swift) Rushgore 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Stangard Eorlsmead 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Stangard (Swift) Eorlsmead 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Haldirith (Swift) Thinglad 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70

Stable-master (Ethring)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Central Gondor
Linhir Dor-en-Ernil 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Linhir (Swift) Dor-en-Ernil 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Ost Anglebed Lower Lebennin 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Ost Anglebed (Swift) Lower Lebennin 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
West Pelargir Lebennin 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
West Pelargir (Swift) Lebennin 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Pelennor 120 Silver Min. Level: 95
Western Gondor
Calembel Lamedon 97 Silver70 Copper Min. Level: 90
Calembel (Swift) Lamedon 122 Silver Min. Level: 90
Dol Amroth (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 122 Silver Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Faldham)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Cliving Entwash Vale 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Cliving (Swift) Entwash Vale 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Elthengels Norcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Elthengels (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Garsfeld Sutcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Garsfeld (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Hytbold Sutcrofts 65 Silver Min. Level: 80, and Ally with Men of the Norcrofts, and done The Stable: Rebuild
Hytbold (Swift) Sutcrofts 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 80, and Ally with Men of the Norcrofts, and done The Stable: Rebuild
Snowbourn Sutcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Walstow Sutcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Walstow (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Fanged Pit)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Jazârgund (Swift) Durin's Way 45 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Jazârgund Durin's Way 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Sudulthurkh Outpost (Swift) Nud-melek 45 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Sudulthurkh Outpost Nud-melek 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Zelem-melek 45 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Twenty-first Hall Zelem-melek 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45

Stable-master (Faramir's Lookout)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Central Gondor
East Pelargir (Swift) Upper Lebennin 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Eastern Gondor
Arnach (Swift) Lossarnach 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Bâr Húrin South Ithilien 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Bâr Húrin (Swift) South Ithilien 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Glaniath (Swift) Upper Lebennin 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 122 Silver Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 122 Silver Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Felegoth)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Lond Cirion (Swift) Anfalas 180 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Mid) (Swift) Anórien 1 Silver 
Annâk-khurfu Elderslade (Swift) 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
King's Gondor
Linhir (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir West Gate (Swift) Upper Lebennin 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Strongholds of the North
Dale Strongholds of the North 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Erebor Strongholds of the North 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Erebor (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Lake-town Strongholds of the North 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Lake-town (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Tham Taerdol Strongholds of the North 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Tham Taerdol (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
The Vales of Anduin
Beorninghús (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Beorninghús Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Fellgát)

Stable-master (Fenmarch)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aldburg Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Beaconwatch Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Beaconwatch (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Floodwend)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Elthengels Norcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Elthengels (Swift) Norcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Mansig's Encampment The East Wall 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Mansig's Encampment (Swift) The East Wall 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Parth Galen The East Wall 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Parth Galen (Swift) The East Wall 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Harwick The Wold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Harwick (Swift) The Wold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Forlaw)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn (Swift) Sutcrofts 45 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Cerdic's Camp (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Cerdic's Camp Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Moria 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 75
Byre Tor (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Byre Tor Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Dunfast's Refugees (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Dunfast's Refugees Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Scylfig (Swift) Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Scylfig Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Harwick (Swift) The Wold 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Forthbrond)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Galtrev Galtrev 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Galtrev (Swift) Galtrev 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Grimbold's Camp Heathfells 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Grimbold's Camp (Swift) Heathfells 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Rohirrim Scout-camp South Gravenwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Rohirrim Scout-camp (Swift) South Gravenwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65

Stable-master (Gaerond)

Stable-master (Galtrev)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Lond Cirion (Swift) Anfalas 180 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) Silver
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver Min. Level: 90
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 45 Silver Min. Level: 65
Avardin (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver Min. Level: 65
Avardin Dunland 25 Silver Min. Level: 65
Barnavon (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver Min. Level: 65
Barnavon Dunland 25 Silver Min. Level: 65
Dagoras' Camp (Swift) Nan Curunír 35 Silver Min. Level: 65
Dagoras' Camp Nan Curunír 25 Silver Min. Level: 65
Echad Naeglanc (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver Min. Level: 65
Echad Naeglanc Dunland 25 Silver Min. Level: 65
Forthbrond (Swift) Gap of Rohan 35 Silver Min. Level: 65
Forthbrond Gap of Rohan 25 Silver Min. Level: 65
Grimbold's Camp (Swift) Gap of Rohan 35 Silver Min. Level: 65
Grimbold's Camp Gap of Rohan 25 Silver Min. Level: 65
Lhan Rhos (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver Min. Level: 65
Lhan Rhos Dunland 25 Silver Min. Level: 65
Lhan Tarren (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver Min. Level: 65
Lhan Tarren Dunland 25 Silver Min. Level: 65
Rohirrim Scout-camp (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver Min. Level: 65
Rohirrim Scout-camp Dunland 25 Silver Min. Level: 65
Tâl Methedras Gate (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver Min. Level: 65
Tâl Methedras Gate Dunland 25 Silver Min. Level: 65
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 150 Silver Min. Level: 115
Lhanuch (Swift) Enedwaith 45 Silver Min. Level: 65
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Máttugard 150 Silver Min. Level: 130
King's Gondor
Linhir (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) Lower Lebennin 150 Silver Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) Upper Lebennin 150 Silver Min. Level: 130
Inner Caras Galadhon (Swift) Dunland 45 Silver Min. Level: 65
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Talath Úrui 125 Silver Min. Level: 90
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Moria 45 Silver Min. Level: 65
Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Dale (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen and
the Dale-lands
125 Silver Min. Level: 90
The Dwarf-holds
Járnfast (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 125 Silver Min. Level: 90
Skarháld (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 125 Silver Min. Level: 90
The Vales of Anduin
Hultvís (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Gapholt)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Brockbridge (Swift) Stonedeans 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Brockbridge Stonedeans 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst (Swift) Stonedeans 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst Stonedeans 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Garsfeld)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Faldham Norcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Faldham (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Hytbold Sutcrofts 65 Silver Min. Level: 80, and Ally with Men of the Norcrofts, and done The Stable: Rebuild
Hytbold (Swift) Sutcrofts 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 80, and Ally with Men of the Norcrofts, and done The Stable: Rebuild
Snowbourn Sutcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Walstow Sutcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Walstow (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Eaworth Entwash Vale 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Eaworth (Swift) Entwash Vale 60 Silver Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Glaniath)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Central Gondor
East Pelargir Upper Lebennin 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
East Pelargir (Swift) Upper Lebennin 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Eastern Gondor
Arnach Lossarnach 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Arnach (Swift) Lossarnach 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Bâr Húrin (Swift) South Ithilien 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Faramir's Lookout (Swift) South Ithilien 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 122 Silver Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Dol Amroth 122 Silver Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Gravenwood)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Galtrev (Swift) Pren Gwydh 35 Silver  Min Level 65
Galtrev Pren Gwydh 25 Silver  Min Level 65

Stable-master (Grimbold's Camp)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Dagoras' Camp Dunland 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Dagoras' Camp (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Forthbrond Dunland 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Forthbrond (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Galtrev Dunland 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65

Stable-master (Grimslade)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Helm's Deep Westfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Helm's Deep (Swift) Westfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Grúmachath)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Asbaj-khîrfin (NE Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (NE Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) Deepscrave 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (N Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (N Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (S Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (S Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (C Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (C Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (W Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (W Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (S Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (S Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (E Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (E Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) Gloomingtarn 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
(N Máttugard)
Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
(N Máttugard)
(Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Hagbuth)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Asbaj-khîrfin (NE Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (NE Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) Deepscrave 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (N Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (N Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (N Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (N Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (C Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (C Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (C Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (C Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (W Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (W Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (S Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (S Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (E Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (E Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) Gloomingtarn 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
(N Máttugard)
Máttugard 106 Silver Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset
(N Máttugard)
(Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver35 Copper Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Hammerstead)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
  Strongholds of the North
Dale Strongholds of the North 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Erebor Strongholds of the North 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Erebor (Swift) Strongholds of the North 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Járnfast The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Járnfast (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Skarháld The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Skarháld (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Harwick)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Cliving Norcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Cliving (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Elthengels Norcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Elthengels (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Hytbold (Swift) Sutcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 80, and Ally with Men of the Wold, and done The Stable: Rebuild
Hytbold Sutcrofts 50 Silver Min. Level: 80, and Ally with Men of the Wold, and done The Stable: Rebuild
Parth Galen The East Wall 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Parth Galen (Swift) The East Wall 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn Sutcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Eaworth Entwash Vale 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Eaworth (Swift) Entwash Vale 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Great River
Stangard The Great River 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Stangard (Swift) The Great River 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Forlaw (Swift) Wildermore 55 Silver Min. Level: 75
Scylfig (Swift) Wildermore 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Scylfig Wildermore 50 Silver Min. Level: 75
Floodwend The Wold 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Floodwend (Swift) The Wold 66 Silver Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Helm's Deep)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 85
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver Min. Level: 85
Aldburg Eastfold 60 Silver Min. Level: 85
Edoras (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver Min. Level: 85
Edoras Kingstead 60 Silver Min. Level: 85
Stoke (Swift) Broadacres 66 Silver Min. Level: 85
Stoke Broadacres 60 Silver Min. Level: 85
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Zelem-melek 71 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 85
Rohan - Westemnet
Isengard (after) (Swift) Nan Curunír 66 Silver Min. Level: 85
Grimslade (Swift) Westfold 66 Silver Min. Level: 85
Grimslade Westfold 60 Silver Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst (Swift) Stonedeans 66 Silver Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst Stonedeans 60 Silver Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Henneth Annûn)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
  Anórien (After Battle)
Aragorn's Pavilion (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Aragorn's Pavilion Anórien (After Battle) 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith (After-battle) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith (After-battle) Anórien (After Battle) 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Osgiliath (After Battle) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Osgiliath (After Battle) Anórien (After Battle) 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
  The Wastes
Camp of the Host (Swift) North Ithilien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Camp of the Host North Ithilien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (High Moor)

Stable-master (Hlithseld)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Annâk-khurfu Elderslade 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115
The Dwarf-holds
Skarháld (Swift) Ered Mithrin 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Skarháld Ered Mithrin 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Wells of Langflood
Limlók (Swift) Floodfells 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Limlók Floodfells 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Lyndelby (Swift) Misthallow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115; Completed Welcome to Lyndelby
Thokvist (Swift) Misthallow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Thokvist Misthallow 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115

Stable-master (Hultvís)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Estolad Lân (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 110
Magh Ashtu (Swift) The Plateau of Gorgoroth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Moria 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Rohan - Eastemnet
Snowbourn (Swift) East Rohan 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Strongholds of the North
Erebor (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen and
the Dale-lands
122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Felegoth (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen and
the Dale-lands
122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Dwarf-holds
Skarháld (Swift) Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Vales of Anduin
Arhaim (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Arhaim Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Beorninghús (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Beorninghús Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Blómgard (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Blómgard Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Vegbár (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Vegbár Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Hytbold)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Cliving Norcrofts 60 Silver Min. Level: 75
Ally with Men of the Norcrofts
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Cliving (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver Min. Level: 75
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Elthengels (Swift) Norcrofts 65 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Ally with Men of the Norcrofts
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Elthengels Norcrofts 55 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Faldham (Swift) Norcrofts 65 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Ally with Men of the Norcrofts
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Faldham Norcrofts 55 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Garsfeld (Swift) Sutcrofts 65 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Ally with Men of the Sutcrofts
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Garsfeld Sutcrofts 55 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Snowbourn (Swift) Sutcrofts 65 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Ally with Men of the Sutcrofts
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Snowbourn Sutcrofts 55 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Walstow (Swift) Sutcrofts 65 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Ally with Men of the Sutcrofts
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Walstow Sutcrofts 55 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Eaworth (Swift) Entwash Vale 65 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Ally with Men of the Entwash Vale
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Eaworth Entwash Vale 55 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Harwick (Swift) The Wold 65 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Ally with Men of the Wold
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild
Harwick The Wold 55 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild

Stable-master (Ibdêkh-buzru)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) Deepscrave 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) Gloomingtarn 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Imrêkh-guthlu)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) Deepscrave 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) Gloomingtarn 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Iorelen's Camp)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aughaire (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acquaintance with Council of the North and done Vol I, Book 6, Chapter 6
Gabilshathûr (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acquaintance with Council of the North and done Vol I, Book 6, Chapter 6
Gath Forthnír (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acquaintance with Council of the North and done Vol I, Book 6, Chapter 6

Stable-master (Isengard-after)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Helm's Deep (Swift) Westfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Járnfast)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Zelem-melek 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Pelennor Fields 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Rohan - Westemnet
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Strongholds of the North
Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Dale Strongholds of the North 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Erebor (Swift) Strongholds of the North 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Erebor Strongholds of the North 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Skarháld (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Skarháld The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Western Gondor 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Khur Azan)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar
Amdân, the Threshold (Swift) Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125
Amdân, the Threshold Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125
Ashmargathâl (Swift) Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125
Ashmargathâl Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125
Zirakazhâr (Swift) Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125
Zirakazhâr Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125

Stable-master (Lake-town)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 97 Silver 60 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Strongholds of the North
Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Dale Strongholds of the North 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Erebor (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Erebor Strongholds of the North 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Felegoth (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Felegoth Strongholds of the North 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Tham Taerdol (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Tham Taerdol Strongholds of the North 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Leitstáth)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Zudramdân (Swift) Elderslade 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Zudramdân Elderslade 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) Deepscrave 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) Gloomingtarn 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Lhan Rhos)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Galtrev (Swift) Pren Gwydh 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Galtrev Pren Gwydh 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Avardin (Swift) Starkmoor 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Avardin Starkmoor 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Barnavon (Swift) Carreglyn 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Barnavon Carreglyn 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65

Stable-master (Lhan Tarren)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Naeglanc (Swift) Bonevales 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Echad Naeglanc Bonevales 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Galtrev (Swift) Pren Gwydh 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Galtrev Pren Gwydh 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Echad Daervunn (Swift) Mournshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Echad Daervunn Mournshaws 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65

Stable-master (Limlók)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
The Vales of Anduin
Beorninghús (Swift) Meadhollow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Beorninghús Meadhollow 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Wells of Anduin
Hlithseld (Swift) Misthallow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Hlithseld Misthallow 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Lyndelby (Swift) Misthallow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115; Completed Welcome to Lyndelby
Thokvist (Swift) Misthallow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Thokvist Misthallow 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115

Stable-master (Linhir)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Central Gondor
Ethring (Swift) Ringló Vale 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 100
Ethring Ringló Vale 85 Silver  Min. Level: 100
Ost Anglebed (Swift) Lebennin 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Ost Anglebed Lebennin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
West Pelargir (Swift) Pelargir 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
West Pelargir Pelargir 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Dol Amroth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Lyndelby)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Wells of Langflood
Hlithseld (Swift) Misthallow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115. Complete 'Welcome to Lyndelby'.
Thokvist (Swift) Misthallow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115. Complete 'Welcome to Lyndelby'.
Limlók (Swift) Misthallow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115. Complete 'Welcome to Lyndelby'.

Stable-master (Maergrind, the Noble Gate)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Drenghól (Swift) Elderslade 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Drenghól Elderslade 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) Deepscrave 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) Gloomingtarn 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Magh Ashtu)

style="text-align: center;" colspan="5" | Eastfold - Rohan
Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Aldburg (Swift) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Agarnaith Ranger Camp (Swift) Agarnaith 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Agarnaith Ranger Camp Agarnaith 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ruins of Díngarth (Swift) Dor Amarth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ruins of Díngarth Dor Amarth 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Udûn Foothold (Swift) Udûn 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Udûn Foothold Udûn 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Moria 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Vales of Anduin
Hultvis (Swift) Eastfold 91 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Dol Amroth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Mansig's Encampment)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Elthengels (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Elthengels Norcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Parth Galen (Swift) The East Wall 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Parth Galen The East Wall 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Floodwend (Swift) The Wold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Floodwend The Wold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Middlemead)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Edoras (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Edoras Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Entwade (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Entwade Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Underharrow (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Underharrow Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Minas Morgul)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Taerdim (Swift) Cirith Ungol 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 110
Echad Taerdim Cirith Ungol 95 Silver  Min. Level: 110
Echad Uial (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 110
Echad Uial Rath Dúath 95 Silver  Min. Level: 110
Estolad Lân (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 110
Estolad Lân Rath Dúath 95 Silver  Min. Level: 110
Taen Orwath (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 110
Taen Orwath Rath Dúath 95 Silver  Min. Level: 110

Stable-master (Minas Tirith (Midsummer) - Main Gate)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) - Craftsmen's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith (Midsummer) 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) - High Stables (Swift) Minas Tirith (Midsummer) 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) - Players' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith (Midsummer) 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) - Sages' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith (Midsummer) 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) - Soldier's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith (Midsummer) 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Minas Tirith - Swift Travel (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 96 Silver  Min. Level: 100
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien 126 Silver  Min. Level: 100
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 66 Silver  Min. Level: 55
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Ered Luin
Thorin's Gate (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Máttugard 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Caras Galadhon (Swift) Lothlórien 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Old Anórien 126 Silver  Min. Level: 100
Rohan - Westemnet
Edoras (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Strongholds of the North
Erebor (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 100
Felegoth (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 100
The Dwarf-holds
Skarháld (Swift) Ered Mithrin 126 Silver  Min. Level: 100
The Shire
Michel Delving (Swift) The Delving Fields 1 Silver  Min. Level: None
Rivendell (Swift) Trollshaws 35 Silver  Min. Level: 25
The Vales of Anduin
Beorninghús (Swift) Meadhollow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 110
  1. While the stable-master route denotes The Steepset, aka Zidir-nesad, which is in a level 131-140 area of Mattugard in Gundabad, in actual fact the endpoint is the Hall of Vérnozal, which is a mission hub and closed off from the Steepset area, unless the character is sufficiently-high level to pass through the connecting portal.

Stable-master (Minas Tirith - Craftsmen's Tier)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Main Gate Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Masters' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Masters' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Players' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Players' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Sages' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Sages' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Soldier's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Soldier's Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Minas Tirith - Main Gate)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) (Swift) Anórien 1 Silver 
Osgiliath (After Battle) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Central Gondor
East Pelargir (Swift) Upper Lebennin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ethring (Swift) Ringló Vale 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Linhir (Swift) Dor-en-Ernil 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ost Anglebed (Swift) Lebennin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
West Pelargir (Swift) Pelargir 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Eastern Gondor
Arnach (Swift) Lossarnach 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Bâr Húrin (Swift) South Ithilien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Faramir's Lookout (Swift) South Ithilien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Glaniath (Swift) Upper Lebennin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Eastfold - Rohan
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 115 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Far Anórien
Ost Rimmon (Swift) Beacon Hills 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Warstead of the Rohirrim (Swift) Beacon Hills 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Mordor 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Zelem-melek 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Crithost (Swift) Talath Anor 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Crithost Talath Anor 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Craftsmen's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Craftsmen's Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Masters' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Masters' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Players' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Players' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Sages' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Sages' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Soldier's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Soldier's Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
North-gate (Swift) Pelennor Fields 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
North-gate Pelennor Fields 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Calembel (Swift) Lamedon 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Dol Amroth (Swift) Dol Amroth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Morlad (Swift) Blackroot Vale 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Tadrent (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Minas Tirith - Masters' Tier)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Craftsmen's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Craftsmen's Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Main Gate Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Players' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Players' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Sages' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Sages' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Soldier's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Soldier's Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Minas Tirith - Players' Tier)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Craftsmen's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Craftsmen's Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Main Gate Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Masters' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Masters' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Sages' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Sages' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Soldier's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Soldier's Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Minas Tirith - Sages' Tier)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Craftsmen's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Craftsmen's Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Main Gate Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Masters' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Masters' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Players' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Players' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Soldier's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Soldier's Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Minas Tirith - Soldiers' Tier)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Craftsmen's Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Craftsmen's Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Main Gate Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Masters' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Masters' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Players' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Players' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Sages' Tier (Swift) Minas Tirith 20 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Sages' Tier Minas Tirith 10 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Minas Tirith After-battle)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Lond Cirion (Swift) Anfalas 180 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Anórien (After Battle)
Aragorn's Pavilion (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Aragorn's Pavilion Anórien (After Battle) 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 75 Copper 
Osgiliath (After Battle) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Osgiliath (After Battle) Anórien (After Battle) 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Mattugard) (Swift) Gundabad 121 Silver 1 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Camp of the Host (Swift) The Wastes 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Camp of the Host The Wastes 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Henneth Annun (Swift) North Ithilien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Henneth Annun North Ithilien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
King's Gondor
Linhir (King's Gondor) (Swift) King's Gondor 121 Silver 1 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir East Gate (Swift) King's Gondor 121 Silver 1 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Pelargir West Gate (Swift) King's Gondor 121 Silver 1 Copper  Min. Level: 130
The Harlond (King's Gondor) (Swift) King's Gondor 121 Silver 1 Copper  Min. Level: 130
The Harlond (King's Gondor) King's Gondor 79 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Morlad)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 97 Silver 60 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Rohan - Westemnet
Underharrow (Swift) Eastfold 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Calembel (Swift) Lamedon 93 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Calembel Lamedon 80 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Dol Amroth (Swift) Dol Amroth 93 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Dol Amroth Dol Amroth 80 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Tadrent (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 93 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Tadrent Havens of Belfalas 80 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Nan Tornaeth)

Stable-master (North Trollshaws)

Stable-master (North-gate)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Central Gondor
East Pelargir (Swift) Upper Lebennin 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Crithost (Swift) Talath Anor 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Crithost Talath Anor 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Pelennor 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith - Main Gate Pelennor 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Lamedon 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Oserley)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Stoke (Swift) Broadacres 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Stoke Broadacres 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Osgiliath After Battle)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Aragorn's Pavilion (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Aragorn's Pavilion Anórien (After Battle) 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) Gold  Min. Level:
Minas Tirith (After-battle) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith (After-battle) Anórien (After Battle) 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Eastfold - Rohan
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Camp of the Host (Swift) North Ithilien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Camp of the Host North Ithilien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Henneth Annûn (Swift) North Ithilien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Henneth Annûn North Ithilien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Estolad Lân (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver  Min. Level: 110
Estolad Lân Rath Dúath 95 Silver  Min. Level: 110
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Zelem-melek 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Pelennor Fields 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Vales of Anduin
Hultvís (Swift) Dol Amroth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Dol Amroth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Ost Anglebed)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Central Gondor
Ethring (Swift) Ringló Vale 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Ethring Ringló Vale 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Linhir (Swift) Dor-en-Ernil 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Linhir Dor-en-Ernil 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
West Pelargir (Swift) Pelargir 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
West Pelargir Pelargir 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Dol Amroth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith (Swift) Old Anórien 120 Silver  Min. Level: 95

Stable-master (Ost Rimmon)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Eastfold - Rohan
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 115 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Far Anórien
Warstead of the Rohirrim (Swift) Taur Drúadan 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Warstead of the Rohirrim Taur Drúadan 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Pelennor Fields 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Parth Celebrant)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Great River
Brown Lands (Swift) Etheburg, Brown Lands 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Limlight Gorge (Swift) Limlight Gorge 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Limlight Gorge Limlight Gorge 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Rushgore (Swift) Aculf's Camp, The Rushgore 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Rushgore Aculf's Camp, The Rushgore 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Stangard (Swift) Eorlsmead 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Stangard Eorlsmead 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Thinglad (Swift) Thinglad 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70

Stable-master (Parth Galen)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Cliving (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Cliving Norcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Elthengels (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Elthengels Norcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Mansig's Encampment (Swift) The East Wall 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Mansig's Encampment The East Wall 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn Sutcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Walstow (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Walstow Sutcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Eaworth (Swift) Entwash Vale 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Eaworth Entwash Vale 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Floodwend (Swift) The Wold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Floodwend The Wold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Harwick (Swift) The Wold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Harwick The Wold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Rohirrim Scout-camp)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Barnavon (Swift) Carreglyn 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Barnavon Carreglyn 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Forthbrond (Swift) Isendale 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Forthbrond Isendale 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Galtrev (Swift) Pren Gwydh 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Galtrev Pren Gwydh 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65

Stable-master (Ruins of Díngarth)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Agarnaith Ranger Camp (Swift) Agarnaith 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Agarnaith Ranger Camp Agarnaith 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Talath Úrui 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Magh Ashtu Talath Úrui 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Udûn Foothold (Swift) Udûn 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Udûn Foothold Udûn 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Rushgore)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Great River
Brown Lands (Swift) Etheburg, Brown Lands 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Brown Lands Etheburg, Brown Lands 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Limlight Gorge (Swift) Limlight Gorge 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Parth Celebrant (Swift) Brifard's Fort, Parth Celebrant 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Parth Celebrant Brifard's Fort, Parth Celebrant 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Stangard (Swift) The Great River 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Stangard Eorlsmead 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Thinglad (Swift) Thinglad 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70

Stable-master (Scylfig)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Forlaw (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Forlaw Wildermore 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Harwick (Swift) The Wold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Harwick The Wold 45 Silver  Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Skald's Drop)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Strongholds of the North
Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Dale Strongholds of the North 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Erebor (Swift) Strongholds of the North 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Erebor Strongholds of the North 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Skarháld (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Skarháld The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Skarháld)

Destination Region or Area Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Mid) (Swift) Anórien 1 Silver 
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Annâk-khurfu Elderslade 90 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Swift) Máttugard 150 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Moria 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith (Swift) Old Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Rohan - Westemnet
Aldburg (Swift) West Rohan 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Strongholds of the North
Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Dale Strongholds of the North 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Erebor (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Erebor Strongholds of the North 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Dôm Goru The Dwarf-holds 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Hammerstead The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Jarnfast (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Jarnfast The Dwarf-holds 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop (Swift) The Dwarf-holds 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Skald's Drop The Dwarf-holds 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
The Wells of Langflood
Hlithseld (Swift) Misthallow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Hlithseld Misthallow 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Western Gondor 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Slag-hills)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Anórien (After Battle)
Osgiliath (After Battle) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Osgiliath (After Battle) Anórien (After Battle) 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Udûn Foothold (Swift) Udûn 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Udûn Foothold Udûn 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Wastes
Camp of the Host (Swift) The Wastes 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Camp of the Host The Wastes 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Snowbourn)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Cliving (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Cliving Norcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Faldham (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Faldham Norcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Garsfeld (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Garsfeld Sutcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Hytbold (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 80

Ally with Men of the Sutcrofts
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild

Hytbold Sutcrofts 65 Silver  Min. Level: 80

Ally with Men of the Sutcrofts
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild

Parth Galen (Swift) The East Wall 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Parth Galen The East Wall 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Walstow (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Walstow Sutcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Entwade (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Entwade Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Eaworth (Swift) Entwash Vale 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Eaworth Entwash Vale 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Great River
Stangard (Swift) The Great River 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Inner Caras Galadhon (Swift) Lothlórien 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Moria 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
The Vales of Anduin
Hultvís (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Harwick (Swift) The Wold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Harwick The Wold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Wold (Wildermore)
Forlaw (Swift) Wildermore 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Stangard)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree 45 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Snowbourn (Swift) Sutcrofts 70 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Great River
Brown Lands (Swift) Brown Lands (Etheburg) 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Brown Lands Brown Lands (Etheburg) 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Limlight Gorge (Swift) Limlight Gorge 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Limlight Gorge Limlight Gorge 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Parth Celebrant (Swift) Parth Celebrant 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Parth Celebrant Parth Celebrant 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Rushgore (Swift) The Rushgore 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Rushgore The Rushgore 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Thinglad (Swift) Thinglad 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Thinglad Thinglad 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Inner Caras Galadhon (Swift) Caras Galadhon 45 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Twenty-first Hall (Swift) Twenty-first Hall 45 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Harwick (Swift) Harwick 45 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Harwick Harwick 45 Silver  Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Stoke)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Aldburg Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Edoras (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Edoras Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Oserley (Swift) Broadacres 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Oserley Broadacres 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Helm's Deep (Swift) Westfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Helm's Deep Westfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst (Swift) Stonedeans 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Woodhurst Stonedeans 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Tadrent)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Western Gondor
Calembel (Swift) Lamedon 66 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Calembel Lamedon 60 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Dol Amroth (Swift) Blackroot Vale 66 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Dol Amroth Blackroot Vale 60 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Morlad (Swift) Blackroot Vale 66 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Morlad Blackroot Vale 60 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Taen Orwath)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Echad Taerdim (Swift) Cirith Ungol 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 110
Echad Taerdim Cirith Ungol 95 Silver  Min. Level: 110
Echad Uial (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 110
Echad Uial Rath Dúath 95 Silver  Min. Level: 110
Estolad Lân (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 110
Estolad Lân Rath Dúath 95 Silver  Min. Level: 110
Minas Morgul (Swift) Rath Dúath 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 110
Minas Morgul Rath Dúath 95 Silver  Min. Level: 110

Stable-master (Tham Lumren)

Stable-master (Tham Taerdol)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Ost Galadh (Swift) Mirkwood 97 Silver 60 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Thangúlhad (Swift) Mirkwood 97 Silver 60 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands
Dale (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Dale Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Erebor (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Erebor Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Felegoth (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Felegoth Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Lake-town (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands 74 Silver 80 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Lake-town Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands 68 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Tharâkh Bazân)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Chamber of the Crossroads (Swift) Durin's Way 45 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Chamber of the Crossroads Durin's Way 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Jazârgund (Swift) Durin's Way 45 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Jazârgund Durin's Way 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Zirakzigil (Swift) Durin's Way 45 Silver  Min. Level: 45
Zirakzigil Durin's Way 35 Silver  Min. Level: 45

Stable-master (The Last Bridge)

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Ost Guruth Lone-lands 15 Silver 
Ost Guruth (Swift) Lone-lands 25 Silver 
Barachen's Camp Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Barachen's Camp (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Echad Candelleth Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Echad Candelleth (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Gaerond Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Gaerond (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Rivendell Stables Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Rivendell Stables (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Scout's Camp (High Moor) Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Scout's Camp (High Moor) (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Scout's Camp (Nan Tornaeth) Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Scout's Camp (Nan Tornaeth) (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Scout's Camp (North Trollshaws) Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Scout's Camp (North Trollshaws) (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Tham Lumren Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Tham Lumren (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
The Last Homely House Trollshaws 15 Silver 
The Last Homely House (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Thorenhad Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Thorenhad (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Tornhad Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Tornhad (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 

Stable-master (The Last Homely House)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Barachen's Camp Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Barachen's Camp (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Echad Candelleth Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Echad Candelleth (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Gaerond Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Gaerond (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Rivendell Stables Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Rivendell Stables (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Scout's Camp (High Moor) Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Scout's Camp (High Moor) (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Scout's Camp (Nan Tornaeth) Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Scout's Camp (Nan Tornaeth) (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Scout's Camp (North Trollshaws) Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Scout's Camp (North Trollshaws) (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Tham Lumren Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Tham Lumren (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
The Last Bridge Trollshaws 15 Silver 
The Last Bridge (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Thorenhad Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Thorenhad (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 
Tornhad Trollshaws 15 Silver 
Tornhad (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver 

Stable-master (Thinglad)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Great River
Brown Lands (Swift) Etheburg, Brown Lands 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Limlight Gorge (Swift) Limlight Gorge 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Parth Celebrant (Swift) Brifard's Fort, Parth Celebrant 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Rushgore (Swift) Aculf's Camp, Rushgore 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Stangard (Swift) Eorlsmead 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Stangard Eorlsmead 25 Silver  Min. Level: 70
The Vineyards of Lórien (Swift) Egladil 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
The Vineyards of Lórien Egladil 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70

Stable-master (Thokvist)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
The Wells of Langflood
Hlithseld (Swift) Misthallow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Hlithseld Misthallow 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Limlók (Swift) Floodfells 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115
Limlók Floodfells 95 Silver  Min. Level: 115
Lyndelby (Swift) Misthallow 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 115, complete Welcome to Lyndelby

Stable-master (Thornhope)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Eaworth (Swift) Entwash Vale 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Eaworth Entwash Vale 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (Tornhad)

Stable-master (Trestlebridge)

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Hengstacer Farm Bree-land 1 Silver 
West Bree Bree-land 15 Silver 
Ost Forod Evendim 15 Silver 
Tinnudir Evendim 15 Silver 
Amon Raith North Downs 15 Silver 
Esteldín North Downs 15 Silver 

Stable-master (Udûn Foothold)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Agarnaith Ranger Camp (Swift) Agarnaith 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Agarnaith Ranger Camp Agarnaith 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Magh Ashtu (Swift) Talath Úrui 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Magh Ashtu Talath Úrui 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ruins of Díngarth (Swift) Dor Amarth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ruins of Díngarth Dor Amarth 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
  The Wastes
The Slag-hills (Swift) The Wastes 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
complete Book 9, Chapter 2: The Eagles are Coming!
The Slag-hills The Wastes 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
complete Book 9, Chapter 2: The Eagles are Coming!

Stable-master (Underharrow)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Edoras (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Edoras Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Entwade (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Entwade Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Middlemead (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Middlemead Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Western Gondor
Morlad (Swift) Blackroot Vale 115 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Vegbár)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Misty Mountains
Hrimbarg Misty Mountains 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Hrimbarg (Swift) Misty Mountains 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Rivendell (Swift) Trollshaws 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Vales of Anduin
Arhaim (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Arhaim Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Beorninghús (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Beorninghús Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Blómgard (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Blómgard Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Hultvís (Swift) Vales of Anduin 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Hultvís Vales of Anduin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Vindurhal)

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Gloin's Camp (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 
High Crag (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 
Hrimbarg (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 

Stable-master (Wailing Hills)

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Great River
Brown Lands (Swift) Etheburg, Brown Lands 35 Silver  Min. Level: 70
Parth Celebrant (Swift) Brifard's Fort, Parth Celebrant 35 Silver  Min Level 70
Parth Celebrant Brifard's Fort, Parth Celebrant 25 Silver  Min Level 70
Rushgore (Swift) Aculf's Camp, The Rushgore 35 Silver  Min Level 70
Stangard (Swift) Eorlsmead 35 Silver  Min Level 70
Stangard Eorlsmead 25 Silver  Min Level 70
Thinglad (Swift) Thinglad 35 Silver  Min Level 70

Stable-master (Walstow)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Faldham (Swift) Norcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Faldham Norcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Garsfeld (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Garsfeld Sutcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Hytbold (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 80

Ally with Men of the Sutcrofts
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild

Hytbold Sutcrofts 65 Silver  Min. Level: 80

Ally with Men of the Sutcrofts
Complete:: The Stable: Rebuild

Parth Galen (Swift) The East Wall 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Parth Galen The East Wall 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn (Swift) Sutcrofts 66 Silver  Min. Level: 75
Snowbourn Sutcrofts 60 Silver  Min. Level: 75

Stable-master (War-stead)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Far Anórien
Ost Rimmon (Swift) Beacon Hills 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ost Rimmon Beacon Hills 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Pelennor Fields 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Watchers' Roost)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) Deepscrave 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Zidir-nesad, the Steepset (Northern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (West Pelargir)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Central Gondor
East Pelargir (Swift) Pelargir 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
East Pelargir Pelargir 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ethring (Swift) Ringló Vale 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Ethring Ringló Vale 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Linhir (Swift) Dor-en-Ernil 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Linhir Dor-en-Ernil 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Ost Anglebed (Swift) Lower Lebennin 93 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 90
Ost Anglebed Lower Lebennin 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Pelennor 120 Silver  Min. Level: 95
Western Gondor
Calembel (Swift) Lamedon 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Dol Amroth (Swift) Dol Amroth 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Morlad (Swift) Blackroot Vale 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Tadrent (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90

Stable-master (Woodhurst)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aldburg (Swift) Eastfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Aldburg Eastfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Edoras (Swift) Kingstead 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Edoras Kingstead 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Stoke (Swift) Broadacres 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Stoke Broadacres 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Brockbridge (Swift) Stonedeans 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Brockbridge Stonedeans 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Gapholt (Swift) Stonedeans 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Gapholt Stonedeans 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Helm's Deep (Swift) Westfold 66 Silver  Min. Level: 85
Helm's Deep Westfold 60 Silver  Min. Level: 85

Stable-master (Zarkul-sulûn)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 120

Stable-master (Zidir-nesad, the Steepset)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
  Anórien (After Battle)
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Minas Tirith (After-battle) (Swift) Anórien (After Battle) 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
South Bree (Swift) Bree 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Galtrev (Swift) Dunland 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
  Eastfold - Rohan
Edoras (Swift) Kingstead 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Asbaj-khîrfin (North Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) (Swift) Deepscrave 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Aslíf (Deepscrave) Deepscrave 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bazanmanar (Northern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) (Swift) Pit of Stonejaws 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Bárgstad (Pit of Stonejaws) Pit of Stonejaws 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Fellgát (Northern Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Grúmachath (Central Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) (Swift) Clovengap 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Hagbuth (Southern Clovengap) Clovengap 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) (Swift) Welkin-lofts 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Ibdêkh-buzru (Central Welkin-lofts) Welkin-lofts 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Imrêkh-guthlu (Western Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) (Swift) Câr Bronach 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Leitstáth (Southern Câr Bronach) Câr Bronach 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) (Swift) Máttugard 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Maergrind (Eastern Máttugard) Máttugard 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) (Swift) Gloomingtarn 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Watchers' Roost (Gloomingtarn) Gloomingtarn 106 Silver  Min. Level: 130
Caras Galadhon (Swift) Lothlórien 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
  Rohan - Westemnet
Edoras (Swift) Kingstead 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
  Strongholds of the North
Erebor (Swift) The Dale-lands 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Felegoth (Swift) Eryn Lasgalen 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
  The Dwarf-holds
Skarháld (Swift) Ered Mithrin 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130
Rivendell (Swift) Rivendell 161 Silver 35 Copper  Min. Level: 130

Stable-master (Zirakazhâr)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar
Amdân, the Threshold (Swift) Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125
Amdân, the Threshold Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125
Ashmargathâl (Swift) Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125
Ashmargathâl Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125
Khur Azan (Swift) Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 147 Silver 50 Copper  Min. Level: 125
Khur Azan Tales of Yore: Azanulbizar 96 Silver  Min. Level: 125

Stable-master (Zudramdân)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 115
Annâk-khurfu Elderslade 96 Silver Min. Level: 115
Drenghól (Swift) Elderslade 147 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 115
Drenghól Elderslade 96 Silver Min. Level: 115

Sully Brandybuck

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Adso's Camp Bree-land 1 Silver 
West Bree Bree-land 1 Silver 
Ered Luin
Duillond (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver  Min. Level: 35
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 5 Silver  20
The Shire
Brockenborings (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Bullroarer's Way (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Foxden Road (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Gamwich (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Hobbiton (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Long Cleeve (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Needlehole (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Nobottle (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Stock (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 15
Stock The Shire 1 Silver 
Tighfield (Swift) The Shire 5 Silver  Min. Level: 20


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Gabilshathûr (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Completed: Book 6, Chapter 6
Gath Forthnír (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acq. with Council of the North
Completed: Book 6, Chapter 6
Iorelen's Camp (Swift) Angmar 25 Silver  Acq. with Council of the North
Completed: Book 6, Chapter 6
North Downs
Esteldín North Downs 25 Silver 


Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Caras Galadhon (Swift) Egladil 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Defender of Lothlórien
Caras Galadhon Egladil 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Cerin Amroth (Swift) Cirin-en-Galadh 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Defender of Lothlórien
Cerin Amroth Cirin-en-Galadh 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Andestel (Swift) Nimrodel 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Ally of Lothlórien
Echad Andestel Nimrodel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
The Vineyards of Lórien (Swift) Egladil 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Warrior of Lothlórien
The Vineyards of Lórien Egladil 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Inner Caras Galadhon (Swift) Lothlórien 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Friend with Galadhrim
Completed quest: The Paths of Caras Galadhon
Echad Sirion (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Sirion Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
The Haunted Inn (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Into the Black and Twisted Forest
The Haunted Inn Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Estolad Mernael (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
Estolad Mernael Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Thangúlhad (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Thangúlhad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Mithechad (Swift) Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Mithechad Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Helethir (Swift) Mirkwood 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Completed deed Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)
Helethir Mirkwood 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Strongholds of the North
Tham Taerdol (Swift) Strongholds of the North 85 Silver 40 Copper  Min. Level: 90


Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Dwaling Evendim 15 Silver 
Dwaling (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Oatbarton Evendim 15 Silver 
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Ost Forod Evendim 15 Silver 
Ost Forod (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Tinnudir Evendim 15 Silver 
Tinnudir (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
South Bree (Swift) Bree-land 25 Silver  Min. Level: 15
The Lone-lands
Candaith's Camp (Swift) Lone-lands Free Having quest Vol I, Book 3, Foreword: Fires in the North
The Forsaken Inn Lone-lands 15 Silver 
The Last Bridge Lone-lands 15 Silver  Min. Level: 20
The Last Bridge (Swift) Lone-lands 25 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Rivendell Stables Trollshaws 15 Silver  Min. Level: 20
Rivendell Stables (Swift) Trollshaws 25 Silver  Min. Level: 20

Vighar Roadwalker

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Gloin's Camp (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 
Hrimbarg (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 
Vindurhal (Swift) Misty Mountains 25 Silver 

Walerand Puddy

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
West Bree (Swift) Bree-land 35 Silver  Min. Level: 30
Dwaling Evendim 15 Silver 
Dwaling (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
High King's Crossing Evendim 15 Silver 
High King's Crossing (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Oatbarton Evendim 15 Silver 
Oatbarton (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Tinnudir Evendim 15 Silver 
Tinnudir (Swift) Evendim 25 Silver 
Kauppa-kohta Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Kauppa-kohta (Swift) Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Pynti-peldot Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40
Pynti-peldot (Swift) Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acq. with Lossoth of Forochel
Sûri-kylä (Swift) Forochel 25 Silver  Min. Level: 40 and Acq. with Lossoth of Forochel
North Downs
Trestlebridge North Downs 15 Silver 

Wes Brittleleaf

Destination Region Cost Prereqs
Buckland Bree-land 1 Silver 
West Bree Bree-land 1 Silver 

Wíli (Thorin's Gate)

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Minas Tirith (Midsummer) (Swift) Anórien 1 Silver 
Combe (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver 
West Bree (Swift) Bree-land 1 Silver 
Annâk-khurfu (Swift) Elderslade Free Min. Level: 115
Ered Luin
Celondim (Swift) Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Duillond Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Gondamon Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Noglond Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thorin's Hall Homesteads Ered Luin 1 Silver 
Thorin's Hall Homesteads (Swift) Ered Luin 5 Silver 
Mossward (Swift) Swanfleet 5 Silver  None
The Ettenmoors
Ettenmoors (Swift) Ettenmoors 1 Silver  Min. Level: 20 and, either VIP or travel pass
The Shire
Michel Delving (Swift) The Shire 1 Silver