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Ferrif (Sindarin for Beech-bark) is a Dúnadan of the North.

He is first found in North Downs but later he joined the Grey Company and travelled south to come to the aid of his chieftain Aragorn during the War of the Ring.

Ferrif (Esteldín)

Image of Ferrif
Gender Male
Race Man
Region North Downs
Settlement Esteldín
Interior Esteldín Forecourt
Map Ref [9.6S, 42.1W]

In North Downs, Ferrif can be found at the Esteldín Forecourt, near the Founding Stone of the hidden city. He serves as the Task-master of this region and is rewarding completed tasks with increased reputation with the Rangers of Esteldín.

Quest Involvement

Ferrif (Enedwaith)

Image of Ferrif
Role Stable-master
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Enedwaith
Area Mournshaws
Settlement Echad Daervunn
Map Ref [66.6S, 21.5W]

After joining the Grey Company, Ferrif serves as the Stable-master of the Ranger encampment at Echad Daervunn in Enedwaith.


Ferrif sells horse or pony rides to the following stables:

Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Lhan Tarren Trum Dreng 25 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Lhan Tarren (Swift) Trum Dreng 35 Silver  Min. Level: 65
Echad Dagoras Fordirith 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Echad Dagoras (Swift) Fordirith 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Harndirion Thrór's Coomb 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Harndirion (Swift) Thrór's Coomb 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Myst. of Enedwaith (Adv.)
Lhanuch Nan Laeglin 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Lhanuch (Swift) Nan Laeglin 35 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Myst. of Enedwaith (Inter.)
Maur Tulhau Gloomglens 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50
Maur Tulhau (Swift) Gloomglens 25 Silver  Min. Level: 50 and completed deed Mysteries of Enedwaith